joomla article not open? - joomla

i m facing problem to open a new article in joomla, when i click on link following error display on the page
Homepage is showing:
404 - Component not found
You may not be able to visit this page because of:
an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
a mistyped address
you have no access to this page
The requested resource was not found.
An error has occurred while processing your request.
Please try one of the following pages:
Link of the page is:
when we click BOQ the last link of the site next page will show the above error if anybody have solution please help me.

It is probably your setting in 'GLobal Configuration' in the first menu in the backend. Go to Search Engine Friendly URL's, check if its on. Check if 'mod-rewrite' is on. If these have been enabled after you created an article, then your links wont work. You need to add the article after enabling these settings to make it work properly.
Your best bet is to re-publish all your articles, the links should work fine then.
Hope this helps.


How to set 404 page using xpath

I am working with Umbraco 7.5.2 and I am trying to set a custom 404 page.
I am hosting 2 totally different sites on the same Umbraco.
I've created my page types and pages in the back office and in umbracoSettings.config I have added this:
<error404>//errorListFolder/page[#nodeName = '404']</error404>
Which will find the page with name 404 from type page right below errorListFolder.
But this page is the same for both of my sites (shows the one on the first site). How can I fix it to show the relevant error page on each site?
I have tried
<error404>$site//errorListFolder/page [#nodeName='404']</error404>
But it doesn't find anything and I will end up with the basic error page of umbraco
And this is my structure (I removed the other nodes for simplicity)
Thanks to Marcin, I could fix it with Nibble.Umbraco.PageNotFoundManager. It is a wonderful tool! but I need to mention that you have to set umbracoSettings.config manually back to normal, otherwise it won't work.
I had the xpath in that file and no matter what I select in the back office, I couldn't see my page. then I change that back to 1 and it is working like a charm :)
You can access specific trees by going from $root element. Check my solution from one of our projects:
<errorPage culture="pl-PL">$root/homePage[#nodeName='PL']/hTMLContentPage[#nodeName='content not found TERROR - 808']</errorPage>
<errorPage culture="en-US">$root/homePage[#nodeName='EN']/hTMLContentPage[#nodeName='content not found TERROR - 808']</errorPage>
<errorPage culture="default">$root/homePage[#nodeName='PL']/hTMLContentPage[#nodeName='content not found TERROR - 808']</errorPage>
It takes first node with original name 'content not found TERROR - 808' from node of type 'homePage' and specific nodeName as you can see above.
For your scenario, you should try Umbraco Page Not Found Manager made by Tim Geyssens: (uHangout: Probably it's something what you're looking for. It may be hard or even impossible to arrange it with basic error404 settings in config file, especially if you want to keep some culture depending 404's underneeth previously accesed tree nodes.
Hope that it help you!

Magento 2 - Redirect to "My account" page when clicking "Addressbook"

We just launched a Magento 2.0.4 store, but we're experiencing the issue described below. Hopefully someone can help us fix this.
When a customer is logged in in our store and clicks on "Addressbook" on the "My account" page, he gets redirected back to the "My Account" page.
The redirect order is as follows and all redirects are 302's (Moved Temporarily):
/customer/account/ --> /customer/address/new (as expected because this customer has not created any address yet)
/customer/address/new --> /customer/account/login/ (herein lies the issue, we would like to see the "Add New Address" page)
/customer/account/login --> /customer/account (as expected)
Notes: Our store is running on HTTPS and a custom made theme which is based on the default Luma theme. We also have another Magento 2.0.4 store running on the same server with the same hosting provider and the issue is not present here. You can try it yourself here.
What we tried:
Disabling all custom modules
Removing all custom language files (i18n folder)
Disabling SEO URLs
Here is a screenshot which shows the redirect order in the Chrome Developer Toolbar
We have found the solution. Apparently a module was in fact still causing the problem: Mirasvit_Core. Disabling the module and deploying static content again fixed the issue.
Thanks for reading and I hope this helps anyone else having this problem.

strange issue in category edit/update Magento

Hi i am going through very strange issue in magento , i have several categories i magento with child categories , i need to update a category information ,i am able to update the many categories but when i try to update the first category under the default category , it didn't work and the browser keeps on loading .I have tried to found the issue on google but nothing was there , in some places it was suggested that it happens due to upgrade but i haven't upgrade the magento or any other module .Please suggest me what can be the issue .
This happens in some cases where the category name contains special characters.
This is for sure a javascript error, otherwise you would have got a response from the server, in this case the you are not getting a response and hence the loading continues. What you could do is check the server response and monitor the firebug / inspect element to get some ideas.
You can check for these javascript elements in the
/app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/catalog/category/tree.phtml file.
You should add some more info to the question starting with the Magento version, but follow these steps:
Enable error printing in general by adding these lines to your .htaccess
php_value display_errors 1
Enable logging in Magento in System->Confihuration->Developer->Log Settings
Do as Keyut suggested and try to update the erroneous category with the console open, monitoring the XHR calls. Check the response of the call invoked after you clicked "Save" for errors.
Do as Tobias suggested and check the logs found under var/log in your Magento folder.
By now you should have at least found the error, so you can solve it or ask for further help.

