New cryptographic algorithms? - algorithm

I was wondering about new trends in cryptography. Which algorithms are new ? Which are improved and which died beacuse of the time that past ?
For example EEC ( Elliptic Curve Cryptography ) is quite new approach, but definitly not the only one. Could you name some of them ?

ECC actually originates from the 80's; it is not exactly new.
In the context of asymmetric encryption and digital signatures, there has been in the last few years much research on pairings. Pairings open up the next level. Conceptually: symmetric cryptography is for problems with one entity (all entities share a secret key, thus they are the "same" entity), asymmetric cryptography is for problems with two entities (the signer and the verifier), and pairings are a tool for protocols with three entities (for instance, electronic cash, where there are the bank, the merchant and the buyer). The only really practical pairings found so far use elliptic curves, but with a much higher dose of mathematics.
As for more classical asymmetric encryption and signatures, there has been some work on many other algorithms, such as HFE, which seems especially good with regards to signature sizes, or lattice-based cryptography. This is still quite new. It takes some time (say a dozen years or so) before a newly created algorithm becomes mature enough to be standardized.
Following work by Bellovin and Merritt in 1992, some Password Authenticated Key Exchange protocols have been described. These protocols are meant to allow for password-based mutual authentication immune to offline dictionary attacks (i.e. the protocols imply that an attacker, even if actively masquerading as one of the parties, cannot obtain enough information to test passwords at his leisure; each guess from the attacker must go through an interaction with one of the entities who knows the password). IEEE group P1363 is working on writing standards on that subject.
In the area of symmetric encryption, the AES has been a bit "final". A few stream ciphers have been designed afterwards (stream ciphers are supposed to provide better performance, at the cost of less generic applicability); some were analyzed by the eSTREAM project. There has been quite some work on encryption modes, which try to combine symmetric encryption and integrity checks in one efficient system (see for instance GCM and CWC).
Hash functions have been a hot subject lately. A bunch of old hash functions, including the famous MD5, were broken in 2004. There is an ongoing competition to determine the next American standard hash function, codenamed SHA-3.
An awful lot of work has been done on some implementation issues, in particular side-channel leaks (how secret data leaks through power consumption, timing, residual electro-magnetic emissions...) and how to block them.

The main problem of contemporary cryptography is not finding algorithms but whole concepts and approaches for different situations (but of course the algorithms are continually improved too).
We have today
Symmetric algorithms (AES)
Asymmetric algorithms (RSA, ECC)
Key exchange (Diffie-Hellman-Key-Exchange, Shamir's no key protocol)
Secret sharing (intersection of n-dimensional planes)
Cryptographic hash functions (SHA)
Some have proven insecure and were improved
DES due to a much to small key-space
and some are broken
Merke/Hellman knapsack cryptosystem
Monoalphabetic subsitution
Naive Vigenère
Which particular algorithm is chosen is often a question of available resources (elliptic curves need smaller keys that RSA algorithm for comparable safety) or just of standardization (as tanascius pointed out, there are competitions for such algorithms). Totally new trends usually start when a whole class of cryptosystems has been shown vulnerable against a specific attack (man-in-the-middle, side-channel) or scientific progress is made (quantum cryptography).
Of course, there is also steganography which doesn't attempt so conceal the content but the existence of a secret message by hiding it in other documents.

Currently there is the NIST hash function competition running with the goal to find a replacement for the older SHA-1 and SHA-2 functions. So this is about a cryptographic hash function.
You can have a look at the list of the accepted algorithms for round two, and you can get whitepapers to all of the algorithms taking part there.
I am not up-to-date, but I doubt that there are any completely new approaches for the algorithms.
EDIT: Well, one of the candidates was the Elliptic curve only hash, but it is listed under "Entrants with substantial weaknesses" ^^

People have covered most other things; I'll talk about design:
Block ciphers: Traditional block cipher (e.g. DES) uses a Feistel structure. There's a move to a more general S-P network (Rijndael, Serpent) which are easier to parallelize, and cipher modes which support parallelization (CS, GCM) and efficient authenticated encryption (CS, GCM, IGE/BIGE).
Hashes: Traditional hashes use the obvious Merkle–Damgård construction. This has some undesirable properties:
Length extension is trivial (to some extent this is mitigated by proper finalization)
Several attacks on the collision resistance (multicollisions, Joux 2004; "expandable message" attacks, Kelsey 2005; herding attacks, Kelsey 2006).
In the popular Davies–Meyer mode used in MD{4,5} and SHA-{0,1,2} — hi=hi−1⊕E(mi, hi−1)) — every message block has a fixed-point D(mi,0). This makes the expandable message attack much easier.
The SHA-3 contest notice (070911510–7512–01) also suggests randomized hashing and resistance against length extension (currently achieved with HMAC for MD5/SHA-1/SHA-2) and parallelization (a few hashes specify a tree hashing mode).
There's a general trend towards avoiding potential table lookups (e.g. Threefish, XTEA) to mitigate cache timing attacks.


