Visual Studio 2010 crashes nearly every time when closing - visual-studio

Mostly it happens if we open a team project from tfs 2008 or tfs 2010, but crashes can happen any time.
When VS is closing down, it crashes nearly every time.
Tried trial RTM and our MSDN download - same story. Tried on three different PCs - same issue. Tried on 32 and 64-bit Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 - crashes.
Is it just our luck or does it happen to you to?

Here are some tips that will hopefully help you identify the problem:
Ideally, get a call stack of the devenv.exe main thread with symbols loaded, and post it here (or even better), attach to the Connect bug. From the stack we'll likely be able to tell what kind of problem it is.

I logged it as an issue on Microsoft Connect.
There is a new release of the TFS Power Tools and Visual Studio 2010 Productivity Power Tools which seem to reduce the instances of VS crashing (although it still seems to crash from time to time). It might be worth checking out if you use either add-in.

Apparently, the crash was caused by using a DNS name in Connect to Team Foundation Server.
I replaced that with the IP address of the TFS server and the crashes went away.
We have two Windows Server 2003 DNS servers, and it looks like Visual Studio 2010 does not communicate with them correctly. Visual Studio 2008 connects to the TFS without any issues.

Apparently, there a bug:
"Large Visual Basic project crashes when closed"


Visual studio 2013 keeps crashing

So I have a machine which runs Windows 10 with Visual Studio Ultimate 2013.
But everytime I start the program it crashes within 1 minute, even without even moving my mouse.
When it crashes it gives me the following error: An unhandled Microsoft .NET Framework exception occurred in devenv.exe [6820]
I have noticed that the error started coming up after I connected to a Team Foundation Server, but I dont know if it has anything to do with the issue.
Furthermore, I am running a clean Windows install so that shouldn't be the problem either.
At this point I really don't know what to do, and I have my exams in two weeks, with which I need Visual Studio with Team Foundation Server.
Please help me with this, it would be very much appreciated!

Debugging Web Projects in Visual Studio 2013

I have some web projects that run fine in the debugger in VS 2012. But when I try to run the same projects in VS 2013 i run into some problems.
First the whole Devenv.exe crashed when pressing F5.
I found an article about this problem here
It suggests set ISS Express in Visual Studio to 64 bit.
That solved the problem of the whole IDE crashing.
However, with that configuration Visual Studio tries to start "Remote Debugging". Probably because Visual Studio itself is 32 bit, so it must use some "remote" techniques to debug something 64 bit. At least that's my guess on what is happening.
Remote debugging is not succeeding either. I get "Remote Debugger has stopped Working" sometimes. Sometime at the beginning of the degugging session, and sometime at the end of the session. I found an article about this problem too. It suggest to set the web project to x86 to avoid remote debugging. But that will not work in this case. It has to run 64 bit to work with IIS in 64 bit.
Error message is
Remote Debugger has stopped Working
The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted.
Anyone else seen this?
Is this a common problem in Visual Studio 2013?
EDIT: more details about the environment
I have a solution containing several projects, including two web projects.
The issue happens when I try to run any of the web projects in debugger (by pressing F5).
They are normal web projects, and I am not running anything remote.
Visual Studio itself came up with the idea of using "Remote Debugger" when I checked the "Use the 64 bit version of IIS Express for web sites and projects".
The solution was first created on a Windows 7 machine running Visual Studio 2012 and it worked well there.
When I tried to open the same solution on a new machine running Windows 8.1 and Visual Studio 2013 the problem started.
A colleague is also running the same solution on his Windows 8.1. We share the solution using a git repository.
He has both VS 2102 and VS 2013 installed. He experiences the same problems in VS 2013, so he has started to use VS 2012 for this solution.
It runs fine in VS 2012. It is the same solution and same machine as it fails in VS 2013.

