Ruby alternative to Service Layer - ruby

I am writing a Ruby on Rails app. which will use a 3rd party to do a webservice call or a rest call or some sort of call. I am not sold on which 3rd party I am going to use so I want to isolate this in some sort of facade.
If I was doing this in .NET, I would isolate this functionality in a service that I inject into the controller. This means I can easily mock out the service in order to make it testable but in ruby, it is much easier to mock things so I don't think I need this level of indirection and de-coupling that I would need in a static application.
This feels very un-ruby-like and I would like to hear how more experienced ruby developers approach this problem of isolating the code to make it mockable and testable and also give me the option to swap which 3rd party provider I am using.

If it is a RESTful webservice, I would do this in a model that inherits from ActiveResource::Base. It should be relatively easy to mock this out as well for testing purposes.

The ruby-like version of "I would isolate this functionality in a service that I inject into the controller" would be something like "I would write this as a ruby module that I include in my class"


What are exactly Laravel Contracts?

I'm new to Laravel & I wanted to know something about it's feature that calls Contracts.
(If my question not in place, let me know why, and don't just downvote it).
So from what I red in Laravel Documentation and say on Laracasts videos, I understood that contracts they are only interfaces for class implementation.
So what it's good for? That if I or someone else will implement those interfaces will all need to go by the interface and then I dont need to change my code at all?
Is that the reason why Laravel uses it's implementation as a contracts ?
Also I wanted to know, to achive the implementation I must bind the implementation to a contract?
Yes, I think your understanding is mostly correct. I will try to explain with an example. Let's say you have a PackageDeliveryServiceContract that has some methods like trackPackage, getShippingCost.
You create a FedexDeliveryService to adhere to the contract and implement those methods.
In your controller, you can just inject PackageDeliveryServiceContract and start using it right away. (are you familiar with laravel's dependency injection?).
Let's say later you decide you no longer want to ship with Fedex and use UPS instead. Then you can create UPSDeliveryService that also adheres to that contract.
Now, all you need to do is change your binding from FedexDeliveryService to UPSDeliveryService and you don't need to make any changes to your controller code.
Typically you will create the binding between contract and implementation inside a service provider such as app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

Idiomatic REST API versioning in Padrino app

I am writing a Padrino app which will expose a few services via REST apis. I need to version the apis. I found this answer which explains how to version an api such that the version is embedded in the uri. I would rather put my version info in the Accept header or some other HTTP header (let's not go into the whole embed-in-uri vs put-in-header debate for now). Is there an idiomatic way of implementing this in a Padrino controller? I would like to avoid littering version checks in all my routes. Is there any way I can put the check in a central place (DRY) or - better still - let Padrino take care of this for me with some magical directives?
Try to implement (ofc, w/o 'v1' in url) this.
Also found that. It should work since Padrino is the little bro of Sinatra.
Can't test for the moment. Please keep me aware !

Delegate implementation in Sinatra routes

I've been looking for good practices for Rusy Sinatra and I found this question here on stackoverflow:
Using Sinatra for larger projects via multiple files
However, I am wondering what to do in case the business logic behind some route is big. Wouldn't be better to wrap it in a class (helper/utility) and just delegate to it from the route ?
I my opinion this will keep the controller clean and easy to follow.
What would be the best folder to place such a utility class ?
The pattern we use where I work is:
Sinatra Web Handler -> 'Processor' class (encapsulates business logic in a reusable route, sometimes behind facades). The processor does any ORM or cache operations which might be necessary, and knows when to delegate to further downstream processors (or, even, other internal / external services).
This decouples the sinatra routes from the application logic, and means that we can plug those processor classes. We try to keep the processor classes related to one business process, for e.g. User creation, and write them in such a way that we can plug them onto other endpoints as and when we desire. We're in effect using Sinatra as an HTTP request router into our main application.
It seems to work pretty well.

What is the best way to implement the versioning for ASP.NET WebAPIs?

What is the best approach to version WebAPIs?
I am building an API from scratch and I would like to ensure that it will version gracefully in the future. I am envisioning something like
One approach I see is to create a separate project (web app) for each version of API. But perhaps there are better ways to do it?
Thank you for your ideas.
Including version number in the URL is the standard approach as I explained in this post (I do not repeat the content): Implementing versioning a RESTful API with WCF or ASP.Net Web Api
You do not need to create a completely new project although you can. The problem that you will be facing with a single project is that there will be collision of names:
both will point to CarController while you can have only one of those. The solution would be to implement your own IHttpControllerSelector and register with the DependencyResolver. This implementation will look at the version number and perhaps find the type based on the namespace.
I do not intend to start a REST controversy here. But as #DarrelMiller points out, here is an older discussion on the same subject discouraging my suggested approach:
How to version REST URIs
I personally think URL versioning is the way to go.
You will need to create your own implementation of IHttpControllerSelector. The best way is to base this implementation on Microsoft's IHttpControllerSelector. Then you can decide in your IHttpControllerSelectorif you want to version by URL or by content-type.
The most basic implementation directly implements IHttpControllerSelector and just implements the SelectController method but performance reasons it is better to implement some caching around it.
For finding the Controller you simple the IHttpControllerTypeResolver instance you can get using HttpConfiguration.Services.
I've used something like this: Also put some code on Github:

Any tool to assist in building REST controller specs?

I'm sick of writing out the same controller specs each time I make a new controller. I know I can use the scaffold generator, but there are enough little things I have to change that it usually doesn't save me much time.
Are there any projects/tools out there that provide some sort of base set of specs and/or a DSL to make this easier?
I've never found that any two REST controllers I wanted to write had similar enough interfaces that the tests were at all similar (and generally, I recommend Cucumber, not controller specs).
Something like inherited_resources or Rails 3's respond_with is very useful for writing the controllers, but I'm not sure about the tests.
I use the decent_exposure gem.
