Algorithms behind Algorithmic Tree or Plant Growing - algorithm

What are all the algorithms involved in Farmville game, specifically I am interested in drawing trees that has fruits based on user's activities.
I am into a project which has a specific need to draw a tree-type image in SVG. I am not sure how to go about the algorithms to define the tree and based on certain business rules the leafs in the tree grows etc., I think you get the idea. Farmville is just an example I took to explain.
Any help is greatly appreciated..

The comments above show the case for a simple sprite based tree. This is what most systems will use. I fail to see how business rules apply - perhaps you also need a factory interface factory ;).
If you are actually interested in programatically generating natural systems, I suggest looking at L-systems. The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants is also a fantastic reference book (made available as a PDF as its out of print)


When to use a certain Reinforcement Learning algorithm?

I'm studying Reinforcement Learning and reading Sutton's book for a university course. Beside the classic PD, MC, TD and Q-Learning algorithms, I'm reading about policy gradient methods and genetic algorithms for the resolution of decision problems.
I have never had experience before in this topic and I'm having problems understanding when a technique should be preferred over another. I have a few ideas, but I'm not sure about them. Can someone briefly explain or tell me a source where I can find something about typical situation where a certain methods should be used? As far as I understand:
Dynamic Programming and Linear Programming should be used only when the MDP has few actions and states and the model is known, since it's very expensive. But when DP is better than LP?
Monte Carlo methods are used when I don't have the model of the problem but I can generate samples. It does not have bias but has high variance.
Temporal Difference methods should be used when MC methods need too many samples to have low variance. But when should I use TD and when Q-Learning?
Policy Gradient and Genetic algorithms are good for continuous MDPs. But when one is better than the other?
More precisely, I think that to choose a learning methods a programmer should ask himlself the following questions:
does the agent learn online or offline?
can we separate exploring and exploiting phases?
can we perform enough exploration?
is the horizon of the MDP finite or infinite?
are states and actions continuous?
But I don't know how these details of the problem affect the choice of a learning method.
I hope that some programmer has already had some experience about RL methods and can help me to better understand their applications.
does the agent learn online or offline? helps you to decide either using on-line or off-line algorithms. (e.g. on-line: SARSA, off-line: Q-learning). On-line methods have more limitations and need more attention to pay.
can we separate exploring and exploiting phases? These two phase are normally in a balance. For example in epsilon-greedy action selection, you use an (epsilon) probability for exploiting and (1-epsilon) probability for exploring. You can separate these two and ask the algorithm just explore first (e.g. choosing random actions) and then exploit. But this situation is possible when you are learning off-line and probably using a model for the dynamics of the system. And it normally means collecting a lot of sample data in advance.
can we perform enough exploration? The level of exploration can be decided depending on the definition of the problem. For example, if you have a simulation model of the problem in memory, then you can explore as you want. But real exploring is limited to amount of resources you have. (e.g. energy, time, ...)
are states and actions continuous? Considering this assumption helps to choose the right approach (algorithm). There are both discrete and continuous algorithms developed for RL. Some of "continuous" algorithms internally discretize the state or action spaces.

Literature on many-vs-many classifier

In the context of Multi-Class Classification (MCC) problem,
a common approach is to build final solution from multiple binary classifiers.
Two composition strategy typically mentioned are one-vs-all and one-vs-one.
In order to distinguish the approach,
it is clearer to look at what each binary classifier attempt to do.
One-vs-all's primitive classifier attempt to separate just one class from the rest.
Whereas one-vs-one's primitive attempts to separate one against
One-vs-one is also, quite confusingly, called all-vs-all and all-pairs.
I want to investigate this rather simple idea of building
MCC classifier by composing binary classifier in
binary-decision-tree-like manner.
For an illustrative example:
has wings?
/ \
quack? nyan?
/ \ / \
duck bird cat dog
As you can see the has wings? does a 2-vs-2 classification,
so I am calling the approach many-vs-many.
The problem is, I don't know where to start reading.
Is there a good paper you would recommend?
To give a bit more context,
I'm considering using a multilevel evolutionary algorithm (MLEA) to build the tree.
So if there is an even more direct answer, it would be most welcomed.
Edit: For more context (and perhaps you might find it useful),
I read this paper which is one of the GECCO 2011 best paper winners;
It uses MLEA to compose MCC in one-vs-all manner.
This is what inspired me to look for a way to modify it as decision tree builder.
What you want looks very much like Decision Trees.
From wiki:
Decision tree learning, used in statistics, data mining and machine learning, uses a decision tree as a predictive model which maps observations about an item to conclusions about the item's target value. More descriptive names for such tree models are classification trees or regression trees. In these tree structures, leaves represent class labels and branches represent conjunctions of features that lead to those class labels.
Sailesh's answer is correct in that what you intend to build is a decision tree. There are many algorithms already for learning such trees such as e.g. Random Forests. You could e.g. try weka and see what is available there.
If you're more interested in evolutionary algorithms, I want to mention Genetic Programming. You can try for example our implementation in HeuristicLab. It can deal with numeric classes and attempts to find a formula (tree) that maps each row to its respective class using e.g. mean squared error (MSE) as fitness function.
There are also instance-based classification methods like nearest neighbor or kernel-based methods like support vector machines. Instance-based method also support multiple classes, but with kernel-methods you have to use one of the approaches you mentioned.

