Execute a bash function upon entering a directory - bash

I'd like to execute a particular bash function when I enter a new directory. Somethink like:
alias cd="cd $# && myfunction"
$# doesn't work there, and adding a backslash doesn't help. I'm also a little worried about messing with cd, and it would be nice if this worked for other commands which changed directory, like pushd and popd.
Any better aliases/commands?

Aliases don't accept parameters. You should use a function. There's no need to execute it automatically every time a prompt is issued.
function cd () { builtin cd "$#" && myfunction; }
The builtin keyword allows you to redefine a Bash builtin without creating a recursion. Quoting the parameter makes it work in case there are spaces in directory names.
The Bash docs say:
For almost every purpose, shell functions are preferred over aliases.

The easiest solution I can come up with is this
myfunction() {
if [ "$PWD" != "$MYOLDPWD" ]; then
# strut yer stuff here..
export PROMPT_COMMAND=myfunction
That ought to do it. It'll work with all commands, and will get triggered before the prompt is displayed.

There are a few other versions of this out there, including
smartcd, which I wrote, and has a ton of features including templating and temporary variable saving
ondir, which is smaller and much simpler
Both of these support both bash and zsh

I've written a ZSH script utilizing the callback function chpwd to source project specific ZSH configurations. I'm not sure if it works with Bash, but I think it'll be worth a try. If it doesn't find a script file in the directory you're cd'ing into, it'll check the parent directories until it finds a script to source (or until it reaches /). It also calls a function unmagic when cd'ing out of the directory, which allows you to clean up your environment when leaving a project.
Example for a "magic" script:
export BASE=$PWD # needed for another script of mine that allows you to cd into the projects base directory by pressing ^b
ctags -R --languages=Perl $PWD # update ctags file when entering the project directory
export PERL5LIB="$BASE/lib"
# function that starts the catalyst server
function srv {
perl $BASE/script/${PROJECT_NAME}_server.pl
# clean up
function unmagic {
unfunction src
unset PERL5LIB


How to make a bash command executable from any directory in Windows?

I have made a few bash scripts that I have saved to individual folders. I have Windows 10. The scripts have functions that executes commands in bash. I am now able to execute these .sh scripts from any directory, since I have added the folders they are saved in to the path variable. But I want to make it even easier for me, and be able to only have to type the function in the bash console to execute the command.
This is an example of one of the scripts. It is saved as file_lister.sh. I am able to run this by typing "file_lister.sh" but I want to run it by only typing the function name in the script, which is "list_files". How do I do this? Thanks in advance.
function list_files(){
cp C:/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister/file_lister.py file_lister.py
python file_lister.py
if [ $cwd != "/c/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister" ]
rm file_lister.py
Unless you source all of your scripts (e.g. in your .bashrc file), the functions won't be defined. However, your function is doing a lot of extra work that it really shouldn't be. The example script can be reduced to
python C:/Users/jmell/OneDrive/projects/file_lister/file_lister.py
Better, yet, keep in mind that the shebang line is read and stripped off by the shell. It specifies the interpreter to use. Instead of creating a wrapper script, add the following line to file_lister.py:
At that point, I'd also recommend renaming file_lister.py to just file_lister.

How to pass absolute path as an argument in shell script? [duplicate]

