SFTP transfer file and move file to folder - vbscript

This is my first post so please excuse my ignorance. I am using a vbscript to zip all .csv type files in a particular folder. After some google searches, I have found a workable vbscript to do this and have enabled a scheduled task to automate this.
What I need to do next is to transfer the zip file via sftp and then "move" that zip file into another folder. I believe the former can be achieved using pscp.exe via command line but can someone show me how to do the latter?
Basically the zipping will be done twice a day and so it will have a timestamp similar to yyyymmdd0900.zip (for 9am schedule) and yyyymmdd1800.zip (for 6pm schedule). After the transfer, I want to move (not copy) the zip file generated into another folder.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all in advance.
EDIT: Here is some code I slapped together based on some Google searches. It does what I want it to do. Please excuse the "pasting" as i couldn't figure out how to format it properly. Currently, it runs the bat file after copying but I just noticed that i need to send (using PuTTY Secure Copy) the "latest" zip file before moving it to the "completed" folder. Can someone please show me how to do this?
Zipping the file and rename the zip file
My Code :
On Error Resume Next
strFilepath = "c:\files"
strDestination = "c:\files\completed\"
strExtension = "csv"
strYear = Year(Now)
strMonth = Right("0" & Month(Now), 2)
strDay = Right("0" & Day(Now), 2)
strHour = Right ("0" & Hour(Now), 2)
strMinute = Right ("0" & Minute (Now), 2)
strZip = strFilepath & "\" & strYear & strMonth & strDay & strHour & strMinute & ".zip"
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFilepath)
For Each objFile in objFolder.Files
strFileExt = objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile.Path)
If LCase(strFileExt) = LCase(strExtension) Then
ZipFile objFile.Path, strZip
End If
Sub ZipFile(strFileToZip, strArchive)
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not objFSO.FileExists(strArchive) Then
Set objTxt = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strArchive)
objTxt.Write "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, Chr(0))
End If
Set objApp = CreateObject( "Shell.Application" )
intCount = objApp.NameSpace(strArchive).Items.Count + 1
objApp.NameSpace(strArchive).CopyHere strFileToZip
WScript.Sleep 200
set objNameSpace = objApp.NameSpace(strArchive)
If Not objNameSpace is nothing Then
If objNameSpace.Items.Count = intCount Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
End Sub
>Move file to a different folder and then run a bat file to secury copy file to a FTP location
Dim objFSO, objFileCopy, objFileDelete, dot, files, file
Dim strDestination, folder, subfolder, fileCount, strFilePath
strDestination = "C:\Files\Completed\"
strFilePath = "C:\Files"
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.fileSystemObject")
set folder = objFSO.getFolder(strFilePath)
For Each file In folder.files
Set objFileCopy = objFSO.GetFile(file)
If objFSO.GetExtensionName(file) = "zip" Then
objFSO.MoveFile objFileCopy.Path, strDestination
End If
Dim shell
Set shell=createobject("wscript.shell")
Shell.run "C:\testsend.bat"
Set shell=nothing

This will move a file to the specified location.
Sub Move_File(Source_File, Destination_Folder)
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.MoveFile Source_File, Destination_Folder
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub

sftp client provides a means to change working directory on the host before performing any file transfers. It would be better to thus transfer the file directly to the target location.
NOTE: The above answer was a result of misunderstanding the question. I read it to mean the file had to be moved on the destination but the real operation was to move the file on the origin.
I found the following example code that moves a file after checking that it exists. Wildcards are allowed for the source parameter but then FileExists may not work. Requires vbscript 2.0 to work.
dim filesys
set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If filesys.FileExists("c:\sourcefolder\anyfile.html") Then
filesys.MoveFile "c:\sourcefolder\anyfile.html", "c:\destfolder\"
End If


