VS 2010: Class diagram with xml summary description? - visual-studio

using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate I created a class diagram of a C# / WPF project. The project is well documented, meaning ever property has a xml summary. Now in the class diagram one can hover over a property and read this summary - fine. But what about printing? Visual Studio just prints the diagram! Is there any way to let Visual Studio 2010 add the summary for the properties? Are there tools that an do this? Thanks for any hint!

Use the modeling tools addin. This allows you to add the comments to the diagram. http://modeling.codeplex.com/releases/view/49473


How to create code templates in Visual Studio 2010?

If you are programming in C# in Visual Studio and type in "prop" and hit enter, the IDE generates a property. Eclipse also has this feature and the user can define custom commands that expands into custom code. Is this possible in Visual Studio?
Thanks to leppie's comment I managed to find the solution on my own: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms165392(v=vs.80).aspx

Can't generate sequence diagram in VS2010 Ultimate

I don't see the Generate Sequence Diagram in VS when right clicking on/inside a method. Does anyone know how to get that option back?
What version of Visual Studio do you have? I believe this option is only available to Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate.

Visual Studio: JSON visualizer when debugging

When debugging in Visual Studio 2010 and hovering over a variable name, I'm given the option to use 3 different built-in visualizers: Text, XML, & HTML.
Here is an example of what I'm referring to:
Since I'm doing more and more work with JSON based data, is there a JSON visualizer that I can install?
Yes, use this addon on Codeplex.
archive.org - JSON Viewer on Codeplex
Overtly visible disclamer: I wrote this and I'm giving it away for free via Microsofts Visual Studio Gallery. No ads, no link to my own site or anything.
I found this thread when looking for the exact same thing but seeing that http://jsonviewer.codeplex.com/ is "A visualizer for Visual Studio 2005" i felt that it was probably to outdated for my use. So I wrote a new visualizer instead (with built in jsonlint-support!). It has been tested with Visual Studio 2012 (but probably works fine for at least 2008 and 2010) and available from Microsofts Visual Studio Gallery.
You may reference theses posts:
JSON Debugger visualizer in Visual Studio 2012
JSON Debugger Visualizer in Visual Studio 2013
Actually it does work in visual studio 2010, but you have to unblock the assemblies. In explorer right click on the DLL and view properties the is a button to unblock the assembly.
I know the question references specifically Visual Studio 2010, but at least in Visual Studio 2019, the JSON Visualizer is already integrated so you don't need any extension, I would say.
Just select the JSON Visualizer in variable's view context menu:
And then press the view button:

How to generate a sub system diagram from visual studio solution

Is there any way to generate a sub system diagram of an application from its visual studio solution?
I am not looking to generate a class diagram.
Visual Studio 2010, at least in the 2010 Ultimate edition, has an "Architecture" menu item with a "Build Dependency Graph" option. One of the options is to build the graph "by Assembly." It sounds like that is what you are after.

Graphical representation of an app using Visual Studio 2008 Professional edition

Is there a way in Visual Studio 2008 Professional edition to create a graphical representation of an application? What I am looking for is a flowchart or other design graph that shows each program in the app and how they relate to other programs and files in the app. I can create one using Visio, but wanted to know if there is something built into Visual Studio that can do this.
In the solution explorer, right click on your project, and choose Add->New Item...
In the Project Items, add a "Class Diagram".
This lets you create a class diagram, which can be used to show inheritance and other relationships between your classes.
