Divide people into teams for most satisfaction - algorithm

Just a curiosity question. Remember when in class groupwork the professor would divide people up into groups of a certain number (n)?
Some of my professors would take a list of n people one wants to work with and n people one doesn't want to work with from each student, and then magically turn out groups of n where students would be matched up with people they prefer and avoid working with people they don't prefer.
To me this algorithm sounds a lot like a Knapsack problem, but I thought I would ask around about what your approach to this sort of problem would be.
EDIT: Found an ACM article describing something exactly like my question. Read the second paragraph for deja vu.

To me it sounds more like some sort of clique problem.
The way I see the problem, I'd set up the following graph:
Vertices would be the students
Two students would be connected by an edge if both of these following things hold:
At least one of the two students wants to work with the other one.
None of the two students doesn't want to work with the other one.
It is then a matter of partitioning the graph into cliques of size n. (Assuming the number of students is divisible by n)
If this was not possible, I'd probably let the first constraint on the edges slip, and have edges between two people as long as neither of them explicitly says that they don't want to work with the other one.
As for an approach to solving this efficiently, I have no idea, but this should hopefully get you closer to some insight into the problem.

You could model this pretty easily as a clustering problem and you wouldn't even really need to define a space, you could actually just define the distances:
Make two people very close if they both want to work together.
Close if one of them wants to work with the other.
Medium distance if there's just apathy.
Far away if either one doesn't want to work with the other.
Then you could just find clusters, yay. Then split up any clusters of overly large size, with confidence that the people in the clusters would all be fine working together.

This problem can be brute-forced, hence my approach would be first to brute force it, then fix it when I get a better idea.

There are a couple of algorithms you could use. A great example is the so called "stable marriage problem", which has a perfect solution. You can read more about it here:
The stable marriage problem only works with two groups of people (men/women in the marriage case). If you want to form pair you can use a variation, the stable roommate problem. In this case you create pairs but everybody comes from a single pool.
But you asked for a team (which I translate into >2 people per team). In this case you could let everybody fill in their best to worst match and then run the


Number of restricted arrangements

I am looking for a faster way to solve this problem:
Let's suppose we have n boxes and n marbles (each of them has a different kind). Every box can contain only some kinds of marbles (It is shown it the example below), and only one marble fits inside one box. Please read the edits. The whole algorithm has been described in the post linked below but it was not precisely described, so I am asking for a reexplenation.
The question is: In how many ways can I put marbles inside the boxes in polynomial time?
Marbles: 2,5,3
Restrictions of the i-th box (i-th box can only contain those marbles): {5,2},{3,5,2},{3,2}
The answer: 3, because the possible positions of the marbles are: {5,2,3},{5,3,2},{2,5,3}
I have a solution which works in O(2^n), but it is too slow. There are also one limitation about the boxes tolerance, which I don't find very important, but I will write them also. Each box has it's own kind-restrictions, but there is one list of kinds which is accepted by all of them (in the example above this widely accepted kind is 2).
Edit: I have just found this question but I am not sure if it works in my case, and the dynamic solution is not well described. Could somebody clarify this? This question was answered 4 years ago, so I won't ask it there. https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/2145985/how-to-compute-number-of-combinations-with-placement-restrictions?rq=1
Edit#2: I also have to mention that excluding widely-accepted list the maximum size of the acceptance list of a box has 0 1 or 2 elements.
Edit#3: This question refers to my previos question(Allowed permutations of numbers 1 to N), which I found too general. I am attaching this link because there is also one more important information - the distance between boxes in which a marble can be put isn't higher than 2.
As noted in the comments, https://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/19924/counting-and-finding-all-perfect-maximum-matchings-in-general-graphs is this problem, with links to papers on how to tackle it, and counting the number of matchings is #P-complete. I would recommend finding those papers.
As for dynamic programming, simply write a recursive solution and then memoize it. (That's top down, and is almost always the easier approach.) For the stack exchange problem with a fixed (and fairly small) number of boxes, that approach is manageable. Unfortunately in your variation with a large number of boxes, the naive recursive version looks something like this (untested, probably buggy):
def solve (balls, box_rules):
ball_can_go_in = {}
for ball in balls:
ball_can_go_in[ball] = set()
for i in range(len(box_rules)):
for ball in box_rules[i]:
def recursive_attempt (n, used_boxes):
if n = len(balls):
return 1
answer = 0
for box in ball_can_go_in[balls[n]]:
if box not in used_boxes:
answer += recursive_attempt(n+1, used_boxes)
return answer
return recursive_attempt(0, set())
In order to memoize it you have to construct new sets, maybe use bit strings, BUT you're going to find that you're calling it with subsets of n things. There are an exponential number of them. Unfortunately this will take exponential time AND use exponential memory.
If you replace the memoizing layer with an LRU cache, you can control how much memory it uses and probably still get some win from the memoizing. But ultimately you will still use exponential or worse time.
If you go that route, one practical tip is sort the balls by how many boxes they go in. You want to start with the fewest possible choices. Since this is trying to reduce exponential complexity, it is worth quite a bit of work on this sorting step. So I'd first pick the ball that goes in the fewest boxes. Then I'd next pick the ball that goes in the fewest new boxes, and break ties by fewest overall. The third ball will be fewest new boxes, break ties by fewest boxes not used by the first, break ties by fewest boxes. And so on.
The idea is to generate and discover forced choices and conflicts as early as possible. In fact this is so important that it is worth a search at every step to try to discover and record forced choices and conflicts that are already visible. It feels counterintuitive, but it really does make a difference.
But if you do all of this, the dynamic programming approach that was just fine for 5 boxes will become faster, but you'll still only be able to handle slightly larger problems than a naive solution. So go look at the research for better ideas than this dynamic programming approach.
(Incidentally the inclusion-exclusion approach has a term for every subset, so it also will blow up exponentially.)

