Bash script to find a directory, list its contents and sub-folders info - bash

I want to write a script that will:
1- locate folder "store" on a *nix filesystem
2- move into that folder
3- print list of contents with last modification date
4- calculate sub-folders size
This folder's absolute path changes from server to server, but the folder name remains the same always.
There is a config file that contains the correct path to that folder though, but it doesn't give absolute path to it.
Sample Config:
Account ON
DIR-Store /hdd1
Scheduled YES
ِAccording to the config file the absolute path would be "/hdd1/backup/store/"
I need the script to grep the "/hdd1" or anything beyond the word "DIR-Store", add "/backup/store/" to it, move into folder "store", print list of its contents, and calculate the sub-folder's size.
Until now I manually edit the script on each server to reflect the path to the "store" folder.
Here is a sample script:
echo " "
echo " "
echo "Moving Into Directory"
cd /hdd1/backup/store/
echo "Listing Directory Content"
echo " "
ls -alh
echo "*******************************"
sleep 2
echo " "
echo "Calculating Backup Size"
echo " "
du -sh store/*
echo "********** Done! **********"
I know I could use grep
cat /etc/store.conf | grep DIR-Store
I just don't know how to get around selecting the path, adding the "/backup/store/" and moving ahead.
Any help will be appreciated

You can use cut to extract columns from the configuration file. Specify a field delimiter with -d. Cut only allows single-character delimiters (like e.g. a single space) and there are certainly gazillion other ways to split the line.
Then just manually append the know subdirectory to the stem.
STORE=$(grep DIR-Store /etc/store.conf | cut -d" " -f2)
pushd "${DIR}"
ls -alh
sleep 2
du -sh *

If there are no spaces on that line except for the one(s) between "DIR-Store" and the directory:
dir=($(grep "DIR-Store" /etc/store.conf))
cd "$dir" # or pushd "$dir"
or this keys on the first slash rather than a space:
dir=$(grep "DIR-Store" /etc/store.conf)
cd "$dir" # or pushd "$dir"


How to store absolute path of back up files in log file using bash?

I am working on bash to create a back up system. My code is
if [ ! -d "BackUp" ]
mkdir BackUp
echo "enter number of access days you want to take for back up."
read days
bak="$(find . -mtime +$days)"
for file in $bak
mv $file BackUp
tar -cvf BackUp.tgz BackUp >> backUp.log
So, currently I am only taking log file from tar. so it does not prints the full path it only takes current working directory for text in log file.My last line of code takes up input for log file.
But the path stored is
instead i want it to be
You could store the absolute path in a variable and use it in the tar command:
BackUpDirFullPath=$(cd BackUp && pwd)
As command substitution invokes a subshell you are not leaving the current directory by executing cd.
In order to make -v output absolute paths (on Mac OS) I had to change to the root directory in a subshell and execute it from there ... something like that:
(cd / && tar -cvf /$OLDPWD/BackUp.tgz $BackUpDirFullPath)
This does output absolute paths ... in order to preserve the leading / you might try -P which preserves path names.

Change date modified of multiple folders to match that of their most recently modified file

I've been using the following shell bin/bash script as an app which I can drop a folder on, and it will update the date modified of the folder to match the most recently modified file in that folder.
for f in each "$#"
echo "$f"
$HOME/setMod "$#"
This gets the folder name, and then passes it to this setMod script in my home folder.
# Check that exactly one parameter has been specified - the directory
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
# Go to that directory or give up and die
cd "$1" || exit 1
# Get name of newest file
newest=$(stat -f "%m:%N" * | sort -rn | head -1 | cut -f2 -d:)
# Set modification date of folder to match
touch -r "$newest" .
However, if I drop more than one folder on it at a time, it won't work, and I can't figure out how to make it work with multiple folders at once.
Also, I learned from Apple Support that the reason so many of my folders keep getting the mod date updated is due to some Time Machine-related process, despite the fact I haven't touched some of them in years. If anyone knows of a way to prevent this from happening, or to somehow automatically periodically update the date modified of folders to match the date/time of the most-recently-modified file in them, that would save me from having to run this step manually pretty regularly.
The setMod script current accepts only one parameter.
You could either make it accept many parameters and loop over them,
or you could make the calling script use a loop.
I take the second option, because the caller script has some mistakes and weak points. Here it is corrected and extended for your purpose:
for dir; do
echo "$dir"
"$HOME"/setMod "$dir"
Or to make setMod accept multiple parameters:
setMod() {
cd "$1" || return 1
# Get name of newest file
newest=$(stat -f "%m:%N" * | sort -rn | head -1 | cut -f2 -d:)
# Set modification date of folder to match
touch -r "$newest" .
for dir; do
if [ ! -d "$dir" ]; then
echo not a directory, skipping: $dir
(setMod "$dir")
for dir; do is equivalent to for dir in "$#"; do
The parentheses around (setMod "$dir") make it run in a sub-shell, so that the script itself doesn't change the working directory, the effect of the cd operation is limited to the sub-shell within (...)