What hard problems do we need to solve to break SHA, MD, DES?

I seek a STRICTLY a mathematic (and not pragmatic) answer.
We know that the hard problem behind RSA is integer factorization. If one were to solve that problem, he would easily break any RSA encryption. We already know that quantuum computers may hold the key to solving integer factorization.
My question is wether one can be formulated, and if yes, then which hard mathematical problem is behind (providing the one-wayness (is there such a word?) of) SHA, MD-x, (and although not a hash algorithm, DES, which is known to have been broken, although maybe not a mathematical way). In case of the hash functions, breaking it would mean generating (all) messages m that have the h hash value.
With that information I would like to be able to assess the long-term (let's say multi-decade long) security (ha-ha, right?) of these algorithms, in a strictly mathematical sense (sideway attacks ignored).
This is actually a good question because for a long time, the research community could not even say itself what it means for a hash function to be secure. I mean, if we talk in terms of Turing machines, then none of them are secure: there always exists a Turing machine that can output a collision in O(1) time for anything SHA or MD related. It was not until our good friend Professor Phillip Rogaway came along and said the security is based upon nothing but human ignorance: . So in other words, there is no mathematical foundation to their security.
There are actually hash functions out there that are more formally defined (such as VSH or SWIFFT), but it is not something you see in practice.
As for DES, it does have fixed size inputs and keys, so unless it is generalised to some design that scales, it also cannot be founded upon complexity theory.
One last point: yes, RSA is based upon factoring, but it is not proven that you need to factor to break it. Much of cryptographic history involves trying to formalise the padding for RSA to make it provably secure in some sense of the definition or provable security. To my knowledge, they never got past proving it secure in the so called random oracle model (see OAEP), which many theorists are not satisfied with.

Java card for running cryptographic protocol

My question is about performance of JavaCard smart-card on AT90SC25672RCT chip.
The matter is that I want to develop project related to cryptography using JavaCard for educational purposes.
Right now is time to buy smart-card and that's why I wonder if card with this chip will cover my needs. The matter is that I've decided to use some cryptographic protocol that will require some calculations both on desktop and smart-card side.
So my question is addressed to people that have JavaCard now and can tell me if it is possible to run random generator and compute couple of hash values in within sane amount of time or I should use some protocol that requires less calculations?
Recommendations devices or minimal requirements are also welcome.
As already mentioned, smart cards in general have co-processors. Symmetric ones for DES and AES family of algorithms and asymmetric ones for RSA and elliptic curves.
I don't know what you consider a sane amount of time, but generating signatures is never a problem (well below one second), while generating a 4096 bit RSA key pair on the card may last minutes.
The typical bottleneck is the I/O interface, heavily depending on the card and the reader at hand (among others by the external clock). This is the reason, why nobody will sent a document of megabytes to a card, just to get the hash computed, but will hash externally. The small random numbers to be hashed within cryptographic protocols are of course no problem. Cards are getting faster on the I/O side too, but the proven approach will remain with us for some time.
Unfortunately I don't know which smart card has that specific chip inside, but nowadays smart cards are really powerful. They not only has the ability to generate random numbers and hash values but also they can do some cryptography functions and signature generation and verification such as RSA, 3DES, AES and so on.
Fortunately you can see a list of supported algorithms for a big list of smart cards here.

characteristics of various hash algorithms?