I'm trying to write a small script to change the current directory to my project directory:
cd /home/tree/projects/java
I saved this file as proj, added execute permission with chmod, and copied it to /usr/bin. When I call it by:
proj, it does nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Shell scripts are run inside a subshell, and each subshell has its own concept of what the current directory is. The cd succeeds, but as soon as the subshell exits, you're back in the interactive shell and nothing ever changed there.
One way to get around this is to use an alias instead:
alias proj="cd /home/tree/projects/java"
You're doing nothing wrong! You've changed the directory, but only within the subshell that runs the script.
You can run the script in your current process with the "dot" command:
. proj
But I'd prefer Greg's suggestion to use an alias in this simple case.
The cd in your script technically worked as it changed the directory of the shell that ran the script, but that was a separate process forked from your interactive shell.
A Posix-compatible way to solve this problem is to define a shell procedure rather than a shell-invoked command script.
jhome () {
cd /home/tree/projects/java
You can just type this in or put it in one of the various shell startup files.
The cd is done within the script's shell. When the script ends, that shell exits, and then you are left in the directory you were. "Source" the script, don't run it. Instead of:
. ./myscript.sh
(Notice the dot and space before the script name.)
To make a bash script that will cd to a select directory :
Create the script file
# file : /scripts/cdjava
cd /home/askgelal/projects/java
Then create an alias in your startup file.
# file /scripts/mastercode.sh
alias cdjava='. /scripts/cdjava'
I created a startup file where I dump all my aliases and custom functions.
Then I source this file into my .bashrc to have it set on each boot.
For example, create a master aliases/functions file: /scripts/mastercode.sh
(Put the alias in this file.)
Then at the end of your .bashrc file:
source /scripts/mastercode.sh
Now its easy to cd to your java directory, just type cdjava and you are there.
You can use . to execute a script in the current shell environment:
. script_name
or alternatively, its more readable but shell specific alias source:
source script_name
This avoids the subshell, and allows any variables or builtins (including cd) to affect the current shell instead.
Jeremy Ruten's idea of using a symlink triggered a thought that hasn't crossed any other answer. Use:
The leading colon is important; it means that if there is a directory 'dir' in the current directory, then 'cd dir' will change to that, rather than hopping off somewhere else. With the value set as shown, you can do:
cd java
and, if there is no sub-directory called java in the current directory, then it will take you directly to $HOME/projects/java - no aliases, no scripts, no dubious execs or dot commands.
My $HOME is /Users/jleffler; my $CDPATH is:
Use exec bash at the end
A bash script operates on its current environment or on that of its
children, but never on its parent environment.
However, this question often gets asked because one wants to be left at a (new) bash prompt in a certain directory after execution of a bash script from within another directory.
If this is the case, simply execute a child bash instance at the end of the script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd /home/tree/projects/java
echo -e '\nHit [Ctrl]+[D] to exit this child shell.'
exec bash
To return to the previous, parental bash instance, use Ctrl+D.
At least with newer versions of bash, the exec on the last line is no longer required. Furthermore, the script could be made to work with whatever preferred shell by using the $SHELL environment variable. This then gives:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd desired/directory
echo -e '\nHit [Ctrl]+[D] to exit this child shell.'
I got my code to work by using. <your file name>
./<your file name> dose not work because it doesn't change your directory in the terminal it just changes the directory specific to that script.
Here is my program
echo "Taking you to eclipse's workspace."
cd /Developer/Java/workspace
Here is my terminal
nova:~ Kael$
nova:~ Kael$ . workspace.sh
Taking you to eclipe's workspace.
nova:workspace Kael$
simply run:
cd /home/xxx/yyy && command_you_want
When you fire a shell script, it runs a new instance of that shell (/bin/bash). Thus, your script just fires up a shell, changes the directory and exits. Put another way, cd (and other such commands) within a shell script do not affect nor have access to the shell from which they were launched.
You can do following:
cd /your/project/directory
# start another shell and replacing the current
exec /bin/bash
EDIT: This could be 'dotted' as well, to prevent creation of subsequent shells.
. ./previous_script (with or without the first line)
On my particular case i needed too many times to change for the same directory.
So on my .bashrc (I use ubuntu) i've added the
1 -
$ nano ~./bashrc
function switchp
cd /home/tree/projects/$1
$ source ~/.bashrc
3 -
$ switchp java
Directly it will do: cd /home/tree/projects/java
Hope that helps!
It only changes the directory for the script itself, while your current directory stays the same.
You might want to use a symbolic link instead. It allows you to make a "shortcut" to a file or directory, so you'd only have to type something like cd my-project.
You can combine Adam & Greg's alias and dot approaches to make something that can be more dynamic—
alias project=". project"
Now running the project alias will execute the project script in the current shell as opposed to the subshell.
You can combine an alias and a script,
alias proj="cd \`/usr/bin/proj !*\`"
provided that the script echos the destination path. Note that those are backticks surrounding the script name.
For example, your script could be
echo /home/askgelal/projects/java/$1
