Change mapping in the session - informatica-powercenter

I have a Informatica session which is linked to a wrong mapping.
How do i change the mapping from M1 to M2 in the same session S1 and Workflow W1 WITHOUT importing/exporting as XML and making the changes ???

Invalidate the current mapping temporarily and refresh the session. This would allow you to choose a different mapping for your session. Pick the new one.
Don't forget to validate your old mapping.

XML import/export is the only "official" way to do this. If you don't want to do that, you will have to create a new session S2 and attach the mapping M2 to that session.
One possible extra option, with disclaimer: If you have access to Informatica's Oracle database (that holds the metadata), you could perhaps make this change directly there. But you would really have to know what you're doing, or else you are likely to mess things up pretty badly. This is certainly not the recommended way of making changes!

The informatica metadata tables confuses you , dont change at that level. All the way is invalidate the mapping by removing port or by syntax errors. Workflw asks you new mapping. This is the best way apart all. Informatica should add new feature to allow us to do this.

XML export is one of the best way.
Export the session object and then edit the xml file where you need to change the mapping name. Now when you'd import it, it'll ask for the mapping to associate with.
This way you can do it.


Is it possible to "temporarily" disable search indexing for a model?

So I know I can put search_auto_update = False on the Model in question, however I dont want to turn off indexing entirely.
I have a command which bulk syncs data from an API. Currently, on every Save, it's also triggering and index; this is inefficient and slow. It would make a lot more sense to disable indexing during the sync and then bulk-index the items at the end.
Is this possible? I tried setting search_auto_update as an key/value on the model before save, but it didn't seem to do anything (it looks like it needs to be an attribute on the class, rather than a model instance value).
The search indexing on save is done via signals, so I think this SO answer for how to temporarily disable signals should work. In short, use FactoryBoy's mute_signals decorator

Dynamic addition of fields in vespa

In Elastic Search, to add new fields while running the application we have to provide
More info about the same:
Is there any functionality which can replicate same behaviour in Vespa? I was not able to find in vespa documentation.
Kindly help me in this regard. Thank you. is the best place to start - just modify the schema with new fields and redeploy the application. The new fields can not have a default value, they are empty. It is not necessary to restart Vespa, this can be done on a running instance.
Dynamic fields automatically created from data is not supported in Vespa. You should not use this; it's a malfeature.
If the data in question is structured, you can often achieve what you need here by using a map. Otherwise, it's easy and safe to add new fields to the schema and redeploy.

Possible to set file name for h2o.save_model() (rather then simply use the model_id value)?

Trying to save an h2o model with some specific name that differs from the model's model_id field, but trying something like...
just creates a dir/file structure like
as opposed to
Is this possible to do from the save_model method?
I can't / hesitate to simply change the model_id before calling the save method because the model names have timestamps appended to them to avoid name collisions with other models that may be on the h2o cluster (am trying to remove these timestamps when saving on disk and simplifying the name on the cluster before saving creates a time where naming collision can occur if other processes are also attempting to save such a model (of, say, a different timestamp)).
Any way to get this behavior or other common alternatives / workarounds?
This is currently not possible, however I created a feature request here. There is a related question here which shows a solution for R (could be adapted to Python). The work-around is just to rename the file manually using a few lines of R/Python code.

distinguish use cases in NSAutosaveElsewhereOperation

I try to add AutoSave support to the Core Data File Wrapper example
Now if i have a new/untitled document writeSafelyToURL is called with the NSAutosaveElsewhereOperation type.
The bad thing is, I get this type in both typical use cases
- new file: which store a complete new document by creating the file wrapper and the persistent store file
- save diff: where the file wrapper already exists and only an update is required.
Does somebody else already handled this topic or did somebody already migrated this?
The original sample use the originalStoreURL to distinguish those two use cases, which solution worked best for you?

Doctrine2 Caching of updated Elements

I have a problem with doctrine. I like the caching, but if i update an Entity and flush, shouldn't doctrine2 be able to clear it's cache?
Otherwise the cache is of very little use to me since this project has a lot of interaction and i would literally always have to disable the cache for every query.
The users wouldn't see their interaction if the cache would always show them the old, cached version.
Is there a way arround it?
Are you talking about saving and fetching a new Entity within the same runtime (request)? If so then you need to refresh the entity.
$entity = new Entity();
If the entity is managed and you make changes, these will be applied to Entity object but only persisted to your database when calling $em->flush().
If your cache is returning an old dataset for a fresh request (despite it being updated successfully in the DB) then it sounds like you've discovered a bug. Which you can file here >>
Doctrine2 never has those delete methods such as deleteByPrefix, which was in Doctrine1 at some point (3 years ago) and was removed because it caused more trouble.
The page is outdated (The next version of the doctrine2 document will see those methods removed). The only thing you can do now is manually managing the cache: find the id and delete it manually after each update.
More advanced doctrine caching is WIP:
This is according to the documentation on Doctrine2 on how to clear the cache. I'm not even sure this is what you want, but I guess it is something to try.
Doctrine2's cache driver has different levels of deleting cached entries.
You can delete by the direct id, using a regex, by suffix, by prefix and plain deleting all values in the cache
So to delete all you'd do:
$deleted = $cacheDriver->deleteAll();
And to delete by prefix, you'd do:
$deleted = $cacheDriver->deleteByPrefix('users_');
I'm not sure how Doctrine2 names their cache ids though, so you'd have to dig for that.
Information on deleting cache is found here:
To get the cache driver, you can do the following. It wasn't described in the docs, so I just traced through the code a little.
I'm assuming you have an entity manager instance in this example:
$config = $em->getConfiguration(); //Get an instance of the configuration
$queryCacheDriver = $config->getQueryCacheImpl(); //Gets Query Cache Driver
$metadataCacheDriver = $config->getMetadataCacheImpl(); //You probably don't need this one unless the schema changed
Alternatively, I guess you could save the cacheDriver instance in some kind of Registry class and retrieve it that way. But depends on your preference. Personally I try not to depend on Registries too much.
Another thing you can do is tell the query you're executing to not use the result cache. Again I don't think this is what you want, but just throwing it out there. Mainly it seems you might as well turn off the query cache altogether. That is unless it's only a few specific queries where you don't want to use the cache.
This example is from the docs:
$query = $em->createQuery('select u from \Entities\User u');
$query->useResultCache(false); //Don't use query cache on this query
$results = $query->getResult();
