Writing to a single file from multiple threads in ruby - ruby

I am trying to write to a single file from multiple threads. The problem I'm running into is that I don't see anything being written to the file until the program exits.

You need to file.flush to write it out. You can also set file.sync = true to have it flush automatically.

What is the value of the sync method on your io object? It is possible that either ruby or the underlying o/s are buffering the file output.
Check out the refences on buffering and syncing within the documentation


Limitations on file append when using in multi-processed environment

My process creates a log file and appends a new line at the end of the file by using a, e.g:
fopen("log.txt", "a");
The order of the writes is not critical, but I need to ensure that fopen always succeeds. My question is, can the call above be executed from multiple processes at the same time on Windows, Linux and macOS without any race-condition?
If not, what is the most common and easy way to ensure I can write to the log file? There is file-lokcing, but also a file-lock (aka log.txt.lock) possible. Could anyone share some insights or resources which go more into detail?
If you do not use any synchronization between processes, you'll highly likely have moment when several processes will try to write to the file and the best you can get is mesh of input strings.
In order to synchronize any work in several processes (multiprocessing module). Use Lock. It will prevent several processes to do some work simultaneously.
It will look something like this:
import multiprocessing
# create lock in main process and "send" it to child processes.
lock = multiprocessing.Lock()
# ...
# in child Process
with lock:
If you need more detailed example, feel free to ask.
Also you can check example in official docs

Confusion about rubys IO#(read/write)_nonblock calls

I am currently doing the Ruby on the Web project for The Odin Project. The goal is to implement a very basic webserver that parses and responds to GET or POST requests.
My solution uses IO#gets and IO#read(maxlen) together with the Content-Length Header attribute to do the parsing.
Other solution use IO#read_nonblock. I googled for it, but was quite confused with the documentation for it. It's often mentioned together with Kernel#select, which didn't really help either.
Can someone explain to me what the nonblock calls do differently than the normal ones, how they avoid blocking the thread of execution, and how they play together with the Kernel#select method?
explain to me what the nonblock calls do differently than the normal ones
The crucial difference in behavior is when there is no data available to read at call time, but not at EOF:
read_nonblock() raises an exception kind of IO::WaitReadable
normal read(length) waits until length bytes are read (or EOF)
how they avoid blocking the thread of execution
According to the documentation, #read_nonblock is using the read(2) system call after O_NONBLOCK is set for the underlying file descriptor.
how they play together with the Kernel#select method?
There's also IO.select. We can use it in this case to wait for availability of input data, so that a subsequent read_nonblock() won't cause an error. This is especially useful if there are multiple input streams, where it is not known from which stream data will arrive next and for which read() would have to be called.
In a blocking write you wait until bytes got written to a file, on the other hand a nonblocking write exits immediately. It means, that you can continue to execute your program, while operating system asynchronously writes data to a file. Then, when you want to write again, you use select to see whether the file is ready to accept next write.

Read and write file atomically

I'd like to read and write a file atomically in Ruby between multiple independent Ruby processes (not threads).
I found atomic_write from ActiveSupport. This writes to a temp file, then moves it over the original and sets all permissions. However, this does not prevent the file from being read while it is being written.
I have not found any atomic_read. (Are file reads already atomic?)
Do I need to implement my own separate 'lock' file that I check for before reads and writes? Or is there a better mechanism already present in the file system for flagging a file as 'busy' that I could check before any read/write?
The motivation is dumb, but included here because you're going to ask about it.
I have a web application using Sinatra and served by Thin which (for its own reasons) uses a JSON file as a 'database'. Each request to the server reads the latest version of the file, makes any necessary changes, and writes out changes to the file.
This would be fine if I only had a single instance of the server running. However, I was thinking about having multiple copies of Thin running behind an Apache reverse proxy. These are discrete Ruby processes, and thus running truly in parallel.
Upon further reflection I realize that I really want to make the act of read-process-write atomic. At which point I realize that this basically forces me to process only one request at a time, and thus there's no reason to have multiple instances running. But the curiosity about atomic reads, and preventing reads during write, remains. Hence the question.
You want to use File#flock in exclusive mode. Here's a little demo. Run this in two different terminal windows.
filename = 'test.txt'
File.open(filename, File::RDWR) do |file|
puts "content: #{file.read}"
puts 'doing some heavy-lifting now'
Take a look at transaction and open_and_lock_file methods in "pstore.rb" (Ruby stdlib).
YAML::Store works fine for me. So when I need to read/write atomically I (ab)use it to store data as a Hash.

