Best and most convenient way of handling multiple sites for different clients? - hosting

A very broad question, but how would you handle multiple domain names for different clients? Do you setup a "Web Hosting"-like server where you install Cpanel?
What are other cheaper alternatives to Cpanel?

You can choose to buy a "reseller" account from web hosting companies. This allows you to host multiple domains, each under different hosting account. Server management and technical support is done by the web hosting company without you having to worry about it. Each client has its own control panel.
I know Arvixe offers this by example. They provide cPanel for Linux hosting, and WebsitePanel for Windows hosting.


PHP, node, python Hosting Server

I want to run php, node files on a hosting server. And the node file runs the python script. it means the hosting server should have the python interpreter. Which hosting server supports all these? Can anyone help me?
Shared hosting may not offer all these services at one place. You can easily use VPS and Cloud Servers like DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS and GCE they have smaller plans like 10$/ mon which you can easily avail to host any applications. The best thing is you can create complete stack according to your requirements.
This is not talking about products, like digitaloecel, linode, aws,, and etc.
But this is talking about the additional features that are support on your server.
The easiest way is, you install OS CloudLinux + cPanel on your server whether it's a vps or a dedicated server, then you can activate the Python, nodeJS, CageFS, and others features via WHM (cPanel admin panel).

create php web service and access to the internet

I have recently installed PHP, MySQL Server, and Apache web server. I played around with some PHP scripts locally on the PC to insert some entries to MySQL Database.
Noob question so please be patient with me:
How do I get my web service out to the internet, by self hosting? Say I already have a domain for example How do I make it so that when someone not within my network can access and can send some data so my server gets it and do anything with that data?
You have to have some form of webhosting. You pay for hosting and you can upload your PHP files to their servers. They will usually also have database servers you can use.
Your domain name has to point to those servers via DNS so the internet can reach your application. I'd suggest you search the internet for popular hosts that provide the tools your need for this.
Self hosting
Another possibility is to open your network up to the world, but this is not recommended unless you have network administration experience due the security trouble that comes with it.
In short: forward a port through your router to the machine running your application. The website has instructions on how to do this but keep in mind that misconfiguration could lead to vulnerabilities in your network.
In order to make you site public
1. you need host
2. you need domain
there are bunch of hosting sites you should get one first.
This link explains very well about self hosting

How Can I Get My Flask-based Web App Hosted Online?

I'm using the Flask microframework to run the Python back-end of my site with an SQLite database. It all looks fine and well running on my Ubuntu machine. But how and where can I actually host it online with a proper URL as in: ""?
Do web hosts usually provide Linux and SSH capabilities?
The 'proper URL' you describe is a domain name, and they can be purchased from many online retailers you'll discover when you Google it.
To host your site you will need an actual server host. Many retailers that sell domain names also sell web hosting, but not all. Essentially, every host will provide you with SSH, FTP, MYSQL and anything you may need to host your site. Linking your domain name is normally done automatically if you're purchase both your domain and hosting from the same retailer. However, if purchasing separately you will have to enter the DNS server information to resolve your host.
Try reading this article to get a good idea of how to move your project to a host. This article is for WordPress, but you should be able to get the general idea on the process.

Hosting a Web Application

I have a quick question regarding hosting web applications. I've recently started getting into hacking so I just wanted to understand them a little more.
I am aware that to host websites you need to pay for a domain name, as well as a hosting service. So let's say you buy a domain from GoDaddy, and then you buy hosting from Dreamhost.
Let's say I'm making a web application in Node.js, then I need to buy a cloud platform such as heroku, correct?
So do I need to buy a domain, hosting service, AND a cloud platform in order to launch a web application?
Cloud hosting is just another kind of hosting versus stuff like Dreamhost.
You likely can't run something like Node.js on Dreamhost's shared hosting, but you could on one of their VPS/dedicated servers. Heroku's just easier for that sort of thing. You'd in most cases pick either Dreamhost or Heroku, not both.

Hosting service that use lighttpd

where can i find a list of good web hosting services that allow me to use lighttpd? (and wordpress, btw)
I know of dreamhost if you use the privete server, but the price is quite high isn't it? How good is as a service?
You are looking for a VPS or dedicated server. These give you root access to the servers, so you can install your own web server.
VPS servers can cost as low as $5 a month depending on what you need. I would check out They have deals on very cheep VPS servers.
