PowerBuilder 12 vs Visual Studio - Designer support - visual-studio

I have control designed for VS2008 and VS2010. Will it work in Power Builder 12 designer as well? or Would I need to create any design.dll

It depends on the control but in general PowerBuilder 12 (and prior versions) can use external controls via OLE without any problem. You add them to your application via Insert --> Control --> OLE menu item, then you'll be prompted with a list of registered object to select from.
When coding you'll need to use the "object reference" or dot notation to reference properties and/or methods. Everything works fine in PB but it's not as user friendly you can't do named arguments and need to get your syntax just (and catch exceptions) right to avoid null object reference crashes.
Hope that I understood your question correctly and this helps.

what version of PowerBuilder are you targetting? If its a .Net control and you are targetting PB.Net, its based on the visual studio shell and will work fine with what you've done for Visual Studio.


How do I make my ActiveX controls show up on the Toolbox in Visual Studio (and others)

I've written a series of ActiveX controls in Delphi to be used in other development environments (like Visual Studio or dBASE for Windows, as two examples)
I used the ActiveX wizards provided as part of the RAD Studio IDE to generate the ActiveX "bindings" (for want of a better word) for my VCL-based controls, however it appears not to produce the source necessary to make them appear on IDE component pallets.
Ordinarily on those IDEs (Visual Studio and dBASE Plus), I can simply import an ActiveX control and it will show up on their toolbox (their version of a component pallet) complete with their defined icon.
Well, my own ActiveX controls produced in Delphi do not (they import just fine, but don't show up on the pallet/toolbox), and I've been scouring Google trying to find a solution for the last two weeks.
Having failed miserably, I've decided to ask here:
How do I make my ActiveX controls show up on the Toolbox in Visual Studio (and others)?
Thanks for any advice/suggestions.
EDIT: Some extra info...
I've been trying to do this with both XE2 and XE3, and it has failed every time... however, when I do the same thing (using the Wizards) with Delphi 2007, the component's icon does show up in the Pallet/Toolbox of other IDEs as desired.
This means the issue was introduced sometime after Delphi 2007, and is likely the result of some RTL/VCL modification.
My research has concluded that Unicode versions of Delphi (2009 to XE3) do not generate the correct markup for ActiveX Controls using the provided wizards.
Further-more, changes to the RTL and VCL since Delphi 2007 mean that, even if you produce the necessary source markup manually, your controls will not behave properly when embedded in non-Delphi applications (such as Visual Studio and dBASE Plus). Much of this relates to the VCL's presumption of a VCL-compliant Parent property value, where the update of properties such as ParentFont will result in an Access Violation error.
The solution in my case has been to produce the exported ActiveX Controls in Delphi 2007 (with it being the latest version to "play fair" with other ActiveX Control consumers)
Hopefully this information will save you the long and annoying fact-finding process I had to go through in order to come to this conclusion.