The advantage with this technique is that the script could take any number of command line parameters and emit different destinations calculated by possibly complex logic.
to navigate directories quicky, there's $CDPATH, cdargs, and ways to generate aliases automatically
In your ~/.bash_profile file. add the next function
move_me() {
cd ~/path/to/dest
Restart terminal and you can type
and you will be moved to the destination folder.
You can use the operator && :
cd myDirectory && ls
While sourcing the script you want to run is one solution, you should be aware that this script then can directly modify the environment of your current shell. Also it is not possible to pass arguments anymore.
Another way to do, is to implement your script as a function in bash.
function cdbm() {
cd whereever_you_want_to_go
echo "Arguments to the functions were $1, $2, ..."
This technique is used by autojump: http://github.com/joelthelion/autojump/wiki to provide you with learning shell directory bookmarks.
You can create a function like below in your .bash_profile and it will work smoothly.
The following function takes an optional parameter which is a project.
For example, you can just run
cdproj project_name
Here is the function definition.
if [ "$1" ]; then
cd "${dir}/${1}"
cd "${dir}"
Dont forget to source your .bash_profile
This should do what you want. Change to the directory of interest (from within the script), and then spawn a new bash shell.
# saved as mov_dir.sh
cd ~/mt/v3/rt_linux-rt-tools/
If you run this, it will take you to the directory of interest and when you exit it it will bring you back to the original place.
root#intel-corei7-64:~# ./mov_dir.sh
root#intel-corei7-64:~/mt/v3/rt_linux-rt-tools# exit
This will even take you to back to your original directory when you exit (CTRL+d)
I did the following:
create a file called case
paste the following in the file:
cd /home/"$1"
save it and then:
chmod +x case
I also created an alias in my .bashrc:
alias disk='cd /home/; . case'
now when I type:
case 12345
essentially I am typing:
cd /home/12345
You can type any folder after 'case':
case 12
case 15
case 17
which is like typing:
cd /home/12
cd /home/15
cd /home/17
In my case the path is much longer - these guys summed it up with the ~ info earlier.
As explained on the other answers, you have changed the directory, but only within the sub-shell that runs the script. this does not impact the parent shell.
One solution is to use bash functions instead of a bash script (sh); by placing your bash script code into a function. That makes the function available as a command and then, this will be executed without a child process and thus any cd command will impact the caller shell.
Bash functions :
One feature of the bash profile is to store custom functions that can be run in the terminal or in bash scripts the same way you run application/commands this also could be used as a shortcut for long commands.
To make your function efficient system widely you will need to copy your function at the end of several files
You can sudo kwrite /home/user/.bashrc /home/user/.bash_profile /root/.bashrc /root/.bash_profile to edit/create those files quickly
Howto :
Copy your bash script code inside a new function at the end of your bash's profile file and restart your terminal, you can then run cdd or whatever the function you wrote.
Script Example
Making shortcut to cd .. with cdd
cdd() {
cd ..
ls shortcut
ll() {
ls -l -h
ls shortcut
lll() {
ls -l -h -a
If you are using fish as your shell, the best solution is to create a function. As an example, given the original question, you could copy the 4 lines below and paste them into your fish command line:
function proj
cd /home/tree/projects/java
funcsave proj
This will create the function and save it for use later. If your project changes, just repeat the process using the new path.
If you prefer, you can manually add the function file by doing the following:
nano ~/.config/fish/functions/proj.fish
and enter the text:
function proj
cd /home/tree/projects/java
and finally press ctrl+x to exit and y followed by return to save your changes.
(NOTE: the first method of using funcsave creates the proj.fish file for you).
You need no script, only set the correct option and create an environment variable.
shopt -s cdable_vars
in your ~/.bashrc allows to cd to the content of environment variables.
Create such an environment variable:
export myjava="/home/tree/projects/java"
and you can use:
cd myjava
Other alternatives.
Note the discussion How do I set the working directory of the parent process?
It contains some hackish answers, e.g.
https://stackoverflow.com/a/2375174/755804 (changing the parent process directory via gdb, don't do this) and https://stackoverflow.com/a/51985735/755804 (the command tailcd that injects cd dirname to the input stream of the parent process; well, ideally it should be a part of bash rather than a hack)
It is an old question, but I am really surprised I don't see this trick here
Instead of using cd you can use
export PWD=the/path/you/want
No need to create subshells or use aliases.
Note that it is your responsibility to make sure the/path/you/want exists.
I have to work in tcsh, and I know this is not an elegant solution, but for example, if I had to change folders to a path where one word is different, the whole thing can be done in the alias
a alias_name 'set a = `pwd`; set b = `echo $a | replace "Trees" "Tests"` ; cd $b'
If the path is always fixed, the just
a alias_name2 'cd path/you/always/need'
should work
In the line above, the new folder path is set
This combines the answer by Serge with an unrelated answer by David. It changes the directory, and then instead of forcing a bash shell, it launches the user's default shell. It however requires both getent and /etc/passwd to detect the default shell.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd desired/directory
USER_SHELL=$(getent passwd <USER> | cut -d : -f 7)
Of course this still has the same deficiency of creating a nested shell.

