net/http post involving texts to a url using Ruby - ruby

I am writing a mobile App involving creating a Blogger client. I have the APIs that I need but the problem is how to write the ruby code for making a post using the texts beeing provided as well as making comments. The texts are supplied via form input but I don't know how to write the ruby code to post the text.
I will be very happy to recieve a response. Thanks all

From Net::HTTP documentation:
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
#1: Simple POST
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(''),
{'q'=>'ruby', 'max'=>'50'})
puts res.body


how to call method in one application from another application in ruby on rails

I want to call the method and get the response in my application from another application in Ruby on Rails technology, but here cross site scripting problem is there. so, i can i resolve this issue please help me it would be great.
def get_course
#course = Course.find(params[:id])
now i want to call this above method from this application which is running in domain
def call_course_method
#course = redirect_to ""
but it would be redirect into application.
i want to call get_course method and get #course object internally without redirect to another site.
Thanks in advance.
Cross-domain AJAX is indeed a problem, but none that could not be solved. In your get_course method you could return the course objects as a JSON response like so:
render json: #course
From there on you could either retrieve the course through JavaScript (AJAX), here you should use JSONP or inside Rails by issuing a HTTP GET request.
There is JSONP (JSON with padding), which is a communication technique for JavaScript programs to provide a method to request data from a server in a different domain. Look at
the documentation of jQuery.getJSON() and scroll down to the JSONP section.
If the URL includes the string "callback=?" (or similar, as defined by
the server-side API), the request is treated as JSONP instead. See the
discussion of the jsonp data type in $.ajax() for more details.
HTTP GET request
Simply use the Net::HTTP class:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
url = URI.parse('')
req =
res = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port) do |http|
course_json = JSON.parse(res.body)
If you provide methods for your model to convert JSON into a domain object of yours, you can take it from there.
You can also use RPC to invoke methods between different Ruby processes, although I recommend this the least I do not want to omit it. There are several remote procedure call (RPC) libraries. The Ruby standard library provides DRb, but there are also implementations based on Ruby on Rails, for instance the rails-xmlrpc gem which allows you to implement RPC based on the XML-RPC protocol or the alternative protocol using JSON with json-rpcj
You will probably find even more libraries when searching for Rails RPC. From whatever library you pick, the concrete solution will differ.

ruby multipart post image with digest auth

Given I have this, using Ruby 1.9.3p194
Authentication is digestauth
require 'json'
require 'httpclient'
API_SECRET ='blahlbah'
IMAGE ='someimage.png'
h.set_auth(API_URL, API_KEY, API_SECRET) do |file|
body = { 'image' => file}
res =, body)
p res.inspect
I get errors
Ive tried Typheous, Patron, Mechanize, Curl but want to find a way that is simple and works
curl --digest -u myusrname:password -F "image=#image.png" ""
Curl posts nothing and doesnt work as expected. Ive been assured that the API accepts posts, I have a simple web page that does what I need to do via a simple form and it works fine
Any one know what the easiest way ahead is?
Solved it, went back to Curb. It is a RESTful API, RestClient was doing something funky with the digest. HttpClient too was posting blank files. Curb did it.

Parse the callback URL from foursquare?

I am trying to parse the URL returned from the foursquare api (the callback URL) the problem is that the request comes in this format
as you can see that hashtag is breaking havoc in my code because is nowhere to be found using request.url or the whole request object for that matter.
Has anyone solved this? I am not trying to authenticate, I already do that from inside the iOS app.
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
require 'dm-core'
require 'dm-validations'
require 'dm-timestamps'
require 'dm-migrations'
require 'dm-ar-finders'
# where foursquare sent us after authorization
get "/foursquare" do
puts "Receiving ..." + request.url
Probably not what you want to hear, but a quick fix would be let your Sinatra (assuming that given your port number) do the authentication instead of the iOS app. This way you can take advantage of the omniauth-foursquare gem,, which will do most of the parsing for you.
According to Foursquare's API page,, they recommend doing a web-based authentication too.

POSTing an HTML form to remote.cgi - written in Ruby?