VBS zipping script

I found (apparently working for everybody) script which only needs to be modified (paths):
Sub NewZip(pathToZipFile)
'WScript.Echo "Newing up a zip file (" & pathToZipFile & ") "
Dim fso
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim file
Set file = fso.CreateTextFile(pathToZipFile)
file.Write Chr(80) & Chr(75) & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, 0)
Set fso = Nothing
Set file = Nothing
WScript.Sleep 500
End Sub
Sub CreateZip(pathToZipFile, dirToZip)
'WScript.Echo "Creating zip (" & pathToZipFile & ") from (" & dirToZip & ")"
Dim fso
Set fso= Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
pathToZipFile = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(pathToZipFile)
dirToZip = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(dirToZip)
If fso.FileExists(pathToZipFile) Then
'WScript.Echo "That zip file already exists - deleting it."
fso.DeleteFile pathToZipFile
End If
If Not fso.FolderExists(dirToZip) Then
'WScript.Echo "The directory to zip does not exist."
Exit Sub
End If
NewZip pathToZipFile
dim sa
set sa = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim zip
Set zip = sa.NameSpace(pathToZipFile)
'WScript.Echo "opening dir (" & dirToZip & ")"
Dim d
Set d = sa.NameSpace(dirToZip)
' Look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb787866(VS.85).aspx
' for more information about the CopyHere function.
zip.CopyHere d.items, 4
Do Until d.Items.Count <= zip.Items.Count
End Sub
Can anybody give example how this script should look like with
real paths? I'm trying but it's not working for me.
This script consists solely of two subroutines and thus will never execute anything.
Add the following line to the bottom of the file and it should work (given that the code in the subs is sound, I have not tested):
CreateZip "c:\output\test.zip" "c:\input\"
This will do the following, in order:
Check to see if the output file exists. If it does, it will delete it.
Check to see if the input folder exists, if it does not, the script will exit.
Call the NewZip sub which just creates an "empty" .zip file.
Copy files to the zip file.
Pause for a while, probably to ensure you don't try to access the ZIP before it's done copying.
The contents of the input folder will now be in the zip file in the output folder.

vbscript to delete files & folders of remote computer

First thing I am not an expert in writing VBScripts.
I have a requirement of deleting files & folders of remote systems with just 1 click. I was trying to build below VBScript but somehow it’s not working. I request any of your help to correct the same or with a new script that help me to fulfill the requirement. Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated, Thanks in Advance.
With the below:
C:\Test - is the directory from where I would like to delete the files & subfolders
C:\computerList.txt – is the text file contains all remote systems IP Address.
Const strPath = "C:\Test"
Set computerList = objfso.OpenTextFile ("C:\computerList.txt", 1)
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call Search (strPath)
Sub Search(str)
Do While Not computerList.AtEndOfStream
strComputer = computerList.ReadLine
Dim objFolder, objSubFolder, objFile
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("\\" & strComputer & "\" & str)
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
If objFile.DateLastModified < (Now() - 0) Then
End If
For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.SubFolders
' Files have been deleted, now see if
' the folder is empty.
If (objSubFolder.Files.Count = 0) Then
objSubFolder.Delete True
End If
End Sub
Balaram Reddy
Your first problem is that you have the line order incorrect:
Set computerList = objfso.OpenTextFile ("C:\computerList.txt", 1)
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Should be
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set computerList = objfso.OpenTextFile ("C:\computerList.txt", 1)
You are using objfso before declaring it
When using a UNC path, you will need to use the folder's remote share name. If you have admin privileges on the remote pc use:
Const strPath = "c$\Test"

VB.Net - List files & subfolders from a specified Directory and save to a text document, and sort results