How can we classify tree data structurse?

There are various types of trees I know. For example, binary trees can be classified as binary search trees, two trees, etc.
Can anyone give me a complete classification of all the trees in computer science?
Please provide me with reliable references or web links.
It's virtually impossible to answer this question since there are essentially arbitrarily many different ways of using trees. The issue is that a tree is a structure - it's a way of showing how various pieces of data are linked to one another - and what you're asking for is every possible way of interpreting the meaning of that structure. This would be similar, for example, to asking for all uses of calculus in engineering; calculus is a tool with which you can solve an enormous class of problems, but there's no concise way to explain all possible uses of the integral because in each application it is used a different way.
In the case of trees, I've found that there are thousands of research papers describing different tree structures and ways of using trees to solve problems. They arise in string processing, genomics, computational geometry, theory of computation, artificial intelligence, optimization, operating systems, networking, compilers, and a whole host of other areas. In each of these domains they're used to encode specific structures that are domain-specific and difficult to understand without specialized knowledge of the field. No one reference can cover all these ares in any reasonable depth.
In short, you seem to already know the structure of a tree, and this general notion is transferrable to any of the above domains. But to try to learn every possible way of using this structure or all its applications would be a Herculean undertaking that no one, not even the legendary Don Knuth, could ever hope to achieve in a lifetime.
Wikipedia has a nice compilation of the various trees at the bottom of the page
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures has more information
What specifics are you looking for?

