How to know the alive time for a explicit cursor? - oracle

After how much time oracle itself closes an explicitly defined cursor?

Oracle won't close your cursor unless you explicitely ask for it. You can open a cursor on an inactive table, wait for 24 hours then fetch rows from the cursor.
On active tables (tables that may be updated/deleted/inserted), you may run into ORA-1555 after a while (the table has been modified and the information to reconstruct old versions of the blocks has been overwritten). If your UNDO tablespace is set as AUTOEXTEND, you can safely fetch from any cursor opened less than UNDO_RETENTION seconds ago:
SQL> show parameter undo_retention
------------------------------------ ----------- ------
undo_retention integer 900
On my DB I can safely fetch from cursors for 900 seconds (15 mins). This is a low threshold (Oracle will keep sufficient data to reconstruct old versions of blocks for at least 15 minutes).


Set timeout value for ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN in Oracle (DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT not works)

How I can set a timeout value for nonblocking DDL (ALTER TABLE add column) in oracle so that if any DML lock the table for long time (several hours), my DDL can fast-fail instead of waiting for hours. (we expect oracle raise error like ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired to interrupt our DDL)
P.S: DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT is not working (refer 'What I tried' below)
I'm working on a big oracle database (Oracle Database 19c). There are legacy application every hour will do aggregation job to calculate the data in past hour, like AVG, SUM of the counters. The production has 40 CPUs and 200GB+ memory, normally the aggregation job will run around 30 minutes, but in some case, like due to maintenance break the aggregation jobs are delayed, more data need to be handle in next aggregation job cause the job running for few hours.
Those legacy applications are out of my control. It's not possible to change the aggregation job.
Edition-Based Redefinition is not used.
My work is update database table (due to new counter added). We use ALTER TABLE to add new column to the existing tables. But in some case, the aggregation job lock the table for hours make my script hang there for hours. It make customer unhappy. So I want to make my script fast-fail.
What I tried
By google a long time, seems DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT is the simplest solution.
However, based on the test, we notice that DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT is not works in our case. By a long time google again, we found Oracle document here clearly mentioned:
The DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT parameter affects blocking DDL statements (but not nonblocking DDL statements)
ALTER TABLE add column is exactly 'nonblocking DDL' as listed in List of Nonblocking DDLs
When a DML lock the table for 1 hours, like SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE FOR UPDATE and commit after 1 hours. I want my DDL like ALTER TABLE MY_TABLE ADD (COL_A number) can get timeout after 10 minutes instead of wait for 1 hour.
Other Solutions
There have one solution in my mind that we can first issue a lock table MY_TABLE IN EXCLUSIVE MODE wait 600 to get the lock fist. But before we go with this solution, I want to seek is there any simple solution just like DDL_LOCK_TIMEOUT to set only one parameter.
Based on oracle doc, enable Supplemental Logging able to downgrade the nonblocking DDL to blocking way. But Supplemental Logging is DB level configuration. I do not have the permission to do such change.

