Xcode: view references for a variable? - xcode

I am new to Xcode. I am not sure if there is a way to view a variable's references just like "Find all references" in Visual Studio by right click on a var?
For example, in my .h file, I would like to know or view all the references for property isSet:
#interface MyInterface {
BOOL isSet; // view all references to this var?

Try using: Find in project -> As symbol context menu. Sometimes you may want to search as definition instead.

Beside Xcode, there is AppCode IDE from JetBrains. And in AppCode it is easily possible, just select Search --> Find Usages.

I was looking for similar option. I do not know why XCode did not included that.
But there is a work around I use until Apple give that option in XCode.
Try this in the source code (.m) file,
Select the symbol, right click -> Refactor -> Rename
-> Give a name whatever you wish, then press Preview.
Now you can find all the references. Now you can Cancel it or do not rename it. :)

i'm using xcode ver 4.5 and i can select the method or property, right click and pick Find Selected Text in Workspace...

You're conflating two different things in your question: finding references to a variable, and finding references to a property. Finding references to a property can be done via the 'Related Files' menu, as described in my answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17931752/1709587
Finding references to a variable can be sort-of done via 'Find Navigator' tab of the Navigator. (That's the magnifying-glass-icon tab of the left side menu.) Go to Find -> References -> Matching and type in the variable you're looking for. That said, I can't see that this is particularly useful, because:
It will match all occurrences of a variable with that name, even if they're unrelated to the particular variable you're looking for.
Why would you ever need this? You shouldn't generally be using public member variables (use properties instead), so 99% of the time, all references to the variable you're interested in will be within the file in which it is declared. Just using cmd+f and doing a simple text search within that file has always sufficed for me, and I've never felt the need to bring out heavier machinery. If you hit a couple of comments while doing this, who cares?
If you truly, truly do need the functionality you're asking for, and neither the 'Related Files' menu, Find -> References, nor a simple text search will do, then your only options are to use some third party tool like AppCode or the (cumbersome, slow) 'refactor' hack proposed by Karim.

Update for XCode 12: right click on definition -> Show code actions -> Callers...
This will show every place in the project where this method or property is referenced.

Find selected symbol in workspace is what you need
right click on the method/property -> Find -> Find selected symbol in
focus the property/method and press ⇧ + ⌃ + ⌘ + F (or you
can have a custom one)
Does basically the same search as Refactor -> Rename does


how to come back when you are reading code in Xcode?