MD5, MD6?, all the SHA-somethings, CRC-somethings. I've used them before and seen them used in various places, but I have no idea why you would use one over another.
On a very high level, what is the difference between all these 3/4 letter acronyms In terms of performance, collision probability and general hard-to-crackness? Does any of those depend on what kind or what amount of data I am hashing?
What trade-offs am I making when i choose one over another? I've read that the CRC is not suitable to use for security, but what about for general hash-table collision avoidance?
CRC-whatever is used primarily (should be exclusively) for protection against accidental changes in data. They do quite a good job of detecting noise and such, but are not intended for cryptographic purposes -- finding a second preimage (a second input that produces the same hash) is (by cryptographic standards) trivial. [Edit: As noted by #Jon, unlike the other hashes mentioned here, CRC is not and never was intended for cryptographic use.]
MD-5. Originally intended for cryptographic use, but fairly old and now considered fairly weak. Although no second preimage attack is known, a collision attack is known (i.e., a way to produce two selected inputs that produce the same result, but not a second input to produce the same result as one that's specified). About the only time to use this any more is as a more elaborate version of a CRC.
Once upon a time, there was simply "SHA". Very early in its history, a defect was found, and a slight modification was made to produce SHA-1. SHA was in use for a short enough time that it's rarely of practical interest.
SHA-1 is generally more secure than MD-5, but still in the same general range -- a collision attack is known, though it's a lot1 more expensive than for MD-5. No second preimage attack is known, but the collision attack is enough to say "stay away".
SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512: These are sort of based on SHA-1, but are somewhat more complex internally. At least as far as I'm aware, neither a second-preimage attack nor a collision attack is known on any of these at the present time.
SHA-3: US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is currently holding a competition to standardize a replacement for the current SHA-2 series hash algorithm, which will apparent be called SHA-3. As I write this (September 2011) the competition is currently in its third round, with five candidates (Blake, Grøstl, JH, Kaccek and Skein2) left in the running. Round 3 is scheduled to be over in January 2012, at which time public comments on the algorithms will no longer be (at least officially) accepted. In March 2012, a (third) SHA-3 conference will be held (in Washington DC). At some unspecified date later in 2012, the final selection will be announced.
1 For anybody who cares about how much more expensive it is to attack SHA-1 than MD-5, I'll try to give some concrete numbers. For MD-5, my ~5 year-old machine can produce a collision in about 40-45 minutes. For SHA-1, I only have an estimate, but my estimate is that a cluster to produce collisions at a rate of one per week would cost well over a million US dollars (and probably closer to $10 million). Even given an existing machine, the cost of operating the machine long enough to find a collision is substantial.
2 Since it's almost inevitable that somebody will at least wonder, I'll point out that the entry Bruce Schneier worked on is Skein.
Here's the really short summary:
MD4, MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2 all belong to a category of general purpose secure hashing algorithms. They're generally interchangeable, in that they all produce a hashcode from a plaintext such that it's designed to be computationally infeasible to determine a plaintext that generates a hash (a 'preimage'), or to find two texts that hash to the same thing (a 'collision'). All of them are broken to various degrees, or at least believed to be vulnerable.
MD6 was a candidate for NIST's SHA-3 competition, but it was withdrawn. It has the same general characteristics of the above hash functions, but like many of the SHA-3 candidates, adds extra features - in this case a merkle-tree like structure for improving parallelization of hashes. It goes without saying that it, along with the remaining SHA-3 candidates, are not yet well tested.
A CRC is in fact not a hash algorithm at all. Its name stands for Cyclic Redundancy Check, and it's a checksum rather than a hash. Different CRCs are designed to resist different levels of transmission errors, but they all have in common a guarantee that they will detect a certain number of bit errors, something hash algorithms do not share. They're not as well distributed as a hash algorithm, so shouldn't be used as one.
There are a range of general purpose hash algorithms suitable for use in hashtables etcetera, such as FNV. These tend to be a lot faster than cryptographic hashes, but aren't designed to resist attacks by an adversary. Unlike secure hashes, some of them show quite poor distribution characteristics, and are only suitable for hashing certain types of data.
To complete the other answers: performance varies among hash functions. Hash functions are built on elementary operations, which are more or less efficient, depending on the architecture. For instance, the SHA-3 candidate Skein uses additions on 64-bit integers and is very fast on platforms which offer 64-bit operations, but on 32-bit-only systems (including all ARM processors), Skein is much slower.
SHA-256 is usually said to be "slow" but will still hash data at a rate of about 150 megabytes per second on a basic PC (a 2.4 GHz Core2), which is more than enough for most applications. It is rare that hash function performance is really important on a PC. Things can be different on embedded systems (from smartcards to smartphones) where you could get more data to process than what the CPU can handle. MD5 will be typically 3 to 6 times faster than SHA-256. SHA-256 is still the recommended default choice, since its security is still intact; consider using something else only if you get a real, duly constated and measured performance issue.
On small 32-bit architectures (MIPS, ARM...), all remaining SHA-3 candidates are slower than SHA-256, so getting something faster and yet secure could be challenging.

how secure is a digital signature?

