WinUSB failing on non-development computers - windows

Good afternoon,
WinUSB is working well on the development computer that I am using (Win XP SP3). I am able to download new firmware to the Cypress FX2, and then connect to the new USB device once it 'renumerates'. However, if I've tried the same code with the WinUSB driver on a few other computers (Win XP SP3, Win7 x64) and they both returned the error "A device attached to the system is not functioning." when trying to use CreateFile to get a handle to the USB device.
The devicePath was found successfully, so I'm not sure why it cannot connect to the device. Furthermore, the device manager states that my device is working properly. I'm curious if I'm missing something when compiling the code? I would guess that my development computer has something installed on it that the other computers do not? Or perhaps it's a power setting and the device is going to sleep (although I've fooled around with the Power Options on each computer to no avail).
Does anyone have any ideas? I've compiled under Visual Studio 2008, and have installed the Microsoft C++ 2008 Redistributable Package on the computers that I've tested on.

Solved: The GUID that my driver was using was shared with another device on the system, which was returned instead of my device. The device just happened to not be installed on my computer. I've generated a new GUID and everything seems to work now.


Cannot start windows phone 10 emulator

I am not able to start any of the Mobile Emulators for Windows Phone 10 (version 10.0.10240).
When I start it from the VS 2015, it gets stuck at "OS is starting". In the Hyper-V Manager, I can see the status "Starting (10%)" for the whole time. After some time, the machine is automatically restarted and it gets stuck at "Starting (10%)" again. Then it timeouts again and the emulator shows an error: "The virtual machine cannot be started because the file rdvgm.exe that is required to start the RemoteFX Manager process does not exist". That is weird, because I do have the rdvgm.exe in the C:\Windows\System32.
I have seen that there are some questions with the same error, but they are resolved by fixing the network switch or by killing devenv.exe after it shows "OS is starting". I have tried both, but it did not help. The network switch issue is different (I have seen it on a different computer - in that case the emulator starts correctly, but VS is not able to connect to it). I am stuck at "Starting (10%)".
What can I try to get it working? Windows Phone 8 emulator is working without any issue.
The problem was that Hyper-V detected a graphic card which is able to work with RemoteFX (integrated Intel GPU) but the dedicated one (AMD Radeon) was not supported. I was not able to convince Hyper-V to ignore the dedicated one. When I disabled the RemoteFX support for Hyper-V (unchecked it in the Intel GPU setting in the Hyper-V configuration), it started working.
I found this Microsoft technical support desk yesterday. Its an on line chat with their technical people. I don't know if it covers all MS products. I was asking them about Outlook. Could be worth a try. I found it a touch slow at times, but ...
Hyper-V has problems enabling RemoteFX with some dual gpu graphics cards. Disabling one of the graphics cards in device manager solved the problem for me:
Disable one of the integrated graphics cards in device manager. I disabled Intel (R) HD Graphics 4600 and left NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M enabled.
Reboot Windows.
Delete the existing mobile phone virtual machines in Hyper-V Manager.
Start Visual Studio and deploy your app again.
I'll be honest, with much distress, I performed a complete factory reset. Reinstalled only Visual Studio 2015 Community edition (only with the tools I needed and not any other emulators such as Android), and it worked after setting up Hyper V as instructed via documentation on

How to simulate sensors with Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 10?

I'm trying to develop a simple Windows 10 app and I wanted to simulate a Pedometer for testing. How can I do that? And what about other type of sensors, can I simulate them too?
Ok I found a solution.
Microsoft provides sample drivers here and there you can find sensors folder. So download what you need, compile and deploy.
To compile you need Windows Driver Kit.
If you're deploying to a x64 machine the drivers has to be signed. I had trouble signing the drivers so I booted Windows 10 with no driver signature enforcement and deployed the driver using DevCon. Check the driver INF once compiled to see the installation instructions.

Can't install Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator

So I have a HP laptop, and as many HP users know it's a nightmare to install Hyper-V on it. But I somehow managed. Hyper-V is running on my laptop and I have all the necessary hardware requirements:
SLAT is enabled
VT-x is supported and enabled
I'm running 64 bit Windows 8.1 Professional
I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 3
Hardware D.E.P. is enabled and supported
And yet when I run the Phone Emulator installation I get the following display:
I can't figure out what's going on or why I keep getting the error. Hyper-V is running as shown:
I've spent two days already trying to figure this out and searching on Google for a solution to this problem. Some of the things I've tried:
Flashing my BIOS
Resolving issues with the Realtek BlueTooth driver (this causes issues with Hyper-V)
Reseting my BIOS
Doing a clean install of my whole system
Installing all Windows Updates
Installing all Visual Studio updates
Enabled / Disabled D.E.P.
Any advice is appreciated. If you need the log from the emulator installation let me know and I'll post it here.
I've attempted to install winsows server standard 2012 and tried enababling hyper-v and installing visual studio and the phone emulator there, and that works and I'm able to run the emulators with no problem.
When I tried the same thing back after installing windows 8 again it installs hyper-v but fails to start windows after installing visual studio update 2 with the phone images etc. The only way I can boot back into windows is if I turn off virtualization in bios.
So it turns out that HP Pavilion laptops support all that is needed to run Hyper-V, however it looks as if HP is blocking the SLAT functionality from working properly with Hyper-V thus not allowing it to run correctly. This looks like it's blocked at the BIOS level.
Updating the BIOS doesn't solve the issue.
The way I came to this conclusion is that Windows Server running Hyper-V runs the Windows Phone emulator with no problems, and it's a Microsoft decision to not require SLAT when running Hyper-V on Windows Server while requiring it on Desktop version of Windows.
Seeing how I paid extra for a more powerful laptop to be able to use features like Hyper-V, and to have an experience such as this due to a manufacturer configuration has left a bitter taste in my mouth. Needless to say this is the LAST time I'll ever buy an HP laptop.

Debugging driver locally

Is there anyway I can test/debug Window drivers locally? That way I don't need a separate computer or to install a VM.
I followed these instructions:
But I can't get past the welcome screen with bcdedit /debug on enabled. My computer just hangs there.
I am using Visual Studio 2013 and the Windows 8.1 Driver Kit
In my opinion, local kernel debugging is next to worthless.
Even if it wasn't worthless, targeting a separate machine (virtual or physical) is the way to go, as kernel mode drivers under development can (and most likely will) destabilize the target machine until they're complete - something that you likely don't want happening on your development machine.

How stable is dokan sshfs?

People have reported BSOD on windows 7 (64bit) For some reason unknown to me, my explorer on winxp sp3 (32bit) gets shaky and at time freezes if I do lots of browsing via doken SSHFS drive. Have you faced any issues lately with sshfs doken driver? Just wanted to get your opinion on its stability?
Yes, BSOD on x64 in general, with 100% certainty on my Windows Vista x64, everytime !
The shaky is because it continuously syncs the client fs with yours. Your connection is too slow and/or the operating system and/or explorer is improperly threaded. As soon as you disconnect sshfs, you're back to normal.
There is a new edition of it out for x64 as of February 2010.
Now it works on x64, but you have to replace the executables the installer installs with the one supplied in the zip file.
