Importing existing git repo into assembla - ruby

Currently I have an website on a .zip file containing also the .git directory and all the history. I want it to be imported into an Assembla git repository preserving the history of all previous changes. Is there an easy way of doing it?

extract your zip, navigate to it in your shell, and do git push <git assembla url> :. this should push all the refs to the new assembla repo.

If you cannot push to an assembla repo, check your ssh keys, like in this thread.
ssh -v
And see if there was not too much login errors in your tries:
Your IP was added to blacklist due login failure to our server.


How to push a new code to an existing git repository in github

I need to push my modified new java code to my old git repository in github but I do not have old code in my pc. How to do that?
I had push a code before my github account before. Now I don't have that old code in my pc. How do I pull the project into my pc and after making changes, push again to the same repository?
I do not have much experience in github, so please help me to improve skills on github.
Check your remote first to see where it is pointing to by
$ git remote -v
origin ssh://git#<old-git-url>/<project>.git (fetch)
origin ssh://git#g<old-git-url>/<project>.git (push)
Change the pointing to GitHub
$ git remote set-url origin ssh://git#<github-url>/<project>.git
Now your repo is pointing to Github
Now you can make your changes and then add them and do a commit and finally push to remote branch; say you are on master.
git add <file>
git commit -m <commit message>
git push origin master
I had to do just that and achieved it like this.
Setup. I assume you have a new remote repository with files that may not cause a conflict with the directory you currently have locally.
Git clone from the git repository you need to push to. Just make sure you create a new directory for the cloned code.
Copy the contents of the cloned repository into the local directory that has your current code. Make sure to copy the .git (hidden) file.
cd into your local directory and run git remote -v. You should see the remote repository git address.
git add -A to add whatever change you require and commit it.
Finally git push
You need to make sure that your local repository (the one that is on your computer) is connected to the remote repository (the one that is on the GitHub servers).
After this, you need to add the modified file to the staging area. Say, you have a file test.txt that you have modified, you would add it to the staging area by typing
git add test.txt
After that you would need to commit those changes. You can do that by
git commit -m "commit message"
And that's it, you have now saved those changes and recorded them in the version control. But the changes that you made have only been recorded in your local repository and you would need to push these changes to the remote repository (the GitHub servers). You can do this by
git push origin master
It would take a few seconds (depending on your internet speed and the project file size) to push these changes to the remote servers. Once it's done, you can open that repository on GitHub and see the changes for yourself.
Just to amend this a bit. I believe "master" is now "main" in some instances or platforms. If this answer isn't working for you, try swapping that out. It worked for me.

Change git repo from remote host

I have laravel-vue.js framework web site project that another developer coded on digitalocean.
Also there is a git file in the framework.
I want to use git, too. However, there is another git ssh link in project.
I created a gitlab repo but i couldn't decide what to do next.
How can i get this project to my local and do changes on git.
Generally i use phpstorm for coding.
You need to change your git origin url in your repository.
Use git remote set-url origin new.git.url/here to replace old git URL with the new one.

fatal: remote <Repository> already exists

As part of the development of a CI & CD flow for the company I work at, I am building a command line program (Bash script on OSX) that
creates a new local Git repo
adds some default branches to this repo
Then adds a new repo to Bitbucket using the next code:
gitUserName = Joris <-- provided by the user, this is an example
projectName = TestProject <-- provided by the user, this is an example
git remote add $projectName "$gitUserName/$projectName.git"
After running this command, I don't see the repository on my Bitbucket account on the website. When I try to re-run this command, it says the repository already exists.
Also, when I run git push $projectName master it says fatal: repository '' not found
This behavior seems inconsistent, and I have followed the Atlassian guide to set this up so I don't really understand why it doesn't add the repository as expected. I do realize that I can also just go on the BitBucket website and add the repository manually, but the purpose of my program is that it generates a fully set-up repository for a user based on as little commands as possible.
The git remote add documentation says that the command adds a remote to the local repo. This terminology is, IMO, a bit off; it would better to say it adds a remote configuration to the local repository (i.e. configures the repo to access a remote). This does not actually create the remote repo; that must be done separately.
In the case of bitbucket, the "normal" thing to do is to go to the website and create the repo through their UI. Because you're trying to automate things, you don't want to do that; so in that case, you would need to use the BitBucket REST API, which is documented here:
The "Core API" section talks about repositories and permissions, so you should be able to script out requests to (if necessary) check if the repo exists and set it up if it doesn't. You'll just need a way for your script to send HTTP requests and receive the responses.
In your machine:
Create repo:
git init
Add branches:
git checkout -b branchX
git checkout -b branchY
git checkout -b branchZ
In Bitbucket website:
Create new repository named TestProject, allow write permissions to user Joris in settings and save. Finally copy the url of the repository, this must be something like bitbucket.mydomain:port/nameofproject/testproject.git (Notice this is all in lowcase)
In your machine:
git remote add origin theURL
git push origin *:*
git push origin --tags
The last is the command to push all your local repo, this will overwrite the history and tags in your remote repo, but since is a new repo it doesn't matter.

How to push in heroku?

I clone my repo down and change something and commit,
but when I want to push like the tutorial:
git push heroku master
it tell me wrong:
fatal: 'heroku' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
I'm sure I have log in,
so how can I push my repo correctly and deploy it?
From Git Reference (
"So that you don't have to use the full URL of a remote repository every time you want to synchronize with it, Git stores an alias or nickname for each remote repository URL you are interested in. You use the git remote command to manage this list of remote repos that you care about."
You can check if remote named "heroku" exists for your git repo using:
git remote -v
If it doesn't exist, you need to add it before you can push updates as follows:
git remote add heroku
where appname should be the name of your app.

Migrating forked project from Heroku to Github

Some time ago I found some code in one Github repo. I downloaded it (did not fork it), started upgrading it and when I was happy with the result, I used Heroku as a host. So now the code lives on my computer and Heroku. How could I push it to my Github account, but also give the original author of the project some credit for it (showing on my Github that I actually forked it)?
Okay, so I actually figured it out already!
First, create a new repository on github, let's name it github-project.
git clone<heroku-project>.git
cd <heroku-project>
git remote rm origin
git remote add github<github-username>/<github-project>
git pull github master
Now you'll probably see some conflicts. If you want to preserve all your changes, just add them all.
git add .
git commit -m "some message"
git push github master
This is quite simple:
Create an empty repository on GitHub, let's call it github-project
Clone from Heroku, let's call it heroku-project
Add a remote for github
Push to GitHub
The commands to perform these steps:
git clone
cd heroku-project
git remote add github
git push -u github master
That's it!
Note: if you already created the GitHub project with a README file in it, then it is NOT empty anymore, and the last push will be refused. In that case you can force the push, effectively overwriting the project on GitHub, by using the --force flag, for example:
git push -u github master --force
