Windows Autorun for an HTML file - windows

I have a html file on a flash drive that I would like to autorun in Windows. I have found examples of multiple ways to do this but none of them are working for me. Anyone see what I am doing wrong?
This is my latest Attempt:
label=My Project
open=ShellRun.exe OPEN-ME.htm
This was another attempt:
label=My Project
shell\openme=Learn More About My Project
Some of this is working, like the icon and the label. Just not the auto run.

You might try to use VBScript or JScript:
test.vbs (VBScript):
Call WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("OPEN-ME.html", 1)
test.js (JScript):
WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("OPEN-ME.html", 1)
Either way, it should do what you want as far as I'm aware.
Edit: By the way, ShellRun.exe is most likely a program bundled with a piece of software known as ShellRun rather than a built-in Windows command. The idea is that you can use the executable in your AutoRun file to launch an arbitrary file.


How to compile .lua into Windows .exe?

Question related to Windows platform only.
I can't find documentation on how to approach this.
There are dozens of posts about this, yet most provide answers for mac/linux, most windows specific parts lead to dead links or README's that have no useful information.
How do I, for example, make an .exe of the code below? The intent being to share it with another windows user, so that when they click automatically runs the program in command prompt or wherever .exe are supposed to run without them needing to have lua/luac installed on their system.
Or perhaps I'm missing the point here and you need lua/luac installed, otherwise you would need to convert to a program language that's already installed on everyones' windows systems like C...? Regardless I need something that works for the purpose described. Could I make a folder with lua.exe and luac.exe and input.lua and make an .exe that loads command prompt and runs the command to compile input.lua? new_folder: lua.exe, luac.exe, input.lua, run.exe
> --input.lua
print("type ur name")
print("your name is " name)
I'm not aware of anything in wxlua that can compile a lua file into an executable. There is wxLuaFreeze executable that allows to concatenate a lua script to it to generate a new executable that will run that script when executed. See the documentation for details:

Self-extracting file that takes arguments and return exitcode

I want to create a self-extracting file (SFX) named Setup.exe which contains a Windows application with some dependencies.
It is possible to start the Windows application with arguments, and I would like to put them at my Setup.exe and then it should pass them to the Windows application. Furtermore, I would like to pass the Windows application exit code to the Setup.exe.
Currently I have tried to use 7zip, but it seems that it isn't sufficient.
Is it even possible with 7z or do you know how to do with other tools?
You've asked a lot of questions and I am trying to answer a few here, maybe not all of them.
Yes it is possible to start a Windows Application with arguments. Ideally for that you need to open command prompt and navigate to the directory of your application then type in theProgramName.exe - arguments options but that I assume you already know.
Another approach would be to Create ShortCut for the Program you are targeting and then you can just Right click -> Properties -> and append your arguments to the Target field. Example : C:\Games\Counter-Strike\hl.exe -steam -game cstrike -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel
Another approach that I assume you would want when you are creating a SFX is to create a .bat (batch) file with the contents being theProgramName.exe - arguments options and put it in the same directory as your program and set it to run as our main application when it extracts. If you want the exe and not the bat you can use some bat to exe conversion tools, there are tons out there.
The best way I can think of is using programs like Advanced Installer. You can directly make an msi or a sfx and send a shortcut anywhere (more than one) and it could contain arguments you specify just like what I described in the second way.
So yeah that other tool I'd vouch for that will do what I think you want to do is Advanced Installer.
After some experiments, I changed the implementation so instead of using 7 zip to create a SFX I just embed all I need like *.msp and such as embedded resources in my Windows application.
On that way my arguments and return code worked out of the box.
I used this link to do actual implementation:

Using iMacros for Firefox to run an external exe?

I want to run an iMacros .js script from the free Firefox version to open an executable file (via the command line).
I want to put this script on a loop, so this has to be done repeatedly.
I have looked online and it looks like the free version does not allow this directly. I am looking for a workaround. Perhaps using a bat file and a scheduler? I am not sure about it.
It looks like it should be simple enough. Is there anyone out there who has done something like this before?
This is possible in firefox with this .js command:
var file = Components.classes[";1"]
You can also launch any app or file of your choice by this.

