NoClassDefFound error - Spring JDBC - spring

Right now, I'm compiling my .class files in eclipse and moving them over to my %tomcat_home%\webapps\myapp\WEB-INF\classes directory. They compile just fine.
I also have in the ...\classes directory a org.springframework.jdbc-3.0.2.RELEASE.jar which I have verified has the org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource class inside it.
However, I get a NoClassDefFound error when I run my class and it tries to DriverManagerDataSource source = new DriverManagerDataSource();
I don't understand why it wouldn't be finding that jar.
Any help is appreciated!

Jar files in webapp should be placed in WEB-INF/lib, not in WEB-INF/classes.


Unable to find a 'com.okta.sdk.impl.http.RequestExecutorFactory'

I have a java web application secured with OKTA. I have the below code which throws the below exception,
Client client = Clients.builder()
.setClientCredentials(new TokenClientCredentials((String)SessionUtils.getSession().getAttribute("apiKey")))
When I run it, I get the below error. I have tried adding the jar by going to the buildPath of eclipse project. I am using the below dependencies in my POM and this used to work before when my project had an ANT build. But I started getting this error when I moved to Maven.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to find a
'com.okta.sdk.impl.http.RequestExecutorFactory' implementation on the
classpath. Please ensure you have added the okta-sdk-httpclient.jar
file to your runtime classpath. at
at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow( at
com.okta.commons.lang.Classes.loadFromService( at
at com.okta.sdk.impl.client.BaseClient.( at
I could resolve this by using the okta-sdk-httpclient :v1.5.2 to match some of the other OKTA dependencies that I had in my project.
Below are the dependencies that I had in my project prior to the fix.
-okta-authn-sdk-api :v1.0.0
-okta-authn-sdk-impl :v1.0.0
-okta-http-api :v1.2.8
-okta-commons-lang :v1.2.8
-okta-config-check :v1.2.8
-okta-http-okhttp :v1.2.8
-okta-jwt-verifier :v0.5.1
-okta-sdk :v0.0.4
-okta-sdk-api :v1.5.2
-okta-sdk-httpclient :v6.0.0
-okta-sdk-impl :v1.5.2

How to properly use a referenceJar in Xamarin Android Project?

I have a .aar file that contains a SDK, it needs the gson library to work, so i added the gson.jar file into the project as a ReferenceJar, but it cannot find the reference.
I've already tried to extract the jar from the aar, and use one as InputJar and the gson jar as ReferenceJar, it did not work.
In this case the java code spits this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lcom/google/gson/Gson;
I've tried to create a separate project that contains only the gson file as a InputJar and use it as a dependency on the other project.
In this case the gson project does not compile, VS spits errors like
CS0534 "CollectionTypeAdapterFactory.Adapter" does not implement inherited abstract member "TypeAdapter.Read(JsonReader)"
I've also tried to add the gson.jar file into the libs folder inside the .aar file, but gave me the same compiling errors as described above
So, what should I do next?
I figured out.
I had to extract the jar from the .aar and set it as an EmbeddedJar and the gson library as EmbeddedReferenceJar. Somehow it worked. If someone could explain me why, it would be nice.

