Change Makefile variable value inside the target body - makefile

Is there a way to reassign Makefile variable value inside of the target body?
What I am trying to do is to add some extra flags for debug compilation:
%.erl: %.beam
$(ERLC) $(ERLFLAGS) -o ebin $<
test: clean debug_compile_flag compile compile_test
So if I invoke test target I would like to clean up my environment, add some new flags (like -DTEST to the existing ones), compile the whole code once again (first sources, then test modules).
I do not want to copy/paste the code for compiling with some new flags set since there is a lot of logic put here and there.
Is there some easy way to redefine the variable value so I can reuse the existing code?

Yes, there is an easy way to do it, and without rerunning Make. Use a target-specific variable value:
test: clean debug_compile
debug_compile: ERLCFLAGS += -DTEST
debug_compile: compile compile_test;

Another answer is here: Define make variable at rule execution time.
For the lazy, you can have rules like the following (FLAG and DEBUG are my variables):
$(eval FLAG += $(DEBUG))

Here is the solution I use:
PASSWORD = abc123
main: sub
#echo "in main" $(PASSWORD)
#echo "in sub" $(PASSWORD)
$(eval PASSWORD=qwerty)
#echo "in sub" $(PASSWORD)
If you run make main then the output is:
in sub abc123
in sub qwerty
in main qwerty
You can see that the original value "abc123" is overwritten in the sub and the new value "qwerty" is visible at the main level.

To override on the command line try something like:
make prefix=<path to new dir> install
This won't change Makefile, but will alter the variable.

I wanted to add a target in a makefile to run tests, which implied recompiling the source code with some debug flags. Ian's answer: was the only solution that worked.
Here's the Makefile I came up with, which guaranties the order of execution when running make tests:
TARGET = a.out
CC = g++
GENERIC_F = -Wall -Wextra -I. -Idoctest/doctest/
CFLAGS = -O0 -std=c++11 $(GENERIC_F)
LINKER = g++
SRCDIR = src
OBJDIR = build
BINDIR = bin
SOURCES = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.cc)
INCLUDES = $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h)
rm = rm -f
.PHONY: clear_screen tests extend_cflags
#echo -e "Linking complete!\n"
#mkdir -p $(OBJDIR) $(BINDIR)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
#echo -e "Compiled "$<" successfully!\n"
.PHONY: clean
#$(rm) $(OBJECTS)
#echo "Cleanup complete!"
.PHONY: remove
remove: clean
#$(rm) $(BINDIR)/$(TARGET)
#echo "Executable removed!"
$(eval CFLAGS += $(DEBUG_MODE))
tests: | remove extend_cflags $(BINDIR)/$(TARGET) clear_screen

Edit: As explained by Beta in the other answer, it is possible.
No. There is no way to do this in the Makefile. You can however change the value of a variable on the make command line. If you rewrite your Makefile as follows:
%.erl: %.beam
$(ERLC) $(ERLCFLAGS) -o ebin $<
test: clean compile compile_test
Then, you can invoke make to perform your tests using:


Multiple Targets Not Being Executed By Makefile

I'm updating the title and content here to make it clear that this particular question was asking something that I didn't see answered plainly elsewhere. The key notion is understanding that something that looks like a single target doing multiple things in a Makefile is actually multiple targets doing one thing each.
I will also remove some extraneous material since that ended up not being relevant.
Original Content
My problem is that I have a Makefile that is (apparently) not calling one of my sub-directory Makefiles correctly. I have a project structure like this:
The Makefile in the project root will refer to the Makefiles in the individual directories. Here is that core Makefile:
CC ?= gcc
CFLAGS += -Wall -std=c99
CFLAGS += -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
RANLIB ?= $(shell which ranlib)
AR ?= $(shell which ar)
export CC
export AR
export CFLAGS
export RANLIB
SRC_DIR = src
ZMACHINE_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/zmachine
ZMACHINE_LIB = $(ZMACHINE_DIR)/quendor_zmachine.a
CHEAP_DIR = $(SRC_DIR)/cheap
CHEAP_LIB = $(CHEAP_DIR)/quendor_cheap.a
SUB_CLEAN = $(SUB_DIRS:%=%-clean)
#echo $(SUB_DIRS) # src/zmachine src/cheap
#echo "DIR:"
#echo $# # src/zmachine
$(MAKE) -C $#
-$(MAKE) -C $(#:%-clean=%) clean
clean: $(SUB_CLEAN)
#echo "Quendor"
.PHONY: $(SUB_DIRS) $(SUB_CLEAN) clean help
A key problem for me is this bit from the above:
#echo $(SUB_DIRS) # src/zmachine src/cheap
#echo "DIR:"
#echo $# # src/zmachine
$(MAKE) -C $#
I put the echo statements in just to show what's happening. Notice the $SUB_DIRS is correctly showing both directories, but when the Makefile runs it only shows src/zmachine. (The comments there indicate what I see during runtime.) The Makefile (apparently) doesn't process src/cheap.
The full output of the Makefile running is this (the first three lines there being my echo statements):
src/zmachine src/cheap
/Applications/ -C src/zmachine
cc -Wall -std=c99 -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200809L -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fPIC -fpic -o main.o -c main.c
ar rc quendor_zmachine.a main.o
/usr/bin/ranlib quendor_zmachine.a
** Done with Quendor Z-Machine.
The only thing I could think of initially was that perhaps after running the sub-makefile in src/zmachine, the Make process was either erroring out or thinking it was done. But the $(SUB_DIRS) part should have iterated through both directories, I would have thought.
So I'm a bit stuck as to how to proceed.
Extra Note: The "I would have thought" part of what I said was where I was incorrect. $(SUB_DIRS) was not being executed as I thought it was; the accepted answer has clarified this.
The way make works is, if you don't provide an argument, it will start by scanning the Makefile looking for the "default goal". The default goal is simply the first target it encounters (notice it's the first target, not targets).
In your case, the rule:
$(MAKE) -C $#
Is equivalent to:
src/zmachine src/cheap:
$(MAKE) -C $#
Which is equivalent to:
$(MAKE) -C $#
$(MAKE) -C $#
So the first target make encounters is src/zmachine, and that's its default goal and the one that gets processed. The way to fix this is, as user657267 said in the comments, to add one target that you know will be processed first that would have the other targets (that you really want to build) as its prerequisites.

