How can a text file be edited from a Windows batch file? - windows

I am trying to make a .bat file to edit the redirect in index.asp to be the filename of the file selected via the context menu option .bat file.
I know how to replace the file:
#echo OFF
del/q D:\e-lib\index.asp
copy %1 D:\e-lib\index.asp
but not how to edit the contents so that the redirect within index.asp points to the filename of the file I right-click, i.e the value %1.

I'm not sure about editing a file via DOS BATCH file, but you could easily pump in the contents of the file using the print command (e.g. "something" > file.asp). You could also build a template that reads in a text file via ASP, that has the contents of the data you need to include in your dynamic ASP file.


Does the echo command append any extra character when writing to text file?

I am trying to create a shortcut using batch file. I mimic the following manual steps to do that, but although the manually created file works properly as a shortcut, the shortcut created by batch files command line command does not work-
Creating shortcuts manually:
Create a text file
Add following content to the text file and save:
Rename the text file to have .url extension.
That process creates a shortcut to D:\Logs directory.
Now I do the following to create shortcut using Batch file-
ECHO [InternetShortcut]
ECHO URL=file:///D:\Logs
) > E:\myshortcut.url
But the shortcut does not work. I checked the contents and they look exactly as what I have in the manually created file.
So what is the difference between those manually created and batch file created files?
This works for me:
echo [InternetShortcut]> E:\myshortcut.url
echo URL=file:///D:\Logs>> E:\myshortcut.url
Note that you must not have a space before the redirection > or >> because that will be echoed into the file.

Batch file: Save as in a batch file (.cmd)

anyone who knows the command for save an excel file (xls) to txt (Tab delimited) in an batchfile ? I have a batch file that opens a sertain excel file and the only thing i want now is that the batch file (.cmd) shall save the file as txt.(Tab Delimited) and then Close the file, anyone knows the commands for this ?
There doesn't appear to be appropriate command-line switches available, but here's some VBA code that might get you started.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="yourfilename", FileFormat:=xlCSV

Batch file that creates text file, called from another program

I am trying to run a batch file from a different program.
When I run the batch file manually (double clicking the file) it behaves as expected and creates a text file as a result. But when I call the batch file from a program (Winlog SCADA) the text file is not created.
Does anyone know why this happens?
The batch file contains this line of code:
systeminfo |findstr /C:"Time Zone" >UTCTime.txt
and the code that is calling the batch is (Winlog SCADA):
The program probably writes to a different folder - try specifying the path to the folder where you want the file.
systeminfo |findstr /C:"Time Zone" >"c:\folder\UTCTime.txt"

help with windows batch scripting basics - execution and calling a separate executable within the script

Newbie to windows scripting. I need help running the .bat file on the command line so I can test it.
I used Text Document as my editor to create the file (opens up also as Notepad).
I performed file "save as" (ALL FILES). If I open up cmd, I can see the file has a .txt extension (myfile.bat.txt). So if I just type in cmd myfile.bat.txt the editor opens. I am not sure how to execute this correctly.
As for the logic in my batch script, I am basically logging into a remote directory (already created the net mount) and now I want to:
run an executeable file
rename some files.
With some research, I written this so far. I have saved it as a .bat file
# echo off
echo This is a batch file to run an executable and rename some files
--run executable file here, just don't know how to do it
cd x:
rename fileA fileB
Any help, good tips/practice would be great. Thanks.
Type in this command in cmd window:
rename myfile.bat.txt myfile.bat
Now you can run the script by simply invoking:
(provided there's no myfile.exe or in the same directory).
If you need to edit the script further, you can either right click it in Explorer and choose Edit or call the editor from the command window:
notepad myfile.bat
To call a program from the script, simply add its name, if it's in the current directory:
or the name with the path, if it's somewhere else:
If the name or the path contain spaces, be sure to enclose the entire name & path string in double quotes:
"d:\directory\program name.exe"
you can just type the full name of the program
"c:\program dir\program.exe"
or you can add the program directory to your path environment variable
set PATH=%PATH%;"c:\program dir"
and just type the program name
you can also edit your PATH variable in windows
NOTE: When you save the file in notepad, you want to save it as filename.BAT and select All Files from the second dropdown. If you don't it still gets saved as a .TXT.
A couple of command to consider:
CSCRIPT cscript /? in CMD
If you're doing say a VBSCRIPT use CSCRIPT to start it. If you're trying to execute another BATCH script or an EXE, use START

Optional Log File for Batch File?

I have a Batch Interface I've created for a DOS program I'm using and I want to add an Option at the End to save the Output of the Batch File to a File, BUT I don't want the Log to be created unless the user says Yes at the END of the Batch File. So Far the Only way I've found to Optionally create a Log file is to Launch the Batch file like this "something.bat >output.txt" BUT that's at the Beginning BEFORE the Batch is even started which is NOT what I want. Any Ideas?
Write your log file to a temporary file, created below the %TEMP% folder. When you ask the user at the end of your program if he wants to keep it, copy your temporary file to the place where the user expects it. Otherwise remove the log file.