concurrent statistics gathering on Oracle 11g partiitioned table

I am developing a DWH on Oracle 11g. We have some big tables (250+ million rows), partitioned by value. Each partition is a assigned to a different feeding source, and every partition is independent from others, so they can be loaded and processed concurrently.
Data distribution is very uneven, we have partition with millions rows, and partitions with not more than a hundred rows, but I didn't choose the partitioning scheme, and by the way I can't change it.
Considered the data volume, we must assure that every partition has always up-to-date statistics, because if the subsequent elaborations don't have an optimal access to the data, they will last forever.
So for each concurrent ETL thread, we
Truncate the partition
Load data from staging area with
SELECT /*+ APPEND */ INTO big_table PARTITION(part1) FROM temp_table WHERE partition_colum = PART1
(this way we have direct path and we don't lock the whole table)
We gather statistics for the modified partition.
In the first stage of the project, we used the APPROX_GLOBAL_AND_PARTITION strategy and worked like a charm
But, we had the drawback that, when we loaded a small partition, the APPROX_GLOBAL part was dominant (still a lot faster than GLOBAL) , and for a small partition we had, e.g., 10 seconds of loading, and 20 minutes of statistics.
So we have been suggested to switch to the INCREMENTAL STATS feature of 11g, which means that you don't specify the partition you have modified, you leave all parameters in auto, and Oracle does it's magic, automatically understanding which partition(s) have been touched. And it actually works, we have really speeded up the small partition. After turning on the feature, the call became
notice, that you don't pass the partition anymore, and you don't specify a sample percent.
But, we're having a drawback, maybe even worse that the previous one, and this is correlated with the high level of parallelism we have.
Let's say we have 2 big partition that starts at the same time, they will finish the load phase almost at the same time too.
The first thread ends the insert statement, commits, and launches the stats gathering. The stats procedure notices there are 2 partition modified (this is correct, one is full and the second is truncated, with a transaction in progress), updates correctly the stats for both the partitions.
Eventually the second partition ends, gather the stats, it see all partition already updated, and does nothing (this is NOT correct, because the second thread committed the data in the meanwhile).
The result is:
PART1 | 04-MAR-2015 15:40:42 | 805731 | 20314 | 805731
PART2 | 04-MAR-2015 15:41:48 | 0 | 16234 | (null)
and the consequence is that I occasionally incur in not optimal plans (which mean killing the session, refresh manually the stats, manually launch the precess again).
I tried even putting an exclusive lock on the gathering, so no more than one thread can gather stats on the same table at once, but nothing changed.
IMHO this is an odd behaviour, because the stats procedure, the second time it is invoked, should check for the last commit on the second partition, and should see it's newer than the last stats gathering time. But seems it's not happening.
Am I doing something wrong? Is it an Oracle bug? How can I guarantee that all stats are always up-to-date with incremental stats feature turned on, and an high level of concurrency?
I managed to reach a decent compromise with this function.
PROCEDURE gather_tb_partiz(
p_tblname IN VARCHAR2,
p_partname IN VARCHAR2)
v_stale all_tab_statistics.stale_stats%TYPE;
SELECT stale_stats
INTO v_stale
FROM user_tab_statistics
WHERE table_name = p_tblname
AND object_type = 'TABLE';
v_stale := 'YES';
IF v_stale = 'YES' THEN
tabname=> p_tblname,
granularity=>'PARTITION') ;
END gather_tb_partiz;
At the end of each ETL, if the number of added/deleted/modified rows is low enough not to mark the table as stale (10% by default, can be tuned with STALE_PERCENT parameter), I collect only partition statistics; otherwise i collect global and partition statistics.
This keeps ETL of small partition fast, because no global partition must be regathered, and big partition safe, because any subsequent query will have fresh statistics and will likely use an optimal plan.
Incremental stats is anyway enabled, so whenever the global has to be recalculated, it is pretty fast because aggregates partition level statistics and does not perform a full scan.
I am not sure if, with incremental enabled, "APPROX_GLOBAL AND PARTITION" and "GLOBAL AND PARTITION" do differ in something, because both incremental and approx do basically the same thing: aggregate stats and histograms without doing a full scan.
Have you tried to have incremental statistics on, but still explicitly name a partition to analyze?
For your table, stale (yesterday's) global stats are not as harmful as completely invalid partition stats (0 rows). I can propose 2 a bit alternative approaches that we use:
Have a separate GLOBAL stats gathering executed by your ETL tool right after all partitions are loaded. If it's taking too long, play with estimate_percent as dbms_stats.auto_degree will likely to be more than 1%
Gather the global (as well as all other stale) stats in a separate database job run later during the day, after all data is loaded into DW.
The key point is that stale statistics which differ only slightly from fresh are almost just as good. If statistics show you 0 rows, they'll kill any query.
Considering what you are trying to achieve, you need to run stats on specific intervals of time for all Partitions and not at the end of the process that loads each partition. It could be challenging if this is a live table and has constant data loads happening round the clock, but since these are LARGE DW tables I really doubt that's the case. So the best bet would be to collect stats at the end of loading all partitions, this will ensure that the statistics is collected for partitions where data has change or statistics are missing and update the global statistics based on the partition level statistics and synopsis.
However to do so, you need to turn on incremental feature for the table (11gR1).
At the end of every load, gather table statistics using GATHER_TABLE_STATS command. You don't need to specify the partition name. Also, do not specify the granularity parameter.
Kindly check if you have used DBMS_STATS to set table preference to gather incremental statistics.This oracle blog explains that statistics will be gathered after each row affected.
Incremental statistics maintenance needs to gather statistics on any partition that will change the global or table level statistics. For instance, the min or max value for a column could change after just one row is inserted or updated in the table
I'm a bit rusty about it, so first of all a question:
did you try serializing partition loading? If so, how long and how well does statistics run? Notice that since loading time is so much smaller than statistics gathering, i guess this could also act as a temporary workaround.
Append hint does affects redo size, meaning the transaction just traces something, thus statistics may not reckon new data:
Thinking out loud: since the direct path insert does append rows at the end of the partition and eventually updates metadata at the end, the already running thread gathering statistics could have read non-updated (stale) data. Thus it may not be a bug, and locking threads would accomplish nothing.
You may test this behaviour temporarily switching your table/partition to LOGGING, for instance, and see how it works (slower, of course, but it's a test). Can you do it?
EDIT: incremental stats should work anyway, even disabling a parallel statistics gathering, since it reiles on the incremental values no matter how they were collected:

Oracle unused cursors create overhead?