Includes not found in a makefile

I have been working on this makefile for quite some time now and I can't find the solution to my problem. Here is the makefile:
# Compiler:
# Source files, headers, etc.:
OBJ_DIR = $(CX_BUILD_ROOT)/tests/unit
OUT_DIR = $(CX_BUILD_ROOT)/tests/unit
INCLUDES = -I$(CX_SRC_ROOT)/cXbase/publicAPI
LIBINCLUDES = -L$(CX_BUILD_ROOT)/connectx/libs
VPATH = tests
SRCS = cxUnitTests.cpp\
OBJS = test_Player.o\
LIBS = -lgtest\
# Product:
MAIN = cxUnitTests.out
all: make_dir $(MAIN)
$(MAIN): $(OBJS)
#echo Invoquing GCC...
#echo $(MAIN) has been compiled and linked!
$(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp
#echo Invoquing GCC...
$(CPPC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -c $< -o $#
#echo Object files created!
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR)
#echo Removing object files...
$(RM) $(OBJ_DIR)/*.o
#echo Object files removed!
mrproper: clean
#echo Cleaning project...
$(RM) $(OUT_DIR)/$(MAIN)
#echo Project cleaned!
depend: $(SRCS)
#echo Finding dependencies...
makedepend $(INCLUDES) $^
#echo Dependencies found!
All values in the "Source files, headers, etc" section are defined in other makefiles from which this makefile is invoked with the $(MAKE) -C option They can all be #echoed and the resultant values are good. When I run make, I get:
g++ -g3 -std=c++0x -pedantic-errors -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wconversion -c -o test_Player.o tests/test_Player.cpp
tests/test_Player.cpp:36:30: fatal error: publicAPI/Player.h: No such file or directory
It seems that make cannot access the content of the INCLUDES variable for some reason. I use Gnu-make.
Can you see what is wrong?
Make is using its built-in rule for compiling C++ files because your pattern rule $(OBJ_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp doesn't match your list of objects. By coincidence you've used one of the variables that the built-in recipe uses (CPPFLAGS), but make makes no use of INCLUDES.
One way to fix it would be to put something like the following after your list of objects
OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJ_DIR)/,$(OBJS))
I finally found the problem. In fact, there were two:
The INCLUDES variable should have been set to
$(CX_SRC_ROOT)/cXbase instead of $(CX_SRC_ROOT)/cXbase/publicAPI
since, like the error message shows, the include file for Player
is looked for in publicAPI/Player.h so publicAPI was there
twice, but didn't show twice in the #echo.
My object list should have been in the form: $(OBJ_DIR)/objectFile.o.