I am working on a project that requires me to search and list all files in a folder that could have multiple sub folders and write it to text documents.
Primarily the file extension i will be searching for is a .Doc, but I will need to list the other files found in said directory as well.
To make things slightly more difficult I want the text documents to be sorted by File type and another by Directory.
I do not know how possible this is, but I have search for methods online, but have as of yet found correct syntax.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I write this in the past, should server as a base for your version. I know it's not .NET, still I hope it helps something. It prompts the user for a path to scan, recurses into folders, and writes the file name, path, and owner into a CSV file. Probably really inefficient and slow, but does the job.
Main() ' trickster yo
Dim rootFolder 'As String
Dim FSO 'As Object
Dim ObjOutFile
Dim objWMIService 'As Object
Sub Main()
StartTime = Timer()
If Wscript.Arguments.Count = 1 Then ' if path provided with the argument, use it.
rootFolder = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
rootFolder = InputBox("Give me the search path : ") ' if not, ask for it
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ObjOutFile = FSO.CreateTextFile("OutputFiles.csv")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:")
ObjOutFile.WriteLine ("Path, Owner") ' set headers
Gather (rootFolder)
ObjOutFile.Close ' close the stream
EndTime = Timer()
MsgBox ("Done. (ran for " & FormatNumber(EndTime - StartTime, 2) & "s.)")
End Sub
Function Gather(FolderName)
On Error Resume Next
Dim ObjFolder
Dim ObjSubFolders
Dim ObjSubFolder
Dim ObjFiles
Dim ObjFile
Set ObjFolder = FSO.GetFolder(FolderName)
Set ObjFiles = ObjFolder.Files
For Each ObjFile In ObjFiles 'Write all files to output files
Set objFileSecuritySettings = _
objWMIService.Get("Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting='" & ObjFile.Path & "'")
intRetVal = objFileSecuritySettings.GetSecurityDescriptor(objSD)
If intRetVal = 0 Then
owner = objSD.owner.Domain & "\" & objSD.owner.Name
ObjOutFile.WriteLine (ObjFile.Path & ";" & owner) ' write in CSV format
End If
Set ObjSubFolders = ObjFolder.SubFolders 'Getting all subfolders
For Each ObjFolder In ObjSubFolders
Set objFolderSecuritySettings = _
objWMIService.Get("Win32_LogicalFileSecuritySetting='" & ObjFile.Path & "'")
intRetVal = objFolderSecuritySettings.GetSecurityDescriptor(objSD)
If intRetVal = 0 Then
owner = objSD.owner.Domain & "\" & objSD.owner.Name
ObjOutFile.WriteLine (ObjFolder.Path & ";" & owner) ' write in CSV format
End If
Gather (ObjFolder.Path)
End Function

Beginner VBscript: script that zips log files

I am having a problem with my script not actually producing a zip file. When I test the script with the paths set to something like this:
with the test log files in folder 1 being deleted if older than 7 days, and being zipped and moved to folder 2, it will run perfectly fine. It will produce the zipped file with all of the log files in it and have the proper naming set.
So I know that at least the logic of the script works for that.
My problem is that I need this script to go through the security logs on a machine and delete any older than 7 days, and then zip up any that are left and be sent to a mounted shared drive. When I change the path to something like:
C:\Windows\System32\Config (where the logs are located)
it will still delete any log files older than 7 days, but it does not produce a zip file with any that are left. It just does nothing even though the script produces no errors. I've been trying to figure this out with no luck going over my code. If anyone could take a look over what I've had and let me know where I've gone astray that would be extremely helpful.
Thank you in advance, the script is found below.
'Lines 14-53 delete any log files older than 7 days. Changing the value in "iDaysOld =" will change the time frame in which files are kept or deleted.
'If files do not need to be deleted this part of the script can be taken out and the Archive/Move ability will still be intact
'Lines 57-102 contain the ability to Zip your log files and send them to a new folder. The zipped file is named after the localhost and a date/timestamp is appended to the file name.
Option Explicit
Dim oFSO, oFolder, sDirectoryPath
Dim oFileCollection, oFile, sDir
Dim iDaysOld
' Specify Directory Path From Where You want to clear the old files
sDirectoryPath = "C:\Windows\System32\config"
' Specify Number of Days Old File to Delete
iDaysOld = 7
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(sDirectoryPath)
Set oFileCollection = oFolder.Files
For each oFile in oFileCollection
'Specify the Extension of file that you want to delete
'and the number with Number of character in the file extension
If LCase(oFSO.GetExtensionName(oFile.Name)) = "log" Then
If oFile.DateLastModified < (Date() - iDaysOld) Then
End If
End If
Set oFSO = Nothing
Set oFolder = Nothing
Set oFileCollection = Nothing
Set oFile = Nothing
WScript.Echo "Press to start zipping log files."
Dim objFile, objPath, objFolder, Command, PathLogs, RetVal
Dim objFSO: Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim objShell: Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim d : d = Date()
Dim dateStr : dateStr = Year(d) & "-" & Right("00" & Month(d), 2) & "-" & Right("00" & Day(d), 2)
Dim t : t = Time()
Dim timeStr: timeStr = Hour(t) & "-" & Right("00" & Minute(t), 2) & "-" & Right("00" & Second(t), 2)
'Path where logs are located
PathLogs = "C:\Windows\System32\config"
'Loop through the logs and zip
Set objPath = objFSO.GetFolder(PathLogs)
For Each objFile In objPath.Files
If (LCase(objFSO.GetExtensionName(objFile)) = "log") Then
' zip files
Command = """C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe"" a " & PathLogs & "%computername%" & "-" & dateStr & "-" & timeStr & ".zip " & PathLogs & objFile.Name
RetVal = objShell.Run(Command,0,true)
End If
WScript.Echo "Zip Successful."
WScript.Echo "Now Moving Zipped Files into Archived Folder"
'move files
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
objFSO.MoveFile "C:\Windows\System32\config\*.zip" , "C:\Testscripts\testfolder\Archived"
WScript.Echo "Move Successful."
I'd probably try echoing out the 7zip command line, checking that it looks right and running it manually from the same location as the script runs from. It might look wrong when you see it or 7zip might give you a message to indicate what's going on.