Spring Tools Suite and Gradle - Setup to use correct resources from inside STS

I have a Spring Boot Gradle project setup in Spring Tools Suite (3.7.2 RELEASE) with the following source folders:
- src/integration-test/java
- src/integration-test/resources
- src/main/java
- src/main/resources
- src/test/java
- src/test/resources`
Whenever I run the application or unit tests from within STS, I see that STS is using the resources found under src/integration-test/resources.
I see a duplicate resource warning in STS for files which exist in all 3 resource source folders. For example, I have an in all 3 source folders and I see following:
The resource is a duplicate of src/integration-test/resources/ and was not copied to the output folder
If I run the application as a JAR or unit tests/integration tests from the command line (via gradle build), everything seems to use the correct resources. This makes me believe it is a problem with how STS/Eclipse is handling gradle.
Does anybody know of how I can configure STS to use the correct resource source folders when using gradle?
I think my problem may be related to (or the same as?) Spring Boot incorrectly loads test configuration when running from eclipse+gradle,,
I also tried the solution found here, but that seems to only fix Maven builds:
Spring Tool Suite finds spring-boot integration test configuration and does not start main application
I think my problem may be related to...
Yes, it is related but in my opinion not the same. That problem is caused by the runtime classpath being incorrect. This problem is an error coming from the eclipse project builder so it is a compile-time issue.
The problems are closely related though. Depending on your point of view, you could say they are the same (incorrect mixing of test and compile-time classpaths).
Here, specifically, the problem is that the eclipse builder tries to copy all the resources it finds in source folders to the project's single output folder. Each source folder has a ''. The builder warns that it could not copy some of them because one would overwrite the other.
I think there may be a solution for this problem. But it is a solution that really should come from Gradle + ( BuildShip | STS Gradle Tooling) than from you.
It is possible in Eclipse to configure each source-folder individually to target a specific outputfolder. Maven + M2E are doing this correcty, but Gradle + (BuildsShip | STS Gradle Tooling) combdos do not.
For example this is what maven puts into the eclipse .classpath file when it configures a test resources folder:
<classpathentry excluding="**" kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/resources">
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
Notice how it explicitly sets the output folder for that entry (to something different from the project's default output folder).
You may be able to address the problem yourself by modifying the .classpath for a gradle project in a similar way. Either by doing it manually or from your build.gradle.
I'm not sure this is worth it however as you will then likely still get hit by the runtime classpath issue (since these folders will still be added to your runtime classpath, your runtime classpath will end-up with two resources, one which will 'shadow' the other. See:
I would say, the right thing to do is add a comment to the issue I linked, and hope they fix it soon as there is only so much you can do yourself by hacking the build.gradle file to modify the .classpath (this can not solve the runtime classpath issue, but in order to solve the runtime classpath issue, they would have to configure source folders to target individual output folder similar to what m2e does).
I would add this as a comment to #Kris's answer but it's too long.
I have solved the runtime classpath issue by adding the code below to my build.gradle file. The code generates an Eclipse launch configuration for the Spring Boot application class and includes only the runtime classpath (i.e. no test JARs).
My project uses the Gradle 'eclipse' plugin to generate the Eclipse project files (which I then import into Eclipse). Running the eclipseClasspath Gradle target will generate the launch file in the project's root directory.
def mainClassName = "com.example.MyApplication"
task eclipseApplicationLaunch {
group "IDE"
description "Generate an Eclipse launch configuration file for the Spring Boot application class"
eclipseApplicationLaunch << {
def writer = new FileWriter("${mainClassName.substring(mainClassName.lastIndexOf(".")+1)}.launch")
def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.doubleQuotes = true
xml.launchConfiguration(type: "org.eclipse.jdt.launching.localJavaApplication") {
listAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.debug.core.MAPPED_RESOURCE_PATHS") {
listAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.debug.core.MAPPED_RESOURCE_TYPES") {
listAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH") {
listEntry(value:"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n<runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath=\"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8/\" javaProject=\"${}\" path=\"1\" type=\"4\"/>\r\n")
listEntry(value:"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n<runtimeClasspathEntry path=\"3\" projectName=\"${}\" type=\"1\"/>\r\n")
configurations.runtime.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each { artifact ->
def filePath = artifact.file.canonicalPath.replace("\\","/")
listEntry(value:"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n<runtimeClasspathEntry externalArchive=\"${filePath}\" path=\"3\" type=\"2\"/>\r\n")
booleanAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.DEFAULT_CLASSPATH", value:"false")
stringAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.MAIN_TYPE", value:"${mainClassName}")
stringAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS", value:" --spring.config.location=conf/")
stringAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR", value:"${}")
stringAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VM_ARGUMENTS", value:"")
eclipseClasspath.dependsOn eclipseApplicationLaunch
I haven't modified the Eclipse .classpath file as per Kris' suggestion. Instead, I have added #Profile("test") to my test application class and #ActiveProfiles("test") to my test classes.

