Magento - showing review links & add-to-compare links on custom pages - magento

I have a custom page as my magento homepage. It's content is hardcoded on the default CMS page (which shows if a CMS homepage isn't enabled in the CMS pages section of the admin).
I have a list of products showing there (pulled from best-selling/highest rated etc). However, the review links and the add-to-compare links don't show on this page. The list of products is displayed using the same code as the default template/catalog/product/list.phtml, and everything else works except for these 2 things.
It seems that both the following code snippets have no effect on pages other than the default category listing page:
<?php $_compareUrl=$this->getAddToCompareUrl($_product); ?>
<?php echo $this->getReviewsUrl() ?>
I'm guessing that there's something else that needs to be called in order for these to work, but can't figure out what it is. Everything else from the product collection is available.
I load my product collection using the following code:
$_productCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('reports/product_collection')
->addAttributeToFilter('visibility', $visibility)
Any ideas?

OK, so after a while digging around, I found that you can use the following to get the compare url working:
<?php $_compareUrl=$this->helper('catalog/product_compare')->getAddUrl($_product) ?>
<span class="addto">
<?php echo $this->__('Add to Compare') ?>
Still not sure about the review urls, but I've made an acceptable workaround for that so I'm gonna mark this as answered.
If anyone comes up with an answer though please do still post it!

I'm guessing it's because the Block that is serving up your product list may not be correct. I believe it should be Mage_Catalog_Block_Catalog_Product_List. How exactly are you loading in the list of products?


Infinite Scroll On Custom Page Magento

I have installed Strategery InfiniteScroll. Which is working great for category listing page. Now i have a custom product page. I want to apply Strategery InfiniteScroll on my custom product page. How to do.?
My Page
$_productCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/product_collection')
//loop for products
Before you start, assure you have included .js file in your custom page.
if you see the ias.phtml template, it has some container defined.
You need to add the same code for your custom page.
For documentation of infinite ajax scroll, read this

Magento 1.7 - Move Category & Sub-Category Description After Products

I want to move my Descriptions from existing - Top of the Page to - After Products
I have referred to the Solution for this at various Forums but none of them Worked.
The Easiest One I could find and implement too was here . But this resolution also did not work.
Kindly help in this regard.
I pasted this at the end of the code in /app/design/frontend/default/XXYY/template/magenthemes/filter/filter_content_wrapper.phtml :
categoryAttribute($_category, $_description, 'description') ?>
Having said this, there is 1 Problem, the Description is now appearing at 2 Locations - Above the products and below the products.
Looking for further resolution on this
Thanks rajat
Here is how I did it:
1) Use Template hints to identify the Category Description File Path
2) Now to shift your Description: Just find and Paste this code from the file towards the end and Save:
getCurrentCategory()->getDescription()): ?>
categoryAttribute($_category, $_description, 'description') ?>
NOTE: <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('content'); ?> should be right above the Category Description Code

Magento product overview and detail separated view

I want to handle the product overivew separataly to the product detail view. I want to add additional text right behind the price in the product deatil view.
I tried to edit the view.phtml in path app/design/frontend/mytheme/default/template/catalog/product/view.phtml, refreshed caches and so on, but nothing changed.
In catalog.xml view.phtml will be load. So its seems correct.
But even when I try to echo "test" it doesnt show anything.
<?php if ($_product->getShortDescription()):?>
<div class="short-description">
<div class="std"><h2><?php echo $this->__('Details:') ?></h2>
<?php echo "test";
Do you have any hint?
You should enable template path hints in the backend to check which template file is used to render product page. Make sure that the cache is also disabled.

