decoding algorithm wanted - algorithm

I receive encoded PDF files regularly. The encoding works like this:
the PDFs can be displayed correctly in Acrobat Reader
select all and copy the test via Acrobat Reader
and paste in a text editor
will show that the content are encoded
so, examples are:
13579 -> 3579;
hello -> jgnnq
it's basically an offset (maybe swap) of ASCII characters.
The question is how can I find the offset automatically when I have access to only a few samples. I cannot be sure whether the encoding offset is changed. All I know is some text will usually (if not always) show up, e.g. "Name:", "Summary:", "Total:", inside the PDF.
Thank you!
edit: thanks for the feedback. I'd try to break the question into smaller questions:
Part 1: How to detect identical part(s) inside string?

You need to brute-force it.
If those patterns are simple like +2 character code like in your examples (which is +2 char codes)
h i j
e f g
l m n
l m n
o p q
1 2 3
3 4 5
5 6 7
7 8 9
9 : ;
You could easily implement like this to check against knowns words
>>> text='jgnnq'
>>> knowns=['hello', '13579']
>>> for i in range(-5,+5): #check -5 to +5 char code range
... rot=''.join(chr(ord(j)+i) for j in text)
... for x in knowns:
... if x in rot:
... print rot

Is the PDF going to contain symbolic (like math or proofs) or natural language text (English, French, etc)?
If the latter, you can use a frequency chart for letters (digraphs, trigraphs and a small dictionary of words if you want to go the distance). I think there are probably a few of these online. Here's a start. And more specifically letter frequencies.
Then, if you're sure it's a Caesar shift, you can grab the first 1000 characters or so and shift them forward by increasing amounts up to (I would guess) 127 or so. Take the resulting texts and calculate how close the frequencies match the average ones you found above. Here is information on that.
The linked letter frequencies page on Wikipedia shows only letters, so you may want to exclude them in your calculation, or better find a chart with them in it. You may also want to transform the entire resulting text into lowercase or uppercase (your preference) to treat letters the same regardless of case.
Edit - saw comment about character swapping
In this case, it's a substitution cipher, which can still be broken automatically, though this time you will probably want to have a digraph chart handy to do extra analysis. This is useful because there will quite possibly be a substitution that is "closer" to average language in terms of letter analysis than the correct one, but comparing digraph frequencies will let you rule it out.
Also, I suggested shifting the characters, then seeing how close the frequencies matched the average language frequencies. You can actually just calculate the frequencies in your ciphertext first, then try to line them up with the good values. I'm not sure which is better.

Hmmm, thats a tough one.
The only thing I can suggest is using a dictionary (along with some substitution cipher algorithms) may help in decoding some of the text.
But I cannot see a solution that will decode everything for you with the scenario you describe.
Why don't you paste some sample input and we can have ago at decoding it.

It's only possible then you have a lot of examples (examples count stops then: possible to get all the combinations or just an linear values dependency or idea of the scenario).
also this question : How would I reverse engineer a cryptographic algorithm? have some advices.

Do the encoded files open correctly in PDF readers other than Acrobat Reader? If so, you could just use a PDF library (e.g. PDF Clown) and use it to programmatically extract the text you need.


How smaz compression library works?

I'm currently working for a short text compression project based on my language. But as a beginner, I also know some basic compression algorithm like LZW. But I still don't understand how smaz works. I have 2 questions:
How does smaz work?
How to build the codebook and reversed codebook?
Can any one explain it for me?
Thank you very much.
trying to answer your questions
How does smaz work?
according [1],
Smaz has a hard-wired constant built-in codebook of 254 common English
words, word fragments, bigrams, and the lowercase letters (except j,
k, q). The inner loop of the Smaz decoder is very simple:
Fetch the next byte X from the compressed file.
Is X == 254? Single byte literal: fetch the next byte L, and pass it straight through to the decoded text.
Is X == 255? Literal string: fetch the next byte L, then pass the following L+1 bytes straight through to the decoded text.
Any other value of X: lookup the X'th "word" in the codebook (that "word" can be from 1 to 5 letters), and copy that word to the decoded
Repeat until there are no more compressed bytes left in the compressed file.
Because the codebook is constant, the Smaz decoder is unable to
"learn" new words and compress them, no matter how often they appear
in the original text.
This page could be helpful to understand the code.
How to build the codebook and reversed codebook?
TODO file in repository and author comments in redit poitns that the dictionary was generated by a unreleased ruby script. Also, the author explains:
btw what the Ruby program does is to consider all the possible substrings, and even all the possible separated words, and build a
table of frequencies, than adjust the weight based on the string
length, and finally hand tuning the table to compress specific things
very well. I added by hand the "http://" and ".com" token for example,
removing the final two entries.
An alternative to your project could be the shoco library which supports generation of a custom compression model based on your language.
The smaz sources is only 178 lines and just 99 lines without comments and codebook tables. You should look to see how it works.
Smaz is pretty simple compression by codebook (like LZW which you know). The library contains table with most popular terms in english (lines 5 - 51 for compression table and 56 -76 for decompression) and replace this terms with indexes in compressed string. And contrary to decompress.
For example, string the end would compressed by 58% becouse if terms the would be one byte index in compression table. So 7 bytes lenght string became 4 bytes length string.