change terminal title according to the last 2 directories in the path

I want to change the title everytime I enter a new directory ( when using cd ), but show only the last 2 directories. I'm using tcsh at work and bash at home.
For example: if I'm at folder ~/work/stuff and I write: cd 1.1, I want my new title to be stuff/1.1.
I already know how to change the title everytime I change the folder:
alias cd 'cd \!*; echo "\033]0;`pwd`\a"'
And I know how to take only the 2 last directories:
pwd | awk -F / -v q="/" '{print $(NF-1)q$NF}'
The question is how to combine these two, or how to do it in a different way?
It doesn't have to be through alias to cd.
What I did was creating a script file named titleRename.tcsh with the following code:
#!/bin/tcsh -f
set fullpath = "`pwd`\a"
set newTitle = `echo $fullpath | awk -F / '{OFS="/"; if(NF > 2){printf $(NF-2);printf "/"; printf $(NF-1); printf "/"; print $NF;}else print $0}'`
echo "\033]0;$newTitle"
It splits the pwd with awk, getting only the last 3 directories, and then it prints to the tab name.
Then I added in the .alias file the following:
alias cd 'cd \!*; <dir of script file>/titleRename.tcsh'
Now the title name changes automatically whenever I cd to a different directory :)
I originally thought you should be able to use the full command where you have pwd in backticks in the alias ie:
alias cd 'cd \!*; echo "\033]0;`pwd | awk -F / -v q="/" '{print $(NF-1)q$NF}'`\a"'
but now I realise there may be problems with the nested quoting. And that wouldn't work in bash anyway; I don't think there's a way to access command parameters in an alias.
Instead of aliasing cd you should update the title with the prompt. I don't know tcsh, but in bash the normal way to do this sort of thing is with the special pseudo-variable PS1:
# Minimalist prompt
PS1="\$ "
# Additionally set terminal title to cwd
case "$TERM" in
That won't trim the directory name quite the way you were doing it, but unfortunately I can't get the quoting right to be able to use the escape sequence in PROMPT_COMMAND.