RDLC 2005 conversion to RDLC 2008 : Custom code not "seen" anymore

I have some issues with my reports since I have updated them to VS2010 format.
Even though I have modified references to from v9 to 10 for Microsoft.ReportViwer.Common and Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms as well, when I try to type code. in a field, what is after "Code." is always underlined with red and I get #ERROR instead of the value I want when I print the report. I know it is case sensitive and I double checked the spelling multiple times.
Moreover, I don't know why but I have errors with the Fields! syntax; I seem to have to use the Fields().value to get them to work (at the places I don't need to call custom code too)
These reports worked well before conversion (over 20 reports converted this way) but do not now. Seems like custom functions are not "seen" by the report designer. I tryed to make them public, shared; all I had is the same stupid #ERROR display.
I want them to work in VS2010 to avoid always having to modify them in VS2008 and then go back in VS2010
It's a winform application with framework 3.5
Any idea of what could cause that and what is the remedy?
Many thanks
There are a couple of ways to use custom code in SSRS. Firstly you can enter VB directly into the window under
Report -- >Report Properties --> Code
Another way is to write a custom DLL (which can be done in any .NET language of course), which then needs to be copied to both your dev machine and the production report server.
You then need to create references to that assembly in the project using:
Report --> Report Properties --> References (I assume you know this).
If you are not using your own custom assembly, and just using a reference to one on your machine then there could be some confusion on the server as to where to find the dll's. You may need to copy DLL's to the folder as indicated in the KB link below:
When you drag a field onto a tablix or textbox, and have a look at the value expression, does it use the Fields!Fieldname.Value syntax? That syntax is natural to SSRS so it sounds like something seriously broken in your visual studio 2010 there if that is not working. I take it you installed visual studio 2010 to create web applications. What you haven't explained is which version of BIDS or SSDT you are using. If you are developing reports for SSRS 2008 R2 or earlier, then these are not compatible with visual studio 2010. There's no compromise there.
If you are developing for SSRS 2012, then you are using either SSDT by itself (which installs a shell version of visual studio 2010) OR if you already have visual studio 2010 then you need to install service pack 1 for VS2010 and then install SSDT from the SQL Server 2012 disc.

How to code in Visual Studio 6.0 without UI editor

I'm new to Visual Basic. I have done some tutorials in Visual Studio 2010 and I am working with Visual Basic 6.0.
I don't know where I can write code the way I did in VB 2010. Instead of the code editor that was available in Visual Studio 2010, I get a UI editor, where I can add buttons. How can I simply write some Visual Basic code?
In VB6, there is a code view. If you double click the button it will take you to the click event in the code view for instance.
If you create modules.. (.bas file extension), you can write stand alone code. It's also possible to create an activex dll project to write code components. I used to do this, register them with com and then call them from ASP pages on NT4 servers back in the day.
VB6 predates the .NET framework though. It's much different than what you've learned in Visual Studio 2010. None of the .NET libraries are there and there are some syntax differences as VB.net is more strict than VB6 is.
You code use other editors alongside VB 6's editor like Notepad ++ and Sublime Text if you are really good in VB othersise just stick to it. Its very cool and people are making world class apps with vb6 check planetsourcecode.com you see wonders

Visual Studio 6 Custom Toolbar

I have a legacy VB6 app that I still need to support. I also have a new PC and I would like to copy my custom toolbar that I created on my old PC. Does anybody know where Visual Studio 6 custom toolbars are persisted to?
I think you are talking about an addin. Addins written in VB6 for VB6 use a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Extensibility. You compile the application as an ActiveX EXE and as such it can be placed anywhere on the hard drive. You can look at vbaddin.ini for the *addin.*Connect setting where addin will be the addin name. Unfortunately this is not the file name or path, but it should be close enough to help you search the the application.
I don't know where that is stored, but you could try running Process Monitor from SysInternals, and see what VB6 writes to files and the registry when you change your custom toolbar. To be honest though, it'll probably be quicker to set the toolbar up by hand.

Upgrading Compact Framework 1 app from VS 2003 to VS 2005 breaks form designer?

I am trying to move a C# Compact Framework 1 application from Visual Studio 2003 to Visual Studio 2005 (no comments please on how outdated all this is :-)). I am now able to compile and run the app in VS 2005 just fine, however when I open one of the forms, the form designer does not show the actual form layout but just some rows of icons, one for each control on the form. I have no idea why, or how to get back the standard form designer view. Does anybody have any experience with that and any hints or tips?
Well some things changed while going from VS2003 to VS2005 one of those things is the way the form designer adds code to your Form class. It creates a separate .designer.cs class and creates a partial class with the same name as you main form class. All the designer generated code now goes in this background class. This is done so that the form designer generated code stays out of your hair.
Now its plausible that the VS2005 designer no longer recognizes the in-file designer code generated by the previous version. You can try to create a new WinForms project and see how it differs from your current project then make appropriate amends to your current project.
