shell scripting: nested subshell ++ - bash

More than a problem, this is a request for "another way to do this".
Actually, if I want to use the result of a previous command in another one, I use:
R1=$("cat somefile | awk '{ print $1 }'" )
myScript -c $R1 -h123
then, a "better way" is:
myScript -c $("cat somefile | awk '{ print $1 }'" ) -h123
But what if I have to use the result several times? Let's say: using several times $R1, well the 2 options are:
Option 1
R1=$("cat somefile | awk '{ print $1}'")
myScript -c $R1 -h123 -x$R1
option 2
myScript -c $("cat somefile | awk '{ print $1 }'" ) -h123 -x $("cat somefile | awk '{ print $1 }'" )
Do you know another way to "store" the result of a previous command/script and use it as a argument into another command/script?

Sure, there are other ways. They're just not better ways.
First, you could store the answer in a file, and then cat the contents of the file multiple times.
Second, you could pass the results to a bash function like:
callMyScript() {
myScript -c "$1" -h123 -x "$1"
invoked thusly:
callMyScript "$(awk '{ print $1; }' somefile)"
which is almost precisely identical to just saving off into a local variable.
So you're interested in using awk? You could have awk generate the line for you, and have bash run it:
eval $(awk '{ printf "myScript -c %s -h123 -x %s\n", $1, $1; }' somefile)
but now we're just getting silly, and even that's no different conceptually from simply saving off into a variable.
My advice: Use the variable.

Another not perfect way:
source script #1, then when script #2 runs all of the variables declared in #1 are available to #2.
. myScript -c $("cat somefile | awk '{ print $1 }'" ) -h123
Your best choice is a wrapper script that keeps all your variables for you, as everyone else already noted.
In bash the source builtin command is the same as the 'dot'


echo "$var" prints blank space

I was basically trying to compare two files and as part of that I assigned the cksum of the file to a variable . But when I try to compare it, it did not work. I realized that when I tried to read the variable nothing gets printed out
The below commands worked just fine
s.joseph#VA-S-JOSEPH-900 /cygdrive/c/users/Anuprita
$ test=`cksum interface2 | awk -F" " '{ print $1 }'`
s.joseph#VA-S-JOSEPH-900 /cygdrive/c/users/Anuprita
$ echo "$test"
But when these are part of a script and I try to echo $var, nothing gets printed
$ for i in `ls interface*`;
do chksum1=`cksum $i | awk -F" " '{ print "'$1'" }'`;
echo "$chksum1";
s.joseph#VA-S-JOSEPH-900 /cygdrive/c/users/Anuprita
I am using bash shell
Without assigning it to any variable, the output is as shown below
for i in interface*; do echo "interface=\"$i\""; cksum "$i"; done
4113442291 111 interface11
1275738681 111 interface17
3021988741 186 interface2
Looks like it is an issue only with bash on cygwin. The script seems to be working just fine on unix
for i in ls interface*; do chksum1=cksum $i | awk -F" " '{ print $1 }'; echo $i, $chksum1; done
interface1, 4294967295
interface2, 4294967295
Try this;
for i in ls interface*; do echo "interface=$i"; chksum1=$(cksum $i | awk -F" " '{ print "'$1'" }'); echo "$chksum1"; done
I like adding the echo statement to verify your getting what you think with the ls statement and the variable assignment should use $(cmd) or `cmd`
What you have in your 2nd script:
print "'$1'"
is a completely different statement from what you have in your first one:
print $1
Think about it and ask yourself why you changed it and what it is you're trying to achieve. Also man awk and see g at for what print "'$1'" does.
Best I can tell without and provided sample input your script should be written:
for i in interface*; do chksum1=$(cksum "$i" | awk '{ print $1 }'); echo "$chksum1"; done