How to find neighboring solutions in simulated annealing?

I'm working on an optimization problem and attempting to use simulated annealing as a heuristic. My goal is to optimize placement of k objects given some cost function. Solutions take the form of a set of k ordered pairs representing points in an M*N grid. I'm not sure how to best find a neighboring solution given a current solution. I've considered shifting each point by 1 or 0 units in a random direction. What might be a good approach to finding a neighboring solution given a current set of points?
Since I'm also trying to learn more about SA, what makes a good neighbor-finding algorithm and how close to the current solution should the neighbor be? Also, if randomness is involved, why is choosing a "neighbor" better than generating a random solution?
I would split your question into several smaller:
Also, if randomness is involved, why is choosing a "neighbor" better than generating a random solution?
Usually, you pick multiple points from a neighborhood, and you can explore all of them. For example, you generate 10 points randomly and choose the best one. By doing so you can efficiently explore more possible solutions.
Why is it better than a random guess? Good solutions tend to have a lot in common (e.g. they are close to each other in a search space). So by introducing small incremental changes, you would be able to find a good solution, while random guess could send you to completely different part of a search space and you'll never find an appropriate solution. And because of the curse of dimensionality random jumps are not better than brute force - there will be too many places to jump.
What might be a good approach to finding a neighboring solution given a current set of points?
I regret to tell you, that this question seems to be unsolvable in general. :( It's a mix between art and science. Choosing a right way to explore a search space is too problem specific. Even for solving a placement problem under varying constraints different heuristics may lead to completely different results.
You can try following:
Random shifts by fixed amount of steps (1,2...). That's your approach
Swapping two points
You can memorize bad moves for some time (something similar to tabu search), so you will use only 'good' ones next 100 steps
Use a greedy approach to generate a suboptimal placement, then improve it with methods above.
Try random restarts. At some stage, drop all of your progress so far (except for the best solution so far), raise a temperature and start again from a random initial point. You can do this each 10000 steps or something similar
Fix some points. Put an object at point (x,y) and do not move it at all, try searching for the best possible solution under this constraint.
Prohibit some combinations of objects, e.g. "distance between p1 and p2 must be larger than D".
Mix all steps above in different ways
Try to understand your problem in all tiniest details. You can derive some useful information/constraints/insights from your problem description. Assume that you can't solve placement problem in general, so try to reduce it to a more specific (== simpler, == with smaller search space) problem.
I would say that the last bullet is the most important. Look closely to your problem, consider its practical aspects only. For example, a size of your problems might allow you to enumerate something, or, maybe, some placements are not possible for you and so on and so forth. THere is no way for SA to derive such domain-specific knowledge by itself, so help it!
How to understand that your heuristic is a good one? Only by practical evaluation. Prepare a decent set of tests with obvious/well-known answers and try different approaches. Use well-known benchmarks if there are any of them.
I hope that this is helpful. :)

