How do I get the error code and description from a Savon::SOAPFault? - ruby

I can see in the Savon log that my SOAP faults contain XML like this:
<errorCode>666</errorCode><errorDescription>some evil error</errorDescription>
Does anyone know how to parse the error code and description out of the response? Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I've tried everything, and I haven't been able to find any documentation on this.

I believe you are looking for this:
def your_method(credentials)
# your client call here
rescue Savon::SOAPFault => error
fault_code = error.to_hash[:fault][:faultcode]
raise CustomError, fault_code
Got this solution from Savon documentation.

For the record, the only way I was able to do this was by disabling Savon exceptions:
Savon::Response.raise_errors = false
After doing this, I had to check response.soap_fault? after each SOAP call to see if there was an error. Then I could access the error details using response.to_hash.

I use this patch:
module Savon
class SOAPFault
def soap_error_code
fault = nori.find(to_hash, 'Fault')
if nori.find(fault, 'faultcode')
nori.find(fault, 'faultcode').to_i
elsif nori.find(fault, 'Code')
nori.find(fault, 'Code', 'Value').to_i
Then in controller:
# do something
rescue Savon::SOAPFault => e
raise CustomError, e.soap_error_code


How can I detect an API error?

I am developing a Ruby application that depends on the API from the other team.
Is there a good way to print the error message indicating it is
generated from their API error?
For example, there's a method provided from the api called foo()
so when I do:
it will return an error message: "foo error"
when I develop my code, I want the error message to look like: "api: foo error"
That way, when I see this error message, then I know it's the API error,
not my code's error.
So far the best practice I can think of is to wrap around all the
provided by the API, for example:
class apiWrap
def initialize(api)
#api = api
def foo
rescue => e
raise "api: #{e.message}"
If in this api used its own exception class then you can redefine it like this:
class APIException
alias_method :old_exception, :exception
def exception(message)
old_exception(message.prepend("api: ")) # for ruby 1.9.3
old_exception("api: " + message) # for older ruby

rescue_from Koala exceptions

Beginner question perhaps:
I'm trying to check my user permissions from facebook with Koala. In some cases I'm going to get thrown an error. So I just want to catch it and redirect to re-authenticate.
def check_facebook_permissions
if token = current_user.try(:authentications).find_by_provider('facebook').try(:token)
graph =
permissions = graph.get_connections('me','permissions')
session[:facebook] = {}
session[:facebook][:ask_publish_actions] = true if permissions[0]['publish_actions'] != true && permissions[0]['publish_stream'] != true
rescue_from Koala::Facebook::APIError
# Do something funky here
I thought this was straightforward, but I'm never hitting my rescue. Instead I get:
Koala::Facebook::APIError (OAuthException: Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix time 1324026000. The current unix time is 1324352685.):
What am I missing here?
rescue_from is not a syntactic construct of Ruby like rescue is - it is a normal function, and you need a block to go with it. In your code, no code is given, rescue_from gets executed and effectively skipped - what is after it has no bearing on any exceptions raised before it (just as if you put any other function, like puts, instead of rescue_from).
See an example of rescue_from use here.
To make this code work, you need the vanilla Ruby rescue:
rescue Koala::Facebook::APIError => e
The correct syntax for handling errors in Ruby is:
# do something that will throw an error
rescue StandardError => e # StandardError is the root class of most errors
# rescue the error

Override Sinatra default NotFound error page

Is there a way to override the sinatra default NotFound error page ("Sinatra doesnt know this ditty")? I want sinatra to show only a plain string as "Method not found" when it does not found the proper route, but when I raise an 404 error from inside a route I want it to show the passed-in error message.
Implementing the not_found block like this:
not_found do
'Method not found.'
works, but its not a valid option since I want to be able to throw my own NotFound error messages from routes like this:
get '/' do
# some processing that can raise an exception if resource not found
rescue => e
error 404, e.message.to_json
But as expected not_found block overrides my error message.
Perhaps a more graceful solution than that proposed in the accepted answer is to rescue only Sinatra::NotFound, rather than using the error(404) or not_found styles.
error Sinatra::NotFound do
content_type 'text/plain'
[404, 'Not Found']
This prevents the "sinatra doesn't know this ditty" default page for routes that you haven't defined, but doesn't get in the way of explicit return [404, 'Something else']-style responses.
If you don't use error handling in your route, you can utilize the built in error route like this (taken and modified from the Sinatra: Up and Running book)
require 'sinatra'
configure do
set :show_exceptions, false
get '/div_by_zero' do
0 / 0
"You won't see me."
not_found do
error do
"Error is: " + params['captures'].first.inspect
There is a parameter captures that holds your error. You can access it via params['captures']. It is an array, and in my tests it would contain a single element, which was the error itself (not a string).
Here is information on the request object.
Nevermind, found that all routes are matched in order, so after all routes I put get/post/put/delete '*' do ; end and that solves my problem.