I have been developing in zend studio and there is a feature I miss a lot in Xcode. When you are reading code in a main function and you want to go in a specific function to read something, you can click in the left area of your current line of code were your are, and a flag-mark appears in that line of code, so you can go anywere else in the code and it will be very easy to come back to that line of code you were before because there is a flag and you only have to click on it and you automatically go back. Does Anybody know a similar way to do this in Xcode?
Unfortunately, this feature was present in earlier versions of Xcode (up to Xcode3 IIRC) and was called "Bookmarks", but it was removed since then.
You can use breakpoints (and disable them) as a workaround, even if it's not perfect. I personally prefer using other tricks, like "Open Quickly" and named tabs.
Alternate trick 1 : "Open Quickly"
One trick is to use Command+Shift+O (or "File" menu > "Open Quickly") to quickly open a file. In the field that appears, you can type:
The name or parts of the name of a file.
Typing "MainViewController" will propose to jump to the MainViewController.h or MainViewController.m file.
Typing "MainVC" will work too, as well as "MainViewCtrl", as long as the order of the letters you type is the same as the full name.
Very handy to just type "ContTVCell" to open the ContactsTableViewCell.h file that is hidden deep in subgroups of my project for example
Similarly, you may also type the name or parts of the name of a symbol, especially a method name.
For example, typing tvcellforrow will list you all the definitions of -tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: it could find in your project and let to jump to the one you want
When typing (parts of) the name of a file, adding : followed by a number at the end will allow you to directly jump at the corresponding line
For example, typing mvc:50 will propose you to jump to line 50 of MainViewController.h or MainViewController.m
Another trick : using (named) tabs
Don't forget that you can open tabs in Xcode, which can be very handy in this kind of situation.
When you are editing a file at some interesting position, you can create a new tab to browse elsewhere and go at any other place… and then go back to your first tab to find the code where you left it at the time you switched to the other tab.
Don't forget that you can name your tabs (simply double-click on their title) to give them a more explicit title. You may then quite think of them as "named bookmarks" somehow
Likewise, don't forget that you can detach tabs in separate windows too, if you prefer (for example to keep them around and visible on your secondary screen while you edit another part of your code)
You can even combine this with the "Open Quickly" trick presented above: once you made the "Open Quickly" field appear and typed something into it, instead of just validating using the enter key:
use Alt+Shift+enter to let Xcode present you a small widget that let you choose where you want the file to open (in the current tab, in another tab, in the assistant editor, in a dedicated window…)
use Alt+enter to open the file using the alternate navigation defined in Xcode preferences (Xcode > Preferences > Navigation > Optional Navigation). By default, the behavior when opening a file while using the Alt key is to open the file in the Assistant Editor. Personally I changed that in my Xcode preferences as I prefer to make Xcode open the file in a separate tab instead, which makes Alt+clic much more useful.
Sure, all those tricks with "Open Quickly…" and "Tabs" do not replace the bookmarks feature that you are missing. But they are still nice alternate ways to jump quickly to any position in your code, even any specific line of any specific file in your project, wherever you are in Xcode (even without having to have the Project Navigator visible on the left part of your window), and let you have multiple editors in different tabs to go quickly back to a part of interest in your code
its on top of your editor i have added two pics just check them.
When you navigate to another place in Xcode, say, open a different file, or Command-click and jump to definition, you can go forward and back by swiping right or left on the trackpad with two fingers.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+⌘+→ to go forward, or Ctrl+⌘+← to go back.
Finally, you can click triangular buttons at the top left in your edit area.
There is a go back button at the top left of the editor!
If that is not good enough, whar I do is misuse breakpoints to set flags in my code. The breakpoint navigator thus becomes a table of flags. It isn't much but there you are.

Is there a way to jump to a specific method in Xcode?

I'm using Xcode 4.3 for Objective-C development.
One feature that I like in other text editors (I know Xcode is an IDE), is jumping to a method definition within the same code file.
For example if I'm in #implementation of Calculator and calculator has 10 methods, I will like a way to jump between them.
If I press command+L I can jump to a specific line number, is there a way to jump in a similar way but to a method definition? e.g. instead of typing the line number to type only the beginning of the method name.
Can I open somehow a dialog box, type the beginning of a method signature and see instantly the search results and If I pick one method it will get me to it?
Is there a way to jump from a method to the next one?
I think this is what you're looking for:
Type ctrl-6 to activate the "Show Document Items" in the "Jump Bar". Then start typing part of the method you are looking for to narrow the results.
To jump straight to - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
Type ctrl-6, type "cellFor", arrow down so the method is highlighted, and press Enter. The Editor will jump right to that method.
Incidentally, you can use ctrl-1, ctrl-2, ctrl-3, etc. to access the different sections of the "Jump Bar".
If I understand you correctly, try Command-Shift-O. It also doubles as a file finder.
Perhaps I'm not understanding what you need, but it seems like you have a couple of options.
Control+Command+J should take you to a definition.
Control+Command+Up/Control+Command+Down will toggle between .h/.m files.
While in the .m file, I use the dropdown for the methods often.
If you want to press a command key sequence like Command + Option + ↓ to jump to the next method, or Command + Option + ↑ to jump to the previous method, there is no such animal in Xcode. Prior macOS development tools had such a capability, but Xcode is seriously lacking in the basics...
The fastest jump back and forth in methods in a source file is to perform a Command + F (Find) on [\-\+][ \t]*\( as a regular expression. Then you can Command + G (Find Next) to go to the next method or Command + Shift + G (Find Previous) to go to the prior method.
If you are disciplined in your method definitions, you might be able to search for - ( or + ( as a normal text string instead... a tad faster.
If this is a serious itch to scratch, maybe it is worth creating an Xcode plugin (as silly as this sounds for such a basic feature)... and post a link here for the rest of us ;-)
Select a symbol (could be a method, but doesn't have to be) and right-click (or control-click). The contextual menu that pops up has a "Jump to definition" command. Control-command-J is a shortcut for that.
If the thing you're looking for isn't visible, you can use the Search Navigator (Command-3) to search through the code.
Depending on what you're looking for, you may also find the Quick Help feature in the Utilities panel helpful. If you select a symbol, Quick Help will give you at least some basic information about that symbol. For symbols in the iOS or MacOS X API's, you get quite a bit of help. If you've selected your own symbol, it'll tell you where that symbol is declared, and you can click on the file name to jump to the declaration.
I don't think there's a command to jump to the next method (where in the method would you want to jump to?). If you have a need for that sort of thing, you might find Xcode's code folding features useful. You can fold an entire method or just some of the blocks within the method. Very helpful for getting the lay of the land when you're looking at a large file for the first time.