Digital signature, if I understood right, means sending the message in clear along with a hash of the message which is encrypted using a private key.
The recipient of the message calculates the hash, decrypts the received hash using the public key, then compares the two hashes for a match.
How safe is this? I mean, you can obtain the hash of the message easily and you also have the encrypted hash. How easy is it to find the private key used to create the Encrypted_hash?
Message Hash Encrypted_hash
Hello world! 1234 abcd
Hi there 5678 xyzt
Bla bla 0987 gsdj
Given the Hash and the Encrypted_hash values, and enough of these messages, how easy/hard is it to find out the private key?
Because of the algorithms used to generate the keys (RSA is the typical one), the answer is essentially "impossible in any reasonable amount of time" assuming that the key is of a sufficient bit length. As long as the private key is not stolen or given away, you won't be able to decrypt it with just a public key and a message that was hashed with the private key.
As linked to in #Henk Holterman's answer, the RSA algorithm is built on the fact that the computations needed to decrypt the private key - prime factorization being one of them - are hard problems, which cannot be solved in any reasonable amount time (that we currently know of). In other words, the underlying problem (prime factorization) is an NP problem, meaning that it cannot be solved in polynomial time (cracking the private key) but it can be verified in polynomial time (decrypting using the public key).
Ciphers developed before electronic computers were often vulnerable to "known plain-text" attack, which is essentially what is described here: if an attacker had the cipher-text and the corresponding plain-text, he could discover the key. World War II-era codes were sometimes broken by guessing at plain-text words that had been encrypted, like the locations of battles, ranks, salutations, or weather conditions.
However, the RSA algorithm used most often for digital signatures is invulnerable even to a "chosen plain-text attack" when proper padding is used (like OAEP). Chosen plain-text means that the attacker can choose a message, and trick the victim into encrypting it; it's usually even more dangerous than a known plain-text attack.
Anyway, a digital signature is safe by any standard. Any compromise would be due to an implementation flaw, not a weakness in the algorithm.
A digital signature says nothing about how the actual message is transferred. Could be clear text or encrypted.
And current asymmetric algorithms (public+private key) are very secure, how secure depends on the key-size.
An attacker does have enough information to crack it. But it is part of the 'proof' of asymmetric encryption that that takes an impractical amount of CPU time: the method is computationally safe.
What you're talking about is known as a "known plaintext" attack. With any reasonably secure modern encryption algorithm known plaintext is of essentially no help in an attack. When you're designing an encryption algorithm, you assume that an attacker will have access to an arbitrary amount of known plaintext; if that assists the attacker, the algorithm is considered completely broken by current standards.
In fact, you normally take for granted that the attacker will not only have access to an arbitrary amount of known plaintext, but even an arbitrary amount of chosen plaintext (i.e., they can choose some text, somehow get you to encrypt it, and compare the result to the original. Again, any modern algorithm needs to be immune to this to be considered secure.
Given the Hash and the Encrypted_hash values, and enough of these messages, how easy/hard is it to find out the private key?
This is the scenario of a Known-plaintext attack: you are given many plaintext messages (the hash) and corresponding cipher texts (the encrypted hash) and you want to find out the encryption key.
Modern cryptographic algorithms are designed to withstand this kind of attack, like the RSA algorithm, which is one of the algorithms currently in use for digital signatures.
In other words, it is still extremely difficult to find out the private key. You'd either need an impossible amount of computing power, or you'd need to find a really fast algorithm for factorizing integers, but that would guarantee you lasting fame in the history of mathematics, and hence is even more difficult.
For a more detailed and thorough understanding of cryptography, have a look at the literature, like the Wikipedia pages or Bruce Schneier's Applied Cryptography.
For a perfectly designed hash it is impossible (or rather - there is no easier way than trying every possible input key)

What is currently the most secure one-way encryption algorithm?

