doctrine query() params? - doctrine

i created a Doctrine_Query and executes it but i wanna know what params i can pass to it.
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('ContactList cl');
$contactLists = $q->execute($params, $hydrationMode);
from the api documentation:
execute($params = array(), $hydrationMode = null)
where do they tell me about the params? and also hydration mode.
seems like i cannot find anything in the documentations. would be great if they had a reference for everything.

I beleive the params are an array of values to bind to the query - similar to a prepeared statement - for example:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('ContactList cl')
->where(' = ?');
The hydration mode is one of the hydrator constants from Doctrine_Core and determines how the result set is hydrated (Array, object, etc..) You can also write custom hydrators if you need to.


Is there a way to pass condition in eloquent that if key exists then don't send object from collection (in mongodb)?

I am using jenssegers/laravel-mongodb,
I have a collection segments, I don't want those objects to be send by eloquent which has key named 'unrooted' i.e. to pass a condition to check if 'unrooted' key is set in collection, so I want
$condition[' ? '] = false; // $condition unrooted exists is false.
$segments = Segment::where($condition)->get();
I know that it can be done like getting all the objects pass the condition, and then
foreach($segments as $key => $segment){
if(property_exists($segment, 'unrooted')){
But it is not efficient for me incase of large collection.
Thankyou for you help.
It was simple, just used mongodb docs, posting it here for future references.
$condition['$exists'] = false;
$exists does the trick.

Best approcah for getting the object in the foreach loop in laravel using eloquent?

I have some properties and i want to get the object for each property, currently, I am using the eloquent in the foreach loop like this as shown in the image that will describe the best..
but it is really not a good approach because if I have 100 published property I will making 100 calls to the DB... and that is not correct?
I need a suggestion and a proper solution to this query?
Thanks in advance
Before foreach you can get all the RentalProperty items from db like this:
$allRentalProperties = RentalProperty::all();
and in foreach loop you can get those items without connecting database like this:
$propertyObj = $allRenatalProperties -> where('id', $property['id']) -> first();
Also, you can use array shorthand.
$newArray = [];
it's much simple and readable.
You can do array pluck before loop:
$propertyIds = Arr::pluck($published_properties, 'id');
Then you can make a whereIn query to get only those data which are in $published_properties object
$propertyObj = RentalProperty::whereIn('id', $propertyIds);
Then you can access that object with id if you change array key with record id.

Remove Limit From Eloquent Query

How can I remove the limit/offset from the below query?
$query = TestModel::where('a', 'b')->limit(100);
I'm using a query from another module and I don't want to change the code.
You can reset the $limit property:
$query = TestModel::where('a', 'b')->limit(100);
$query->limit = null;
$unlimited = $query->get();
$query->getQuery()->limit = null;
One can reset the limit by passing the null value to the limit method.
Works both with Eloquent\Builder and Query\Builder.
The simple answer to your question is - you cannot. Because you have already filtered the result set to a limit of 100 tuples.
What is the reason for you to avoid the change in code in the Model? Because what #Dhruv has suggested is the correct way to achieve what you want to.
In fact, if you still want to keep the code intact. You can rather define another function in your model this way and use it internally in your old function:
public function newFunction(){
return TestModel::where('a', 'b')->get();
public function oldFunction(){
return $this->newFunction()->limit(100);
Keeping your code consistent, then use newFunction() in your Controller to do whatever you want to.
get(): To get all record from table use get():
$query = TestModel::where('a', 'b')->get();
limit(): To limit the number of results returned from the query
$query = TestModel::where('a', 'b')->limit(10)->get();

How to use 'IN (1,2,3)' with findAll?

I need to get a couple of Students from the database, and I have their primary keys in a comma-separated string.
Normally using SQL it would be something like:
$cleanedStudentIdStringList = "1,2,3,4";
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE id IN ($cleanedStudentIdStringList)
Yii's ActiveRecord seems to insert a single quote around bound parameters in the resulting SQL statement which cause the query to fail when using parameter binding.
This works, but doesn't use safe parameter binding.
$students = Student::model()->findAll("id IN ({$_POST['studentIds']})");
Is there a way to still use parameter binding and get only a couple of rows in a single query?
You can do it also that way:
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->addInCondition("id", array(1,2,3,4));
$result = Student::model()->findAll($criteria);
and use in array any values you need.
You can use findAllByAttributes method also:
$model = Student::model()->findAllByAttributes(array("id"=>$a));

Preventing Doctrine's query cache in Symfony

In my Symfony/Doctrine app, I have a query that orders by RANDOM(). I call this same method several times, but it looks like the query's result is being cached.
Here's my relevant code:
$query = $table->createQuery('p')
->select('p.*, RANDOM() as rnd')
$result = $query->fetchOne();
Unfortunately, the same record is returned every time, regardless of me passing null to both useQueryCache and useResultCache. I tried using false instead of null, but that didn't work either. Lastly, I also tried calling both setResultCacheLifeSpan(0) and setResultCacheLifeSpan(-1), but neither call made a difference.
Any insight on how to prevent caching since I want a different random row to be selected each time I call this method?
Edit: I also tried calling clearResultCache(), but that just ended up causing an error stating: "Result Cache driver not initialized".
Edit 2: As requested, here's the SQL generated by calling $query->getSqlQuery():
SELECT AS c__id, AS c__name, c.image_url AS c__image_url,
c.level AS c__level, c.created_at AS c__created_at, c.updated_at
AS c__updated_at, RANDOM() AS c__0 FROM cards c ORDER BY c__0 LIMIT 1
It turns out I'm a moron. I tried to simplify my query for this question, and in doing so, I didn't capture the true cause. I had a where() and andWhere() call, and the combination of conditions resulted in only one possible record being matched. Thanks for taking the time to respond, everyone, sorry to have wasted your time!
Doctrine also caches entities you created in the same request/script run.
For instance:
$order = new Order();
sleep(10); // Edit this record in de DB in another procces.
$q = new Doctrine_Query();
$result = $q->select()
->from('Order o')
->where(' = '.$order->id);
$order = $result->getFirst();
The print_r will not contain the changes you made during the sleep.
The following code will remove that kind of memory cache:
$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();
$connection = $manager->getCurrentConnection();
$tables = $connection->getTables();
foreach ( $tables as $table ) {
PS: Added this answer because I found this topic trying to resolve above issue.