vbscript : fso.opentextfile permission denied

In my code segment, when I script the file name, it gives me a permission denied
on the following line:
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strDirectory & strFile, ForAppending, True)
Here is the script
'output log info
Function OutputToLog (strToAdd)
Dim strDirectory,strFile,strText, objFile,objFolder,objTextFile,objFSO
strDirectory = "c:\eNet"
strFile = "\weeklydel.bat"
'strText = "Book Another Holiday"
strText = strToAdd
' Create the File System Object
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Check that the strDirectory folder exists
If objFSO.FolderExists(strDirectory) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strDirectory)
'WScript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory
End If
If objFSO.FileExists(strDirectory & strFile) Then
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strDirectory)
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory & strFile)
'Wscript.Echo "Just created " & strDirectory & strFile
End If
set objFile = nothing
set objFolder = nothing
' OpenTextFile Method needs a Const value
' ForAppending = 8 ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2
Const ForAppending = 2
Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strDirectory & strFile, ForAppending, True)
' Writes strText every time you run this VBScript
End Function
I have assigned the vbscript domain administrator permissions. Any ideas?
thanks in advance
I don't think this has to do with File Permissions per se. It has to do with the fact that you've created the file using:
Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strDirectory & strFile)
That creates the file...and carries a reference to that file (objFile)
Then you don't close the file before you destroy the reference
'Missing objFile.Close here
Set objFile = nothing
Set objFolder = nothing
Consequently you're destroying the reference but leaving the textstream open in memory thus locking your file.
You are then proceeding to attempt to re-open the file while the file is already "open". This is a little long winded, you've already got a reference after you've created the file - it would be easier just to write straight to that rather than destroy the reference before creating another one.
for what its worth...
I was convinced I had a permission error because of this line:
Set LogFile = LogFSO.OpenTextFile(LogFileName, ForWriting, True)
Because that's the line that the 'permission denied' error pointed to. But in fact, my permission error was a few lines further down:
WshShell.SendKeys ("~")
There was no screen with such a caption, so the SendKeys is what did not have permission.
The solution, of course, was:
If WshShell.AppActivate(ScreensToRemove(i)) = True Then
WshShell.SendKeys ("~")
End if
Hope that might help.
Also, make sure that you don't have the file open in Excel (I had this problem with a .csv file)...
In my particular case the file which existed before and all I had to do was give permission to the Everyone user
balabaster is exactly right. You either need to close the file before reopening it a second time for writing, or using the existing open handle.