XCode 4 -> Quick way to jump (or switch) to super class

If we press ctrl+command+up arrow we switch between file code and header code. (.m to .h)
If we press ctrl+command+j or command + mouse click we jump to definition of variable. But it not work for super.
So, there are a fast way to do it?
I'm a little late to the party, but here's a good method for seeing both superclasses and subclasses. Click on the related files icon. It looks like this: and you'll find it in the upper left of the edit window. You'll get a menu of many kinds of related files among which will be the superclass and subclass lists.
You can also open that menu using Ctrl+1, if you happen to be a keyboard person.
Try Command + Shift + D. Jump to definition. Does that work?
Also check out the link bellow. It lists a bunch of Xcode keyboard shortcuts.

Xcode find caller functions

In Xcode, how can I find all caller functions of a specific function?
Xcode 4.5 (in beta) has this functionality. when you highlight say... a function, you can check the "caller" and "callee"
edit i believe it's located at the top left of the file panel for that file... so double click on the function to highlight it, and you click on on the file panel options (the one that has the "open recent, open unsaved...etc" drop down
here's a picture to clarify (since i dont know what this menu button is called):
ALSO - XCode 4.5 is no longer beta, i believe, and is actually out in public
also note that this caller thing does NOT search for being called under the performSelector method, as in, the particular caller that has this performSelector won't show up if you had done something like:
[self performSelector:#selector(checkIfShouldStopMovement) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.25];
In Xcode, the quickest method is this:
Select method in code (double click or mark using your mouse cursor)
Press Ctrl+1
Select "Callers" from the pop-up menu.
This is the shortcut for going View -> Editor -> Show Related Items in Xcode's menu.
use ⌘+Ctrl+Shift+H key combination on Xcode 7 onwards.
This can also be accessed via the assistant editor, as shown in the screenshot below. Whichever method you have the insertion point in in the main editor on the left will have its callers displayed in the assistant editor. I've found this to be the best way of looking through each caller in succession, since once you have "Callers" selected, you can then select the next caller via the next pop-up menu to the right in the jump bar.
In Xcode-7 you have the functionality of getting call-heirerchy. Right-click on the function and click "Find Call Hierarchy":
image reference:
Xcode 10 upwards seems to have made it easier. Just Command Click on the function and you should see it in the drop down.
Press ⌘+Ctrl+Shift+H shortcut when a method of interests is selected (with a mouse or cursor). (as per #uiroshan 's answer)
But you can also specify any another shortcut in XCode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings
Use Find in Project as Text or as Symbol.
AFAIK, there's no equivalent to e.g. Call Hierarchy known from Eclipse or NetBeans.
Strangely the refactoring tool can detect all method calls but not the search.
So I simply use it to rename my method to a unique name (eg. reset to resetPlayer) and then use the new name in a regular textual search.
1.) Menu > Edit > Refactor... > Rename to unique name
2.) search for the new name
The functionality is available in XCode 4.4.1, see this: http://smilingfinney.blogspot.de/2012/09/method-callers-in-xcode-44.html

Text Macros in XCode not working?

Noob xcoder here and for some reason i cannot get the text macros to expand within xcode. For example if i type ifelse and then hit ^. it doesnt automatically expand the macro?? Likewise if i type fo and then ^. it will complete it to either for,fori etc, and will also pop up those options if i hit escape however i cannot get it to expand the macros unless i am misunderstanding how this works?
Make sure the shortcut for menu item Edit->Next Completion is indeed ^. If it is not, go to Xcode preferences, Key Bindings and edit it.
Try rebuilding your code sense index from the Project Info panel.
