joomla module, where to put css? - joomla

I've just written joomla module. This is basic but working version of my moule.
I want to 'effectize' it, so i need to work with some css. Elements of my module has own classes so i can style it very easy. But where to put CSS?

I typically just create a css folder under my module's directory. You can then use this call to include your css from your module's php code:

Yes but would still recommend to put CSS in a seperate folder as suggested by Will Mavis as it is the right professional approach.

The assets for your Joomla extension should be put in the /media folder.
For a module called mod_supermodule, put the files in:


Eliminating a footer popup in Joomla

Although I'm from WordPress, I need to make a slight change on an old Joomla Website for a friend of mine.
The site is:
I need to eliminate the footer Popup which says "Wir sind umgezogen".
I know there might be a thousand ways to implement this in Joomla, but what is the plugin or module in the code!
It's difficult to identify without back-end access to the website as it could be a module, a plugin, or even hard coded into the index.php file of the template or similar.
If it's not obvious, the easiest work around might be to add some code to a custom CSS file like this or similar:
#ca_banner {
display: none !important;
To create a custom CSS file using a Warp theme, create custom.css in the /css subfolder in the relevant template folder.

How to add custom css file in YT Framework Joomla Template

I am using YT Framework on Joomla2.5, I want to add new css file fot the template SJ+, but I could not find any documentation for the framework.
I have general understanding that, as the css will be builded every time I install any component or module, so in order to implement our custom css, I need to add my css in a specific file, but I am unable to find where to keep that file and with what name.
I have tried by adding a "custom.css" file in template's css folder.
For any template if you need to add your custome css code you need to first find index.php file in your template directory,
If you found html code in index.php then add your css code to index file using tag. or add
if you do not found html code in index.php file then you need to find component.php file in template root folder.
and follow the same thing as for index.php
After looking deeper into each of the css file I came to solution for loading of custom css for YT Framework templates.
Keep your custom css in a file named "your_css.css" file under the css folder of your template, this is the functionality of the YT frame work that after loading all the css files required by the template, it loads this css file at the end so that all the default and dynamic css will be overloaded with all the stylings you have written in your_css.css file

Changing the content of a Joomla module on homepage

I have been asked to make a "one-off" change to the link on the homepage of a website that is running Joomla. The trouble is I am not familiar with Joomla administration. I was hoping it might be similar to WordPress, where I might have to modify a template file, however this does not seem to be the case.
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to change the content of a module on the home page of a Joomla site? When I view the module settings in the Joomla admin there does not appear to be any content to edit, just menus and meta data. Thank you.
Every module has its own functionality so it depends on what module you are trying to modify.
You might want to look at template overrides. By doing a template override you can modify a module output without hacking the core code of the module.
So in the case of a module, you should look into your joomla installation for your module. If your module is called mod_stackoverflow for example, you should look for
Next you should look for the template file you want to modify. If you want to modify the default template of the module and if the output of your module can be overriden, you should look for the default.php file like so:
At this point you should copy the file into your template folder following this structure:
By placing this file in your template folder, Joomla will use this file (instead of the one in the module folder) to output the module content. Now you can edit this file as you like.
Hope this helps.
Check the homepage content is an article or module . If it was article you just go to the following path.
Joomla administrator->Contents->Featured Articles->
here you can find the home page article and modify it by click on article title.
If it was module you just go Joomla administrator-> Components->Module Manager
here you first find which module is enabled in homepage. Then you can edit the module contents.

How do you override a setting in the root media folder of Joomla 2.x

Basically I have a module I installed, it is in the modules folders as well, but the css I need to change is in the media folder. How to I override this, do I use the HTML folder in my template folder somehow?
Probably the simplest way is to have a specific CSS file in your template, with selectors that override the standard module CSS. Unfortunately, Joomla doesn't have a standard way of checking for template versions of module or component CSS, in the way it does for view files.
Use the CSS hierarchy to have your override CSS rules loaded AFTER the default module CSS rules, and they will take precedence. Make sure your override CSS file is the last one loaded by the template.
How is the original CSS file loaded? Does the module load it in its template file or someplace else? If it is loaded in the template, just override the template file and change the lines that load that file. If it's not loaded in the template, it is probably loaded just before rendering the template. In this case, the solution is also to override the template and load your own css file which will contain rules to override the ones in the original file. In this case, unfortunately, the original file will be loaded in addition to your css file. It amounts to an extra http request but it's probably not a big deal.

How can i make customized template for the front end by overriding the default one?

I am new to Pyrocms and reading the documentation I could not change fix my problem. I need my own template to be incorporated that is I want to change the default one provided. How can I do that. I really need a help.
Go into:
This is the folder where you can find the default template of pyrocms. There you will see folders like "views, css, js, img" etc.
You can start by modifying views/layouts/default.html and views/partials/ folder.
Ofcourse if you need to change css and/or js you need to modify them too.
By the way this is the official pyrocms documentation for editing themes:
