Change Visual studio 2010 color palette - visual-studio-2010

I really like Visual studio. I think it is awesome IDE ever been made for developers. But color scheme in new VS2010 is really ugly, so the first thing i'd like to do after install is to change its color palette. I googled how to do this and found VS extension by Matthew Johnson [MSFT].
If you know another way to change color palette in VS2010, please let me know.

You can use the Visual Studio Color Theme Editor to make changes directly within Visual Studio, which will allow you to change the theme/color of the actual Visual Studio shell itself.
To change the theme/color of the editor, you can browse themes (created by others) at Studio Styles, which also allows you to create a theme online and then import it into Visual Studio.

You can create, import and export VS themes in your browser!
I suppose It should work and for VS 2010
Let me know if it works...


Font looks sharper in VS Code compared to Visual Studio

Probably better to show by image here:
The color, the sharpness of the text, everything seems better in VS Code than in Visual Studio.
Is there any settings I can play with, or this is just how it is?
I found this question while I was trying to solve this problem myself, same font looking much more readable in VS Code compared to Visual Studio.
What worked for me in Visual Studio 2019 is extension called Text Sharp.
I use Consolas, and these settings finally made the font look the same in both editors:

How can I disable this pop-up that appears during hover in the Visual Studio editor?

I've already turned off many options in Visual Studio 2017, but I can't suppress this annoying pop-up. (Not this specific one, but all of them, for all the API's)
Can someone please show me the setting I need?
Check this old post How do I turn off code tooltips in Visual Studio 2010. In it a workaround is provided but you will probably make a new extension from the source for it to work in Visual Studio 2017.
Looks like there is no setting for this except for the C/C++ language.

Visual Studio 2012 Color Theme on Visual Studio 2010

Actually I'm working with both versions and I love the Dark Style of VS2012.
I know there is a lot of plugins for VS2010 that make it like VS2012, such icons, IDE color and so on.
I'm refering to the color theme ".vssettings" file format, I've being looking another posts and I cannot found any related to this.
Anyone knows?
Thanks in advance!
Import the following style from here

Is there an Office 2010 Black theme for VS 2010?

I installed Office 2010 and switched it to the Black theme... I really like it but now my Visual Studio looks bad beside it.
Does anyone know of a good implementation of the Office 2010 Black Theme for Visual Studio 2010?
[I already have and it doesn't match Office at all (no, I know it wasn't supposed to)]
Install Visual Studio Color Theme Editor, then go to Theme -> Customize Colors and create new scheme with dark colors. You may copy existing theme and recolor it
You may find this theme to your liking:

Is there a Visual Studio color scheme similar to Webmatrix?

Webmatrix has a clean color scheme. Is there a similar one for Visual Studio?
Webmatrix color scheme for visual studio.
The Windows Aero theme for VS2010 is the closest I was able to get using the themes that are built into the Theme plug-in. Of course you could start there and customize further to get even closer.
For anyone looking for the theme editor, it can be found at: Visual Studio Color Theme Editor
