bash trickery using --init-file - bash

I have a bash-script (let's call it /usr/bin/bosh) using the following she-bang line:
#!/bin/bash --init-file
It defines a couple of functions, and generally puts the interactive shell in an environment where the user can control a bunch of stuff that I want. This works pretty well. Now for the interesting part, I'd like to be able to let users use this in-between-layer for writing new scripts, without explicitly havnig to source this one. Is that at all possible?
I tried writing a script (let's call it /usr/bin/foo) using the she-bang line
Which I thought, would be rewritten to execute the command
/usr/bin/bosh /usr/bin/foo
which in turn would result in
/bin/bash --init-file /usr/bin/bosh /usr/bin/foo
But it doesn't work, /usr/bin/foo gets executed, but /usr/bin/bosh is not source before that.
How can I make it source the init file even though the script is not interactive? Or would I have to write a wrapper script for that? I thought of having a script like this
. /usr/bin/bosh
. "$1"
But that wouldn't turn into an interactive shell if I don't specify a script to run, which would be kind of a shame.
For clarification, what I'm really asking is, how can I make bash source a file (like --init-file) regardless whether it's interactive (before starting the interactive part) or not (before executing the script)? If there's no way, is there any other way to solve my problem perhaps?

The program specified by the #! cannot be another script I'm afraid at least until linux kernel, which allows this feature. If you run strace on foo you'll see that you'd get an ENOEXEC or exec format error, because bosh cannot be executed as a standalone program.
What is happening is that instead of /bin/bosh being executed and handed foo as input, your login shell is simply silently falling back to executing foo itself in a sub-shell, which is why it seems to almost work.
A wrapper or C program that launches bash the way you want are probably your only options. Even with an upgrade to your kernel, it will not quite work the way you want I'm afraid.
Everything you ever wanted to know about #! here:
EDIT: If your kernel really does support chained scripts, then a work-around for /usr/bin/bosh might be something like:
if [ ! $PS1 ]; then
exec /bin/bash --init-file "$0" -i "$#"
... rest of bosh init file ...
An exec seems to be unavoidable to get this to work the way you want it to.

A script is not a runtime environment. That may be your problem. The shebang defnies the runtime environment. ie... /bin/java /bin/python /bin/bash /bin/dash. Your script is not an environment. Your "wrapper example" would be appropriate.


Bash interactive and non-interactive shell behaviour

I have a hard time with interactive and non-interactive shells. I don't understand which is which.
For example, I have read that non interactive shells usually check for the BASH_ENV variable on their startup and execute whatever it points to.
So, what I did is I set the BASH_ENV to point to some script which only echoes OK. Then I typed in bash in terminal and this script echoed OK. But why? Didn't I call yet another INTERACTIVE shell by typing bash in terminal, and not the other way around? Why did it execute the bash_env? I'm on linux mint maya.
The only thing you can be certain of is what's shown in the manpage for bash (see INVOCATION) - that lists in details what startup files are run in each instance.
However, there's nothing stopping (for example) one of those startup files running other files which would normally not be run.
By way of example, if .bash_profile had the following line:
. ~/.profile
it would also run the .profile script.
In fact the manpage states:
When bash is started non-interactively, to run a shell script, for example, it looks for the variable BASH_ENV in the environment, expands its value if it appears there, and uses the expanded value as the name of a file to read and execute. Bash behaves as if the following command were executed:
if [ -n "$BASH_ENV" ]; then . "$BASH_ENV"; fi
So, if you put that exact line in your startup scripts for an interactive shell like ~/.bash_profile, you'll also source the file pointed to by BASH_ENV.
Your best bet is to examine the INVOCATION section to find out which of the files will run, and then track through them (with something like set -x at the top of the script) to see what's getting called from where.
If memory serves, Bash is only interactive if you tell it, example
bash -i
So, by you calling just bash you invoked a non-interactive Bash.
More info
If the -i option is present, the shell is interactive.

