Prototype Selector : simple examples - prototypejs

i'm just starting prototype, i was on jquery before.
I can't find easy examples on the internet about how :
Selecting all elements having the same id on a page
(I'm doing this but it only works for the first element : $('mydiv').hide() )
Selecting a div that is contained in another div by their id.
hiding all elements that have myClass class.

As mentioned above you shouldn't have the same ID on a page more then once. Besides being against standards it's a recipe for potential problems since you don't know how your JavaScript will react to it. Uses classes instead.
Selecting all elements having the same
id class on a page (i'm doing this but it
only works for the first element :
$('mydiv').hide() )
Use $$:
Selecting a div that is contained in
another div by their id.
Use $$:
$$('div#outer div#inner')
hiding all elements that have myClass
Use $$, each(), and hide()
$$('.myClass').each(function(d) {
$$ is your friend.

A few things i would add.
$$('.myClass').each(function(d) {
can be replaced with this:
Also, be careful with your use of $$, within a page with a large dom it is usually faster to target a parent element with $ and then use select() for your selector
$$('div#outer div#inner') etc....
can be rewritten like this:
$('parent_of_inner_and_outer').select('div#outer div#inner') etc....

This isn't particularly pretty, but if you run into a situation like I did recently, where there could potentially be multiple items with the same id on the page and you don't have the ability to change that, then something like this will work. In my case, I at least knew they were all in span tags.
var spans = $$('span');
for (i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
var span = spans[i];
if ( == 'add_bookmark_image_' + id) {
if ( == 'is_bookmarked_image_' + id) {;


ionic - there is a way to delete the cache in controller method?

I know how to make the cache cleared for view :
.state('app.list', {
cache : false,
url: "/lists/:listId",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "templates/listDashboard.html",
controller: 'listDashboardCtrl'
, but I need something else - delete all the cache for the app in controller method. how to do it?
I found a solution, Wrap the clearCache and ClearHistory in a $timeout. Something Like this.
$scope.logout = function(){
$timeout(function () {
$log.debug('clearing cache')
Edit:Changed Timeout seconds
You can use $ionicHistory. From documentation:
Removes all cached views within every ionNavView. This both removes the view element from the DOM, and destroy it's scope.
In your listDashboardCtrl write this:
function listDashboardCtrl($scope, $ionicHistory){
Well this is an old issue, but for anyone that's coming 2017 or later I will explain what really happens and how to solve it:
The code of $ionicHistory.clearCache():
clearCache: function(stateIds) { return $timeout(function() {
$ionicNavViewDelegate._instances.forEach(function(instance) {
instance.clearCache(stateIds); }); }); }
So, as you can see, it takes 1 parameter cllaed stateIds which is an array of stateId. Indeed i struggled to find out that stateId is nothing more than stateName.
So, let's go deeper. The code of $ionicNavView.clearCache which is used in the line above "instance.clearCache(stateIds)" is:
self.clearCache = function(stateIds) {
var viewElements = $element.children();
var viewElement, viewScope, x, l, y, eleIdentifier;
for (x = 0, l = viewElements.length; x < l; x++) {
viewElement = viewElements.eq(x);
if (stateIds) {
eleIdentifier =;
for (y = 0; y < stateIds.length; y++) {
if (eleIdentifier === stateIds[y]) {
if (navViewAttr(viewElement) == VIEW_STATUS_CACHED) {
} else if (navViewAttr(viewElement) == VIEW_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
viewScope = viewElement.scope();
viewScope && viewScope.$broadcast('$ionicView.clearCache');
And as you can see in the code, this clearCache DOES NOT CLEAR ALL CACHES, instead, it destroy all cached views that matches a value in the stateIds array. If there's no parameter IT JUST DESTROY THE ACTUAL VIEW.
So the solution for this, using just the Ionic way is to call $ionicHistory.clearCache() with all your state names in an array as parameter.
$ionicHistory.clearCache(['login', 'map', 'home']);
I cannot belive any Ionic developer didnt dug into the code before, or missed this simple datail.
I Hope someone takes advantage of this, even being so late.
UPDATE: Just to make it crystal clear, i want to point out where the bug itself is (if we can call it bug), maybe can be handy for devs:
self.clearCache = function(stateIds){
var viewElements = $element.children();
What the whole function does is basically:
Get all elements using JQLite
Loop the elements
Check if an element equals one in the StateIds array and destroy it; go to next element.
Check if element in the loop is cached or active, and in both true cases destroy it
I wont dig deeper into this but debugging it i could see that the elements gotten from var viewElements = $element.children(); is not an array of all your views content, not even the cached ones, intentionally or not it does not loop through out all your states to clear all those that matches 'ACTIVE' or 'CACHED'. If you want it to loop through ALL your states and destroy all cached views and data you need to explicity pass the stateIds array parameter.
Besides there's another strange behavior, because when i was debugging it i saw when the var viewElements array was filled up with 2 elements, and these 2 elements were from the same state, one resolved to 'CACHED' another resolver to 'ACTIVE', even resolving to the 2 types used in the if conditions the cache was not cleared at all.
I personally think that this is somekind wrong implemented or is wide used wrongly. The fact is that there's a lot of people cracking their heads on this and devs don't even give this simple explanation.