What are good examples of problems that graphs can solve better than the alternative? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
After reading Stevey Yegge's Get That Job At Google article, I found this little quote interesting:
Whenever someone gives you a problem, think graphs. They are the most fundamental and flexible way of representing any kind of a relationship, so it's about a 50–50 shot that any interesting design problem has a graph involved in it. Make absolutely sure you can't think of a way to solve it using graphs before moving on to other solution types. This tip is important!
What are some examples of problems that are best represented and/or solved by graph data structures/algorithms?
One example I can think of: navigation units (ala Garmin, TomTom), that supply road directions from your current location to another, utilize graphs and advanced pathing algorithms.
What are some others?
Computer Networks: Graphs model intuitively model computer networks and the Internet. Often nodes will represent end-systems or routers, while edges represent connections between these systems.
Data Structures: Any data structure that makes use of pointers to link data together is making use of a graph of some kind. This includes tree structures and linked lists which are used all the time.
Pathing and Maps: Trying to find shortest or longest paths from some location to a destination makes use of graphs. This can include pathing like you see in an application like Google maps, or calculating paths for AI characters to take in a video game, and many other similar problems.
Constraint Satisfaction: A common problem in AI is to find some goal that satisfies a list of constraints. For example, for a University to set it's course schedules, it needs to make sure that certain courses don't conflict, that a professor isn't teaching two courses at the same time, that the lectures occur during certain timeslots, and so on. Constraint satisfaction problems like this are often modeled and solved using graphs.
Molecules: Graphs can be used to model atoms and molecules for studying their interaction and structure among other things.
I am very very interested in graph theory and ive used it solved so many different kinds of problem. You can solve a lot of Path related problem, matching problem, structure problems using graph.
Path problems have a lot of applications.
This was in a career cup's interview question.
Say you want to find the longest sum of a sub array. For example, [1, 2, 3, -1] has the longest sum of 6. Model it as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), add a dummy source, dummy destination. Connect each node with an edge which has a weight corresponding to the number. Now use the Longest Path algorithm in the DAG to solve this problem.
Similarly, Arbitrage problems in financial world or even geometry problems of finding the longest overlapping structure is a similar path problem.
Some obvious ones would be the network problems (where your network could have computers people, organisation charts, etc).
You can glean a lot of structural information like
which point breaks the graph into two pieces
what is the best way to connect them
what is the best way to reach one place to another
is there a way to reach one place from another, etc.
I've solved a lot of project management related problems using graphs. A sequence of events can be pictured as a directed graph (if you don't have cycles then thats even better). So, now you can
sort the events according to their priority
you can find the event that is the most crucial (that is would free a lot of other projects)
you can find the duration needed to solve the total project (path problem), etc.
A lot of matching problems can be solved by graph. For example, if you need to match processors to the work load or match workers to their jobs. In my final exam, I had to match people to tables in restaurants. It follows the same principle (bipartite matching -> network flow algorithms). Its simple yet powerful.
A special graph, a tree, has numerous applications in the computer science world. For example, in the syntax of a programming language, or in a database indexing structure.
Most recently, I also used graphs in compiler optimization problems. I am using Morgan's Book, which is teaching me fascinating techniques.
The list really goes on and on and on. Graphs are a beautiful math abstraction for relation. You really can do wonders, if you can model it correctly. And since the graph theory has found so many applications, there are many active researches in the field. And because of numerous researches, we are seeing even more applications which is fuelling back researches.
If you want to get started on graph theory, get a good beginner discrete math book (Rosen comes to my mind), and you can buy books from authors like Fould or Even. CLRS also has good graph algorithms.
Your source code is tree structured, and a tree is a type of graph. Whenever you hear people talking about an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree), they're talking about a kind of graph.
Pointers form graph structures. Anything that walks pointers is doing some kind of graph manipulation.
The web is a huge directed graph. Google's key insight, that led them to dominate in search, is that the graph structure of the web is of comparable or greater importance than the textual content of the pages.
State machines are graphs. State machines are used in network protocols, regular expressions, games, and all kinds of other fields.
It's rather hard to think of anything you do that does not involve some sort of graph structure.
An example most people are familiar: build systems. Make is the typical example, but almost any good build system relies on a Directed Acyclic Graph. The basic idea is that the direction models the dependency between a source and a target, and you should "walk" the graph in a certain order to build things correctly -> this is an example of topological sort.
Another example is source control system: again based on a DAG. It is used for merging, for example, to find common parent.
Well, many program optimization algorithms that compilers use are based on graphs (e.g., figure out call graph, flow control, lots of static analysis).
Many optimization problems are based on graph. Since many problems are reducable to graph colouring and similar problems, then many other problems are also graph based.
I'm not sure I agree that graphs are the best way to represent every relation and I certainly try to avoid these "got a nail, let's find a hammer" approaches. Graphs often have poor memory representations and many algorithms are actually more efficient (in practice) when implemented with matrices, bitsets, and other things.
OCR. Picture a page of text scanned at an angle, with some noise in the image, where you must find the space between lines of text. One way is to make a graph of pixels, and find the shortest path from one side of the page to the other, where the difference in brightness is the distance between pixels.
This example is from the Algorithm Design Manual, which has lots of other real world examples of graph problems.
One popular example is garbage collection.
The collector starts with a set of references, then traverses all the objects they reference, then all the objects referenced there and so on. Everything it finds is added into a graph of reachable objects. All other objects are unreachable and collected.
To find out if two molecules can fit together. When developing drugs one is often interested in seeing if the drug molecules can fit into larger molecules in the body. The problem with determining whether this is possible is that molecules are not static. Different parts of the molecule can rotate around their chemical bindings so that a molecule can change into quite a lot of different shapes.
Each shape can be said to represent a point in a space consisting of shapes. Solving this problem involves finding a path through this space. You can do that by creating a roadmap through space, which is essentially a graph consisting of legal shapes and saying which shape a shape can turn into. By using a A* graph search algorithm through this roadmap you can find a solution.
Okay that was a lot of babble that perhaps wasn't very understandable or clear. But my point was that graphs pop up in all kinds of problems.
Graphs are not data structures. They are mathematical representation of relations. Yes, you can think and theoretize about problems using graphs, and there is a large body of theory about it. But when you need to implement an algorithm, you are choosing data structures to best represent the problem, not graphs. There are many data structures that represent general graphs, and even more for special kinds of graphs.
In your question, you mix these two things. The same theoretical solution may be in terms of graph, but practical solutions may use different data structures to represent the graph.
The following are based on graph theory:
Binary trees and other trees such as Red-black trees, splay trees, etc.
Linked lists
Anything that's modelled as a state machine (GUIs, network stacks, CPUs, etc)
Decision trees (used in AI and other applications)
Complex class inheritance
IMHO most of the domain models we use in normal applications are in some respect graphs. Already if you look at the UML diagrams you would notice that with a directed, labeled graph you could easily translate them directly into a persistence model. There are some examples of that over at Neo4j
Social connections between people make an interesting graph example. I've tried to model these connections at the database level using a traditional RDMS but found it way too hard. I ended up choosing a graph database and it was a great choice because it makes it easy to follow connections (edges) between people (nodes).
Graphs are great for managing dependencies.
I recently started to use the Castle Windsor Container, after inspecting the Kernel I found a GraphNodes property. Castle Windsor uses a graph to represent the dependencies between objects so that injection will work correctly. Check out this article.
I have also used simple graph theory to develop a plugin framework, each graph node represent a plugin, once the dependencies have been defined I can traverse the graph to create a plugin load order.
I am planning on changing the algorithm to implement Dijkstra's algorithm so that each plugin is weighted with a specific version, thus a simple change will only load the latest version of the plugin.
I with I had discovered this sooner. I like that quote "Whenever someone gives you a problem, think graphs." I definitely think that's true.
Profiling and/or Benchmarking algorithms and implementations in code.
Anything that can be modelled as a foreign key in a relational database is essentially an edge and nodes in a graph.
Maybe that will help you think of examples, since most things are readily modelled in a RDBMS.
You could take a look at some of the examples in the Neo4j wiki,
and the projects that Neo4j is used in (the known ones) .
Otherwise, Recommender Algorithms are a good use for Graphs, see for instance PageRank, and other stuff at
Analysing transaction serialisability in database theory.
You can utilise graphs anywhere you can define the problem domain objects into nodes and the solution as the flow of control and/or data amongst the nodes.
Considering the fact that trees are indeed connected-acyclic graphs, there are even more areas you can use the graph theory.
Basically nearlly all common data structures like trees, lists, queues, etc, can be thought as type of graph, some with different type of constraint.
To my experiences, I have used graph intensively in network flow problems, which is used in lots of areas like telecommunication network routing and optimisation, workload assignment, matching, supply chain optimisation and public transport planning.
Another interesting area is social network modelling as previous answer mentioned.
There are far more, like integrated circuit optimisation, etc.

