Cocoa NSOutlineView and Drag-and-Drop - cocoa

I recently started another thread without an account, so I'm reposting the question here with an account so I can edit current links to the program so other users can follow this. I have also updated the code below. Here is my original question:
I read the other post here on Outlineviews and DND, but I can't get my program to work. At the bottom of this post is a link to a zip of my project. Its very basic with only an outlineview and button. I want it to receive text files being dropped on it, but something is wrong with my code or connections. I tried following Apple's example code of their NSOutline Drag and Drop, but I'm missing something. 1 difference is my program is a document based program and their example isn't. I set the File's Owner to receive delegate actions, since that's where my code to handle drag and drop is, as well as a button action. Its probably a simple mistake, so could someone please look at it and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here is a link to the file:

You're not responding to NSOutlineView's drag-validation message.
Your original code implemented tableView:validateDrop:proposedRow:proposedChildIndex:. As I pointed out on that question, that's wrong when your table view is an outline view; NSOutlineView will not send a table-view drag-validation message, only an outline-view drag validation message.
You've since changed your drag-validation method to be declared like so:
- (NSDragOperation)outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)view
validateDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info
But nothing actually sends such a message.
Remember that NSOutlineView rarely deals with row indexes, since those can change as parent rows are expanded and collapsed. It deals instead with “items”, which are generally model objects.
Therefore, the correct validation method is:
- (NSDragOperation)outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)view
validateDrop:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)info
Notice the name of the third component of the selector, and the type and name of the argument that goes with it.
With this change applied, your data source validates drops.


Loading default XSLTForms subform on body onload event

I'm trying to use subforms and I had a problem: I saw the example provided in the oficcial XSLTForms but in that case the elements that load/unload the forms are always in the "main form" and, in my case, I need them to desappear, because I'm trying to build something like a wizard, So the first subform must desappear when the user press "Next" and then subform2 is loaded, and so on. This presents two problems:
1) If I include the first subform elements in the "main page", when I press the trigger the elements of subform1 are never unloaded. The other subforms do it, but that initial one is treated as part of the structure that never changes... And I really need to desappear. SO I think I have to put all the content of subform1 outside, in a separate xml and load it in the same way as the other subforms, but there is another problem:
2) I need it be loaded by default, and I tryed to put a load element directly in the main form body, but it didn't work.
I "patched it" temporally with a trigger in the main form, which loads the firms subform, but it is so... ugly, and I still have the same problem: I can navigate through subforms but that initial trigger never dissapears... So, any idea will be welcome! Thanks in advance!
<xf:model xmlns="" >
<xf:action ev:event="xforms-ready">
<xf:load show="embed" targetid="subform" resource="FirstSubform.xml"/>

Extjs how to get list of all events of component dynamically

I want to get the list of all events for any particular component dynamically. For example : If I take a Textfield , how can I get all possible events that are mentioned in ExtJs API Doc. so that user can choose and assign the event for any component.
Contains the list you need. You could have found out by yourself reading the source of addEvents method, which is linked from any event you wanted to find in a list.
For those still wanting an answer to this, has provided a nice means of doing so.
When debugging an ExtJS application, you'll often find it useful to listen to all events fired by a specific component. There is actually a handy built-in static method to do this called Ext.util.Observable.capture().
Here's a handy snippet that simply logs the event name and all arguments:
Ext.util.Observable.capture(myObj, function(evname) {console.log(evname, arguments);})
Even better, if you're currently inspecting your component's main element in your browser's developer tools, you can do this:
Ext.util.Observable.capture(Ext.getCmp($, function(evname) {console.log(evname, arguments);})
Where $0 is the currently selected element. Should work fine in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari.
If you don't want those logs to pollute your console anymore, simply call releaseCapture on your object:
This removes all captures on a given object so you don't have to reference your listener explicitly (which was likely an anonymous function :)).
Bonus tip: also be sure to check out the observe method which does something similar but allows you to listen to all events fired by all instances of a given class.