d3js: Calculating sub-totals, conditional on i=="some stuff"

Warning/Disclaimer: This is a basic JavaScript question, but I've gone through a bunch of iterations in my code, much Googling, and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around how to proceed.
I have data in three columns in a CSV file: a political candidate's name, their party, and their approval rating.
I've created a bubble chart/force layout, similar to this. Candidates are represented as bubbles. Users can select to see candidates organized in one big blob, or they can click to see the bubbles organize themselves by party. I have some <div> elements that pop up under each grouping of same-party candidates. What I'd like to do now is to have each party-specific <div> element display the total approval rating all its same-party candidates get, combined. (So, in Excel, a =SUMIF().)
To do this: I'm creating a function(party) which should, in principle, return that conditional sum. Here's what it looks like when I'm calling it for candidates with no party affiliation:"#text-NONE")
"N/A" is the string found in the CSV file.
And the function itself:
function label_party(party) {
var party_total = 0;
function party(d) {
if ([i] == "party") {
party_total+= d.y2012[i];
return party_total;
Both of the above are happening outside of the d3.csv() call. My main Q: how can I set up a conditional sum over two columns in a CSV? At the moment, it's simply returning 0 - so it's skipping my loop, though I don't know why.

signature and functionality of selection callback of treeview in gtkmm

I have a treeview and want to get notified if the selection changes. What is the signature for the callback?
I found a code snippet like:
Gtk::TreeView *treeview = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::TreeView);
Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::TreeSelection > sel = treeview->get_selection();
sel->set_mode( Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE );
But I can't find anything about the SelFun!
How is the signature
How to find out which rows and columns are selected inside this function?
How to access data from the model with that object
Yes, I have actually no idea how the TreeView/Model/Path/Selection interacts. Every link to an example is highly welcome!
You seem to want multiple selection. I had the same problem too. Once you have enabled mutliple selection, getting the selected rows is a little more difficult. The method of acquiring them varies slightly.
I'll provide the most general method. First, you need to overload the signal_changed() signal after you have enabled multiple selection. Then, assign the TreeView's TreeSelection to a RefPtr for easy access.
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> TreeView_TreeSelection;
TreeView_TreeSelection = your_TreeView.get_selection();
Next, connect the TreeSelection to the signal_changed() signal.
TreeView_TreeSelection -> signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(your_TreeView,
Now, make sure to make a void function header in "your_Class" named on_selction_changed() or whatever you want. Just make sure to change the name in the connection above to whatever your class' name is.
The final step is to make the function. Here is a simple example of getting a vector of all of the TreePaths of the rows selected, then converting those TreePaths into a vector of TreeModel::Row pointers.
void your_Class::on_selection_changed()
if((TreeView_TreeSelection -> count_selected_rows()) == 0)
vector<Gtk::TreeModel::Path> selected_rows = TreeView_TreeSelection -> get_selected_rows();
vector<Gtk::TreeModel::Row*> selected_TreeRows;
vector<Gtk::TreeModel::Path>::iterator TreePath_iterator = selected_rows.begin();
Gtk::TreeRow *row;
while(TreePath_iterator != selected_rows.end()
selected_row_it = p_TreeModel -> get_iter(TreePath_iterator);
row = (*selected_row_it);
Do you know how to iterate through a TreeModel using the STL-like contain API called children() of a TreeModel? It's most useful for iterating over all of the rows of a TreeModel or getting the size (AKA row count) of a TreeModel. Its use depends on whether you're using a ListStore, TreeStore or a custom TreeModel.

