Alternative to distributed caching - caching

There is a technical requirement to scale a new system easily. This new system consists of three tiered applications (as a batch processors). Each tier will contains at least 2 servers with the same application resides on each server.
So, when one of the tier reaches peak performance, we could extend the scalability easily by adding a new server and the same application to off-load some of the processing loads.
The problem is that one or two of the three tiers require heavy caching (about 3 million records and increasing).
I'm thinking of using distributed caching system to overcome this problem but the new distributed caching system will means an additional point of failure as applications now need to interact with additional caching systems for processing.
I'm currently looking at ncache but just wondering if there is an alternatives to this problem? or is there any other comparable distributed caching system that maybe similar or better than ncache and provide enterprise supports too?

You can find in this IBM article (expired) the main actors in DCP (Distributed Caching Platforms) environment.
The alternative we are using (not free) is Gigaspace XAP.

Chen -
It sounds like you could definitely use a distributed caching system, or even an in-memory data grid (IMDG). Here's some highlights of Oracle Coherence (previously Tangosol Coherence):
Elastic. Just add nodes. Auto-discovery. Auto-load-balancing. No data loss. No interruption. Every time you add a node, you get more data capacity and more throughput.
Use both RAM and flash. Transparently. Easily handle 10s or even 100s of gigabytes per Coherence node (e.g. up to a TB or more per physical server).
Automatic high availability (HA). Kill a process, no data loss. Kill a server, no data loss.
Datacenter continuous availability (CA). Kill a data center, no data loss.
RESTful APIs available from any language. Native APIs and client libraries for C/C++, C#, .NET and Java.
In addition to simple key-value (K/V) caching, also support queries (including some SQL), parallel queries, indexes (including custom indexes), a rich eventing model (for event-driven systems like exchanges), transactions (including MVCC), parallel execution of both scalar (EntryProcessor) and aggregate (ParallelAwareAggregator) functions, cache triggers, etc.
Easy to integrate with a database via read-through, read-ahead, write-through and write-behind caching. Automatically refreshes just the changed data when changes occur to the database (leveraging Oracle GoldenGate technology).
There's a summary of the In-Memory Data Grid market by Gartner called "Competitive Landscape: In-Memory Data Grids". You can see a copy at:
For the sake of full disclosure, I work at Oracle. The opinions and views expressed in this post are my own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of my employer.


Redis or Ehcache?

Which is better suited for the following environment:
Persistence not a compulsion.
Multiple servers (with Ehcache some cache sync must be required).
Infrequent writes and frequent reads.
Relatively small database (very less memory requirement).
I will pour out what's in my head currently. I may be wrong about these.
I know Redis requires a separate server (?) and Ehcache provides local cache so it must be faster but will replicate cache across servers (?). Updating all caches after some update on one is possible with Ehcache.
My question is which will suit better for the environment I mentioned?
Whose performance will be better or what are scenarios when one may outperform another?
Thanks in advance.
You can think Redis as a shared data structure, while Ehcache is a memory block storing serialized data objects. This is the main difference.
Redis as a shared data structure means you can put some predefined data structure (such as String, List, Set etc) in one language and retrieve it in another language. This is useful if your project is multilingual, for example: Java the backend side , and PHP the front side. You can use Redis for a shared cache. But it can only store predefined data structure, you cannot insert any Java objects you want.
If your project is only Java, i.e. not multilingual, Ehcache is a convenient solution.
You will meet issues with EhCache scaling and need resources to manage it during failover and etc.
Redis benefits over EhCache:
It uses time proven gossip protocol for Node discovery and synchronization.
Availability of fully managed services like AWS ElastiCache, Azure Redis Cache. Such services offers full automation, support and management of Redis, so developers can focus on their applications and not maintaining their databases.
Correct large memory amount handling (we all know that Redis can manage with hundreds of gigabytes of RAM on single machine). It doesn't have problems with Garbage collection like Java.
And finally existence of Java Developer friendly Redis client - Redisson.
Redisson provides many Java friendly objects on top of Redis, like:
Publish / Subscribe
and many more...
Redisson supports local cache for Map structure which cold give you 45x performance boost for read operations.
Here is the article describing detailed feature comparison of Ehcache and Redis.