As many will know, one-way encryption is a handy way to encrypt user passwords in databases. That way, even the administrator of the database cannot know a user's password, but will have to take a password guess, encrypt that with the same algorithm and then compare the result with the encrypted password in the database. This means that the process of figuring out the password requires massive amounts of guesses and a lot of processing power.
Seeing that computers just keep getting faster and that mathematicians are still developing these algorithms, I'm wondering which one is the most secure considering modern computing power and encryption techniques.
I've been using MD5 almost exclusively for years now, and I'm wondering if there's something more I should be doing. Should I be contemplating a different algorithm?
Another related question: How long should a field typically be for such an encrypted password? I must admit that I know virtually nothing about encryption, but I'm assuming that an MD5 hash (as an example) can be longer and would presumably take more processing power to crack. Or does the length of the field not matter at all, provided that the encrypted password fits in it in the first place?
Warning: Since this post was written in 2010, GPUs have been widely deployed to brute-force password hashes. Moderately-priced GPUs
can run ten billion MD5s per second. This means that even a
completely-random 8-character alphanumeric password (62 possible
characters) can be brute forced in 6 hours. SHA-1 is only slightly
slower, it'd take one day. Your user's passwords are much weaker, and
(even with salting) will fall at a rate of thousands of passwords per
second. Hash functions are designed to be fast. You don't want this
for passwords. Use scrypt, bcrypt, or PBKDF-2.
MD5 was found to be weak back in 1996, and should not be used anymore for cryptographic purposes. SHA-1 is a commonly used replacement, but has similar problems. The SHA-2 family of hash functions are the current replacement of SHA-1. The members of SHA-2 are individually referred to as SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.
At the moment, several hash functions are competing to become SHA-3, the next standardised cryptographic hashing algorithm. A winner will be chosen in 2012. None of these should be used yet!
For password hashing, you may also consider using something like bcrypt. It is designed to be slow enough to make large scale brute force attacks infeasible. You can tune the slowness yourself, so it can be made slower when computers are becoming faster.
Warning: bcrypt is based on an older two-way encryption algorithm, Blowfish, for which better alternatives exist today. I do not think that the cryptographic hashing properties of bcrypt are completely understood. Someone correct me if I'm wrong; I have never found a reliable source that discusses bcrypt's properties (other than its slowness) from a cryptographic perspective.
It may be somewhat reassuring that the risk of collisions matters less for password hashing than it does for public-key cryptography or digital signatures. Using MD5 today is a terrible idea for SSL, but not equally disastrous for password hashing. But if you have the choice, simply pick a stronger one.
Using a good hash function is not enough to secure your passwords. You should hash the passwords together with salts that are long and cryptographically random. You should also help your users pick stronger passwords or pass phrases if possible. Longer always is better.
Great question! This page is a good read. In particular, the author claims that MD5 is not appropriate for hashing passwords:
The problem is that MD5 is fast. So are its modern competitors, like SHA1 and SHA256. Speed is a design goal of a modern secure hash, because hashes are a building block of almost every cryptosystem, and usually get demand-executed on a per-packet or per-message basis.
Speed is exactly what you don’t want in a password hash function.
The article then goes on to explain some alternatives, and recommends Bcrypt as the "correct choice" (his words, not mine).
Disclaimer: I have not tried Bcrypt at all. Consider this a friendly recommendation but not something I can back up with my own technical experience.
To increase password strength you should use a wider variety of symbols. If you have 8-10 characters in the password it becomes pretty hard to crack. Although making it longer will make it more secure, only if you use numeric/alphabetic/other characters.
SHA1 is another hashing (one way encryption) algorithm, it is slower, but is has a longer digest. (encoded messsage) (160 bit) where MD5 only has 128 bit.
Then SHA2 is even more secure, but it used less.
salting the password is always an extra level of defense
$salt = 'asfasdfasdf0a8sdflkjasdfapsdufp';
$hashed = md5( $userPassword . $salt );
Seeing that computers just keep getting faster and that mathematicians are still developing these algorithms
RSA encryption is secure in that it relies on a really big number being hard to factor. Eventually, computers will get fast enough to factor the number in a reasonable amount of time. To stay ahead of the curve, you use a bigger number.
However, for most web sites, the purpose of hashing passwords is to make it inconvenient for someone with access to the database to read the password, not to provide security. For that purpose, MD5 is fine1.
The implication here is that if a malicious user gains access to your entire database, they don't need the password. (The lock on the front door won't stop me from coming in the window.)
1 Just because MD5 is "broken" doesn't mean you can just reverse it whenever you want.
Besides being a cryptographically secure one-way function, a good hash function for password protection should be hard to brute force - i.e. slow by design. scrypt is one of the best in that area. From the homepage:
We estimate that on modern (2009) hardware, if 5 seconds are spent computing a derived key, the cost of a hardware brute-force attack against scrypt is roughly 4000 times greater than the cost of a similar attack against bcrypt (to find the same password), and 20000 times greater than a similar attack against PBKDF2.
That said, from commonly available hash functions, doing a few thousand of iterations of anything from the SHA family is pretty reasonable protection for non-critical passwords.
Also, always add a salt to make it impossible to share effort for brute forcing many hashes at a time.
NIST is currently running a contest to select a new hashing algorith, just as they did to select the AES encryption algorithm. So the answer to this question will likely be different in a couple of years.
You can look up the submissions and study them for yourself to see if there's one that you'd like to use.
