How to check if a Ruby object is a Boolean - ruby

I can't seem to check if an object is a boolean easily. Is there something like this in Ruby?
Right now I'm doing this and would like to shorten it:
some_var = rand(1) == 1 ? true : false
(some_var.is_a?(TrueClass) || some_var.is_a?(FalseClass))

Simplest way I can think of:
# checking whether foo is a boolean
!!foo == foo

I find this to be concise and self-documenting:
[true, false].include? foo
If using Rails or ActiveSupport, you can even do a direct query using in? [true, false]
Checking against all possible values isn't something I'd recommend for floats, but feasible when there are only two possible values!

There is no Boolean class in Ruby, the only way to check is to do what you're doing (comparing the object against true and false or the class of the object against TrueClass and FalseClass). Can't think of why you would need this functionality though, can you explain? :)
If you really need this functionality however, you can hack it in:
module Boolean; end
class TrueClass; include Boolean; end
class FalseClass; include Boolean; end
true.is_a?(Boolean) #=> true
false.is_a?(Boolean) #=> true

As stated above there is no boolean class just TrueClass and FalseClass however you can use any object as the subject of if/unless and everything is true except instances of FalseClass and nil
Boolean tests return an instance of the FalseClass or TrueClass
(1 > 0).class #TrueClass
The following monkeypatch to Object will tell you whether something is an instance of TrueClass or FalseClass
class Object
def boolean?
self.is_a?(TrueClass) || self.is_a?(FalseClass)
Running some tests with irb gives the following results
?> "String".boolean?
=> false
>> 1.boolean?
=> false
=> false
>> nil.boolean?
=> false
>> true.boolean?
=> true
>> false.boolean?
=> true
>> (1 ==1).boolean?
=> true
>> (1 ==2).boolean?
=> true

If your code can sensibly be written as a case statement, this is pretty decent:
case mybool
when TrueClass, FalseClass
puts "It's a bool!"
puts "It's something else!"

An object that is a boolean will either have a class of TrueClass or FalseClass so the following one-liner should do the trick
mybool = true
mybool.class == TrueClass || mybool.class == FalseClass
=> true
The following would also give you true/false boolean type check result
mybool = true
[TrueClass, FalseClass].include?(mybool.class)
=> true

So try this out (x == true) ^ (x == false) note you need the parenthesis but this is more beautiful and compact.
It even passes the suggested like "cuak" but not a "cuak"... class X; def !; self end end ; x =; (x == true) ^ (x == false)
Note: See that this is so basic that you can use it in other languages too, that doesn't provide a "thing is boolean".
Note 2: Also you can use this to say thing is one of??: "red", "green", "blue" if you add more XORS... or say this thing is one of??: 4, 5, 8, 35.

This gem adds a Boolean class to Ruby with useful methods.
require 'boolean'
Then your
will work exactly as you expect.

No. Not like you have your code. There isn't any class named Boolean. Now with all the answers you have you should be able to create one and use it. You do know how to create classes don't you? I only came here because I was just wondering this idea myself. Many people might say "Why? You have to just know how Ruby uses Boolean". Which is why you got the answers you did. So thanks for the question. Food for thought. Why doesn't Ruby have a Boolean class?
NameError: uninitialized constant Boolean
Keep in mind that Objects do not have types. They are classes. Objects have data. So that's why when you say data types it's a bit of a misnomer.
Also try rand 2 because rand 1 seems to always give 0. rand 2 will give 1 or 0
click run a few times here.
Although I wouldn't know how to go about making a Boolean class myself. I've experimented with it but...
class Boolean < TrueClass
true.is_a?(Boolean) # => false
false.is_a?(Boolean) # => false
At least we have that class now but who knows how to get the right values?


What is the meaning of `!!empty?`?

