Hi there everyone im a newbie so can anyone of u help me solve this problem im having in the installation of joomla when im clicking joomla folder for installing it is giving the message: Unable to open WampServer's config file, please change path in index.php file so plz help me to solve this issue coz index.php is in some different lang thanks in advance
You could try http://bitnami.org/ for some easier installations? And possibly compare those installs with your own manual ones
The way to install joomla on your localhost would be to
1) extract the folder to your www folder. (eg: c:\wamp\www\j15 ).
2) go to the path ( from a browser.
3) Fairly simple from there.
4) Delete the installation folder.
If you've got issues with WAMP try reinstalling it. If still giving you issues. let us know the errors.
I want to login in Mac without using a password for Phpmyadmin
I can't login in my mac and I can't find the place to edit the configuration as mentioned in the following question:
Can anyone confirm that phpMyAdmin AllowNoPassword works with MySQL databases?
With the help of sal answer, the path for my macSeiora is
/usr/local/etc/phpmyadmin.config.inc.php. thank you guys
Check in:
The '...' will depend on how you install the app. It might be in the webroot or within MAMP or XAMPP etc. Some more phpmyadmin explanation here.
If you simply downloaded the official source from phpmyadmin.net and uncompressed it in your web root, you'll have to create the config.inc.php file yourself (in the main phpMyAdmin folder that you've uncompressed). You can see more detailed instructions in the documentation: https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/setup.html#manually-creating-the-file
If you've used some prepackaged kit such as MAMP or XAMPP, they sometimes move the file around, but their documentation should provide a pretty clear indication of that.
I have downloaded latest version of magento from their website. When i am running it from browser like this localhost/magento it redirects me to www.localhost.com/magento. I am using windows 7 and wamp. All other projects on my localhost are working fine just magento is having this redirect problem.
This problem is occuring in office. I tried it at home on windows 8 using wamp it installed without any problem.
Do somebody know how can i solve this problem and run magento on localhost??? Please provide me some help
Thanks james for the responce. There is nothing related to database there because this was all happening before i set up the configuration. Any ways i updated my php version and downloaded the latest version and it is running without any problem. I was using 5.3.13 previously and i dont think that its that too old that magento start doing problem.
It sounds like the magento URL stored in the database is set to be www.localhost.com/magento when you want it to be http://localhost/magento
You can check this from a MySQL gui of the command line by running:
select * from core_config_data where path = 'web/unsecure/base_url';
How I work is by setting up in the VHOST for apache a serverName so magento.local, I then update my hosts file ( Sorry without doing a google search I dont know where this is located on windows ). Then use this URL in my magento database.
Either way check the SQL above's result compared to what you are expecting. If you have any more problems after this please paste the output from the SQL and I can help more.
I am having all sorts of problems installing the K2 component with Joomla 2.5.
If I do a regular install, I get the message:
JFolder::create: could not create directory
even though all my folder permissions are ok.
If I try to Install from a Directory I get:
JInstaller::install: Cannot find XML setup file
I searched the structure of K2 and it does not have a setup.xml file.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
It sounds like you have a server configuration issue. You will most likely need to enable the FTP layer to get it to work. If I were you I would switch to a host that specializes in Joomla like Rochen.
I am currently trying to install the latest version of Magento on a virtual machine running the latest version of Ubuntu Server. Ubuntu has been correctly setup with Nginx and PhpMyAdmin. The problem I'm running into is to do with the installation of Magento itself. I have the magento CMS in a /magento/ folder under the root directory of my sites folder "magento.dev" but when I go to install the CMS by entering "http://magento.dev/magento" I get redirected to "http://magento.dev/magento/index.php/install/" which I take is normal and shows the rewrites are working but the problem is I get a link appears to be broken error. I have also tried "http://magento.dev/magento/install.php" and several others but no luck.
I have edited the .htaccess to reflect magentos root folder by un-commenting "RewriteBase /magento/".
I have searched extensively for fixes to this issue but havnt really found anything of much use as of yet.
Hopefully you guys might be able to help me out.
the syntax for nginx configuration is different(but more clean) than apache.
you probably might be using apache2's configuration for nginx
PS : nginx configuration files are generally /etc/nginx/sites-available/websitename
look at this question, it might help you. https://serverfault.com/questions/24243/nginx-support-for-htaccess-rewrite-rules-differences-from-apache
I have a problem with Magento after move it from local to live server: Magento connect is not working properly. I will explain it:
I have access to Magento connect, but the extensions are not working.
I have tried to delete the pear.ini file but didn't work. I have tried to delete the app/etc/local.xml file, copying the following files from a clean installation: clear, pear, peardev and pecl, and then running the installation process again, but nothing happened.
Is there a way to get my downloaded extensions working wihtout do a clean install?
Greets to all and I aplogize for my English.
Moving a Magento installation can be difficult. Here is the procedure that I have used many times with great success.
Make sure that your /download folder and the /pear folder are owner and group writeable and that the apache or other http user have write access via the group permissions.
Check the file permissions match the webserver's user and delete downloader/pearlib/pear.ini. When you hit the page, it will regenerate the file with the correct paths.
In order to get the extensions working I needed to copy all files manually. I don't know why, but I have tried everything and it was the only solution that worked for me.