How do I specify a relative local file path in DOS? [duplicate] - dos

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Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do I dynamically specify a file in DOS?
I am using c#.NET 2.0 to execute DOS commands to ftp a file. All works except for 1 thing, in the cmd file I call, it runs a PUT statement. Right now the put statement has a hardcoded local file path. I need to specify a dynamic path. I've tried
put %~dp0\myfile.DTL myfile.dtl
but it says it can't find the file.
Right now the .NET code calls a BAT file which only exist to call the CMD file. Interestingly, the BAT file DOES successfully use a relative path in its call to the CMD file:
ftp.exe -s:%~dp0\oit.cmd
However, I can't get that relative path to wrok in the cmd file:
open <my host>
<user name>
put <hardcoded path that needs to be relative path>localfilename remotefilename
I'll bever know where it will exist so I just need to grab whatever local directorey the file is in.

Relative is "." (dot).
Can you post the exact situation? What directory are you in, and where is the file?
Be careful with the "~" char ... it has a special meaning for DOS files (8.3 notation)

Use System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() to get the current (working) folder.
Alternatively, if you want the path relative to your .EXE file, you can use System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().CodeBase to get full path to your .EXE file, then use System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName() to get the directory name of that path.
After that, you can use System.IO.Path.Combine to get absolute path out of relative:
string absPath = Path.Combine( #"c:\working\folder", #"sub\folder\file.ext" );
// absPath == "c:\working\folder\sub\folder\file.ext
// Works with double-dot too:
string absPath2 = Path.Combine( #"c:\working\folder", #"..\up\file.ext" );
// absPath == "c:\working\up\file.ext


Windows Script Host Javascript Get Path of .js file

I have been using QTTabBar for a while and am using .js scripts with it. The scripts are run using Windows Script Host, but I find myself having to specify hardcoded directories in the .js file instead of relative paths. This is not ideal.
In the .js file, is it possible to get the containing folder of the .js file (no matter what directory it is originally run from)? I just need to avoid specifying absolute paths somehow. For example, part of my .js file might look like this:
var qs = new ActiveXObject( "QTTabBarLib.Scripting" );
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var txtFile = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\\Installation\\Scripts\\QTTabBar\\dirs.txt", 1, false, 0);
var fText = txtFile.ReadAll();
I can't just put "dirs.txt" in the OpenTextFile function because when the .js script is run in QTTabBar, the working directory (I think) starts in system32 rather than at the .js file location. So I somehow need to get the path of the .js file itself and combine it with the relative name to create the absolute path. But I'm not sure if this is possible or how to do it.
You can get the path of current JScript file with
js_file_path = WScript.ScriptFullName;
and the absolute path to the text file is
path = WScript.ScriptFullName.split("\\").slice(0, -1).join("\\") + "\\dirs.txt";
No includes or imports are needed if the script is run in Windows Script Host.

How to get filepath to file in another folder unix?

I am trying to write some data in one Ruby file to a file in another folder but I am having trouble identifying the path to get to the file I want to write to.
My current code is:
File.write('../csv_fixtures/loans.csv', 'test worked!')
And my folder structure is as follows:
Where I am trying to run my code in 'run_spec.rb' and write to 'loans.csv'.
Additionally, this is the error I am getting:
Give the path relative to the working directory, not the file that you call File.write from. The working directory is the place you've navigated to through cd before calling the ruby code. If you ran rspec from the root of your project, then the working directory will also be the root. So, in this case, it looks like it would be ./spec/csv_fixtures/loans.csv. You can run puts Dir.pwd to see the working directory that all paths should be relative to.
If you wanted to something more like require_relative, you have to use some sort of workaround to turn it into an absolute path, such as File.dirname(__FILE__) which gives the absolute path of the folder containing the current file:
path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__, "../csv_fixtures/loans.csv"))

What is common practice for the location of temporary files after Windows XP [duplicate]