hazelcast vs ehcache

Question is clear as you see in the title, it would be appreciated to hear your ideas about adv./disadv. differences between them.
I have decided to use Hazelcast because of the advantages like distributed caching/locking mechanism as well as the extremely easy configuration while adapting it to your application.
We tried both of them for one of the largest online classifieds and e-commerce platform. We started with ehcache/terracotta(server array) cause it's well-known, backed by Terracotta and has bigger community support than hazelcast. When we get it on production environment(distributed,beyond one node cluster) things changed, our backend architecture became really expensive so we decided to give hazelcast a chance.
Hazelcast is dead simple, it does what it says and performs really well without any configuration overhead.
Our caching layer is on top of hazelcast for more than a year, we are quite pleased with it.
Even though Ehcache has been popular among Java systems, I find it less flexible than other caching solutions. I played around with Hazelcast and yes it did the job, it was easy to get running etc and it is newer than Ehcache. I can say that Ehcache has much more features than Hazelcast, is more mature, and has big support behind it.
There are several other good cache solutions as well, with all different properties and solutions such as good old Memcache, Membase (now CouchBase), Redis, AppFabric, even several NoSQL solutions which provides key value stores with or without persistence. They all have different characteristics in the sense they implement CAP theorem, or BASE theorem along with transactions.
You should care more about, which one have the functionality you want in your application, again, you should consider CAP theorem or BASE theorem for your application.
This test was done very recently with Cassandra on the cloud by Netflix. They reached to million writes per second with about 300 instances. Cassandra is not a memory cache but you data model is like a cache, which is consist of key value pairs. You can as well use Cassandra as a distributed memory cache.
Hazelcast has been a nightmare to scale and stability is still a major issue.
The dedicated client to grid component choices are
The messy version that cant survive node loss anywhere, negating the point of backups (superclient), or
An incredibly slow native client option that does not allow for any type of load balancing to processing nodes in the grid.
If any host could request records from this data grid it would be a sweet design, but you are stuck with those two lackluster option to get anything out of it.
Also multiple issues with database thread pools locking up on individual members and not writing anything to the databases, causing permanent records loss is a frequent issue and we often have to take the whole thing down for hours to refresh any of the JVM's. Split brain is also still an issue, although in 1.9.6 it seems to have calmed down a little.
Rallying to move to Ehcache and improving the database layer instead of using this as a band-aid.
Hazelcast serializes everything whenever there is a node (standard-one), so the data you will save to Hazelcast must implement serialization.
Hazelcast has been a nightmare for me. I was able to get it "working" in a clustered Websphere environment. I use the term "working" loosely. First, all of Hazelcast's documentation is out of date and only shows examples using deprecated method calls. Trying to use the new code without comments in the Javadocs and no examples in the documentation is very hard. Also, the J2EE container code simply does not work at this point because it does not support XA transactions in Websphere. An error is thrown calling code that follows their only J2EE example explicitly(it does look like Milestone 3.0 is addressing this). I had to forget about joining Hazelcast to a J2EE transaction. It does seem Hazelcast is definitely geared to a non EJB/Non-J2EE container environment. Making calls to Hazelcast.getAllInstances() fails to retain any information about Hazelcast's state when switching from one enterprise java bean to another. That forces me to create a new Hazelcast instance just to run calls that give me access to my data. That causes many Hazelcast Instances to start up on the same JVM. Also,retrieving data from Hazelcast is not fast. I tried retrieving data using both the Native Client and directly as a member of the cluster. I stored 51 lists, each containing only 625 objects in Hazelcast. I could not perform a query directly on a list and did not want to store a map just to get access to that feature (SQL operations can be performed on a map). It took about a half second to retrieve each list of 625 objects because Hazelcast Serializes the entire list and sends it over the wire rather than just giving me the delta (what has changed). Another thing, I had to switch to a TCPIP configuration and explicitly list the ip addresses of the servers I wanted to be in the cluster. The default Multicast configuration did not work and from the group discussions in google, other people are experiencing that difficulty as well. To sum up; I did eventually get 8 machines communicating in a cluster through many hours of torturous programmatic configuration and trial and error (the documentation will be little help) but when I did, I still had no control over the number of instances and partitions being created on each JVM due to the half finished nature of Hazelcast for EJB/J2EE and it was VERY SLOW. I implemented a real use case in the unemployment insurance application I work on and the code was much faster making direct calls to the database. It would have been cool if Hazelcast worked as advertised because I really did not want to use a separate service to implement what I am trying to do. I have used MongoDB extensively so I may skip the whole in memory cache and just serialize my objects as documents in a separate repository.
One advantage of Ehcache is that it is backed by a company (Terracotta) that does extensive performance, failover, and platform testing in a large performance lab. Terracotta provides support, indemnity, etc. For many companies, that sort of thing is important.
I have not used Hazelcast but I've heard that it is easy to use and that it works. I haven't heard anything with respect to scalability or performance of Hazelcast vs Terracotta/Ehcache but given the amount of scalability and failover testing that Terracotta does, it's hard for me to imagine that Hazelcast would be competitive in a production deployment. But I presume it would work fine for smaller uses.
[Bias: I'm a former employee of Terracotta.]
Developers describe Ehcache as "Java's Most Widely-Used Cache". Ehcache is an open-source, standards-based cache for boosting performance, offloading your database, and simplifying scalability. It's the most widely-used Java-based cache because it's robust, proven, and full-featured. Ehcache scales from in-process, with one or more nodes, all the way to mixed in-process/out-of-process configurations with terabyte-sized caches. On the other hand, Hazelcast is detailed as "Clustering and highly scalable data distribution platform for Java". With its various distributed data structures, distributed caching capabilities, elastic nature, memcache support, integration with Spring and Hibernate and more importantly with so many happy users, Hazelcast is feature-rich, enterprise-ready and developer-friendly in-memory data grid solution.
Ehcache and Hazelcast are primarily classified as "Cache" and "In-Memory Databases" tools respectively.