Spring cannot find bean xml configuration file when it does exist

I am trying to make my first bean in Spring but got a problem with loading a context.
I have a configuration XML file of the bean in src/main/resources.
I receive the following IOException:
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: IOException parsing XML document from class path resource [src/main/resources/beans.xml]; nested exception is class path resource [src/main/resources/beans.xml] cannot
be opened because it does not exist
but I don't get it, since I do the following code test:
File f = new File("src/main/resources/beans.xml");
System.out.println("Exist test: " + f.exists());
which gives me true! resources is in the classpath. What's wrong?
Thanks, but that was not the solution. I found it out why it wasn't working for me.
Since I'd done a declaration:
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
I thought I would refer to root directory of the project when beans.xml file was there.
Then I put the configuration file to src/main/resources and changed initialization to:
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("src/main/resources/beans.xml");
it still was an IO Exception.
Then the file was left in src/main/resources/ but I changed declaration to:
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
and it solved the problem - maybe it will be helpful for someone.
Since I get many people thumbs up for the solution and had had first experience with Spring as student few years ago, I feel desire to explain shortly why it works.
When the project is being compiled and packaged, all the files and subdirs from 'src/main/java' in the project goes to the root directory of the packaged jar (the artifact we want to create). The same rule applies to 'src/main/resources'.
This is a convention respected by many tools like maven or sbt in process of building project (note: as a default configuration!). When code (from the post) was in running mode, it couldn't find nothing like "src/main/resources/beans.xml" due to the fact, that beans.xml was in the root of jar (copied to /beans.xml in created jar/ear/war).
When using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, the proper location declaration for beans xml definitions, in this case, was "/beans.xml", since this is path where it belongs in jar and later on in classpath.
It can be verified by unpacking a jar with an archiver (i.e. rar) and see its content with the directories structure.
I would recommend reading articles about classpath as supplementary.
Try this:
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("file:src/main/resources/beans.xml");
file: preffix point to file system resources, not classpath.
file path can be relative or system (/home/user/Work/src...)
I also had a similar problem but because of a bit different cause so sharing here in case it can help anybody.
My file location
How I was using
There are two solutions
Take the beans.xml out of package and put in default package.
Specify package name while using it viz.
src/main/resources is a source directory, you should not be referencing it directly. When you build/package the project the contents will be copied into the correct place for your classpath. You should then load it like this
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml")
Or like this
new GenericXmlApplicationContext("classpath:beans.xml");
This is because applicationContect.xml or any_filename.XML is not placed under proper path.
Trouble shooting Steps
1: Add the XML file under the resource folder.
2: If you don't have a resource folder. Create one by navigating new by Right click on the project new > Source Folder, name it as resource and place your XML file under it.
use it
ApplicationContext context = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml");
You have looked at src directory. The xml file indeed exist there. But look at class or bin/build directory where all your output classes are set. I suspect you will need only resources/beans.xml path to use.
I suspect you're building a .war/.jar and consequently it's no longer a file, but a resource within that package. Try ClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(String path) instead.
Note that the first applicationContext is loaded as part of web.xml; which is mentioned with the below.
Where as below code will also tries to create one more applicationContext.
private static final ApplicationContext context =
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
See the difference between beans.xml and applicationContext.xml
And if appliationContext.xml under <META-INF/spring/> has declared with <import resource="beans.xml"/> then this appliationContext.xml is loading the beans.xml under the same location META-INF/spring of appliationContext.xml.
Where as; in the code; if it is declared like below
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml");
This is looking the beans.xml at WEB-INF/classes OR in eclipse src/main/resources.
[If you have added beans.xml at src/main/resources then it might be placed at WEB-INF/classes while creating the WAR.]
So totally TWO files are looked up.
I have resolved this issue by adding classpath lookup while importing at applicationContext.xml like below
<import resource="classpath*:beans.xml" />
and removed the the line ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("beans.xml") in java code, so that there will be only one ApplicationContext loaded.
In Spring all source files are inside src/main/java. Similarly, the resources are generally kept inside src/main/resources. So keep your spring configuration file inside resources folder.
Make sure you have the ClassPath entry for your files inside src/main/resources as well.
In .classpath check for the following 2 lines. If they are missing add them.
<classpathentry path="src/main/java" kind="src"/>
<classpathentry path="src/main/resources" kind="src" />
So, if you have everything in place the below code should work.
ApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Spring-Module.xml");
