Where do I place GLib DLLs on a Windows machine? - windows

I am using GLib in a Windows application. Where do I place the GLib DLLs? What is the "accepted" practice here? Do I use a shared location like C:\Windows\System32 or should I keep a local copy within my application folder?

if the dll is being used for your application specifically, include it in the installation path for your application so that users know it is an associated, needed item for your application.


Ensure that only system DLLs are loaded for the application

We would like to ensure that when our application is loaded, it uses only Windows system DLLs and not any DLL from the folder containing the exe file for the application. The application is a standalone executable and can be run, for an example, from Download folder, hence the reason for the restriction. Unfortunately one of DLLs is not on KnownDLLs registry setting mentioned in Microsoft documentation.
The same documentation mentioned that one can use exe manifest to control the search order, but it is not clear how to do that to restrict the search path only to system libraries.

Where to store custom DLL files on Windows?

we need to deploy some custom DLL on Win7 Desktop computers that will be used for VBA.
Now, what would be the best location to store these files ?
Surely not in the standard Win locations such as Program Files or SystemXX folders...
Thanks a lot in advance for your answers
I have been working on a project which uses custom dlls and I place them in the workspace folder or the folder I am working from.
I use python(ctypes) so I have included them in the package that I am creating.
You can add the path of your dll location to the path variable as well if you like

How installation works?

I want to know how installation in windows works like what sort of files get created first as .dll , drivers & all.
To be more precise when we click on .exe file what happens internally?
Generally speaking, anything can happen after you click the exe. But most of the time, installer does some or most of these:
check if the needed frameworks and libraries are already installed (ex: .NET framework)
create a registry entry with the application settings and uninstaller path
extract the binaries and assets or download them
create the needed directories (ex: Program Files/SomeProgram) and move the extracted files to the proper folders
create a desktop shortcut
associate the file extensions with the program
do whatever else the program needs.. It really depends on what you are installing and what needs to be set up for the program to
function properly.

Why does my dll end up in AppData\Local\Temp\

I have a small SWT based java application. On installation swt-win32-*.dll is installed with my application in C:\Program Files\myapp\win32.
When I looked at my application in process explorer I noticed that the dll is loaded from:
On Windows XP it ends up in:
C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\Local Settings\Temp\swt-win32-*.dll
Whenever I delete it from the temp folder and restart my application the dll is copied there again. The other dlls my application depends on don't show this behaviour.
Who copies the dll (my application doesn't)?
What's the reason behind it?
I don't know Java very well, but if it's inside the JAR (or any kind of archive, really), then it has to be extracted into real file before it can be loaded (because OS provides no other supported way to do it).

Where to install shared DLLs on Windows

I have a driver which can be installed on Windows (XP/Vista/7). It's accessed via a native C++ DLL that 3rd-party applications link to, and which is also a Winsock Provider (WSP). It used to be installed under System32, but having seen advice not to, I changed it to install under ProgramFiles instead.
Now, the problem is that people are having to either copy it back into System32 or copy it into the application directory whenever they want to use it in their own applications, because Windows won't search the install directory under ProgramFiles when the application tries to load the DLL.
I've been unable to find any Microsoft documentation discussing this issue, so if System32 shouldn't be used then where should shared DLLs be installed?
The Windows side-by-side cache. Backgrounder info is here, technical reference is here.
I haven't seen anybody actually do this yet, other than Microsoft. Quite notable is that MSFT gave up on winsxs deployment for the C/C++ CRT and MFC runtime DLLs for VS2010, it was causing too many problems. They're back in c:\windows\system32. The managed equivalent of this (the GAC) is going strong though. Better tool support, probably.
I'm fairly sure that by a large margin everybody chooses app-local deployment.
Since it's a DLL linked to your driver maybe it's less of an issue, but I'd be wary of trying to share the DLL and would instead try to get all developers of client apps to keep their own version of the dll in their applications folders.
I've had too much fun in DLL Hell to want any more weird bugs because AppX overwrote the DLL with an old version that breaks AppY etc.
Anywhere on the path would work.
If this is only to be used with your set of apps (eg Qt4.dll) then in the root of "c:\program files\my company" would be good, or have a 'shared' folder below that.
If it's to be used by other apps that you don't know about (eg a video codec) then system32 makes sense (you will need admin rights when you install)
Fixed filesystem location
One possibility would be to install them in a sub-directory of Program Files, as already suggested by #Martin Beckett.
Variable filesystem location, fixed entry in Registry
If you don't want to install them at a fixed location, you could also store their location in the Windows Registry. You'd install some keys under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE that your applications could read to find out where the DLLs are located. Then the DLLs can be loaded at run-time.
P.S.: Preventing orphaned DLLs
You could go one step further and use the Registry, or some other storage (a file, say), to store information about which of your applications uses which of your DLLs. For example:
FooCommon.dll <- FooApp1, FooApp2, FooApp3
FooBar.dll <- FooApp1, FooApp3
FooBaz.dll <- FooApp2, FooApp3
Whenever one of your applications is un-installed, it removes itself from this map. Any uninstaller can then safely delete a DLL that is no longer in use by any application. That method is akin to reference-counting, and the idea is to prevent orphaned DLLs from accumulating on users' filesystem.
Native DLLs can be stored as side-by-side assemblies. See this reference for more information. This is separate from the .NET Global Assembly Cache, but it uses similar concepts. This blog post also has quite a few useful details about how DLLs get resolved as side-by-side assemblies.