How to retrieve Categories name and children ? Magento

I would like to retrieve the categories of my website in order to build me own Category menu.
but I don't understand how to get all the categories from the class/model. So I've created a file called top.phtml that I've put in template/catalog/navigation ,
First, do I MUST put that name to the file into that folder if I want to create a top Menu ? Can t I decide where to put it with the name I want like TopMenu.phtml ? Because in evry tut I red, they are doing the same way ..
Second : What i the function I must call ? I've been here : but the way the do that doesn t work for me .. I add that code to my file top.phtml properly called in the page.xml :
<div class="category-list" style="background-color:white;">
<h2>Nos produits</h2>
foreach ($this->getStoreCategories() as $_category):
$_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_category->getId());
$layer = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->setCurrentCategory($_category);
<div class="category-list-view">
<a href="<?php echo $this->getCategoryUrl($_category)?>" title="<?php echo $_category->getName()?>">
<img src="<?php echo $this->getCurrentCategory()->getImageUrl(); ?>" alt="<?php echo $_category->getName() ?>" />
<h3><?php echo $_category->getName()?></h3>
Last : where could I find a clear user guide like there is for CodeIgniter ? I found that, but I never found any answer on it :
Thanks for your answers, I m a web dev used to work with CodeIgniter or without any template, and I can t clearly see the logic behind Magento way of programming.
EDIT: Is there anything to do with the categories ? Becaue I tried to create a sub category under the Default Category and it do work, but if I create a new Root Category,It simply didnt recognize it .. why
First, do I MUST put that name to the file into that folder if I want to create a top Menu ? Can t I decide where to put it with the name I want like TopMenu.phtml ? Because in evry tut I red, they are doing the same way ..
You can name your template file whatever you like. However, it's best to follow the nomenclature and established conventions. The template filename is contingent on your layout XML. It should have the template attribute, something like <block name="x" type="x/y" template="catalog/navigation/topmenu.phtml" /> (for example).
Second : What i the function I must call ? I've been here : but the way the do that doesn t work for me
The functions available to your template (topmenu.phtml file) depend on the block's type. In your layout XML, you should specify the block type that corresponds to the functionality you need. In your case, you're probably looking for the block type to be catalog/navigation. If you look in ./app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Navigation.php, you can see what public methods are available to your template. Several of the methods here facilitate generating (nested) category listing. This is where your getStoreCategories() method comes from. Remember that these blocks inherit from several parenting classes, so you have a lot more methods available than you may at first think.
where could I find a clear user guide like there is for CodeIgniter ? I found that, but I never found any answer on it :
That's a link to the Magento API. What you need is a tutorial on Magento layout XML and the design layer therein. The Magento wiki has some good info, but Google around and you'll find a ton of really helpful resources on understanding Magento's design system.
Is there anything to do with the categories ? Becaue I tried to create a sub category under the Default Category and it do work, but if I create a new Root Category,It simply didnt recognize it .. why
A root category is what you'll use to identify the basis of the catalog for the selected store(s). You will never see the root category appear on the frontend (and you shouldn't). Each subcategory within the root category is the top-level category; sub-categories beneath those subcategories (tertiary categories) would appear as your "second-level" categories on the Magento frontend. You might want to look into Magento's GWS ("global, website, store") scope system, and how it manages catalog data in a multi-store setup to better understand why root categories function this way.
Hope this helps!

Magento - Display Individual Products

Is there an easy way in Magento to display individual products in a cms page without copying and pasting the code from the catalog pages?
I have a blog on my magento store and sometimes I'd like to drop the listing for individual products into the posts.
A code block in Magento is the best way to achieve this effect. If you look at your home page, that's how new products are generated dynamically:
{{block type="catalog/product_new" template="catalog/product/new.phtml"}}
If you created another block for a 'featured' item that took a product ID as a parameter, you could place that block on the static page and it would show that item. This page shows a brief example, but for the sake of being complete, I'll reproduce it here:
First create a new .phtml file with the following undercatalog/product/view/your_new_page.phtml
$productId = $this->getProduct_id();
$_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); //load the product
<img src="<? echo Mage::helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'thumbnail')>resize(75, 75); ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_product['name']); ?>" border="0" width="75" />
Now simply add the following to your CMS Page or Block and adjust the product ID to the product Image you wish to view:
{{block type="catalog/product_new" product_id="1" template="catalog/product/view/your_new_page.phtml"}}
I'd probably tweak it a bit for readability if I used this on my store, but I'm also a bit overzealous in terms of using human-readable code. :)
If you are working on Magento 1.4, you should take a look at widgets which do exactly what you want.