Visual Studio 2010 and IIS Express lock up on build

I have about four web projects that I am hosting in IIS Express. Whenever I do a build in Visual Studio 2010, the build will be blocked until I manually kill IIS Express. The build then completes. A new instance of IIS Express is created that works as expected.
I tried to do a prebuild event to kill IIS Express with taskkill, but the lock up seems to happen before the prebuild event is executed :/
If I stop the hosted sites, Visual Studio 2010 will also build as normal.
From research, one possibility is IIS Express is trying to display a dialog that Visual Studio 2010 is waiting for the user to interact with, but doesn't actually display the dialog.
Has anyone else had an issue with IIS Express and Visual Studio 2010 locking up on building? Or some insight on how to debug this issue?
If i remember correct the last service pack for vs 2010 corrected that error (at least on my maschine).
Sounds like visual studio is trying to do something on port 80, which IIS is blocking ( thats the default listener port for it ).
A simple google search of port 80 visual studio brings up several promising hits ( how to configure it, and hey! 2nd one even has a fix for a similar problem. )
This happens to me constantly, but then again I'm using WinXP / VS2010 / IIS Express 7.5. I suspect the WinXP part is the culprit, perhaps a bug for this particular scenario? At any rate, VS2010 wants to rebuild one of my web apps, but appears to wait indefinitely on some files in the Temporary directory for the web app, until I stop IIS Express.

Does Visual Studio 2010 RC play nice with Visual Studio 2008?

Does Visual Studio 2010 RC play nicely with Visual Studio 2008?
I am wondering if I need to setup a Virtual Machine to play with VS 2010 or if I can just install it on my Dev machine.
If it messes up VS 2010 then that is sad but ok. If it messed up VS 2008 then I would be in trouble.
Has anyone tried this out? Does it work well? Poorly?
Thanks for any answers.
I've had no problems. Microsoft has designed the last several versions of Visual Studio to be able to co-exist side-by-side.
That said, VS 2010 is an RC, so it is still a pre-release. And even after it goes RTM, it's still a complex product and like any complex software install there can be bugs. I wouldn't expect serious problems, but there's always the fraction of a percent that do run into issues. So I'd still plan to install it on a day when you'd have cycles to deal with potential issues (if nothing else, installing it on my machine that hadn't had OS updates installed in a while required at least 2 reboots).
Yes this works and is a supported scenario. My advice is to install 2008 first then 2010. This is the setup i have on multiple computers.
has worked for me without any issues so far. I would follow JaredPar's advice though, install 2008 first, then 2010.
I never trust the "plays nice with others" claims because I've been bit by it before. They supposedly co-exist, but I still put it in a VM.
See this blog post.
Visual Studio 2010 / .NET Framework 4 RC Ready for General Download
I haven't installed it on my machine but my manager has and after we looked at it we decided it's best not to go there yet for two reasons:
1) We have to go through the whole conversion process again, which after our experience with 1.1 -> 2.0 wasn't very enticing.
2) We caused an error within the first couple minutes of playing around that worked fine on VS2008 leading us to believe it's not quite ready for primetime yet anyways. (It was adding a method in the class diagram that caused VS to crash for some reason).
Just my two cents though.
edit: I just found another great example, fifth one down:
I've had no problems either. And I didn't with VS2010 beta 2 and VS2008 either.
I have both of them on my machine, so far no problems
I havent go into too much testing with my VS 2008 projects in 2010, but it does look like it works fine with VS 2010 RC.
Also, both versions seem to run fine on my machine. (I have also VS 2003 on my local as well)
Bearing in mind its the Release Candidate version, is should be very reliable in this area.
I've run into an error with IIS and VS2010 -- it's solved by re-running the .NET 3.5 version of aspnet_regiis.
I installed 2010 with 2008 already installed. I had tons of hangs, crashes and general malfunctions. Reinstalling 2008 didn't help until I removed every trace of 2010 from registry.
I've installed 2010 with 2008 on this machine for silverlight development.. I haven't noticed any problems except for file associations all goto the 2010 version rather than what I'd prefer opened in 2008 by default. (2010 to me is much slower than 2008)