Magento Homepage Keeps on redirecting to a 404 page

I have been on this issue for almost a week now and have been research all over the net for answers but i could not find one.
each time i access the homepage of my site, it results to a 404 error.
ex. ---> redirects to 404 ---> enters to the cms page that i set as my homepage
I have already run the magento cleanup scripts but it was not able to solve the problem.
Whoops, our bad...
The page you requested was not found, and we have a fine guess why.
If you typed the URL directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
What can you do?
Have no fear, help is near! There are many ways you can get back on track with Magento Store.
Go back to the previous page.
Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for your products.
Follow these links to get you back on track!
Store Home | My Account
I've got a similar error and would like to post my solution here. The case was exactly the same for me: all the pages, categories, etc. worked perfectly, but the home page showed a 404 error.
I looked into the core_url_rewrite table and discover that there was an entry with the «request_path» field empty. So this entry was rewriting my base url and that was the reason for the 404 in my case. I just deleted it.
Hope this helps to other people.
If you are using the Enterprise version you should check the table enterprise_url_rewrite. The query below should help you:
select * from enterprise_url_rewrite where request_path="";
delete from enterprise_url_rewrite where request_path="";
Check the folowing:
1- System->Configuration->general->Web->secure
Base URL:
(be sure you are in the right shop site from the top left of the system)
2- System->Configuration->general->Web->Default Pages
Default Web URL: cms (yes just cms)
CMS Home Page: select your cms page
Default No-route URL: cms/index/noRoute
3- check your server has rewrites otherwise
System->Configuration->general->Web->Search Engines Optimization
Use Web Server Rewrites: No
4- something wrong with your .htaccess replace the file with the one in your original installer.
Because StackOveflow has this stupid rule that I must have a certain number of "points" before I can chime in on discussions I need to make this as a "new answer":'s #2 also solved the problem for me
2- System->Configuration->general->Web->Default Pages Default Web URL:
cms (yes just cms) CMS Home Page: select your cms page Default
No-route URL: cms/index/noRoute
for me this was set to "index". No clue how it worked before, or why it was set that way, but after updating it broke and this was the fix for me.
Note that I did also truncate the 'core_url_rewrite' table as well in troubleshooting. If you don't change urls at all, or often, then that's no big deal. But if you are chaning URLs often, then you'll loose your 301 redirect history (all old urls will 404 going forward). solution # 2 , worked for me.
I initially set my "Defaul Web URL" as the URL of the homepage. Similar to what I did with the baseURL but I was wrong.
I changed it to "CMS"
From there, it all works.

How to solve 404 not found problem in Magento

I have installed full release Magento on localhost from Before doing installation I have created a database and import Magento sample database (downloaded from Magento site).
After that continue installation process. When I checked fronted its shows Best Selling Products when I clicked any of the product it gives error given below:
Whoops, our bad...
The page you requested was not found, and we have a fine guess why.
* If you typed the URL directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
* If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
What can you do?
Have no fear, help is near! There are many ways you can get back on track with Magento Demo Store.
* Go back to the previous page.
* Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for your products.
* Follow these links to get you back on track!
Store Home
My Account
I am new to Magento.
I've experienced this too. In the admin go to System > Index Management and rebuild the various catalog indexes, especially the URL rewrites.
This is because the sample data doesn't have it's paths stored to begin with, it needs to be calculated, and the Best Selling Products section doesn't read the actual paths in use, instead it is a Static CMS Block with it's HREFs fixed. This will probably never occur for products you enter yourself so it's nothing to worry about.
I had the same problem in Wamp. I had my folder named Magento, renaming it to magento, fixed the problem. (Lower case)
I had a similar issue, I was transferring Magento from a Unix server to a Windows server. My issue was to do with links looking like this (not working)
instead of
Haven't worked out how to fix all links yet, but just adding it tells me where the issue lies. Hope it helps someone else.
