rails: how do I build an active-relation scope to traverse many tables? - activerecord

I have these tables and relationships:
user has_many projects
project has_many tasks
task has_many actions
I would like to build a scope that allows me to select all of the current users actions, regardless of what project or task they belong to.

I don't think scopes are necessary for this if you use the nested_has_many_through plugin.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :projects
has_many :tasks, :through => :projects
has_many :actions, :through => :tasks
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tasks
has_many :actions, :through => :tasks

I found something that works.
In the Actions model:
def self.owned_by (user)
joins("join tasks on actions.task_id = tasks.id").
joins("join projects on tasks.list_id = projects.id").
where("projects.user_id = ?" , user.id)
From the console:
=> 521 # which is correct
I'm mot sure if its the best way to do it as I'm a bit new to sql. I get the feeling it could be made more concise.
EDIT Slightly better
Action.joins(:task => [{:project => :user }]).where(:projects => {:user_id => user.id })



I need a player to have many structures and the structure to belong to the player. Structure is a polymorphic relationship.
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :player_structures
has_many :structures, :through => player_structures
class PlayerStructures < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :structure, polymorphic: true
belongs_to :player
class StructureA < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :player_structure, :as => :structure
has_one :player, :through => :player_structure
class StructureB < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :player_structure, :as => :structure
has_one :player, :through => :player_structure
But if I pull out Player.first and ask for its structures, it gives:
ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughAssociationPolymorphicSourceError: Cannot have a has_many :through association 'Player#structures' on the polymorphic object 'Structure#structure'.
But it should be able to generate a SQL query where it finds all player_structures with its id, then fetches the structure based on the structure_id and structure_type. Why does this fail and how can I validly construct a polymorphic join table?
If I do what I want it to do manually, it works:
Rails, y u no do that?
I think you need to be more specific in defining your relationships in your Player model. For example:
class Player < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :player_structures
has_many :structureas, :through => player_structures, :source => :structure, :source_type => 'StructureA'
has_many :structurebs, :through => player_structures, :source => :structure, :source_type => 'StructureB'
Then you can make a method that'll return all the structures defined in the relationships instead of having to access each one individually.

NameError: uninitialized constant - Un-allowed syntax in ActiveRecord?

I have two resources that I'm trying to join - Package and Listing through a join table SubmittedPackage. I'm using Ruby 1.9.3-p125 and Rails 3.2.1 with PostgreSQL 9.1.3. The models look as follows.
class Package < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :submitted_packages
has_many :listings, :through => :submitted_packages
class Listing < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :submitted_packages
has_many :packages, :through => :submitted_packages
class SubmittedPackages < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :package
belongs_to :listing
In Rails Console I keep getting NameError: uninitialized constant Listing::SubmittedPackage
If I replace the SubmittedPackage resource with Drum it will work (this of course includes having the appropriate table created and so forth).
Is :submitted_packages in conflict with something in Rails or ActiveRecord?
Any ideas why this is breaking?
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: As a work-around I explicitly defined the :class_name for the has many relationship in the Listing and Package model. This has at least gotten things working, however, it's still is unclear to me why it was necessary to begin with. What Rails or Ruby naming convention was being broken by :submitted_packages ?
class Package < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :submitted_packages, :class_name => 'SubmittedPackages'
has_many :listings, :through => :submitted_packages
class Listing < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :submitted_packages, :class_name => 'SubmittedPackages'
has_many :packages, :through => :submitted_packages
class SubmittedPackages < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :package
belongs_to :listing
If SubmittedPackage is the JoinTable, I guess it should have many listings, but I'm seeing just many packages and many submitted_packages.

Rails Associations - Multiple has_one relationships to the same class

An example of my issue is a sports game. A sports game has two teams, a home team and an away team. My active record models are as follows:
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :game
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :home_team, :class_name => "Team"
has_one :away_team, :class_name => "Team"
I want to be able to access a team through the game, for example: Game.find(1).home_team
But I am getting an unitialized constant error: Game::team. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks,
If Game has_one :team then Rails assumes your teams table has a game_id column. What you want though is for the games table to have a team_id column, in which case you'd use Game belongs_to :team. As English it does sound backwards in this case, but as Ruby, it's correct.
I did simplify a little. You'd want something like:
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :home_games, :class_name => "Game", :foreign_key => 'home_team_id'
has_many :away_games, :class_name => "Game", :foreign_key => 'away_team_id'
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :home_team, :class_name => "Team"
belongs_to :away_team, :class_name => "Team"
I just tested your code and it should work.
What I suspect is that your file name is wrong. Make sure that your filenames in app/models/ are:
and not:
I think that it may be a mistake of your architecture.
Game can't distinguish two Team with this architecture.
So, please run like that
rails g migration add_stadium_to_game stadium:integer
rails g migration add_home_to_team home:integer
rake db:migrate
and, edit "game.rb" like that
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :teams
def home_team
teams.select { |team| team.home == self.stadium }.first
def away_team
teams.select { |team| team.home != self.stadium }.first
Of cource this is one example, so there are many ways to realize your purpose.
Sounds like a namespacing problem. Try explicitly declaring the class (with namespace) for team. E.g.:
has_one :home_team, :class_name => "::Team"

Rails 3.1 has_many, :through => not working (joined model returns nil)

Update: This was all due to a stupid error: previously, I had defined a method with the same name as one of the methods ActiveRecord creates, which was masking the proper behaviour and breaking everything. I can't answer/close the question for a few more hours, apologies to anyone who looked into this!
I have an infuriating problem with a has_many, :through => relationship in my Rails 3.1 app.
It is infuriating because as far as I can see it is identical to two similar relationships which both work.
The owner of these relationships declares them like this:
has_many :user_skills, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :skills, :through => :user_skills
has_many :user_roles, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :roles, :through => :user_roles
has_many :conversation_users
has_many :conversations, :through => :conversation_users
(I am aware I have not followed standard nomenclature for join tables here - I only read about the convention of both-plural, names-alphabetical after setting this up, and I will refactor later)
The first two pairs of relationships (skills and roles) work just fine.
The final relationship (conversations) does not work fully. user.conversation_users returns the expected array, but user.conversations returns nil. Not an empty array, nil.
I may well be doing something stupid here, so I would be very grateful to anyone who can spot something wrong with the ConversationUser or Conversation models below.
class ConversationUser < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user, :inverse_of => :conversation_users
belongs_to :conversation, :inverse_of => :conversation_users
validates_presence_of :user
validates_presence_of :conversation
class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :messages, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :conversation_users, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :users, :through => :conversation_users
validates_presence_of :unique_id
(I am also aware that these are not really complex enough to justify has_many, :through => over has_and_belongs_to_many, but planned additional functionality will require join models.)
Answering to close question:
This was all due to a stupid error: previously, I had defined a method with the same name as one of the methods ActiveRecord creates, which was masking the proper behaviour and breaking everything.

how to traverse rails model to obtain a complex result(has_mas > has_many)

Maybe is simple problem that I don't see, but is a bit tricky to me right now
What I need is know which projects a user had bet.
I want to do something like:
my models are:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bets
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bets
class Bet < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :project
So, just to be clear, starting from a user instance, how can I know which projects a user had bet.
In sql will be something like
select projects.name from users
inner join bets
on bets.user_id = users.id
inner join projects
on bets.project_id = projects.id
where users.id = 1;
how to make it work?
Update your User and Project classes as follows:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bets
has_many :projects, :through => :bets
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :bets
has_many :users, :through => :bets
Then you can do this:
user = User.first # Find a user
projects = user.projects # and return the projects that have bets