ActiveSupport extends Object with an instance method blank?:
class Object
def blank?
respond_to?(:empty?) ? !!empty? : !self
Could !!empty? be written as empty? instead? Is this a stylistic choice so that it reads easily as a method returning a boolean? Or is there something else?
The reason for this is that !! coerces the response from empty to a boolean. Empty can be defined differently on different objects so it is possible that someone in rails could have defined .empty? to not return a boolean. Since .blank? needs to return a boolean the !! is needed to ensure that a boolean is returned.
It is a common way to convert a truthy versus falesy value into strict true and false.
It is a common approach in Ruby to call !!(something). The result of the calculation will be boolean, not nil or something else:
!!(true) # true
!!(false) # false
!!(nil) # false
!! is used to force falsey/truthy values to false/true:
irb(main):001:0> !!nil == false
=> true
In fact, it used to be empty?. Here's the commit that changed it to !!empty?:
From the comments:
Why double !! ? It returns the TrueClass / FalseClass anynway
Because it is a dynamic language and subject to polymorphism, you just can't rely on empty? returning singletons, what you need to guarantee is that you return one no matter what.
The "improved" implementation however is incomplete, because you could just as well implement ! to return a non-boolean value:
class Foo
def !
end #=> nil
To handle both methods (empty? and !), it should be implemented as:
!!(respond_to?(:empty?) ? empty? : !self)

Comparison of Classes using the `===` (subsumption operator)

The fact that TypeOfClass === TypeOfClass is false strikes me as counter-intuitive. In the following code, even if field.class is the same class, it evaluates to false:
case field.class
when Fixnum, Float
field + other_field
when Date, DateTime, Time
puts 'WAT?'
I did this:
Fixnum === Fixnum # => false
Class === Class # => true
I found another thread:
Integer === 3 # => true
Fixnum === 3 # => true
3.class # => Fixnum
I fail to find a reason for this language design. What were the language designers thinking when they baked in this behavior?
I think this is relevant to the answer provided in another thread. It is not unnatural to assume that Numeric === Integer since an Integer is a more specific type of Numeric. But, it isn't:
Numeric === Integer #=> false
I think case statements or === requires caution. If this operator is what we think it is , then, a Numeric should be a Numeric, an Integer should be a Numeric, etc.
Does anyone have an explanation of why this feature doesn't extend to classes? It seems like it would be easy enough to return true if the compared class is a member of the class' ancestors.
Based on an answer submitted below, the code was originally classifying Time (as extended by ActiveSupport:CoreExtensions::Integer::Time and ActiveSupport:CoreExtensions::Float::Time):
Timeframe =, :to) do
def end_date
when Fixnum, Float
self.from +
when Date, DateTime, Time
and in the console, I get:
tf =, 5.months)
# => #<struct Timeframe from=Tue Dec 10 11:34:34 -0500 2013, to=5 months>
# => RuntimeError: InvalidType
# from timeframe.rb:89:in `end_date'
I do not really see the problem here. For classes, the case equality operator asks whether the left hand argument is an instance of the class (or any subclass). So Fixnum === Fixnum really asks: "Is the Fixnum class itself a subclass of Fixnum?" No it is not.
Is the class Class itself a class? Class === Class, yes it is.
The point of the operator is that you should not need to go look for the class. What is wrong with using the case statement without the .class method in the beginning?
case field
when Fixnum, Float
field + other_field
when Date, DateTime, Time
puts 'WAT?'
If you have a more complex example you can write your own lambdas to make the case statement easier:
field_is_number = -> x {[Fixnum, Float].include? x.class}
field_is_time = -> x {[Date, DateTime, Time].include? x.class}
case field.class
when field_is_number
field + other_field
when field_is_time
puts 'WAT?'
That's Module#=== and its intended behavior:
mod === obj → true or false
Case Equality—Returns true if anObject is an instance of mod or one of
mod’s descendants. Of limited use for modules, but can be used in case
statements to classify objects by class.
It simply returns obj.kind_of? mod:
Fixnum === Fixnum #=> false
Fixnum.kind_of? Fixnum #=> false
Class === Class #=> true
Class.kind_of? Class #=> true
String === "foo" #=> true
"foo".kind_of? String #=> true
3 is both, an Integer and a Fixnum because of its class hierarchy:
3.kind_of? Integer #=> true
3.kind_of? Fixnum #=> true
3.class.ancestors #=> [Fixnum, Integer, Numeric, Comparable, Object, Kernel, BasicObject]
Numeric is not an Integer, it's a Class:
Numeric.kind_of? Integer #=> false
Numeric.kind_of? Class #=> true
But 3, (2/3) and 1.23 are all Numeric:
3.kind_of? Numeric #=> true
Rational(2, 3).kind_of? Numeric #=> true
1.23.kind_of? Numeric #=> true
Bottom line: for case statements, just use case obj instead of case obj.class.
You are getting this error because 5.months doesn't return an Integer, but a ActiveSupport::Duration:
Integer === 5.months #=> false
ActiveSupport::Duration === 5.months #=> true
Calling your method with 5.months.to_i or adding ActiveSupport::Duration to your classes should fix it.
If one of the operands is a class, it is checking whether the second one is this class instance. If they are both classes it will return false unless at least one of them is Class.
Note that Class is both a class and an instance of itself - it's probably biggest ruby weird TBH, but it makes perfect sense.
The reason I would vote for keeping this logic is that we can write those nice case statements without adding .class to objects.
ClassName === object <=> object.kind_of? ClassName
However, if you really want to override this use:
class Class
def ===(object)
return object == self if object.is_a? Class

