I was wondering if anyone knows of any algorithms suited to fitting together N number of rectangles of unknown size into the smallest possible containing rectangle.
By optimal I mean with reducing the amount of white space left over in the resulting containing rectangle.
I would like to use this to generate css sprites from a series of images.
Many Thanks,
I think what you describe is a variant of the "two dimensional bin packing" problem. The only difference is that you have the items and are trying to find the smallest rectangle.
This survey article is a good start.
Through packing images into square texture and Simon's answer I got to this link http://code.activestate.com/recipes/442299/
I did not check the recipe, but it seems to allow using non-square containers.
The only way to guarantee and optimal solution is to brute force the answer. This quickly becomes unmanagable for personal computers when you have several rectangles, and allow for the possibility of rotation.
Wikipedia has a good article on packing problem
Here is a good description of a fast packing algorithm - http://www.codeproject.com/KB/web-image/rectanglepacker.aspx
consider an image like this:
by grouping pixels by color into distinct rectangles, different configurations might be achieved, for example:
the goal is to find one of the best configurations, i.e. a configuration which has the least possible number of rectangles (rectangles sizes are not important).
any idea on how to design an efficient algorithm which is able to solve this problem?
i think the best answer is the one by #dshin, as they proved that this problem is a NP-HARD one so there probably isn't any efficient solution that is able to guarantee an optimal result.
other answers provide reasonable compromises to get an acceptable solution, but that won't always be the optimal one.
Each connected colored region is a rectilinear polygon that can be considered independently, and so your problem amounts to solving the minimum rectangle covering for rectilinear polygons. This is a well-studied problem that finds applications in some fields, like VLSI.
For convex rectilinear polygons, there is an algorithm that finds the optimal solution in polynomial time, described in this 1984 thesis.
The non-convex case is NP-hard (reference), so an efficient optimal solution likely does not exist. But there are several algorithms which produce good empirical results. This 1990 publication describes three separate algorithms, each of which are guaranteed to use at most twice as many rectangles as the optimal solution. This 2016 publication describes an algorithm that uses the common IP + LP relaxation technique, which apparently produces better results in real-life problem instances, although lacking in theoretical guarantees. Unfortunately, both publications are behind paywalls, and I haven't been able to find free resources that describe the algorithms.
If you are just looking for something reasonable, and your problem instances are not pathological in nature, then the algorithms described in other answers are probably good enough.
I don't have a proof but my feeling is a greedy approach should solve this problem:
Start on the upper left (or in whichever corner)
Expand rectangle 1px to the right as long as colors match
Expand rectangle 1px to the bottom as long as all colors in that row match
Line by line and column by column, find the next pixel that is not already part of a square (maybe keep track of visited pixels in a second array) and repeat 2 and 3.
You can switch lines and columns and go up and left or whatever instead and end up with different configurations, but from playing this through in my mind I think the number of rectangles should always be the same.
The idea here is based on the following links: Link 1 and Link 2.
In both the cases, the largest possible rectangle is computed within a given polygon/shape. Check both the above links for details.
We can extend the idea above to the problem at hand.
Filter the image by color (say red)
Find the largest possible rectangle in the red region. After doing so mask it.
Repeat to find the next biggest rectangle until all the portions in red have been covered.
Repeat the above for every unique color.
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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to pack squares into circles?
I have a problem where I need to fit a bunch of different sized rectangles within a circle. All the rectangles must fit in the circle without overlapping each other and without overflowing the circle.
Assuming the rectangles can fit inside the circle how would one develop an algorithm to distribute them inside the circle?
All I can think of is to randomly distribute the rectangles over and over and test whether the conditions are met (brute-force).
It is a classic constraint problem, brute-force is one way to do it but there are other ways that can be better using things such as heuristics to help guide the algorithm to the solution. You would have to look up some constraint programming and bin packing papers on something like Google Scholar for some better algorithms.
Wikipedia has a good overview:
As others have mentioned, an optimal solution (in say minimal area or uniform distriubtion) is likely to be NP-hard. Nevertheless, depending on your needs there are some great algorithms for packing differently sized rectangles into other rectangles. For example: Fast Optimizing Rectangle Packing Algorithm for Building CSS Sprites:
This article describes a fast algorithm to pack a series of rectangles of varying widths and heights into a single enclosing rectangle, with no overlap and in a way that minimizes the amount of wasted space in the enclosing rectangle. [...] shows step by step how the algorithm arrives at the optimal enclosing rectangle.
Note that in the above procedure the bounding rectangle is allowed to vary (nor am I convinced that the solution is the optimal enclosing rectangle). You can approximate a circle by breaking it up into discrete rectangles.
While not a complete solution to what you are looking for, I think this may be a good first step.
I want to programm a tool that can place objects on a rectangle with the minumum of waste, this problem is also known as the cutting problem.
So i looked around to find some algorithms and i found out there are a few for rectangles but not that much for n-edged polygones.
my first approach was to get a bounding box for the polygone, then run the normal rectangle algorithm. After that you cound slowly try to increase the number of edges but still have only isometric lines (only vertical and horizontal), to approximate the polygone.
I wonder if there is any good algorithm that implement such thing, but is more common than create my own stuff.
the other way ive come up with could be something with two dimensional knapsack and some sorting heuristics that sort the best fitting polygones and try to put them on the rectangle.
But all i come up with has some good detection of special polygones (such as a square or normal rectangle) but does not work on common polygones.
Is there a standard for this? Algorithm name?
I have 10 polygons of different sizes.
I have an area of specific size.
I want to know how to fill the most polygons in that area, and how they are fitted.
Polygons may be rotated depending on the restriction set.
One possible name is a Packing Problem. It is related to the Knapsack Problem. These problems tend to be NP-hard, and many require heuristics. If you can constrain the allowed forms of polygons and of the area, there may exist a more efficient algorithm for your special case.
You can have a look at "Dancing Links" in Wikipedia for Donald Knuth's solution to the exact cover problem - which includes tiling - your question can be looked at as a tiling problem
IF (that's a big if) all your polygons were rectangles, and the area into which they are to fit is also a rectangle, then this would be called bin-packing, Google will overwhelm you with information about this. If they're not then I guess that you are looking for a variant of bin-packing, and I guess some more that you are into an NP problem for which 'try and test' is about the best algorithm around.
Imagine you have a canvas and in this canvas there are already some objects. How can you find the minimal way to cover the "uncovered" area with squares, not overlaying each other, completely filling the canvas.
In my case the "canvas" is a html-div container and the objects are nested div-containers.
Could look like this: http://www.encodechain.com/demo/200908_optimize.png
On the left there's the "start" and on the right there's on possible first "step"...
I know that there's an algorithm for this, but currently I can't remember the name.
The best I could find was this paper: Tiling a rectangle with the fewest squares.
The paper is an interesting read, though at times it delves deep into theory territory with talk of "universal constants". I am not certain whether the question of "can a rectangle of size m by n be tiled with k squares" is NP-complete. As noted in another response, your question resembles packing problems which are NP-complete. And, of course, your problem is a generalization of the one addressed in this paper, since you are dealing with non-rectangular areas. You could start by breaking your area up into the minimum number of rectangles, another interesting problem in itself. And finally, even if you could do that efficiently, I'm not sure if tiling those rectangles optimally would result in an overall optimal tiling.
As the author notes, a greedy algorithm is a good place to start: just put down the biggest square you can until the area is full.
Packing Problem
Knapsack Problem
And an article on solving 2d packing problem