Adding value to global variable in a subshell is not working

I am trying to get the total disk usage of my machine. Below is the script code:
df -H | grep -vE '^Filesystem|cdrom' | awk '{ print $5 " " $1 }' | while read output;
diskUsage=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $1}' | cut -d'%' -f1 )
echo $totalUsage
While totalUsage is a global variable, I have tried to sum the individual disk usage to totalUsage in the line:
An echo of totalUsage between do and done shows the correct value,
but when I try to echo it after my call diskUse, it stills prints a 0
Can you please help me, what is wrong here?
The variable totalUsage in a sub-shell doesn't change the value in the parent shell.
Since you tagged bash, you can use here string to modify your loop:
while read output;
diskUsage=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $1}' | cut -d'%' -f1 )
done <<<"$(df -H | grep -vE '^Filesystem|cdrom' | awk '{ print $5 " " $1 }')"
echo $totalUsage
I suggest to insert
shopt -s lastpipe
as new line after
From man bash:
lastpipe: If set, and job control is not active, the shell runs the last command of a pipeline not executed in the background in the current shell environment.

how to change a string to a path in ksh

ls -lAtr /data/log.* | tail -1 | awk '{ printf $9 }' > $logfile
echo $logfile
cat $logfile # I want to cat the content of this log file, but this wouldn't work
echo $logfile2
cat $logfile2 # This work
I am new to shell programming, I wondering how do I convert the logfile into something like logfile2(Did I ask the right question?), so that I can treat it like a file and read from it.
Think you're looking for (works in bash as well)
From ksh man page
$(cat file) can be replaced by the equivalent but faster $(<file).
> cat text.log
line 1
line 2
> ksh
> logfile2="$(<text.log)"
> echo "$logfile2"
line 1
line 2
Are you trying to store the result of ls|tail|awk in $logFile? If so:
logFile=$(ls -lAtr /data/log.* | tail -1 | awk '{ printf $9 }')
However, you shouldn't parse the output of ls.

Bash variable from command with pipes, quotes, etc

I have a command I'm using to get the hostname.localdomain:
dig axfr | grep -i Lawler | awk '{ getline ; $1=substr($1,1,length($1)-1); print $1 ; exit }'
This nicely returns a result like:
I'd like to further use that result as a variable in a Bash script.
It seems I'm having trouble getting past the first pipe.
If I VAR="dig axfr | grep -i Lawler | awk '{ getline ; $1=substr($1,1,length($1)-1); print $1 ; exit }'"
...I get back the entire zone transfer. I've also tried many minor changes, adding $ before the dig command, without quotes, but nothing seems to work. How can I fix this?
VAR=$( dig axfr |
grep -i Lawler |
awk '{ getline ; $1=substr($1,1,length($1)-1); print $1 ; exit }' )
Use backtics instead of quotes:
VAR=`dig axfr | grep -i Lawler | awk '{ getline ; $1=substr($1,1,length($1)-1); print $1 ; exit }'`
Backtics actually mean "run whatever is in here and return standard out as the expression's value", but quotes don't do that.

Calling Awk in a shell script

I have this command which executes correctly if run directly on the terminal.
awk '/word/ {print NR}' file.txt | head -n 1
The purpose is to find the line number of the line on which the word 'word' first appears in file.txt.
But when I put it in a script file, it doens't seem to work.
#! /bin/sh
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo "Usage: $0 <word> <filename>"
exit 1
awk '/$1/ {print NR}' $2 | head -n 1
So what did I do wrong?
Replace the single quotes with double quotes so that the $1 is evaluated by the shell:
awk "/$1/ {print NR}" $2 | head -n 1
In the shell, single-quotes prevent parameter-substitution; so if your script is invoked like this: word
then you want to run this AWK program:
/word/ {print NR}
but you're actually running this one:
/$1/ {print NR}
and needless to say, AWK has no idea what $1 is supposed to be.
To fix this, change your single-quotes to double-quotes:
awk "/$1/ {print NR}" $2 | head -n 1
so that the shell will substitute word for $1.
You should use AWK's variable passing feature:
awk -v patt="$1" '$0 ~ patt {print NR; exit}' "$2"
The exit makes the head -1 unnecessary.
you could also pass the value as a variable to awk:
awk -v varA=$1 '{if(match($0,varA)>0){print NR;}}' $2 | head -n 1
Seems more cumbersome than the above, but illustrates passing vars.