Unable to use cd within a bash script as intended

Consider this script I wrote, which should go into parent directory, when no argument is given (the if ... part).
if (($# == 0))
cd ..
for basename
cd ${PWD%$basename*}$basename
The problem is, that if I execute it like this
the cd is executed in a subshell, rendering it useless.
If I execute the script using source, it works, but I don't want to call it that way (I makes calling the script to complicated, also you would expect to call it directly if found in the PATH).
An arbitrary program (such as your bash program) cannot change the working directory of the parent process, as that would pretty much break all existing processes that spawn children.
You should define a bash alias or function instead. As you have discovered, typing source ./up.sh (or shorter: . ./up.sh) works too.
I suggest using a function instead of a script
function myscript()
// use $1, $2, "$#" as usual in scripts
local v1="bla" # can use globals
export PATH="$PATH" # but global shell env too
cd $somedirectory
Alternatively, alias would work (but it doesn't support redirection, argument passing, flow control etc well, and you cannot nest them in $() IIRC).
Lastly source the existing script in the current shell like so:
source ./script.sh
ksh and bash have shorthands for that:
. ./script.sh
Beware of scripts with 'exit' statements though: they will exit the parent shell!

Directory based environment variable scope - how to implement?

I have a set of tools which I need to pass parameters depending on the project I'm working on. I'd like to be able to automatically set a couple of environment variables based on the current directory. So when I switched between directories, my commonly used env vars would also change. Example:
Let's current directory is foo, thus if I do:
~/foo$ ./myscript --var1=$VAR1
VAR1 would have some foo based value.
Then, let's say I switched to bar directory. If I do:
~/bar$ ./myscript --var1=$VAR1
VAR1 should now have some bar based value.
Is that possible? How?
the ondir program lets you specify actions to run when you enter and leave directories in a terminal
There is direnv which helps you do this stuff much easily and in an elegant way. Just define a .envrc file in your project directory with all the env variables needed and it will source it once you cd into that folder.
I've written another implementation of this, which is somewhat similar to ondir. I didn't actually know about ondir when I started working on it. There are some key differences that may be useful, however.
smartcd is written entirely in shell, and is fully compatible with bash and zsh, even the more esoteric options
smartcd will run scripts all the way down and up the directory hierarchy down to their common ancestor, not just for the two directories you're entering and leaving. This means you can have a ~/foo script that will execute whether you "cd ~/foo" or "cd ~/foo/bar"
it has "variable stashing" which is a more automatic way of dealing with your environment variables, whereas ondir requires you to explicitly and manually remove and/or reset your variables
smartcd can work with "autocd" turned on by hooking your prompt command (PROMPT_COMMAND in bash, precmd in zsh)
You can find smartcd at https://github.com/cxreg/smartcd
This is not something that is directly supported with the built-in features of bash or any other common shell. However, you can create your own "cd" command that will do whatever you want. For example, you could alias cd to do the cd and then run a special script (eg: ~/bin/oncd). That script could look up the new directory in a database and run some commands, or see if there's a special file (eg: .env) in the directory and load it, etc.
I do this sort of thing a lot. I create several identically named batch files in directories where I need them that only set the variables and call the common script. I even have a batch file that creates the other small files.
This is not pretty, but you can use a combination of exported environment variables and the value of $PWD.
For example:
export VAR1=prefix
export prefix${HOME////_}_foo=42
export prefix${HOME////_}_bar=blah
Then myscript needs only to eval echo \${$VAR1${PWD////_}} to get at the directory based value.
How about wrap your script with a function (the function can be placed either in your bash profile/bashrc file in the system ones to make available for all the users ).
myscript () { case $PWD in
/path/to/foo) path/to/myscript --var1=$VAR1 ;;
/path/to/bar) path/to/myscript --var2=$VAR1 ;;
*) ;;
Hence the function myscript will call the real "myscript" knowing what to do based on the current working directory.
Take this as an example:
hmontoliu#ulises:/tmp$ myscript () { case $PWD in /tmp) echo I\'m in tmp;; /var) echo I\'m in var;; *) echo I\'m neither in tmp nor in bar; esac; }
hmontoliu#ulises:/tmp$ myscript
I'm in tmp
hmontoliu#ulises:/tmp$ cd /var
hmontoliu#ulises:/var$ myscript
I'm in var
hmontoliu#ulises:/var$ cd /etc
hmontoliu#ulises:/etc$ myscript
I'm neither in tmp nor in bar

Why can't I change directories using "cd" in a script?