Defining a special case of a subset-sum with complications

I have a problem that I have a number of questions about. First, I'm mostly looking for help describing and understanding the problem at hand. Solutions are always welcome, but most importantly I could use some advice from someone more experienced than I. Now, to the problem at hand:
I have a set of orders that each require some number of items. I also have several groupings of items that each contain some number of some items (call them groups). The goal is to find a subset of the orders that can be fulfilled using as few groups as possible and where the total number of items contained within the orders is between n and N.
Edit: The constraints on the number of items contained in the orders (n and N) are chosen independently.
To me at least, that's a really complicated way of saying the problem so I've been trying to re-phrase it as a knapsack problem (I suspect this might reduce to a subset-sum). To help my conceptual understanding of this I've started using the following definitions:
First, lets say that a dimension exists for each possible item, and somethings 'length' in that dimension is the number of that particular type of item it either has or requires.
From this, an order becomes an 'n-dimensional object' where its value in each dimension corresponds to the number of that item that it requires.
In addition, a group can be seen as an 'n-dimensional box' that has space in each dimension corresponding to the number of items it provides.
An objects value is equal to the sum of its length in all dimensions.
Boxes can be combined.
Given the above I've rephrased the problem to this:
What is the smallest combination of boxes that can hold a combination of items with value between n and N.
Question #1: Is this a correct/useful way to express the problem? Does it seem like I've missed anything obvious?
As I see it, since there are two combinations that I'm looking for I need to break the problem into two parts. So far I think breaking the problem up like this is a good step:
How many objects can box (or combination of boxes) X hold?
Check all (or preferably some small subset of) the possible combinations of boxes and pick the 'best'.
That makes it a little more manageable, but I'm still struggling with the details.
Question #2: Solved To solve the first part I think it's appropriate to say that the cost of an object is equal to the sum of its length in all dimensions, so is it's value. That places me into a subset-sum problem, right? Obviously it's a special case, but does this problem have a name?
Question #3: Solved I've been looking into subset-sum solutions a lot, but I don't understand how to apply them to something like this in multiple dimensions. I assume it's been done before, but I'm unsure where to start my research. Could someone either describe the principles at work or point me in a research direction?
Edit: After looking at everyone's feedback and digging into the terms I think I've found a good algorithm I can implement to solve part 1. Since I will have a very large number of dimensions compared to the number of items it looks like using a 'primal effective capacity heuristic (PECH)' will be a good fit. I'd be interested in hearing someones thoughts about it if they have experience with such an algorithm.
Question #4: For the second part, performance is a concern and I doubt it will be realistic to brute force it. So I intend to treat all combinations of boxes as a really big tree of solutions. The idea is to compute part 1 for all combinations of M-1 boxes where M is the total number of boxes. Somehow determine the 'best' couple box combinations from that set and do the same to their child nodes on the tree. Does this sound like it would help me arrive at something close to optimal? How would I choose the 'best' box combinations?
Thanks for reading! Suggestions for edits and clarifications are welcome.