Looking for algorithms to generate realistic planets

I'd like to collect a list of algorithms and other resources to generate realistic and interesting visuals of planets. The visual should look like something which you'd expect to find on the NASA homepage. Key attributes would be:
a nice colorful atmosphere for gas giants
rings (optional)
impact craters for solid rocks without atmosphere
inhabitable planets could have features like oceans, mountains, rivers, forests
inhabitables could even have a realistic distribution for the civilization on the surface
The final goal should be to give Science Fiction(SciFi) writers a tool to generate a world which helps them to spark ideas, create locations for scenes, or as a basis to render nice images for their books.
Note: This is a wiki, so no single "correct" answer.
Fractal terrain generation works wonders for creating realistic landscapes. I imagine you could scale the processs up in order to generate landmasses on a plantary scale. This site has a detailed description of the process used for landscapes.
If you want high-level descriptions of a very mature procedural planet renderer, Infinity is perhaps the most venerable. The development blog covers many of the concepts used to create some very nice procedural planets and some other very nice space phenomena.
Check out conworlding links. There is actually commercial software out there (ProFantasy comes to mind) but if you wanted to do something from scratch, I have a link you may be interested in :
Magical World Builder
Finally, Guy Lecky-Thompson has written some interesting books on using procedural content in game design. I have both of his books and they are very inspiring. Many algorithms are listed, including a few RNG implementations, name generators (HINT: pick a list of name parts, then how many parts each name should have, then randomise), two whole chapters on terrain and landscape generation, a dungeon chapter...
Oooh ! Speaking of dungeons, dunno if you have heard of Roguelikes, but I have recently been looking into these. I imagine that many of the same general principles they use for dungeons can be applied - and there are wilderness algorithms they share, besides. Try:
Temple of The Roguelike - possibly the largest Roguelike dev forum
Wilderness Generation using Vornoi Diagrams - this blog is run by a developer of Unangband, a very popular Rogue variant. Many people in the Roguelike dev community share sources.
Markov Chain - this article is about how to put together randomised names using Markov Chains. The wiki where this is hosted has quite a few algorithms of interest to anyone generating procedural content of any sort.
Roguebasin - many useful aglorithms and code examples here.
Have fun !
I'm no astronomer, but you might consider some sort of decision tree for a preliminary classification of the planet:
Main Composition (methane/rock/etc.)
Additional atmosphere (how much, what of, etc.)
Temperature (Alternately, specify distance from star, model the star and write an algorithm based on the above)
Asteroid/Meteor activity
Things like craters would be indirectly determined by 1, 3, and 6. Radius could be calculated from 1 and 2. And higher elements on the list might put boundaries on lower elements.
You still have many algorithms to research, but maybe having an order of information might structure your calculations or what variables you use.