Ruby file handle management (too many open files)

I am performing very rapid file access in ruby (2.0.0 p39474), and keep getting the exception Too many open files
Having looked at this thread, here, and various other sources, I'm well aware of the OS limits (set to 1024 on my system).
The part of my code that performs this file access is mutexed, and takes the form:
File.open( filename, 'w'){|f| Marshal.dump(value, f) }
where filename is subject to rapid change, depending on the thread calling the section. It's my understanding that this form relinquishes its file handle after the block.
I can verify the number of File objects that are open using ObjectSpace.each_object(File). This reports that there are up to 100 resident in memory, but only one is ever open, as expected.
Further, the exception itself is thrown at a time when there are only 10-40 File objects reported by ObjectSpace. Further, manually garbage collecting fails to improve any of these counts, as does slowing down my script by inserting sleep calls.
My question is, therefore:
Am I fundamentally misunderstanding the nature of the OS limit---does it cover the whole lifetime of a process?
If so, how do web servers avoid crashing out after accessing over ulimit -n files?
Is ruby retaining its file handles outside of its object system, or is the kernel simply very slow at counting 'concurrent' access?
Edit 20130417:
strace indicates that ruby doesn't write all of its data to the file, returning and releasing the mutex before doing so. As such, the file handles stack up until the OS limit.
In an attempt to fix this, I have used syswrite/sysread, synchronous mode, and called flush before close. None of these methods worked.
My question is thus revised to:
Why is ruby failing to close its file handles, and how can I force it to do so?
Use dtrace or strace or whatever equivalent is on your system, and find out exactly what files are being opened.
Note that these could be sockets.
I agree that the code you have pasted does not seem to be capable of causing this problem, at least, not without a rather strange concurrency bug as well.

Is appending to a file atomic with Windows/NTFS?

If I'm writing a simple text log file from multiple processes, can they overwrite/corrupt each other's entries?
(Basically, this question Is file append atomic in UNIX? but for Windows/NTFS.)
You can get atomic append on local files. Open the file with FILE_APPEND_DATA access (Documented in WDK). When you omit FILE_WRITE_DATA access then all writes will ignore the the current file pointer and be done at the end-of file. Or you may use FILE_WRITE_DATA access and for append writes specify it in overlapped structure (Offset = FILE_WRITE_TO_END_OF_FILE and OffsetHigh = -1 Documented in WDK).
The append behavior is properly synchronized between writes via different handles. I use that regularly for logging by multiple processes. I do write BOM at every open to offset 0 and all other writes are appended. The timestamps are not a problem, they can be sorted when needed.
Even if append is atomic (which I don't believe it is), it may not give you the results you want. For example, assuming a log includes a timestamp, it seems reasonable to expect more recent logs to be appended after older logs. With concurrency, this guarantee doesn't hold - if multiple processes are waiting to write to the same file, any one of them might get the write lock - not just the oldest one waiting. Thus, logs can be written out of sequence.
If this is not desirable behaviour, you can avoid it by publishing logs entries from all processes to a shared queue, such as a named pipe. You then have a single process that writes from this queue to the log file. This avoids the conccurrency issues, ensures that logs are written in order, and works when file appends are not atomic, since the file is only written to directly by one process.
From this MSDN page on creating and opening Files:
An application also uses CreateFile to specify whether it wants to share the file for reading, writing, both, or neither. This is known as the sharing mode. An open file that is not shared (dwShareMode set to zero) cannot be opened again, either by the application that opened it or by another application, until its handle has been closed. This is also referred to as exclusive access.
If you specify an access or sharing mode that conflicts with the modes specified in the previous call, CreateFile fails.
So if you use CreateFile rather than say File.Open which doesn't have the same level of control over the file access, you should be able to open a file in such a way that it can't get corrupted by other processes.
You'll obviously have to add code to your processes to cope with the case where they can't get exclusive access to the log file.
No it isn't. If you need this there is Transactional NTFS in Windows Vista/7.