Core Data's Limits, can Core Data be used as a Serverside Technology?

I've found no clear answer so far, but maybe I've searched the wrong way.
My Question is, can Core Data to be used as a Persitence Storage for a Server Project? Where are Core Data's Limits, how much Data can be handled with Core Data and SQLite? SQLite should handle a lot of Data very well according to their website. I know of a properitary Java Persitence Manager with an Oracle DB as Storage that handles Millions of Entries and 3000 Clients without Problems. For my own Project I wonder if I can use Core Data on the Server Side for User Mangament and intern microblogging, texting with up to 5000 clients. Will it handle such big amounts of Data or do I have to manage something like that myself? Does anyone happend to have experience with huge amounts if Data and Core Data?
Thank you
I wouldn't advise using Core Data for a server side project. Core Data was designed to handle the data of individual, object-oriented applications therefore it lacks many of the common features of dedicated server software such as easily handling multiple simultaneous accesses.
Really, the only circumstance where I would advise using it is when the server side logic is very complex and the number of users small. For example, if you wanted to write an in house web app and have almost all the logic on the server, then Core Data might serve well.
Apple used to have WebObjects which was a package to manage servers using an object-oriented DB much like Core Data. (Core Data was inspired by a component of WebObjects called Enterprise Objects.) However, IIRC Apple no longer supports WebObjects for external use.
Your better off using one of the many dedicated server packages out there than trying to roll your own.
I have no experience using Core Data in the manner you describe, but my understanding of the architecture leads me to believe that it could be used, depending on how you plan to query and manipulate the data.
Core Data is very good at maintaining an object graph and using faults to bring parts into memory as needed. In that manner, it could be good on a server for reducing memory requirements even with a large data set.
Core Data is not very good at manipulating collections of objects without loading them into memory, making a change, and writing them back out to disk. Brent Simmons wrote a blog post about this, where he decide to stop using Core Data for some of his RSS reader's model objects because an operation like "mark all as read" didn't scale. While you would like to be able to say something like UPDATE articles SET status = 'read', Core Data must load each article, set its status property, then write it back to disk.
This isn't because Apple engineers are stupid, but because the query layer can't make assumptions about the storage layer (you could be using XML instead of SQLite) and it also must take into account cascading changes and the fact that some article objects may already be loaded into memory and will need to be updated there.
Note that you can also write your own storage providers for Core Data, see Aaron Hillegass's BNRPersistence project. So if Core Data was "mostly good" you might be able to improve on it for your application.
So, a possible answer to your question is that Core Data may be appropriate to your application, as long as you do not need to rely on batch updates to large number of objects. In general, no algorithm or data structure is appropriate for every scenario. Engineering is about wisely choosing between trade-offs. You won't find anything that works well for many clients in every case. It always matters what you are doing.

Best scaling methodologies for a highly traffic web application?