Currently I am using following function to get the temporary folder path for current user:
string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
On some machines it gives me temp folder path of current user like:
C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Local Settings\Temp\
On some machines it gives me system temp folder path like:
MSDN Documentation also says that above API returns current system's temporary folder.
Is there any other API available which gives me current user's temporary folder path like this:
C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Local Settings\Temp\
System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() is just a wrapper for a native call to GetTempPath(..) in Kernel32.
Have a look at
Copied from that page:
The GetTempPath function checks for the existence of environment variables in the following order and uses the first path found:
The path specified by the TMP environment variable.
The path specified by the TEMP environment variable.
The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable.
The Windows directory.
It's not entirely clear to me whether "The Windows directory" means the temp directory under windows or the windows directory itself. Dumping temp files in the windows directory itself sounds like an undesirable case, but who knows.
So combining that page with your post I would guess that either one of the TMP, TEMP or USERPROFILE variables for your Administrator user points to the windows path, or else they're not set and it's taking a fallback to the windows temp path.
DO NOT use this:
Environment variables can be overridden, so the TEMP variable is not necessarily the directory.
The correct way is to use System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() as in the accepted answer.
I have this same requirement - we want to put logs in a specific root directory that should exist within the environment.
public static readonly string DefaultLogFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
If I want to combine this with a sub-directory, I should be able to use Path.Combine( ... ).
The GetFolderPath method has an overload for special folder options which allows you to control whether the specified path be created or simply verified.

Open file from same directory

Ok so with siriproxy it my lib folder along with the rb file for the plugin I have created a myconfig.yml file so I can change certain settings by writing to that file.
I have been able to write to the file but only if I include the full path all the way from the home directory down.
But is there not a way to open the file from the same directory i am in? I have tried every path combination I can think of.
There has to be one i am missing
If you use the following in your ruby file, you should get the absolute path where it is
From doc __FILE__
The name of the file currently being executed, including path relative to the directory where the application was started up (or the current directory, if it has been changed)
From doc File.expand_path
Converts a pathname to an absolute pathname.
As you probably want the directory, you should use File.dirname(__FILE__), so the path of your file myconfig.yml should be obtained with
File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'myconfig.yml')
In more recent Ruby (>=2.0.0), you can use __dir__ (from Archonic's comment):
Returns the canonicalized absolute path of the directory of the file from which this method is called. It means symlinks in the path is resolved. If FILE is nil, it returns nil. The return value equals to File.dirname(File.realpath(FILE)).

Where should my windows app store cache and tempfiles? [duplicate]

Currently I am using following function to get the temporary folder path for current user:
string tempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath();
On some machines it gives me temp folder path of current user like:
C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Local Settings\Temp\
On some machines it gives me system temp folder path like:
MSDN Documentation also says that above API returns current system's temporary folder.
Is there any other API available which gives me current user's temporary folder path like this:
C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\Local Settings\Temp\
System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() is just a wrapper for a native call to GetTempPath(..) in Kernel32.
Have a look at
Copied from that page:
The GetTempPath function checks for the existence of environment variables in the following order and uses the first path found:
The path specified by the TMP environment variable.
The path specified by the TEMP environment variable.
The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable.
The Windows directory.
It's not entirely clear to me whether "The Windows directory" means the temp directory under windows or the windows directory itself. Dumping temp files in the windows directory itself sounds like an undesirable case, but who knows.
So combining that page with your post I would guess that either one of the TMP, TEMP or USERPROFILE variables for your Administrator user points to the windows path, or else they're not set and it's taking a fallback to the windows temp path.
DO NOT use this:
Environment variables can be overridden, so the TEMP variable is not necessarily the directory.
The correct way is to use System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() as in the accepted answer.
I have this same requirement - we want to put logs in a specific root directory that should exist within the environment.
public static readonly string DefaultLogFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile);
If I want to combine this with a sub-directory, I should be able to use Path.Combine( ... ).
The GetFolderPath method has an overload for special folder options which allows you to control whether the specified path be created or simply verified.