Is there a simple way to evaluate a value to true/false without using an expression?

Is there a simple way in Ruby to get a true/false value from something without explicitly evaluating it to true or false
e.g. how would one more succinctly express
class User
def completed_initialization?
initialization_completed == 1 ? true : false
is there some way to do something along the lines of
There's obviously not much in it but since I'm in the zen garden of Ruby I might as well embrace it
EDIT (I've updated the example)
This question was extremely badly phrased as was very gently pointed out by #Sergio Tulentsev. The original example (below) does of course evaluate directly to a boolean. I'm still struggling to find an example of what I mean however Sergio's double-negative was in fact exactly what I was looking for.
Original example
class User
def top_responder
responses.count > 10 ? true : false
> operator already returns boolean value. So it can be just
def top_responder
responses.count > 10
To convert arbitrary values to booleans, I offer you this little double-negation trick.
t = 'foo'
!!t # => true
t = 1
!!t # => true
t = 0
!!t # => true
t = nil
!!t # => false
The first negation "casts" value to boolean and inverts it. That is, it will return true for nil / false and false for everything else. We need another negation to make it produce "normal" values.

How can I avoid truthiness in Ruby?

Is there any standard way to avoid truthiness in Ruby, or would I need to roll my own solution, such as
class FalseClass
def to_bool
class TrueClass
def to_bool
true.to_bool # => true
false.to_bool # => false
nil.to_bool # => NoMethodError
42.to_bool # => NoMethodError
Background: I know that to_bool would go against the permissive nature of Ruby, but I'm playing around with ternary logic, and want to avoid accidentally doing something like
require "ternary_logic"
do_something if x
I'm using ternary logic because I'm writing a parser of a flatmate-share web site (for personal, not commercial, use) and it's possible for some fields to be missing information, and therefore it'd be unknown whether the place meets my criteria or not. I'd try to limit the amount of code that uses the ternary logic, however.
It is not possible to influence truthiness or falsiness in Ruby. nil and false are falsy, everything else is truthy.
It's a feature that comes up every couple of years or so, but is always rejected. (For reasons that I personally don't find convincing, but I'm not the one calling the shots.)
You will have to implement your own logic system, but you cannot prohibit someone from using Ruby's logical operators on an unknown value.
I re-implemented Ruby's logic system once, for fun and to show it can be done. It should be fairly easy to extend this to ternary logic. (When I wrote this, I actually took the conformance tests from RubySpec and ported them to my implementation, and they all passed, so I'm fairly confident that it matches Ruby's semantics.)
You can take advantage of the overridable ! operator in 1.9 and the !! idiom to redefine truthiness.
Let's have a Pythonesque truthiness:
class Numeric
def !
class Array
def !
!![] #=> false
!!0 #=> false
I also made my own logic system in Ruby (for fun), and you can easily redefine truthiness:
Note, the analogs of the normal conditionals are if!/else_if!/else!
# redefine truthiness with the `truth_test` method
CustomBoolean.truth_test = proc { |b| b && b != 0 && b != [] }
if!(0) {
puts 'true'
else! {
puts 'false'
#=> false