Algorithm for Trading Resources

I'm trying to find the best algorithmic solution to the following problem. It's a real-world problem, but I'm going to present it in an abstract manner.
There is a community of 1000 people. Each user is provided with a set number of tickets. There are four types of tickets (each one corresponds to a different event). However, some people are willing to make trades (for example, I want one A-ticket and am willing to give up two B-tickets). Moreover, some people have extra tickets that they are willing to give away for nothing (for example, I'll give away two C-tickets to whoever wants them). Assuming that I know what each person is willing to give away / trade, how do I satisfy the most number of people?
I tried Googling, but I don't know how to word this problem to avoid getting results related to algorithmic trading of financial instruments.
Given that it has multiple dimensions, it is likely an NP-complete problem. It has parallels to a multi-dimensional knapsack problem.
Therefore, I recommend trying a backtracking approach.
Start with everybody involved in the trade.
Sort the people who cause the most deficit descending (here you can weight the deficit caused by each ticket type by the shortfall in each ticket).
Then in a backtracking manner, kick the person causing the next highest deficit person out of the trade.
Repeat until you either have no more deficit in any ticket (record as possible answer), or you have kicked everybody out.
When that happens, backtrack 1 step and continue (if you already tried kicking the highest deficit, kick the next highest deficit causing person).
Repeat until end or you run out of time. Get the optimal answer out of the possible answers you found.
If the problem is too hard, it will probably run out of time. Otherwise, this algorithm should give you a reasonable answer (perhaps near to optimal).
How well this method works depends on how generous/greedy the people are, how many people there are, and how fast your computer is.
Look for a bipartite minimum weigth matching problem. The idea is to find the shortest distance from i to j using vertices 1 .. k only.

Grouping individuals into families

We have a simulation program where we take a very large population of individual people and group them into families. Each family is then run through the simulation.
I am in charge of grouping the individuals into families, and I think it is a really cool problem.
Right now, my technique is pretty naive/simple. Each individual record has some characteristics, including married/single, age, gender, and income level. For married people I select an individual and loop through the population and look for a match based on a match function. For people/couples with children I essentially do the same thing, looking for a random number of children (selected according to an empirical distribution) and then loop through all of the children and pick them out and add them to the family based on a match function. After this, not everybody is matched, so I relax the restrictions in my match function and loop through again. I keep doing this, but I stop before my match function gets too ridiculous (marries 85-year-olds to 20-year-olds for example). Anyone who is leftover is written out as a single person.
This works well enough for our current purposes, and I'll probably never get time or permission to rework it, but I at least want to plan for the occasion or learn some cool stuff - even if I never use it. Also, I'm afraid the algorithm will not work very well for smaller sample sizes. Does anybody know what type of algorithms I can study that might relate to this problem or how I might go about formalizing it?
For reference, I'm comfortable with chapters 1-26 of CLRS, but I haven't really touched NP-Completeness or Approximation Algorithms. Not that you shouldn't bring up those topics, but if you do, maybe go easy on me because I probably won't understand everything you are talking about right away. :) I also don't really know anything about evolutionary algorithms.
Edit: I am specifically looking to improve the following:
Less ridiculous marriages.
Less single people at the end.
Perhaps what you are looking for is cluster analysis?
Lets try to think of your problem like this (starting by solving the spouses matching):
If you were to have a matrix where each row is a male and each column is a female, and every cell in that matrix is the match function's returned value, what you are now looking for is selecting cells so that there won't be a row or a column in which more than one cell is selected, and the total sum of all selected cells should be maximal. This is very similar to the N Queens Problem, with the modification that each allocation of a "queen" has a reward (which we should maximize).
You could solve this problem by using a graph where:
You have a root,
each of the first raw's cells' values is an edge's weight leading to first depth vertices
each of the second raw's cells' values is an edge's weight leading to second depth vertices..
(Notice that when you find a match to the first female, you shouldn't consider her anymore, and so for every other female you find a match to)
Then finding the maximum allocation can be done by BFS, or better still by A* (notice A* typically looks for minimum cost, so you'll have to modify it a bit).
For matching between couples (or singles, more on that later..) and children, I think KNN with some modifications is your best bet, but you'll need to optimize it to your needs. But now I have to relate to your edit..
How do you measure your algorithm's efficiency?
You need a function that receives the expected distribution of all states (single, married with one children, single with two children, etc.), and the distribution of all states in your solution, and grades the solution accordingly. How do you calculate the expected distribution? That's quite a bit of statistics work..
First you need to know the distribution of all states (single, married.. as mentioned above) in the population,
then you need to know the distribution of ages and genders in the population,
and last thing you need to know - the distribution of ages and genders in your population.
Only then, according to those three, can you calculate how many people you expect to be in each state.. And then you can measure the distance between what you expected and what you got... That is a lot of typing.. Sorry for the general parts...