OSX Bash Script working with Files/Folders with spaces in the name

I'm trying to build a BASH script on OS X (10.6/10.7) to process a folder called QCExports which has folders with people's names in it in the format "LAST, First", i.e. "BOND, James".
When I run the following script, everything works but it falls over on folder or filenames with a space in them.
Script Code:
echo "QuickCeph Export Script"
#Set Path to Process & Paths to Copy To
#Process Each Name
find $pathToQCExports -type d | while read name ; do
#escaping the folder with a space in the name
nameParsed=${name/", "/",\ "}
echo "Processing: "$nameParsed
mkdir $pathSesame
mkdir $pathSureSmile
echo "Folders Created"
#Copy For SureSmile
echo ${pathSureSmile}"/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg" ${pathSureSmile}"/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg"
#cp `${$pathSureSmile}"/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg" ${pathSureSmile}"/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg"`
#Copy For Sesame
echo ${pathSesame}"/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg" ${pathSesame}"/S02.jpg"
#cp `${pathSesame}"/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg" ${pathSesame}"/S02.jpg"`
echo "Completed";
QuickCeph Export Script
Processing: /Users/myuser/Desktop/QCExports/BOND,\ James
mkdir /Users/myuser/Desktop/QCExportsForSesame/BOND,\ James
mkdir: James: File exists
mkdir /Users/myuser/Desktop/QCExportsForSureSmile/BOND,\ James
mkdir: James: File exists
Folders Created
/Users/myuser/Desktop/QCExportsForSureSmile/BOND,\ James/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg /Users/myuser/Desktop/QCExportsForSureSmile/BOND,\ James/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg
/Users/myuser/Desktop/QCExportsForSesame/BOND,\ James/Suresmile-Frontal\ Photo.jpg /Users/myuser/Desktop/QCExportsForSesame/BOND,\ James/S02.jpg
On OS X usually in the terminal, you use a \ to escape a space in a folder or filename, but that doesn't seem to work.
I notice that it's interpreting the spaces as a normal space would be interpreted on the command line and thinking I want to execute the command on two files - i.e. it's not passing the \ onwards. I end up with a folder called "Bond,\" and a folder called "James" in the folder I execute the script from.
Note, I deliberately have the cp commands # out at the moment, so they aren't being executed... the problem is the same for both creating the folders & copying the filenames.
If I copy and paste the "echo'd" version of these commands into a terminal window, the commands work! But when BASH executes them, it doesn't respect the . :(
Any ideas?
See my modifications on your script, you don't have to substitute spaces like you tried.
Moreover, you must choose if you backslash the spaces or if you are using quotes.
The simple way is to use double quotes.
Good doc about quotes, see and
echo "QuickCeph Export Script"
#Set Path to Process & Paths to Copy To
#Process Each Name
find $pathToQCExports -type d | while read nameParsed ; do
echo "Processing: $nameParsed"
mkdir "$pathSesame"
mkdir "$pathSureSmile"
echo "Folders Created"
#Copy For SureSmile
echo "${pathSureSmile}/Suresmile-Frontal Photo.jpg" "${pathSureSmile}/Suresmile-Frontal Photo.jpg"
#Copy For Sesame
echo "${pathSesame}/Suresmile-Frontal Photo.jpg" "${pathSesame}/S02.jpg"
echo "Completed"

Getting relative paths in BASH

I already searched for this, but I guess there was no great demand on working with paths.
So I'm trying two write a bash script to convert my music collection using tta and cue files.
My directory structure is as following: /Volumes/External/Music/Just/Some/Dirs/Album.tta for the tta files and /Volumes/External/Cuesheets/Just/Some/Dirs/Album.cue for cue sheets.
My current approach is setting /Volumes/External as "root_dir" and get the relative path of the album.tta file to $ROOT_DIR/Music (in this case this would be Just/Some/Dirs/Album.tta), then add this result to $ROOT_DIR/Cuesheets and change the suffix from .tta to .cue.
My current problem is, that dirname returns paths as they are, which means /Volumes/External/Music/Just/Some/Dirs does not get converted to ./Just/Some/Dirs/ when my current folder is $ROOT_DIR/Music and the absolute path was given.
Add://Here is the script if anybody has similar problems:
if [ ! -f "$BASE" ]
echo "Not a file"
exit 1
if [ -n "$2" ]
mkfdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR" || exit 1
shntool split -f "${CUE_FILE}" -o aiff -t "%n %t" -d "${OUTPUT_DIR}" "${TTA_FILE}"
exit 0
If your Cuesheets dir is always in the same directory as your Music, you can just remove root_dir from the path, and what is left is the relative path. If you have the path to your album.tta in album_path (album_path=/Volumes/External/Music/Just/Some/Dirs/Album.tta) and your root_dir set(root_dir=/Volumes/External), just do ${album_path#$root_dir}. This trims root_dir from the front of album_path, so you are left with album_path=Just/Some/Dirs/Album.tta.
See bash docs for more information on bash string manipulation
EDIT:// Changed ${$album_path#$root_dir} to ${album_path#$root_dir}
Okay so I've tackled this a couple of ways in the past. I don't recommend screwing with paths and pwd environment variables, I've seen some catastrophic events because of it.
Here's what I would do
CURRENTDIR=/Volumes/External/Music # make sure you check the existence in your script
SEDVAL=$(echo $CURRENTDIR | sed s/'\/'/'\\\/'/g)
#run your loops for iterating through files
for a in $(find ./ -name \*ogg); do
FILE=`echo $a | sed s/$SEDVAL/./g` # strip the initial directory and replace it with .
convert_file $FILE # whatever action to be performed
If this is something you might do frequently I would actually just write a separate script just for this.