shebang script interpreter from shell variable

I have a number of scripts which need to specify the python binary which runs them:
#! /home/nargle/python/bin/python2.6
I need to adapt these scripts to work at two different sites. Lots of tools are installed in different places, so at new site 2 the script needs to start with:
#! /user/nargle/python/bin/python2.6
I want to replace directly-quoted paths with environment variables which are set differently for each site. What I would like is for this to work:
but it doesn't! I am slightly hazy on where to research this. Is it the executing shell (be it bash, csh or whatever) which detects the '#!' at the start of a script (be it bash, python or whatever) and fires up the interpreter/shell to run it?
I feel that there must be some way to do this. Please advise!
Oh yes, there is one more constraint: we cannot use the path for this. This may seem like a stupid restriction but this is for a large environment with many users
The environment is RHEL 5.7.
EDIT It has been suggested to use a shell script and that is the current plan: it works fine:
$MY_PYTHON_PATH some_script $#
The problem is really that we have lots of people using the python files, and lots of automated tests which need to changed. If it has to be done it has to be done but I if possible I want to minimise the impact of a change of working practice for scores of people.
EDIT It would also be possible to have a link in a location which is the same on both systems, and which links to the real binary in a different target on each system. This is quite feasible but seems kind of messy: we use the linux 'modules' package to setup environment variables for many tools and it would be nice if we could take the python path from our modulefiles.
EDIT It isn't the answer but this feels like the kind of evil hack I was looking for:
.. see "Example 4-2. #! lines for bash and for tclsh"
EDIT I hoped this might work but it didn't:
!# /usr/bin/env PATH=$PATH:$MY_PYTHON_PATH python2.6
The common solution is to change the shebang to
#!/usr/bin/env python2.6
Then, just arrange your $PATH to point to the right python2.6 on each machine.
Write a wrapper shell script. If you have, write a with the following content:
PYTHON_SCRIPT=$( echo "$0" | sed -e 's/\.sh$//' )
Disclaimer: This isn't tested, just wrote it off the top of my head.
Now just set up your MY_PYTHON_PATH on each machine, and call instead of
Summary This solution is only second-best, since it requires a lot of script calls to be changed from to, something that should be avoided if at all possible.
Use env to call a python-finder script, which just calls the python binary contained in $MY_PYTHON_PATH. The python-finder script has to be in the same location on both machines, use symlinks if necessary.
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/
The contents of
exec $MY_PYTHON_PATH "$#"
This works because for interpreter scripts (those starting with a shebang) execve calls the interpreter and passes the filename to env, which in turn passes it on to the command it calls.
I was being silly: using variable expansion with env does work.
#! /usr/bin/env PATH="$PATH:$MY_PYTHON_PATH" python2.6
We can do:
"exec" "python" "$0"
print "Hello World"

saving bash functions

First of all, I'd like to be corrected on my vocabulary. I assume Terminal provides an environment for bash, which is a type/version of shell. Is this correct?
I'm trying to utilize bash and shell more in my development processes to speed up deployment. However, I'm only beginning to understand the basics outside the commands I've learned from growing up.
I've started making functions in Terminal to help automate some of my more repetitious tasks. This is all find and dandy until I exit terminal.
I assume that shell runs in an instance, so that instance is lost when I exit terminal. I notice that shell leaves a .bash_history, also accessible using 'history', where I can see my old functions from old sessions. However, of course, they no longer appear to execute.
I recognize that I could create a shell script, but this introduces compiling issues as well as having to pay more attention to where the scripts are stored relatively.
Question: When I create bash scripts using command(){}, they do not persist after closing the terminal. Can I make them do that so on new terminal sessions I have access to my old functions without resorting to shell scripts?
Edit: I also wanted to mention that I tried extensively to find an issue to this using traditional means, but "save" and "exit" in the search term often will direct to other aspects of shell.
Your first statement is correct. A terminal instance runs a type of shell (bash, sh, csh)
You can add them to your ~/.bashrc file or add the saved script path (no compiling needed) to your PATH variable.
You could also just copy scripts to /usr/local/bin for quick access anytime. You would have no need to keep track of where they are relatively. This is quite handy and makes your scripts available to other users (or not if permissions are set correctly)
See the Using History Interactively section of the Bash Reference Manual for ways you can execute commands from your history.
For example, typing !?foo and pressing Enter will execute the most recent command containing "foo". I like to have shopt -s histverify histreedit in my ~/.bashrc so I can edit and confirm the command, if necessary rather than executing it immediately.
Also see the Commands For Manipulating The History section for keystrokes you can use to search for history entries to recall and execute.
For example, pressing Ctrl-r and typing foo will recall the most recent command containing "foo". You can press Ctrl-r additional times to continue searching in reverse for additional matching commands. Press Enter when you're ready to execute the one currently shown or Ctrl-g to abort the search.
If you add stty -ixon to your ~/.bashrc, then you can use Ctrl-s to search forward through history after you've begun searching backward.
Of course, you can save your functions by editing ~/.bashrc and adding them to it. I prefer to keep my functions in a file I created called ~/bin/functions and then add a line to ~/.bashrc to source that file. The line looks like . ~/bin/functions.
I save larger scripts in /usr/local/bin or ~/bin. The former should already be in your path and you can add the latter to your path by editing ~/.bashrc.
After you type in the functions on the command-line you could recall them using command-line editing (as #Dennis Williamson mentioned), but there is an easier method: declare -f. This command lists all current functions, and you can redirect them to a file:
home/user1> function myfunc {
> echo "Hollow world!"
> }
/home/user1> declare -f > myfuncs
/home/user1> more myfuncs
myfunc ()
echo "Hollow world"
Note how Bash changes the function syntax from Korn shell to Bourne shell! Fortunately there is no difference between the two in Bash (unlike ksh93).
When you need to load the function it is a simple matter:
/home/user1> source myfuncs
/home/user1> myfunc
Hollow world!
You don't need execute permissions by the way, only read.
You could (as others have said) add this to one of your start-up files, like .bashrc.
You can create a simple library which would contain all your functions. This would basically solve your problem of storing functions.
yeshwantnaik$ cat my_functions.lib
function do_something(){
#your code goes here
Save it wherever you want. Preferably to your $HOME directory.
Load the library. Don't miss the dot in the beginning.
yeshwantnaik$ . $HOME/my_functions.lib
Now you can run your function directly.
yeshwantnaik$ do_something
Let Linux do stuff for you
You can skip the step of manually loading the library by letting Linux do it for you when you log in automatically.
Run below commands
echo ". $HOME/my_functions.lib" >> ~/.bashrc
echo ". $HOME/my_functions.lib" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash_profile
That's it. You can directly execute your function from the command line without doing anything.