Wicket replacing panel with ajax fails with MarkupNotFoundException

the page markup has
<div wicket:id="stepPanel" />
tag in it and when the page is first loaded it works great that is
add(new MyFirstPanel("stepPanel"));
works fine. But then when I trigger an Ajax event and request redrawing
addOrReplace(new MySecondPanel("stepPanel"));
i get the following error
Last cause: Failed to find markup file associated. MyFirstPanel: [MyFirstPanel [Component id = stepPanel]]
please note that it tries to find the wrong markup (should look for markup for MySecondPanel) and it fails regardless it succedded to do so before!
I instantiate panels using reflection, but could it be a problem here? No exceptions thrown.
Actually it was something else - I have noticed that one of my AjaxSubmitLinks had reference to a form that was no longer placed in a markup... so whatever you do just remember not to leave that reference.
You are adding MyPage after replacing the Panel causing MyPage to re-render.
There is a good example on how to replace panels here.
Yes you can call panels via reflection. I don't clearly know what you are trying to do with event here but if you want you can attach your panel with AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior and define the duration which will update this component in the given time period.
Hope its useful.

MVVM Light: Where do I instantiate a class from a model and how do I update/access it?

Right now, I'm working on my first WP7 app and have run into some questions, which I haven't been able to answer despite reading what I could find online. Please consider an app that has a main page, a parameters page and a results page. In the parameters page, the user can enter or update numbers in various textboxes. Hitting the back button takes the user back to the main page, where there is a button called "Calculate". Hitting that button should take the data, perform a calculation with it and take the user to the results page presenting a grid with the results.
In a file called Calculator.cs I have a class called Calculator inside a folder called Models. I also have my MainViewModel.cs, ParametersViewModel.cs, and ResultsViewModel.cs files inside the ViewModels folder and the corresponding MainPage.xaml, along with Parameters.xaml and Results.xaml inside a folder called Views. I'm assuming that all the data will be manipulated within the instance of the Calculator class and then a results set will be returned and directed to Results.xaml. I'm just at a loss as to where to instantiate the Calculator class, pass it data, then retrieve the results. I'm also somewhat puzzled how I will trigger the automatic navigation to the Results page when the calculation is done.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
UPDATE: Passing a complex object to a page while navigating in a WP7 Silverlight application has some more info on the same subject. I can go into App.xaml.cs and add something like this:
public class Foobar
public string barfoo = "hah!";
public static Foobar myfoob = new Foobar();
Then access it from a ViewModel page, e.g. AboutViewModel.cs, like this:
public AboutViewModel()
string goo = App.myfoob.barfoo;
But at this point I'm still uncertain what unforseen effects that might have. I'm going to tackle serialization/tombstoning at this point to see what happens with either this approach or by using the same DataContext across pages. Otherwise, one of the posters in the link above mentioned serializing the params and passing them between pages. My concern there would be whether or not there is a character limit as with HTTP GET. Seems there is: URI Limits in Silverlight
There are of course lots of possible designs - and lots of them are correct in different ways!
Here's one I might use:
The Calculate button press should trigger the Navigate to the Results page
On navigate to, the Results page should show some animation (maybe just a progress bar)
On navigate to, the Results page should create a new ResultsViewModel, passing in the MainViewModel as parameters
the constructor (or some init method) of the ResultsViewModel should spark up a thread to do the calculation
when this calculation is complete, then the relevant properties of the ResultsViewModel will get set
at which point the databinding on the Results page will clear the animation and show the results
Other solutions are definitely available - will be interested to read what other people suggest and prefer.
As an aside, one thing to watch out for on your Results page is tombstoning - could be an interesting challenge!

Cocoa-Bindings : Update NSObjectController manually?

In my little cocoa application I have bound the properties of a class to some text fields with help of a NSObjectController. The only problem I have so far: you always have to leave a text field before the NSObjectController updates the class with the current input.
This becomes a problem if the user doesn't leave a texfield and clicks on a Save/Submit Button right away. The class doesn't contain the current input. Always a bad thing.
I am looking for a way to avoid this. Like telling the NSObjectController to get the current input even if the user had exited the field. If this is possible I could put this command in the save-Method before saving and all would be fine.
Send a commitEditing message to your controller in the handler for the OK button. This will do what you're asking for. It's as simple as:
- (void)save:sender {
if (![self.myObjectController commitEditing]) {
// Handle error when object controller can't commit editing
// Other stuff
If you go to the text field's value binding and check the "Continuously Updates Value" option, that will cause the new value to be set on the model object each time the user changes it, i.e. once for each keystroke. That would ensure that the model had the correct value before closing the window, though it may be a bit overkill, depending on what the effects (if any) are of the value being set in your data model.