Gradle : v4.10.3
IDE : IntelliJ
I was facing this issue when using gradle to run my build and test. Copying the applicationContext.xml all over the place did not help. Even specifying the complete path as below did not help !
context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("C:\\...\\applicationContext.xml");
The solution (for gradle at least) lies in the way gradle processes resources. For my gradle project I had laid out the workspace as defined at
When running a test using default gradle set of tasks includes a "processTestResources" step, which looks for test resources at C:\.....\src\test\resources (Gradle helpfully provides the complete path).
Your .properties file and applicationContext.xml need to be in this directory. If the resources directory is not present (as it was in my case), you need to create it copy the file(s) there. After this, simply specifying the file name worked just fine.
context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
Beans.xml or file.XML is not placed under proper path. You should add the XML file under the resource folder, if you have a Maven project.
src -> main -> java -> resources
I did the opposite of most. I am using Force IDE Luna Java EE and I placed my Beans.xml file within the package; however, I preceded the Beans.xml string - for the ClassPathXMLApplicationContext argument - with the relative path. So in my main application - the one which accesses the Beans.xml file - I have:
ApplicationContext context =
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("com/tutorialspoin/Beans.xml");
I also noticed that as soon as I moved the Beans.xml file into the package from the src folder, there was a Bean image at the lower left side of the XML file icon which was not there when this xml file was outside the package. That is a good indicator in letting me know that now the beans xml file is accessible by ClassPathXMLAppllicationsContext.
This is what worked for me:
new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:beans.xml");
If this problem is still flummoxing you and you are developing using Eclipse, have a look at this Eclipse bug: Resources files from "src/main/resources" are not correctly included in classpath
Solution seems to be look at properties of project, Java build path, source folders. Delete the /src/main/resources dir and add it again. This causes Eclipse to be reminded it needs to copy these files to the classpath.
This bug affected me when using the "Neon" release of Eclipse. (And was very frustrating until I realized the simple fix just described)
I was experiencing this issue and it was driving me nuts; I ultimately found the following lying in my POM.xml, which was the cause of the problem:
I was not sure to write it but maybe someone save a few hours:
mvn clean
may do the job if your whole configuration is already perfect!
I have stuck in this issue for a while and I have came to the following solution
Create an ApplicationContextAware class (which is a class that implements the ApplicationContextAware)
In ApplicationContextAware we have to implement the one method only
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException
Tell the spring context about this new bean (I call it SpringContext)
bean id="springContext" class="packe.of.SpringContext" />
Here is the code snippet
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
public class SpringContext implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException {
this.context = context;
public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
return context;
Then you can call any method of application context outside the spring context for example
SomeServiceClassOrComponent utilityService SpringContext.getApplicationContext().getBean(SomeServiceClassOrComponent .class);
I hope this will solve the problem for many users
I am on IntelliJ and faced the same issue. Below is how i resolved it:
1. Added the resource import as following in Spring application class along with other imports: #ImportResource("applicationContext.xml")
2. Saw IDE showing : Cannot resolve file 'applicationContext.xml' and also suggesting paths where its expecting the file (It was not the resources where the file applicationContext.xml was originally kept)
3. Copied the file at the expected location and the Exception got resolved.
Screen shot below for easy ref:
But if you would like to keep it at resources then follow this great answer link below and add the resources path so that it gets searched. With this setting exception resolves without #ImportResource described in above steps:
Sharing my case and how I debugged it, maybe helps someone:
this will only be relevant if you have first checked you actually have the resources folder in correct place and correctly named
create some temporary folder somewhere, preferably out of any git projects (e.g. mkdir playground) and move there (cd playground)
copy the java archive there (e.g. cp /path/to/java.war .) that is missing that beans.xml
unpack it (e.g. unzip java.war on ubuntu)
find if there's any .xml files in there (for example in WEB-INF/classes) (the unpacking process should show a list of files being unpacked, most of them will probably be other dependencies as archives, these are not relevant)
if you don't see a beans.xml, just read the other .xml files (e.g. cat root-config.xml), you might find something like root-config.xml there or similar, in there you might either have some other <import resource="somethingelse.xml"> records or nothing.
if this is the case, this means you do have that file (root-config.xml here) present in the project or if not, continue going up parent projects to where the archive is getting packaged from. Find that file, add <import resource="beans.xml"> and run mvn package.
Now verifying the fix by doing the steps in 1.-5. should result in that file (root-config.xml here) in the newly packaged archive having the beans.xml defined and once you deploy it, it should work.
Make sure that beans.xml is located in the resources folder.