I am working on a website hosted on microsoft's office live service. It has a contact form enabling visitors to get in touch with the owner. I want to write a Ruby script that sits on a seperate sever and which the form will POST to. It will parse the form data and email the details to a preset address. The script should then redirect the browser to a confirmation page.
I have an ubuntu hardy machine running nginx and postfix. Ruby is installed and we shall see about using Thin and it's Rack functionality to handle the script. Now it's come to writing the script and i've drawn a blank.
It's been a long time and if i remember rightly the process is something like;
read HTTP header
parse parameters
send email
send redirect header
Broadly speaking, the question has been answered. Figuring out how to use the answer was more complicated than expected and I thought worth sharing.
First Steps:
I learnt rather abruptly that nginx doesn't directly support cgi scripts. You have to use some other process to run the script and get nginx to proxy requests over. If I was doing this in php (which in hind sight i think would have been a more natural choice) i could use something like php-fcgi and expect life would be pretty straight forward.
Ruby and fcgi felt pretty daunting. But if we are abandoning the ideal of loading these things at runtime then Rack is probably the most straight forward solution and Thin includes all we need. Learning how to make basic little apps with them has been profoundly beneficial to a relative Rails newcomer like me. The foundations of a Rails app can seem hidden for a long time and Rack has helped me lift the curtain that little bit further.
Nonetheless, following Yehuda's advice and looking up sinatra has been another surprise. I now have a basic sinatra app running in a Thin instance. It communicates with nginx over a unix socket in what i gather is the standard way. Sinatra enables a really elegant way to handle different requests and routes into the app. All you need is a get '/' {} to start handling requests to the virtual host. To add more (in a clean fashion) we just include a routes/script.rb into the main file.
# cgi-bin.rb
# main file loaded as a sinatra app
require 'sinatra'
# load cgi routes
require 'routes/default'
require 'routes/contact'
# 404 behaviour
not_found do
"Sorry, this CGI host does not recognize that request."
These route files will call on functionality stored in a separate library of classes:
# routes/contact.rb
# contact controller
require 'lib/contact/contactTarget'
require 'lib/contact/contactPost'
post '/contact/:target/?' do |target|
# the target for the message is taken from the URL
msg =, target)
redirect msg.action, 302
The sheer horror of figuring out such a simple thing will stay with me for a while. I was expecting to calmly let nginx know that .rb files were to be executed and to just get on with it. Now that this little sinatra app is up and running, I'll be able to dive straight in if I want to add extra functionality in the future.
The ContactPost class handles the messaging aspect. All it needs to know are the parameters in the request and the target for the email. ContactPost::action kicks everything off and returns an address for the controller to redirect to.
There is a separate ContactTarget class that does some authentication to make sure the specified target accepts messages from the URL given in request.referrer. This is handled in ContactTarget::accept? as we can guess from the ContactPost::action method;
# lib/contact/contactPost.rb
class ContactPost
# ...
def action
return failed unless #target.accept? #request.referer
if send?
# ...
ContactPost::successful and ContactPost::failed each return a redirect address by combining paths supplied with the HTML form with the request.referer URI. All the behaviour is thus specified in the HTML form. Future websites that use this script just need to be listed in the user's own ~/cgi/contact.conf and they'll be away. This is because ContactTarget looks in /home/:target/cgi/contact.conf for the details. Maybe oneday this will be inappropriate, but for now it's just fine for my purposes.
The send method is simple enough, it creates an instance of a simple Email class and ships it out. The Email class is pretty much based on the standard usage example given in the Ruby net/smtp documentation;
# lib/email/email.rb
require 'net/smtp'
class Email
def initialize(from_alias, to, reply, subject, body)
#from_alias = from_alias
#from = ""
#to = to
#reply = reply
#subject = subject
#body = body
def send
Net::SMTP.start('localhost', 25) do |smtp|
smtp.send_message to_s, #from, #to
def to_s
From: #{#from_alias}
To: #{#to}
Reply-To: #{#from_alias}
Subject: #{#subject}
Date: #{DateTime::now().to_s}
All I need to do is rack up the application, let nginx know which socket to talk to and we're away.
Thank you everyone for your helpful pointers in the right direction! Long live sinatra!
It's all in the Net module, here's an example:
#net = '', 80
#params = {:name => 'doris', :email => ''}
# Create HTTP request
req = 'script.cgi', {} )
req.set_form_data #params
# Send request
response = #net.start do |http|
http.read_timeout = 5600
http.request req
Probably the best way to do this would be to use an existing Ruby library like Sinatra:
require "rubygems"
require "sinatra"
get "/myurl" do
# params hash available here
# send email
You'll probably want to use MailFactory to send the actual email, but you definitely don't need to be mucking about with headers or parsing parameters.
CGI class of Ruby can be used for writing CGI scripts. Please check:
By the way, there is no need to read the HTTP header. Parsing parametres will be easy using CGI class. Then, send the e-mail and redirect.

Testing login in a page

I have to access some pages at work and then log into them to report any problems. I was thinking of writing a program to do this.
First, I have to be able to access the pages, then I have to locate the login form and send the info. Currently, I plan on printing true/false for each test (accessibility and login) and then filling the forms myself. I'm hoping to be able to write something to automate this later.
I was thinking of using Ruby, although I haven't coded in it yet, it seems like it'd make the whole thing easier. I've worked the most with Java, though I have some experience with C++ and a bit of experience with C.
Any advice?
You can use Selenium IDE. It is a record and playback tool for simple web tests, which you can then save as test for Selenium RC in any language you want. I hope it helps
The Python urllib2 module easily permit you to interact with an HTTP server. You can use urrlib2 to read the page to verify the content. You can do a POST with the urlencoded form data and verify the content.
Further, Python has a simple unittest library that will help you structure your tests.
class TestForm( unittest.TestCase ):
def testFillInForm( self ):
data= urllib.urlencode( { field1="value", field2="value" } )
response= urllib2.urlopen( "http://localhost/path/to/form", data )
# check the response
if __name__ == "__main__":
Ruby, PHP and Python all have easy to use HTTP libraries which make this kind of an operation pretty easy. Any of these languages would work fine.
If you want to do this is ruby, The Mechanize gem would be perfect for this
require 'mechanize'
agent =
page = agent.get('localhost/path/to/form')
login_form = page.forms.first #assuming the first form is the one we want
login_form.username = 'myusername'
login_form.password = 'mypassword'
page = agent.submit(login_form)
puts page.body # just to see the results
I have found CURL to be really useful and easy to use as well under PHP. Easy to learn.
Handles cookies, HTTPS, etc.
All good.