Check if Internet Connection Exists with Ruby?

Just asked how to check if an internet connection exists using javascript and got some great answers. What's the easiest way to do this in Ruby? In trying to make generated html markup code as clean as possible, I'd like to conditionally render the script tag for javascript files depending on whether or not an internet condition. Something like (this is HAML):
- if internet_connection?
%script{:src => "", :type => "text/javascript"}
- else
%script{:src => "/shared/javascripts/jquery/jquery.js", :type => "text/javascript"}
require 'open-uri'
def internet_connection?
true if open("")
This is closer to what the OP is looking for. It works in Ruby 1.8 and 1.9. It's a bit cleaner too.
I love how everyone simply assume that googles servers are up. Creds to google.
If you want to know if you have internet without relying on google, then you could use DNS to see if you are able to get a connection.
You can use Ruby DNS Resolv to try to translate a url into an ip address. Works for Ruby version 1.8.6+
#The awesome part: resolv is in the standard library
def has_internet?
require "resolv"
dns_resolver =
dns_resolver.getaddress("")#the first domain name ever. Will probably not be removed ever.
return true
rescue Resolv::ResolvError => e
return false
Hope this helps someone out :)
You can use the Ping class.
require 'resolv-replace'
require 'ping'
def internet_connection?
Ping.pingecho "", 1, 80
The method returns true or false and doesn't raise exceptions.
Same basics as in Simone Carletti's answer but compatible with Ruby 2:
# gem install "net-ping"
require "net/ping"
def internet_connection?"").ping?
require 'open-uri'
page = ""
file_name = "output.txt"
output =, "a")
web_page = open(page, :proxy_http_basic_authentication => ["", "your_user_name", "your_user_password"])
output.puts "#{}: connection established - OK !" if web_page
rescue Exception
output.puts "#{}: Connection failed !"
I was trying to find a solution to a problem similar to yours and could not find any. Unfortunately the Ping.pingecho method doesn't work for me for some reason i don't know. I came up with a solution. The latest way to do it using httparty. I wanted this in a module and so did it this way and it works just fine
# gem install httparty
require "httparty"
module Main
def Main.check_net
a = HTTParty.get("")
if a.length() >= 100
puts "online"
rescue SocketError
puts "offline"
include Main
A socket error to Google might not happen so this method will work
def connected?
!!Socket.getaddrinfo("", "http")
rescue SocketError => e
e.message != 'getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known'
Since it uses a hostname the first thing it needs to do is DNS lookup, which causes the exception if there is no internet connection.

RSpec and Open-URI how do I mock raise a SocketError/TimeoutError

I want to be able to spec out that when Open-Uri open() calls either timeout or raise an exception such as SocketError I am handling things as expected, however I'm having trouble with this.
Here is my spec (for SocketError):
And the part of my object where I'm using open-uri:
resp = open(url)
resp =
rescue SocketError
something = true
However in this situation the spec fails as with a error.
This is the second time this week I've come across this problem, the previous time I was attempting to simulate a TimeoutError when wrapping open() with a timeout() {}, that time I gave up and just caused an actual timeout to happen by opening up the class. I could obviously cause this to throw a SocketError by trying to call an invalid URL, but I'm sure there is a correct way to mock this out with RSpec.
Update: I obviously wasn't thinking clearly that late at night, the error was actually when I re-tried the URL after the SocketError, the and_raise(SocketError) part worked fine.
The line you provided should work, based on the information you've given: I made a tiny test class and spec (see below) with only the described functionality, and things behaved as expected. It might be helpful if you could provide a little more context - the full "it" block from the spec, for instance, might expose some other problem.
As mentioned, the following spec passes, and I believe it captures the logic you were attempting to verify:
require 'rubygems'
require 'spec'
class Foo
attr_accessor :socket_error
def get(url)
#socket_error = false
resp = open(url)
resp =
rescue SocketError
#socket_error = true
describe Foo do
before do
#foo =
it "should handle socket errors" do
#foo.socket_error.should be_true