Visual Studio 2008 hangs while opening aspx/ascx file

I've issue with VS08. I've got Web Application project ( Whenever I try to open an aspx or ascx (in Source view - just double clicking on Solution Explorer) the file opens, but VS hangs and is not responding. The only way to restart VS is then by killing it's process. And it happens all the time with these types of files. :/ Reinstall didn't work.
In addition, the only plugin I've installed with this instance of VS is ClearCase source control plugin.
This clearly looks like a problem with the "Microsoft Visual Studio Web authoring Component" program.
Simply pressing Change from Programs and selecting Repair fixed the issue for me.
Now I can use the design look also.
This happened for me when I installed Office 2010.
You should try to remove "Microsoft Visual Studio Web authoring Component" (from Programs).
I had the same problem and removed this component of Visual Studio (more about it here).
You'll loose the visual designer but VS won't hang anymore.
It could be a problem with the "Solution User Options" file (.suo) that lives in the same folder as the solution (.sln) file.
Try checking everything in, closing visual stuido, deleting this file and restarting.
May or may not help - you might not even have a solution after all!
Alternatively, are you using any anti-virus software? Commonly AV is set-up to check files as they are accessed. I seem to remember having issues with ours a while back, and stopping it checking files within my solution helped.
If you use Sophos I can help further, otherwise try stopping your AV scanning your solution's files.
You can try opening using other Visual Studio editor (right-click on the file, Choose Open With...)
There are many cases which may cause your vs2008 to hang. The only experience that caused my VS2008 to hang was right after installing Office2010. Once it happens, the only workaround is to kill Visual Studio in Task Manager. The root cause of this problem is that Office 2007 and the VS 2008 web designer both share a component, 32-bit MSXML5. When Office 2007 uninstalls or gets upgraded ie office2010, MSXML5 is removed yet Visual Studio still needs it.
There are many ways to fix this particular issue
1 - uninstalling Office 2010 and rebooting your machine; the issues will be resolved.
2 - if you still insist on using office 2010 (which will eventually happen) then go to your programs and right click on Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring tool and click on repair.
3 - You can simply remove Microsoft Visual Studio Web authoring Component completely from programs. Reinstall "Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component" from the VS2008 used. You can find the Web core designer from this particular path of your visual studio:
WCU\WebDesignerCore folder and run WebDesignerCore.exe
4 - If you are still experiencing some more issues the link below should sort it out
Wild shot, but try turning off Html Validation in Options. There was an issue with that at some point.
Turning off Html Validation didn't work. What I've noticed that before opening .aspx/.ascx file in solution memory usage (of VS) is for example 50k and when I double click i.e. Default.aspx to view Source then memory usage goes up to for example 150k and VS is not responding.
Everything did work last week. :/
I was having the same problem... Designer pages when opened hanged the VS.
I use VS2008 SP1.
If you install VS 2008 Beta on a clean machine, you will find Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component in the list of installed programs. You will also find that Program Files\Microsoft Web Designer Tools\Office12 and Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE12 folders with some Office 2007 components even if you don't have Office 2007 installed.
What is Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component and why does it install Office 2007 components on my machine? The answer is that it is new HTML/ASP.NET design surface that is based on former FrontPages technologies, similar to Expression Web Designer. The designer was made into a separate component, but it was hard to fully separate code from Office libraries. So in VS 2008 designer is installed using separate setup which also installs a few Office libraries the designer relies upon. This means you will get Office 2007 updates offered to you via Microsoft Update although technically you don't have Office 2007 installed. This is because Microsoft Update recognizes shared components and will offer you related updates, so don't be alarmed or surprised. Office 2007 components are fully compatible with Office 2007 so you can freely install and uninstall Office 2007 or VS 2008 and both systems will continue working correctly. Designer is also compatible with Office 2003 and should not be affecting Office 2003 applications. If you observe any disrepancies, please report bug via Microsoft Connect ASAP and we will definitely investigate the issue.
The component can be installed/uninstalled/updated separately. Setup is located on VS DVD in WCU\WebToolsCore folder. If you accidentally uninstalled the component, you can simply run WebToolsCore.exe from the abovementioned folder. The setup does not have UI, simply give it about 5-10 minutes to complete.
An old question, but I bumped into it this week and want to post Microsoft's suggested solution.
The root cause of this problem is that Office 2007 and the VS 2008 web designer both share a component, 32-bit MSXML5. When Office 2007 uninstalls or gets upgraded, MSXML5 is removed yet Visual Studio still needs it.
Workaround if you manually uninstalled Office 2007 AND have a non-Express version of VS 2008. Uninstall and then reinstall “Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component“. Next run WCU\WebDesignerCore\WebDesignerCore.exe from the install disk.
For more information see MS article:
Upgrade or Uninstall of Office 2007 might cause VS 2008 Web designer to hang
If you don't use the ClearCase plugin do you still get the problem?
i.e. Try saving copying your solution to your local machine, remove all the source control bindings and see if you get the same problem.
Depending on how your environment is set up, you could be looking at a lag when VB is communicating with ClearCase.
And if all else fails, there are a few good diagnostic tools from the old SysInternal suite to help you figure out if it is a file access, registry or network problem.
SysInternals Site
FileMon - File reads / writes
RegMon - Registry reads / writes
TCPView - Network traffic