ZPL - Code 128 Understanding better how to use Subsets B and C

I'm getting involved with ZPL (a little bit) since a few days, so I'm sorry if the questions will look stupid.
I've got to build a bar code 128 and I finally realized: I got to make it as shorter as possible.
My main question is: is it possible to switch to subset C and then back to B for just 2 digits? I read the documentation and subset C will ready digits from 00 to 99, so in theory it should work, practically, will it be worth it?
Basically when I translate a bar code with Zebra designer, and print it to a file, it doesn't bother to switch to subset C for just a couple of digits.
This is the text I need to see in the bar code:
By the documentation I read, I would build something like this:
Instead Zebra Designer does:
So the other question is, will the bar code be the same length? Actually, will mine be shorter? [I don't have a printer with me at the moment]
Last question:
Let's say I don't want to spend much time scripting this up, will the following work ok, or will it make the bar code larger?
So I can just build a very simple script which checks two chars per time, if they're both numbers, then add >5 to the string.
Thank you :)
Ah, some nice loose terminology. Do you mean couple="exactly 2" or couple="a few"?
Changing from one subset to another takes one code element, so for exactly 2 digits, you'd need one element to change and one to represent the 2 digits in subset C. On the other hand, staying with your original subset would take 2 elements - so no, it's not worth the change.
Further, if you were to change to C for 2 digits and then back to your original, the change would actually be costly - C(12)B = 3 elements whereas 12 would only be 2.
If you repeat the exercise for 4 digits, then switching to C would generate C(12)(34) = 3 elements against 4 to stay with what you have; or C(12)(34)B = 4 elements if you switch and change back, or 4 elements if you stick - so no gain.
With 6 or more successive numerics, then you gain regardless of whether or not you switch back.
So overall,
2-digit terminal : No difference
2-digit other : code is longer
4-digit terminal : code is shorter
4-digit other : no difference
more than 4 digits : code is shorter.
And an ODD number of digits would need to be output in code A or B for the first digit and then the above table applies to the remainder.
This may not be the answer you're looking for, but specifying A (Automatic Mode) as the final parameter to the ^BC command will make the printer do this for you.

How to neglect the output of OCR Engine that has no meaning?

Tesseract OCR engine sometimes outputs text that has no meaning, i want to design an algorithm that neglects any text or word that has no meaning, below is some sort of output text that i want to neglect,my simple solution is to count the words in the recognized text that's separated by " " and the text which has too many words will be garbage(Hint: i'm scanning images which at most will contains 40 words) any idea will be helpful,thanks.
°J!9O‘ !P99W M9N 6 13!-|15!Cl ‘I-/Vl
978 89l9 Z0 3+ 3 'l9.l.
97 999 VLL lLOZ+ 3 9l!q°lN
wo0'|axno/(#|au1e>1e: new;
1=96r2a1ey\1 1uauud0|e/\e(]
|8UJB){ p8UJL|\7'
Divide the output text into words. Divide the words into triples. Count the triple frequencies, and compare to triple frequencies from text of a known-good text corpus (EG all the articles from some mailing list discussing what you intend to OCR, minus the header lines).
When I say "triples", I mean:
whe, hen, i, say, tri, rip, ipl, ple, les, i, mea, ean "i" has a frequency of 2 in this short example, while the others are all frequency 1.
If you do a frequency count of each of these triples for a large document in your intended language, it should become possible to be reasonably accurate in guessing whether a string is in the same language.
Granted, it's heuristic.
I've used a similar approach for detecting English passwords in a password changing program. It worked pretty well, though there's no such thing as a perfect "obvious password rejecter".
Check the words against a dictionary?
Of course, this will have false-positives for things like foreign-phrases or code. The problem in general is intractable (ex. is this code or gibberish? :) ). The only (nearly) perfect method would be to use this as a heuristic to flag certain sections for human review.