How to zip a file in windows shell without vb script and with Window default zip only

Is their a way to zip a file without VB Script.I got a lot of examples on web to zip file or folder using vbs but i want to do it in a single BAT file.
Yes and no. There is no built in way to do this inside windows. You can use a external application like vbscript, a exe file like 7zip, rar, lots of resources can do this. Since windows is application poor when it comes to command lines is not really surprising. But no you do not need the VB Script for anything.
Just not so easy out of the box. Maybe makecab could do it for you? As a general rule you have a hard constraint in your question. A single BAT file which in general can not do almost anything without the support of hundreds of preinstalled or commonly installed other applications.
Could you specify a the constraints a bit better. Tel WHY you need this particular constraint? And what does it mean as even most of the bat command you use require more than one file.

What are the differences between running an executable from a Windows Command Prompt versus from Windows Explorer?

EDIT: This is due to stupidity. It is a multiple monitor issue. It's just that from cmd.exe we always opened in the primary monitor, whilst from explorer, we always opened in the secondary. Thanks all for the help!
We hit a weird bug recently. We have a Qt + osg app that behaves differently if we run it from explorer than if we run it from a command line. Running from explorer is unusable, while running from command line (or by running from the explorer a simple batch file that calls the .exe) works as expected.
We suspect environment variables, because that's all we can think of. But the fact that it runs fine with a one line batch file seems to refute this. I'm not familiar enough with windows to know of any subtle differences in how it loads executables, nor where to look to find out.
Are there any other differences that could explain this? Does windows load different sets of user environment variables in each case? OS is Windows XP Service Pack 3.
The behavior experienced when running from explorer (double click program.exe) is consistent with a driver issue or improper OSG scene setup: image artifacts, flashing, and weird colors.
The behavior experienced when running the same executable from cmd.exe (or by double clicking a .bat file next to the .exe containing only a line to run the .exe) is the correct, expected behavior: the scene is correct, no flashing, etc.
To rule out potential library load path issues, try using dot-local DLL redirection.
Towards that end, create an (empty) file in the same directory as your executable and give it the same name as your binary, except with .local appended. I.e., if your binary is named yourbinary.exe, name that file yourbinary.exe.local. That will force the PE loader to first look in that directory to resolve LoadLibrary calls (and that includes DLLs loaded indirectly via system DLLs or via COM, no matter how many indirection levels are involved.) Place as many supporting DLLs (including Qt DLLs) in that directory. If you're using Qt plugins, also place the plugins directory there (or use a custom trolltech.conf.)
More details on dot-local redirection here, for example.
This thread looks like it might have the answer to your question:
In short, I think it might be looking for your executable in different places depending on which method you attempt to use to run it. Perhaps you have 2 different versions hiding somewhere that explorer uses instead of the one you want?
You have not given enough details so I will give you a general answer. In order to use QT and its tools you need 2 environment variables. *QTDIR, and PATH * Make sure you have these variables set instructions are below. I have taken them from this site. See also this link for deployment on windows.
Setup the QTDIR environmental
1) Create a new System variable
called: QTDIR
a. Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced Tab ->
Environment Variables button
b. Find System variables -> New -> Type in "QTDIR" 2) Set the value to: C:\your\Qt\directory (NOTICE: No
trailing '\' character!!!)
Now, add the QTDIR on to your PATH
1) Edit your PATH variable, add onto
the end of it a ';' if one isn't
already on the end. 2) Now add on:
That will make sure that our Qt
application(s) will be able to find
the Qt DLL files when you go to run
I hope this helps.
Perhaps there is a difference caused by the way Explorer launches an executable vs directly running it from the console. I think that Explorer uses ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx and I doubt that executing an application from a console or batch file does the same.
I would create a test app that tries some of the ShellExecute variants and use different parameters to see if the Explorer behavior can be reproduced in order to try to diagnose what parameters passed to ShellExecute might be causing the problem.
There is an interesting community note on the ShellExecuteEx page that may or may not be applicable:
ShellExecuteEx ignores the current input desktop. It always uses winsta0\default. Instead use ShellExecute or CreateProcess.
I would also investigate whether or not AppCompatFlags affect console executed applications (or see if any AppCompatFlags have been set for your application).
