Smooth mouseover images inside scaled Flex App? - image

I have a flex app I am scaling using systemManager.stage.scaleMode=StageScaleMode.NO_BORDER; for the most part it works well except for my bitmap data (mostly png's from the designers).
I can set the mx:image tags to smoothBitmapContent=true and that works great for everything except my mouseover objects. When I do a mouseover, the source is being changed from one embedded image to another embedded image. I have tried several (many) online "smoothimage" classes, and tried to write my own, I have tried to reset smoothBitmapContent every chance I get but still no dice. It seems to mee that because I am scaling at the app level, that the flopped out bitmap is not getting smoothed when it renders.
How to keep things smooth? Perhaps there is a flag to tell Flex to smooth stuff when it scales it?

So the easy answer (that works for me) was to instead of changing the image.source from one embedded png to another, was to use two images and flip flop image.visible between the two... Granted that adds two extra objects to the screen, But for some reason they all stay smoothed and scaled that way, where as before switching sources was going from smooth to jaggidy and un-readable.


Silverlight canvas freedraw underperforming

I'm making a silverlight website which includes paint-like features including freedraw. To achieve this I used the technique described on the following website: .
The problem is, when I run the demo project it will start to lag extremely after just a few seconds of drawing. I realise that that is probably caused by the amount of shapes this techniue requires, however, and this is my main question:
How on earth does the demo on the website not lag nomatter howmuch I draw, while my local project which should have the EXACT same code lags right away?
I tried finding something about improving canvas performance overall, but the only thing I found was turning the drawing into a static image, which is not really ideal since I use undo/redo functionality.
The number of shapes added to the Canvas shouldn't be the reason for the lagging, there must be something else like converting the drawing into image for undo/redo functionality. For undo/redo, you can save the strokes-information instead of images. Creating & storing images during each undo/redo operation will consume too much memory.
A stroke is nothing but a set of points from the start (mousedown event) to end (mouseup event), and a set of strokes forms a complete drawing. You can always recreate the drawing using the saved strokes-information (just like you can recreate using images). You can use simple data-structures like List<List<Point>> to store a complete drawing, this is very memory efficient instead of creating & storing the image itself.

Large images don't render in Chrome?

Very large images will not render in Google Chrome (although the scrollbars will still behave as if the image is present). The same images will often render just fine in other browsers.
Here are two sample images. If you're using Google Chrome, you won't see the long red bar:
Short Blue
Long Red
As you can see, the browser thinks the longer image is there, but it simply doesn't render. The image format doesn't seem to matter either: I've tried both PNGs and JPEGs. I've also tested this on two different machines running different operating systems (Windows and OSX). This is obviously a bug, but can anyone think of a workaround that would force Chrome to render large images?
Not that anyone cares or is even looking at this post, but I did find an odd workaround. The problem seems to be with the way Chrome handles zooming. If you set the zoom property to 98.6% and lower or 102.6% and higher, the image will render (setting the zoom property to any value between 98.6% and 102.6% will cause the rendering to fail). Note that the zoom property is not officially defined in CSS, so some browsers may ignore it (which is a good thing in this case since this is a browser-specific hack). As long as you don't mind the image being resized slightly, I suppose this may be the best fix.
In short, the following code produces the desired result, as shown here:
<img style="zoom:98.6%" src="">
Actually, this is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. As screens move to higher resolutions (e.g. the Apple Retina display), web developers will want to start serving up images that are twice as large and then scaling them down by 50%, as suggested here. So, instead of using the zoom property as suggested above, you could simply double the size of the image and render it at half the size:
<img style="width:50%;height:50%;" src="">
Not only will this solve your rendering problem in Chrome, but it will make the image look nice and crisp on the next generation of high-resolution displays.

Drawing large images for ipad

I am developing an application for viewing images.
I used the example of PhotoScroller Apple to implement this application.
In my application I want to be able to draw on the image.
I had the idea to put a UIView on top with transparent background and draw the lines via touch events. This solution has become very slow because the generated images are very large, around 3700x2000 pixels.
I also tried a solution with the example of Apple GLPaint that uses OpenGL, but it has a size limitation of 2048x2048 pixels.
Anyone have any idea or example of how I implement this?
I think you should try and tile your image.
One option is using CATiledLayer. Have a look at this short tutorial.
Or you could try and use CGContextDrawTiledImage to get your stuff done. Possibly this post from S.O. could help you getting started.

Windows Phone 7 Image Looping

I would like to loop through a sequence of images. I have tried using a Pivot control, but I don't like the blank space in between image transitions. I would prefer to use something that will animate between images smoothly. I also looked at the LoopingSelector control, but I can't seem to set the orientation to horizontal.
I'm assuming you're interested in a kind of image viewer like iOS offers, swiping right or left to navigate through the photos. If that's the case, I hate to say it but i think you're looking at building your own control.
I think to implement it properly these are the essential things you need to think about and address:
For performance' sake, load all the images you have into memorystream objects and store the binary data (you can get creative with this and only store the first 10-15 images, depending on how large the images are, doing this would enable your control to support thousands of images and still perform like a champ).
Once an image is about to be on-screen set the source of the image to the saved memorystream object that has the bytes loaded into it (this will minimize the work that the UI thread does, keeping the control performant and responsive)
Use Manipulation events to track the delta x of the motion someone uses when swiping left to right in order to actually perform the moving of the items
Move the images by changing their Canvas.Left property (you can go negative I think, otherwise just make your canvas the width of all the images you have combined)
Look up some of the available libraries to support momentum so you can have a natural smooth transition between images

jQuery, change source to animate the rotation of a line. faster alternatives?

I am making digital instruments for a car. These instruments will be constantly updated by information through ajax. These instruments will be served from a server onboard the vehicle through WLAN (fast) to my iPhone 3G. Is imperative to the success of the project that the updating of the tachometer is smooth and very responsive. Otherwise, it will look retarded.
The first problem I encountered was when I made this demo where tachometer moves quickly back and forth between zero and a thousand RPM: When viewed on my iPhone 3G, the arrow simply doesn't move back and forth smoothly enough.
This javascript works by changing the source of the arrow img-element (which is semi transparant {4 color png} floating on top the static picture of the scale {16 color png}, by the way).
I've been made aware of new image editing features in HTML5, and wondered if any of those, or any other methods will be more responsive. Also, I am getting an iPhone 4 for xmas, so that may be a bit faster, but I've got the feeling that it still will fall short for the current build, especially when I add the constant ajax updating that is required to keep the instruments change values as the driver drives along.
Thank you for your time. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
I think using canvas will result in much faster animation - it was created to handle drawing, whilst manipulating DOM elements is comparably expensive.
Mobile Safari is compatible with canvas.
Alternatively, you could try incorporating all the angles as one large CSS sprite, and then just manipulating its background-position CSS property ( in the JavaScript DOM API).