I'm trying to write a small script to change the current directory to my project directory:
cd /home/tree/projects/java
I saved this file as proj, added execute permission with chmod, and copied it to /usr/bin. When I call it by:
proj, it does nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Shell scripts are run inside a subshell, and each subshell has its own concept of what the current directory is. The cd succeeds, but as soon as the subshell exits, you're back in the interactive shell and nothing ever changed there.
One way to get around this is to use an alias instead:
alias proj="cd /home/tree/projects/java"
You're doing nothing wrong! You've changed the directory, but only within the subshell that runs the script.
You can run the script in your current process with the "dot" command:
. proj
But I'd prefer Greg's suggestion to use an alias in this simple case.
The cd in your script technically worked as it changed the directory of the shell that ran the script, but that was a separate process forked from your interactive shell.
A Posix-compatible way to solve this problem is to define a shell procedure rather than a shell-invoked command script.
jhome () {
cd /home/tree/projects/java
You can just type this in or put it in one of the various shell startup files.
The cd is done within the script's shell. When the script ends, that shell exits, and then you are left in the directory you were. "Source" the script, don't run it. Instead of:
. ./myscript.sh
(Notice the dot and space before the script name.)
To make a bash script that will cd to a select directory :
Create the script file
# file : /scripts/cdjava
cd /home/askgelal/projects/java
Then create an alias in your startup file.
# file /scripts/mastercode.sh
alias cdjava='. /scripts/cdjava'
I created a startup file where I dump all my aliases and custom functions.
Then I source this file into my .bashrc to have it set on each boot.
For example, create a master aliases/functions file: /scripts/mastercode.sh
(Put the alias in this file.)
Then at the end of your .bashrc file:
source /scripts/mastercode.sh
Now its easy to cd to your java directory, just type cdjava and you are there.
You can use . to execute a script in the current shell environment:
. script_name
or alternatively, its more readable but shell specific alias source:
source script_name
This avoids the subshell, and allows any variables or builtins (including cd) to affect the current shell instead.
Jeremy Ruten's idea of using a symlink triggered a thought that hasn't crossed any other answer. Use:
The leading colon is important; it means that if there is a directory 'dir' in the current directory, then 'cd dir' will change to that, rather than hopping off somewhere else. With the value set as shown, you can do:
cd java
and, if there is no sub-directory called java in the current directory, then it will take you directly to $HOME/projects/java - no aliases, no scripts, no dubious execs or dot commands.
My $HOME is /Users/jleffler; my $CDPATH is:
Use exec bash at the end
A bash script operates on its current environment or on that of its
children, but never on its parent environment.
However, this question often gets asked because one wants to be left at a (new) bash prompt in a certain directory after execution of a bash script from within another directory.
If this is the case, simply execute a child bash instance at the end of the script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd /home/tree/projects/java
echo -e '\nHit [Ctrl]+[D] to exit this child shell.'
exec bash
To return to the previous, parental bash instance, use Ctrl+D.
At least with newer versions of bash, the exec on the last line is no longer required. Furthermore, the script could be made to work with whatever preferred shell by using the $SHELL environment variable. This then gives:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd desired/directory
echo -e '\nHit [Ctrl]+[D] to exit this child shell.'
I got my code to work by using. <your file name>