We have a new project for a web app that will display banners ads on websites (as a network) and our estimate is for it to handle 20 to 40 billion impressions a month.
Our current language is in ASP...but are moving to PHP. Does PHP 5 has its limit with scaling web application? Or, should I have our team invest in picking up JSP?
Or, is it a matter of the app server and/or DB? We plan to use Oracle 10g as the database.
No offense, but I strongly suspect you're vastly overestimating how many impressions you'll serve.
That said:
PHP or other languages used in the application tier really have little to do with scalability. Since the application tier delegates it's state to the database or equivalent, it's straightforward to add as much capacity as you need behind appropriate load balancing. Choice of language does influence per server efficiency and hence costs, but that's different than scalability.
It's scaling the state/data storage that gets more complicated.
For your app, you have three basic jobs:
what ad do we show?
serving the add
logging the impression
Each of these will require thought and likely different tools.
The second, serving the add, is most simple: use a CDN. If you actually serve the volume you claim, you should be able to negotiate favorable rates.
Deciding which ad to show is going to be very specific to your network. It may be as simple as reading a few rows from a database that give ad placements for a given property for a given calendar period. Or it may be complex contextual advertising like google. Assuming it's more the former, and that the database of placements is small, then this is the simple task of scaling database reads. You can use replication trees or alternately a caching layer like memcached.
The last will ultimately be the most difficult: how to scale the writes. A common approach would be to still use databases, but to adopt a sharding scaling strategy. More exotic options might be to use a key/value store supporting counter instructions, such as Redis, or a scalable OLAP database such as Vertica.
All of the above assumes that you're able to secure data center space and network provisioning capable of serving this load, which is not trivial at the numbers you're talking.
You do realize that 40 billion per month is roughly 15,500 per second, right?
Scaling isn't going to be your problem - infrastructure period is going to be your problem. No matter what technology stack you choose, you are going to need an enormous amount of hardware - as others have said in the form of a farm or cloud.
This question (and the entire subject) is a bit subjective. You can write a dog slow program in any language, and host it on anything.
I think your best bet is to see how your current implementation works under load. Maybe just a few tweaks will make things work for you - but changing your underlying framework seems a bit much.
That being said - your infrastructure team will also have to be involved as it seems you have some serious load requirements.
Good luck!
I think that it is not matter of language, but it can be be a matter of database speed as CPU processing speed. Have you considered a web farm? In this way you can have more than one machine serving your application. There are some ways to implement this solution. You can start with two server and add more server as the app request more processing volume.
In other point, Oracle 10g is a very good database server, in my humble opinion you only need a stand alone Oracle server to commit the volume of request. Remember that a SQL server is faster as the people request more or less the same things each time and it happens in web application if you plan your database schema carefully.
You also have to check all the Ad Server application solutions and there are a very good ones, just try Google with "Open Source AD servers".
PHP will be capable of serving your needs. However, as others have said, your first limits will be your network infrastructure.
But your second limits will be writing scalable code. You will need good abstraction and isolation so that resources can easily be added at any level. Things like a fast data-object mapper, multiple data caching mechanisms, separate configuration files, and so on.

Performance problems with external data dependencies

I have an application that talks to several internal and external sources using SOAP, REST services or just using database stored procedures. Obviously, performance and stability is a major issue that I am dealing with. Even when the endpoints are performing at their best, for large sets of data, I easily see calls that take 10s of seconds.
So, I am trying to improve the performance of my application by prefetching the data and storing locally - so that at least the read operations are fast.
While my application is the major consumer and producer of data, some of the data can change from outside my application too that I have no control over. If I using caching, I would never know when to invalidate the cache when such data changes from outside my application.
So I think my only option is to have a job scheduler running that consistently updates the database. I could prioritize the users based on how often they login and use the application.
I am talking about 50 thousand users, and at least 10 endpoints that are terribly slow and can sometimes take a minute for a single call. Would something like Quartz give me the scale I need? And how would I get around the schedular becoming a single point of failure?
I am just looking for something that doesn't require high maintenance, and speeds at least some of the lesser complicated subsystems - if not most. Any suggestions?
This does sound like you might need a data warehouse. You would update the data warehouse from the various sources, on whatever schedule was necessary. However, all the read-only transactions would come from the data warehouse, and would not require immediate calls to the various external sources.
This assumes you don't need realtime access to the most up to date data. Even if you needed data accurate to within the past hour from a particular source, that only means you would need to update from that source every hour.
You haven't said what platforms you're using. If you were using SQL Server 2005 or later, I would recommend SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) for updating the data warehouse. It's made for just this sort of thing.
Of course, depending on your platform choices, there may be alternatives that are more appropriate.
Here are some resources on SSIS and data warehouses. I know you've stated you will not be using Microsoft products. I include these links as a point of reference: these are the products I was talking about above.
SSIS Overview
Typical Uses of Integration Services
SSIS Documentation Portal
Best Practices for Data Warehousing with SQL Server 2008