JMS and ActiveMQ exception

I'm trying a project for school using JMS and ActiveMQ.
I copied the block of code from O'Reilly's books "Java Message Service 2nd Edition Jun 2009". It uses the publish and subscribe method and is in fact a small chat where everyone connected to the topic can send messages to everyone and everyone can see everyone else's messages. I compile the program and everything is ok, i try to run it and it gives me the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory]
I found that this problem might be because of 2 reasons:
activemq-all-5.2.0.jar is not added to classpath.
BUT added it the classpath (EnvironmentVariables->select ClassPath->Edit and add the following: "D:\Programming\JMS\ActiveMQ\apache-activemq-5.2.0" (THIS IS HOW YOU ADD IT NO?!?!) file is not defined properly or has not been added to the classpath.
BUT i CREATED IT and added it's folder to the classpath. Here is what it contains:
java.naming.factory.initial = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
java.naming.provider.url = tcp://localhost:61616
connectionFactoryNames = TopicCF
topic.topic1 = jms.topic1
What is the problem? I have tried for ages to make it work. Am i doing something wrong? :(
Does the file path matter? or it only has to be placed in classpath and from here it can be found?
I also ran the activemq.bat from the bin folder D:\Programming\JMS\ActiveMQ\apache-activemq-5.2.0\bin\
So it works in Eclipse, BUT
Now i've properly added the .jar file in environment variables and i've run the client from windows's cmd. It doesn't give any errors, when i write in Eclipse's console, it appears in cmd console, everything ok, but when i try to write in cmd it gives an error at this line:
and it says
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQMessageProducerSupport.getDestination()Ljavax/jms/Destination;
Any ideas? I'd really like to be able to run it in CMD. :(
Well I'm on Linux right now, but I bet it has to be:
Also, if you run it with Eclipse and go to Project -> Build Path and this jar then there shouldn't be any problems. Anyhow can you post the CLASSPATH variable?
I can't help you if you can't help me. This is related to any other future questions or work in general, provide details - it is always helpful. Will be much helpful if you would provide the EXACT command that you are running in CMD and the code of the class where this happens.
generally it means that the jar is in place, class also, BUT the method is not. It happens when you compile with one version of the jar and at runtime provide a jar where this method was removed, thus the JRE can't find it throwing the error.
I just tested on my computer
I do not understand why it does not work for you, but it does for me. Here is my class:
package com.test;
public class Publisher {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConnectionFactory factory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory("tcp://localhost:61616");
Connection connection = factory.createConnection();
ActiveMQSession session = (ActiveMQSession) connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
Topic destination = session.createTopic("FOO.TEST");
TextMessage textMessage = session.createTextMessage("Sample Payload");
TopicPublisher publisher = session.createPublisher(destination);
} catch(Exception e){
Everything is fine if I run it from eclipse with one single dependency in Maven:
Then I do it with java and javac
javac -classpath /home/eugen/.m2/repository/org/apache/activemq/activemq-core/5.2.0/activemq-core-5.2.0.jar:/home/eugen/.m2/repository/javax/jms/jms/1.1/jms-1.1.jar
Notice that the only thing I added is the two jars.
Then java:
java -classpath /home/eugen/.m2/repository/org/apache/activemq/activemq-core/5.2.0/activemq-core-5.2.0.jar:/home/eugen/.m2/repository/commons-logging/commons-logging-api/1.1/commons-logging-api-1.1.jar:/home/eugen/.m2/repository/org/apache/camel/camel-core/1.5.0/camel-core-1.5.0.jar:/home/eugen/workspace/t/src/main/java/:/home/eugen/.m2/repository/javax/jms/jms/1.1/jms-1.1.jar:/home/eugen/.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/specs/geronimo-j2ee-management_1.0_spec/1.0/geronimo-j2ee-management_1.0_spec-1.0.jar com.test.Publisher
I added a few needed jars to the classpath and run it - it works perfectly.
Cheers, Eugene.
I ran into the same issue and it was a space (or what appeared to be a space) at the end of my property config.
java.naming.factory.initial = org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory
Also note that you don't necessarily have to embed the jar file into your client code. Simply including the activemq-all as a maven dependency will work as well.