Bash: What is the effect of "#!/bin/sh" in a bash script with curl

I make a complex and long line command to successful login in a site. If I execute it in Console it work. But if I copy and paste the same line in a bash script it not work.
I tried a lot of thing, but accidentally discovery that if I NOT use the line
it work! Why this happens in my mac OSX Lion? What this config line do in a bash script?
A bash script that is run via /bin/sh runs in sh compatibility mode, which means that many bash-specific features (herestrings, process substitution, etc.) will not work.
sh-4.2$ cat < <(echo 123)
sh: syntax error near unexpected token `<'
If you want to be able to use full bash syntax, use #!/bin/bash as your shebang line.
"#!/bin/sh" is a common idiom to insure that the correct interpreter is used to run the script. Here, "sh" is the "Bourne Shell". A good, standard "least common denominator" for shell scripts.
In your case, however, "#!/bin/sh" seems to be the wrong interpreter.
Here's a bit more info:
Originally, we only had one shell on unix. When you asked to run a
command, the shell would attempt to invoke one of the exec() system
calls on it. It the command was an executable, the exec would succeed
and the command would run. If the exec() failed, the shell would not
give up, instead it would try to interpet the command file as if it
were a shell script.
Then unix got more shells and the situation became confused. Most
folks would write scripts in one shell and type commands in another.
And each shell had differing rules for feeding scripts to an
This is when the "#! /" trick was invented. The idea was to let the
kernel's exec() system calls succeed with shell scripts. When the
kernel tries to exec() a file, it looks at the first 4 bytes which
represent an integer called a magic number. This tells the kernel if
it should try to run the file or not. So "#! /" was added to magic
numbers that the kernel knows and it was extended to actually be able
to run shell scripts by itself. But some people could not type "#! /",
they kept leaving the space out. So the kernel was exended a bit again
to allow "#!/" to work as a special 3 byte magic number.
So #! /usr/bin/ksh and
#!/usr/bin/ksh now mean the same thing. I always use the former since at least some kernels might still exist that don't understand the
And note that the first line is a signal to the kernel, and not to the
shell. What happens now is that when shells try to run scripts via
exec() they just succeed. And we never stumble on their various
fallback schemes.
The very first line of the script can be used to select which script interpreter to use.
You are telling the shell to invoke /bin/bash interpreter to execute your script.
Assure that there are not spaces or empty lines before #!/bin/bash or it will not work.

Can a script be used as an interpreter by the #! hashbang line?

I'm trying to write a bash script which will behave as a basic interpreter, but it doesn't seem to work: The custom interpreter doesn't appear to be invoked. What am I doing wrong?
Here's a simple setup illustrating the problem:
/bin/interpreter: [owned by root; executable]
echo "I am an interpreter running " $1
/Users/zeph/script is owned by me, and is executable:
Here are some commands for the custom interpreter.
From what I understand about the mechanics of hashbangs, the script should be executable as follows:
$ ./script
I am an interpreter running ./script
But this doesn't work. Instead the following happens:
$ ./script
./script: line 3: Here: command not found
...It appears that /bin/bash is trying to interpret the contents of ./script. What am I doing wrong?
Note: Although it appears that /bin/interpreter never invoked, I do get an error if it doesn't exist:
$ ./script
-bash: ./script: /bin/interpreter: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
(Second note: If it makes any difference, I'm doing this on MacOS X).
To make this work you could add the interpreter's interpreter (i.e. bash) to the shebang:
#!/bin/bash /bin/interpreter
Here are some commands for the custom interpreter.
bash will then run your interpreter with the script path in $1 as expected.
You can't use a script directly as a #! interpreter, but you can run the script indirectly via the env command using:
#!/usr/bin/env /bin/interpreter
/usr/bin/env is itself a binary, so is a valid interpreter for #!; and /bin/interpreter can be anything you like (a script of any variety, or binary) without having to put knowledge of its own interpreter into the calling script.
Read the execve man page for your system. It dictates how scripts are launched, and it should specify that the interpreter in a hash-bang line is a binary executable.
I asked a similar question in that raised some pertinent information.
There was a second branch of the same thread that carried the idea further.
The most general unix solution is to have the shebang point to a binary executable. But that executable program could be as simple as a single call to execl(). Both threads lead to example C source for a program called gscmd, which is little more than a wrapper to execv("gs",...).