What does !! mean in ruby?

Just wondering what !! is in Ruby.
Not not.
It's used to convert a value to a boolean:
!!nil #=> false
!!"abc" #=> true
!!false #=> false
It's usually not necessary to use though since the only false values to Ruby are nil and false, so it's usually best to let that convention stand.
Think of it as
One thing that is it used for legitimately is preventing a huge chunk of data from being returned. For example you probably don't want to return 3MB of image data in your has_image? method, or you may not want to return your entire user object in the logged_in? method. Using !! converts these objects to a simple true/false.
It returns true if the object on the right is not nil and not false, false if it is nil or false
def logged_in?
! means negate boolean state, two !s is nothing special, other than a double negation.
!true == false
# => true
It is commonly used to force a method to return a boolean. It will detect any kind of truthiness, such as string, integers and what not, and turn it into a boolean.
# => false
# => true
A more real use case:
def title
"I return a string."
def title_exists?
This is useful when you want to make sure that a boolean is returned. IMHO it's kind of pointless, though, seeing that both if 'some string' and if true is the exact same flow, but some people find it useful to explicitly return a boolean.
Note that this idiom exists in other programming languages as well. C didn't have an intrinsic bool type, so all booleans were typed as int instead, with canonical values of 0 or 1. Takes this example (parentheses added for clarity):
!(1234) == 0
!(0) == 1
!(!(1234)) == 1
The "not-not" syntax converts any non-zero integer to 1, the canonical boolean true value.
In general, though, I find it much better to put in a reasonable comparison than to use this uncommon idiom:
int x = 1234;
if (!!x); // wtf mate
if (x != 0); // obvious
It's useful if you need to do an exclusive or. Copying from Matt Van Horn's answer with slight modifications:
1 ^ true
TypeError: can't convert true into Integer
!!1 ^ !!true
=> false
I used it to ensure two variables were either both nil, or both not nil.
raise "Inconsistency" if !!a ^ !!b
It is "double-negative", but the practice is being discouraged. If you're using rubocop, you'll see it complain on such code with a Style/DoubleNegation violation.
The rationale states:
As this is both cryptic and usually redundant, it should be avoided
[then paraphrasing:] Change !!something to !something.nil?
Understanding how it works can be useful if you need to convert, say, an enumeration into a boolean. I have code that does exactly that, using the classy_enum gem:
class LinkStatus < ClassyEnum::Base
def !
return true
class LinkStatus::No < LinkStatus
class LinkStatus::Claimed < LinkStatus
def !
return false
class LinkStatus::Confirmed < LinkStatus
def !
return false
class LinkStatus::Denied < LinkStatus
Then in service code I have, for example:
raise Application::Error unless !!object.link_status # => raises exception for "No" and "Denied" states.
Effectively the bangbang operator has become what I might otherwise have written as a method called to_bool.
Other answers have discussed what !! does and whether it is good practice or not.
However, none of the answers give the "standard Ruby way" of casting a value into a boolean.
true & variable
TrueClass, the class of the Ruby value true, implements a method &, which is documented as follows:
Returns false if obj is nil or false, true otherwise.
Why use a dirty double-negation when the standard library has you covered?