How to avoid this recursive Makefile to relink?

today I'm requesting your help about a Makefile that's driving me crazy. There it is:
# Executable name
NAME = libft.a
# Compiler and archive linker settings
CC = gcc
AR = ar
CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O3 -g3
ARFLAGS = -rsc
IFLAGS = -I./includes/
# Project layout
SRC_DIR = ./src/
INC_DIR = ./inc/
OBJ_DIR = ./obj/
OBJ = $(shell grep -r .o ./obj | awk '{print $$3}' | tr '\n' ' ')
.PHONY: all clean fclean re
all: $(OBJ_DIR) $(NAME)
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
$(NAME): compile $(OBJ) $(INC_DIR)libft.h
#echo "Linking library $(NAME).\n"
#$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(NAME) $(OBJ)
#echo " ✧ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(NAME) object files: OK! √\n"
make -C src/io
make -C src/lists
make -C src/memory
make -C src/strings
make -C src/tests
I've tried multiple combination of dependencies, rules, etc but I just don't get it. Sometimes I got it to stop relinking but in thoses cases it wouldn't re-compile object files because $(OBJ) was empty and wasn't updated after I ran compile.
This version is close to be good, but everytime I run make it executes the recipe $(NAME) and does the ar -rsc %(OBJ) .. How can I put them in dependencies to $(NAME) ?
Well, basically your entire approach here cannot succeed. Just for one example: you are trying to find the object files using grep (honestly I don't understand that shell command at all; what does printing the $3 word from the output of grep -r do??? Don't you just mean find $(OBJ_DIR) -name \*.o here?) This will expand to all the object files found in your subdirectories. But, that shell command runs when your top-level makefile is parsed, and that parsing happens before make runs any rules... so, no object files have been built yet! So, this target doesn't depend on anything. Even after some object files have been built, it only depends on object files that already exist, not on object files that are created during the build.
Really if I were you I'd do this completely differently. However, the simplest way to make your makefile work properly as written is to build $(NAME) using a recursive make as well; change your makefile like this:
all: compile
$(NAME): $(OBJ) $(INC_DIR)libft.h
#echo "Linking library $(NAME).\n"
#$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# $^
#echo " ✧ $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $# object files: OK! √\n"
mkdir -p $(OBJ_DIR)
$(MAKE) -C src/io
$(MAKE) -C src/lists
$(MAKE) -C src/memory
$(MAKE) -C src/strings
$(MAKE) -C src/tests
Here all doesn't depend on $(NAME); instead, the compile step first builds everything then at the end it recursively invokes itself to build $(NAME); at this point we know everything is up to date and we can depend on the object files existing.
Other things: note I used the automatic variable $^ here not $(OBJ); that variable is a simple variable that runs a shell script: it's expensive! Every time you expand the $(OBJ) variable you pay that cost, so you only ever want to do it one time. Alternatively, you can use := to set OBJS instead so it's only invoked once per make instance. That's still one more time than you need but avoiding this will be painful.
I also moved the mkdir into the compile rule. It's cleaner there than as a prerequisite of all.
Finally, you should never invoke sub-makes using the make command directly. Always use the $(MAKE) variable, or various things will not work correctly.
The question was obvioulsy solved by the previous post.
You need to use the $(MAKE) variable to call recursively your make file with the $(NAME) rule instead of putting $(NAME) as a all dependency, after subsequent calls to your underlying Makefiles using the $(MAKE) variable again.

Make won't accept appended CFLAGS value

I've searched around for this issue, but nobody but me seems to have it, which is why I'll now ask.
If have this basic makefile:
CCPP = arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++
LIB = lib/libarm.a
LDFLAGS = -lpthread
OBJECTS = $(wildcard ./*/*.o)
PROG = /exports/appl
MODULES = lib src
all: $(PROG)
#for i in $(MODULES); do (cd $$i && $(MAKE) \
#for i in $(MODULES); do (cd $$i && $(MAKE) clean) || exit 1 ; done
rm $(PROG)
ar cr ../lib/$(LIB) $(OBJECTS)
This works. It takes whatever source file is within lib and src and compiles and links it nicely together. (By using local makefiles found in these folders which I can post too if need be)
Anyway, what I WANT now, is add more -D directives conditionally.
I've tried:
LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
and also:
or by putting the whole thing in quotes etc...but each time I try, it brings up the help page of make, telling me that it can't 'recognize' the new define.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Any help is much appreciated.
Okay, this should be a more correct version of your makefile, I can not test it though because I don't have your sources:
export CCPP := arm-none-linux-gnueabi-g++
# Note that -pthread is required for both compiling and linking.
export LDFLAGS := -pthread
LIB := lib/libarm.a
PROG := /exports/appl
MODULES := lib src
all: $(PROG)
$(CCPP) -o $# $(LDFLAGS) ./*/*.o $(LIB)
$(MODULES) : % :
$(MAKE) -C $#
touch $#
$(MAKE) -C $* clean
clean : $(MODULE:%=clean-module.%)
rm -f $(PROG)
.PHONY: all clean clean-module.%
What I changed:
LDFLAGS = -lpthread: when building multi-threaded applications you need both an extra compiler and linker flag, which is what -pthread/-pthreads gcc options is.
Contents of OBJECTS = $(wildcard ./*/*.o) are only correct when $(MODULES) built correctly. Removed it.
$(PROG) commands actually build $(PROG) target as it should.
$(MODULES) commands build the modules by invoking make in the corresponding directory. And then they update the timestamp of the directory to force rebuild of $(PROG). Since it is a recursive make it can't know whether anything have actually been updated in the module, hence it need to trigger the rebuild of anything that depends on the modules.
I still have a feeling that this won't work for you because your original makefile is missing dependencies.
Try doing this -->
You've got to be KIDDING me!
Ahem. I seem to have found the solution to my own problem. I don't quite get it, but whatever works, right?
Anyway, here's what I did:
LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
LDFLAGS += -lpthread
#for i in $(MODULES); do (cd $$i && $(MAKE) \
First thing: -rdynamic needs to be the first flag in the linker, otherwise it refuses to work. (Don't ask me why, if anyone could enlighten me, be my guest.
Second: I had to put quotes around the expanded $(CFLAGS) in my actual build step. As soon as I did that, it worked like a charm...probably because it had a problem with the spaces.
Thanks to everyone, who went to the trouble of trying to help me.