./<your file name> dose not work because it doesn't change your directory in the terminal it just changes the directory specific to that script.
Here is my program
echo "Taking you to eclipse's workspace."
cd /Developer/Java/workspace
Here is my terminal
nova:~ Kael$
nova:~ Kael$ . workspace.sh
Taking you to eclipe's workspace.
nova:workspace Kael$
simply run:
cd /home/xxx/yyy && command_you_want
When you fire a shell script, it runs a new instance of that shell (/bin/bash). Thus, your script just fires up a shell, changes the directory and exits. Put another way, cd (and other such commands) within a shell script do not affect nor have access to the shell from which they were launched.
You can do following:
cd /your/project/directory
# start another shell and replacing the current
exec /bin/bash
EDIT: This could be 'dotted' as well, to prevent creation of subsequent shells.
. ./previous_script (with or without the first line)
On my particular case i needed too many times to change for the same directory.
So on my .bashrc (I use ubuntu) i've added the
1 -
$ nano ~./bashrc
function switchp
cd /home/tree/projects/$1
$ source ~/.bashrc
3 -
$ switchp java
Directly it will do: cd /home/tree/projects/java
Hope that helps!
It only changes the directory for the script itself, while your current directory stays the same.
You might want to use a symbolic link instead. It allows you to make a "shortcut" to a file or directory, so you'd only have to type something like cd my-project.
You can combine Adam & Greg's alias and dot approaches to make something that can be more dynamic—
alias project=". project"
Now running the project alias will execute the project script in the current shell as opposed to the subshell.
You can combine an alias and a script,
alias proj="cd \`/usr/bin/proj !*\`"
provided that the script echos the destination path. Note that those are backticks surrounding the script name.
For example, your script could be
echo /home/askgelal/projects/java/$1
The advantage with this technique is that the script could take any number of command line parameters and emit different destinations calculated by possibly complex logic.
to navigate directories quicky, there's $CDPATH, cdargs, and ways to generate aliases automatically
In your ~/.bash_profile file. add the next function
move_me() {
cd ~/path/to/dest
Restart terminal and you can type
and you will be moved to the destination folder.
You can use the operator && :
cd myDirectory && ls
While sourcing the script you want to run is one solution, you should be aware that this script then can directly modify the environment of your current shell. Also it is not possible to pass arguments anymore.
Another way to do, is to implement your script as a function in bash.
function cdbm() {
cd whereever_you_want_to_go
echo "Arguments to the functions were $1, $2, ..."
This technique is used by autojump: http://github.com/joelthelion/autojump/wiki to provide you with learning shell directory bookmarks.
You can create a function like below in your .bash_profile and it will work smoothly.
The following function takes an optional parameter which is a project.
For example, you can just run
cdproj project_name
Here is the function definition.
if [ "$1" ]; then
cd "${dir}/${1}"
cd "${dir}"
Dont forget to source your .bash_profile
This should do what you want. Change to the directory of interest (from within the script), and then spawn a new bash shell.
# saved as mov_dir.sh
cd ~/mt/v3/rt_linux-rt-tools/
If you run this, it will take you to the directory of interest and when you exit it it will bring you back to the original place.
root#intel-corei7-64:~# ./mov_dir.sh
root#intel-corei7-64:~/mt/v3/rt_linux-rt-tools# exit
This will even take you to back to your original directory when you exit (CTRL+d)
I did the following:
create a file called case
paste the following in the file:
cd /home/"$1"
save it and then:
chmod +x case
I also created an alias in my .bashrc:
alias disk='cd /home/; . case'
now when I type:
case 12345
essentially I am typing:
cd /home/12345
You can type any folder after 'case':
case 12
case 15
case 17
which is like typing:
cd /home/12
cd /home/15
cd /home/17
In my case the path is much longer - these guys summed it up with the ~ info earlier.
As explained on the other answers, you have changed the directory, but only within the sub-shell that runs the script. this does not impact the parent shell.
One solution is to use bash functions instead of a bash script (sh); by placing your bash script code into a function. That makes the function available as a command and then, this will be executed without a child process and thus any cd command will impact the caller shell.
Bash functions :
One feature of the bash profile is to store custom functions that can be run in the terminal or in bash scripts the same way you run application/commands this also could be used as a shortcut for long commands.
To make your function efficient system widely you will need to copy your function at the end of several files
You can sudo kwrite /home/user/.bashrc /home/user/.bash_profile /root/.bashrc /root/.bash_profile to edit/create those files quickly
Howto :
Copy your bash script code inside a new function at the end of your bash's profile file and restart your terminal, you can then run cdd or whatever the function you wrote.
Script Example
Making shortcut to cd .. with cdd
cdd() {
cd ..
ls shortcut
ll() {
ls -l -h
ls shortcut
lll() {
ls -l -h -a
If you are using fish as your shell, the best solution is to create a function. As an example, given the original question, you could copy the 4 lines below and paste them into your fish command line:
function proj
cd /home/tree/projects/java
funcsave proj
This will create the function and save it for use later. If your project changes, just repeat the process using the new path.
If you prefer, you can manually add the function file by doing the following:
nano ~/.config/fish/functions/proj.fish
and enter the text:
function proj
cd /home/tree/projects/java
and finally press ctrl+x to exit and y followed by return to save your changes.
(NOTE: the first method of using funcsave creates the proj.fish file for you).
You need no script, only set the correct option and create an environment variable.
shopt -s cdable_vars
in your ~/.bashrc allows to cd to the content of environment variables.
Create such an environment variable:
export myjava="/home/tree/projects/java"
and you can use:
cd myjava
Other alternatives.
Note the discussion How do I set the working directory of the parent process?
It contains some hackish answers, e.g.
https://stackoverflow.com/a/2375174/755804 (changing the parent process directory via gdb, don't do this) and https://stackoverflow.com/a/51985735/755804 (the command tailcd that injects cd dirname to the input stream of the parent process; well, ideally it should be a part of bash rather than a hack)
It is an old question, but I am really surprised I don't see this trick here
Instead of using cd you can use
export PWD=the/path/you/want
No need to create subshells or use aliases.
Note that it is your responsibility to make sure the/path/you/want exists.
I have to work in tcsh, and I know this is not an elegant solution, but for example, if I had to change folders to a path where one word is different, the whole thing can be done in the alias
a alias_name 'set a = `pwd`; set b = `echo $a | replace "Trees" "Tests"` ; cd $b'
If the path is always fixed, the just
a alias_name2 'cd path/you/always/need'
should work
In the line above, the new folder path is set
This combines the answer by Serge with an unrelated answer by David. It changes the directory, and then instead of forcing a bash shell, it launches the user's default shell. It however requires both getent and /etc/passwd to detect the default shell.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd desired/directory
USER_SHELL=$(getent passwd <USER> | cut -d : -f 7)
Of course this still has the same deficiency of creating a nested shell.