Order $each by name

I am trying to figure why my ajax $each alters the way my list of names gets printed?
I have an json string like this:
Here all the names are sorted in alphabetic order, but when getting them out they are sorted by "cid"? Why, and how can I change this?
Here is my jQuery:
var names = {};
$.getJSON('', function(data){
$.each(, function (k, vali) {
names[vali.cid] =;
I guess its because "names[vali.cid]", but I need that part to stay that way. Can it still be done?
Hoping for help and thanks in advance :-.)
Ordering inside an object is not really defined or predictable when you iterate over it. I would suggest sorting the array based on an internal property:
var names = [];
$.getJSON('', function(data){
$.each(, function (k, vali) {
names.push({name:, cid: vali.cid});
names.sort(function(a, b) {
Now you have an array that is ordered and you can iterate over it in a predictable order as well.
There is no "ajax $each" - you probably mean the jQuery function.
With "when getting them out" I presume you mean something like console.debug(names) after your $each call
Objects aren't ordered in javascript per definition, so there is no more order in your variable "names". Still, most javascript implementations today (and all the ones probably important to you - the ones used in the most used browsers) employ a stable order in objects which normally depends on the order you insert stuff.
All this said, there can probably be 3 reasons you're not getting what you're expecting:
Try console.debug(data) and see what you get - the order as you want it?
As you don't explicitly state how you debug your stuff, the problem could be in the way you output and not the data is stored. Here too try console.debug(names).
You're using a function which dereferences on expection, like console.*. This means if you console.debug() an object, the displayed values will depend on the moment you unfold the displayed tree in your browser, not when the line was called!

Rewriting .each() loop as for loop to optimize, how to replicate $(this).attr()

I running into some performance issues with a jquery script I wrote when running in IE so I'm going through it trying to optimize any way possible. Apparently using for loops is way faster than using the jQuery .each method. This has led me to a question regarding the equivalent of $(this) inside a for loop. I'm simplifying what I'm doing in my loop down to just using an attr() function as it gets across my main underlying question.
Im doing this with each(simplified)
var existing = $('#existing').find('div');
And I've tried rewriting it as a for loop as such:
var existing = $('#existing').find('div');
for(var i = 0;i < existing.length;i++)
Its throwing an error saying:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<HTMLDivElement> has no method 'attr'
You need existing.eq() to get jQuery object, existing[] gives you DOM object. The function attr() should be called with jQuery object but not with DOM (javascript) object.
var existing = $('#existing');
for(var i = 0;i < existing.length;i++)
You can use each to get index without for loop.
existing.each(function(index, item){
To get the id of an element just do
Note that you jQuery loop would also be faster as
More generally, you should not use attr('id'), especially if you're concerned by performances, as a DOM object has a property id.
.I have to ask you a question before I give my answer, why would you need to perform a loop on a single element, #existing is an Id not, therefore it's a unique element on your page.
you could simply do
In case your have more than one elements, you should be using a class or another attribute, if that is the case, you could use the following:
better use prop() insted of attr() as attr is deprecated