Make: Setting Target Specific Variables With Different Goals

I'm building a makefile that will be used to build a release or debug target library. I want to place the object and auto-generated dependancy files into either a debug or release directory structure, depending on the requested makefile goal. I don't want to specify a testable make command-line argument (i.e. DBG=1), but would prefer to run make -f Makefile, or make -f Makefiel dbg for release and debug target goals, respectively. Got that part down. I understand that I can't assign a target-specific variable containing the name of the object dir (either release or debug) that can be used as part of the Target specification in a rule, like I did in the example shown below. In this example, OBJDIR is the target-specific variable I would like to set depending on the build goal. For that reason, in this example, $(OBJDIR) is empty in the target rule $(OBJDIR)/%.o. Any recommendations on how to perform the suggested steps nicely? (The example shown is simply a copy/paste unverified example...syntax is not fact, I can't get the tabs to appear correctly...I'm hoping to get some implementation ideas). (Also, $(OBJDIR) is not set in the clean target as shown...since it is not in the dbg/all target dependancy heirarchy...thoughts?) Thanks in advance.
OBJS := a.o b.o c.o
SRCS := $(OBJS:.o=.c)
-- Set up the release and the debug directory paths and object filenames
RELEASE_DIR := ./release
DEBUG_DIR := ./debug
.PHONY : all dbg
all: CFLAGS = -O3
all: df := $(RELEASE_DIR)/$(*F)
all: init_release
dbg: CFLAGS = -g -O0
dbg: df := $(DEBUG_DIR)/$(*F)
dbg: init_debug $(OBJ)
-#mkdir -p $(RELEASE_DIR)
-#mkdir -p $(DEBUG_DIR) $(OBJ)
#echo '--------------------------------------------------------------'
#echo linking $#
#gcc -shared -o $(OBJ)
-Compile including advance dependancy generation alg, per Tom Tromey:
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c
echo $#
echo $(OBJDIR)
echo compiling $#
$(COMPILE.c) -MD -o $# $<
cp $(df).d $(df).P; \
sed -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/^[^:]*: *//' -e 's/ *\\$$//' \
-e '/^$$/ d' -e 's/$$/ :/' < $(df).d >> $(df).P; \
rm -f $(df)/$*.d
# If the goal is "clean", don't include these to avoid trying to build them
-include $(SRCS:%.c=$(OBJDIR)/%.P)
-#rm -f $(OBJDIR)/*.[Pdo]
Target specific variables can be tricky. Use indirection instead. Make has lots of syntax to cut-down on boilerplate text. .SECONDEXPANSION is often good. A sketch:
${DEBUG_OBJ} ${RELEASE_OBJ}: $$(patsubst %.o,%.c,$${#F})
gcc ${copts-${#D}} -c $< -o $#
Here we tell make that ./release/a.o depends on a.c. When make decides to build ./release/a.o it expands the shell line. As it does so, ${#D} is naturally release, so make carries on and expands ${copts-release} which you will have defined usefully.
Similarly, when producing ./debug/a.o make expands ${copts-debug}.
Copious use of $(warning [blah]), $(error [blah blah]) and the mandatory --warn-undefined-variables will help you get this right.
The Makefile you wrote is not valid, and it will not generate your targets as you expect. For instance, you cannot set the CFLAGS variable in the targets definitions all and dbg.
The only solution I can think of is to call make with the same Makefile defining the DBG variable as you wish. E.g.:
ifdef DBG
CFLAGS = -O0 -ggdb
OBJDIR = dbgdir
OBJDIR = reldir
all: $(OBJDIR)/target
#Your commands here
With this, if you call make, you have the release build. If you call make dbg you have the release build.