What's the name of this algorithm/routine?

I am writing a utility class which converts strings from one alphabet to another, this is useful in situations where you have a target alphabet you wish to use, with a restriction on the number of characters available. For example, if you can use lower case letters and numbers, but only 12 characters its possible to compress a timestamp from the alphabet 01234567989 -: into abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567989 so 2010-10-29 13:14:00 might become 5hhyo9v8mk6avy (19 charaters reduced to 16).
The class is designed to convert back and forth between alphabets, and also calculate the longest source string that can safely be stored in a target alphabet given a particular number of characters.
Was thinking of publishing this through Google code, however I'd obviously like other people to find it and use it - hence the question on what this is called. I've had to use this approach in two separate projects, with Bloomberg and a proprietary system, when you need to generate unique file names of a certain length, but want to keep some plaintext, so GUIDs aren't appropriate.
Your examples bear some similarity to a Dictionary coder with a fixed target and source dictionaries. Also worthwhile to look at is Fibonacci coding, which has a fixed target dictionary (of variable-length bits), which is variably targeted.
I think it also depends whether it is very important that your target alphabet has fixed width entries - if you allow for a fixed alphabet with variable length codes, your compression ratio will approach your entropy that much more optimally! If the source alphabet distribution is known in advance, a static Huffman tree could easily be generated.
Here is a simple algorithm:
Consider that you don't have to transmit the alphabet used for encoding. Also, you don't use (and transmit) the probabilities of the input symbols, as in standard compressions, so we just re-encode somehow the data.
In this case we can consider that the input data are in number represented with base equal to the cardinality of the input alphabet. We just have to change its representation to another base, that is a simple task.
EDITED example:
input alpabet: ABC, output alphabet: 0123456789
message ABAC will translate to 0102 in base 3, that is 11 (9 + 2) in base 10.
11 to base 10: 11
We could have a problem decoding it, because we don't know how many 0-es to use at the begining of the decoded result, so we have to use one of the modifications:
1) encode somehow in the stream the size of compressed data.
2) use a dummy 1 at the start of the stream: in this way our example will become:
10102 (base 3) = 81 + 9 + 2 = 92 (base 10).
Now after decoding we just have to ignore the first 1 (this also provides a basic error detection).
The main problem of this approach is that in most cases (GCD == 1) each new encoded character will completely change the output. This will be very inneficient and difficult to implement. We end up with arithmetic coding as the best solution (actually a simplified version of it).
You probably know about Base64 which does the same thing just usually the other way around. Too bad there are way too many Google results on BaseX or BaseN...

How to find "equivalent" texts?

I want to find (not generate) 2 text strings such that, after removing all non letters and ucasing, one string can be translated to the other by simple substitution.
The motivation for this comes from a project I known of that is testing methods for attacking cyphers via probability distributions. I'd like to find a large, coherent plain text that, once encrypted with a simple substitution cypher, can be decrypted to something else that is also coherent.
This ends up as 2 parts, find the longest such strings in a corpus, and get that corpus.
The first part seems to me to be amiable to some sort of attack with a B-tree keyed off the string after a substitution that makes the sequence of first occurrences sequential.
A little optimization based on knowing the maximum value and length of the string based on each depth of the tree and the rest is just coding.
The Other part would be quite a bit more involved; how to generate a large corpus of text to search? some kind of internet spider would seem to be the ideal approach as it would have access to the largest amount of text but how to strip it to just the text?
The question is; Any ideas on how to do this better?
Edit: the cipher that was being used is an insanely basic 26 letter substitution cipher.
p.s. this is more a thought experiment then a probable real project for me.
There are 26! different substitution ciphers. That works out to a bit over 88 bits of choice:
>>> math.log(factorial(26), 2)
The entropy of English text is something like 2 bits per character at least. So it seems to me you can't reasonably expect to find passages of more than 45-50 characters that are accidentally equivalent under substitution.
For the large corpus, there's the Gutenberg Project and Wikipedia, for a start. You can download an dump of all the English Wikipedia's XML files from their website.
I think you're asking a bit much to generate a substitution that is also "coherent". That is an AI problem for the encryption algorithm to figure out what text is coherent. Also, the longer your text is the more complicated it will be to create a "coherent" result... quickly approaching a point where you need a "key" as long as the text you are encrypting. Thus defeating the purpose of encrypting it at all.