I am working on an application that have lot of cursor and many of them are just defined in a package header and not used in package body, so does this unused cursor creates an overhead?
A declared cursor but unused cursor will create no overhead but an open but unused cursor might, a bit.
An open cursor is stored in the private SQL area of the PGA. This "holds information about a parsed SQL statement and other session-specific information for processing.". You can find the amount of PGA you have by querying V$PGASTAT.
It's not 100% clear from Oracle's Memory Architecture documentation whether opened but unused cursors store anything in the PGA. The section on the persistent area of the private SQL area of the PGA would insinuate that this is only created if you're binding any variables to your cursor; but, as the state of the cursor must be stored in order for the DB to know that it's open I'm assuming that some memory is used.
If a single open cursor is negatively impacting your performance I'd be horrified. This would be an indication that you've massively underestimated the size of the PGA and SGA (execution plans are stored here) that you need.
However, this strategy can backfire massively as the number of open cursors is limited by the open_cursors parameter, which you can find in V$PARAMETER. This is an absolute upper limit on the number of open cursors you can have open. If you hit this limit you'll get ORA-01000.
This means that you should not open cursors that you're not going to use.
However it's also worth noting this particular Ask Tom question/answer, though it's from 2004.
3- If the open_cursors are increased then what will be the performance impact on the db > server and the memory usage?
Followup April 1, 2004 - 10am UTC:
...3) if you are not hitting ora-1000, it will change nothing (since you are not using the cursors you currently have)

Oracle Data Pump Export (expdp) locks table (or something similar)

I must export data from a partitioned table with global index that must be online all the time, but I am having troubles in doing that.
For data export I am using Data Pump Export - expdp and I am exporting only one partition. The oldest one, not the active one.
My expdp command exports correct data and it looks like this:
expdp user/pass#SID DIRECTORY=EXP_DIR
Application that uses database has a connection timeout of 10 seconds. This parameter can't be changed. If INSERT queries are not finished within 10 seconds, data is written to a backup file.
My problem is that, during the export process that lasts few minutes, some data ends up in the backup file, and not in the database. I want to know why, and avoid it.
Partitions are organized weekly, and I am keeping 4 partitions active (last 4 weeks). Every partition is up to 3 GB.
I am using Oracle 11.2
Are you licensed to use the AWR? If so, do you have an AWR report for the snapshot when the timeouts occurred?
Oracle readers don't block writers and there would be no reason for an export process to lock anything that would impact new inserts.
Is this a single INSERT operation that has a timeout of 10 seconds (i.e. you are inserting a large number of rows in a single INSERT statement)? Or is this a batch of individual inserts such that some of the inserts can succeed in the 10 second window and some can fail? You say that "some data ends up in the backup file" but I'm not sure which of these scenarios are more accurate.
During normal operations, how close are you to the 10 second time-out?
Is it possible that the system is I/O bound and that doing the export increases the load on the I/O system causing all operations to be slower? If you've got an I/O bottleneck and you add an export process that has to read a 3 GB partition and write that data to disk (presumably also on the database server), that could certainly cause a general slowdown. If you're reasonably close to the 10 second time-out already, that could certainly push you over the edge.

How do I let my DBA pause and resume a stored procedure that is updating every row in a large table?

I have a table of about a million rows and I need to update every row in the table with the result of a lengthy calculation (the calculation gets a potentially different result for each row). Because it is time consuming, the DBA must be able to control execution. This particular calculation needs to be run once a year (it does a year-end summary). I wanted to create a job using DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB that would grab 100 rows from the table, update them and then stop; the next execution of the job would then pick up where the prior execution left off.
My first thought was to include this code at the end of my stored procedure:
-- update 100 rows, storing the primary key of the last
-- updated row in last_id
-- make a new job that will run in about a minute and will
-- start from the primary key value just after last_id
( job_name=>'yearly_summary'
, job_type=>'STORED_PROCEDURE'
, job_action=>'yearly_summary_proc(' || last_id || ')'
, start_date=>CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 1/24/60
, enabled=>TRUE
But I get this error when the stored procedure runs:
ORA-27486: insufficient privileges
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_ISCHED", line 99
ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SCHEDULER", line 262
ORA-06512: at "JBUI.YEARLY_SUMMARY_PROC", line 37
ORA-06512: at line 1
Suggestions for other ways to do this are welcome. I'd prefer to use DBMS_SCHEDULER and I'd prefer not to have to create any tables; that's why I'm passing in the last_id to the stored procedure.
I would tend to be wary about using jobs like this to control execution. Either the delay between successive jobs would tend to be too short for the DBA to figure out what job to kill/ pause/ etc. or the delay would be long enough that a significant fraction of the run time would be spent in delays between successive jobs.
Without creating any new objects, you can use the DBMS_ALERT package to allow your DBA to send an alert that pauses the job. Your code could call the DBMS_ALERT.WAITONE method every hundred rows to check whether the DBA has signaled a particular alert (i.e. the PAUSE_YEAREND_JOB alert). If no alert was received, the code could continue on. If an alert was received, you could pause the code either until another alert (i.e. RESUME_YEAREND_JOB) was received or a fixed period of time or based on the message the DBA sent with the PAUSE_YEAREND_JOB alert (i.e. the message could be a number of seconds to pause or a date to pause until, etc.)
Of course, you could do the same thing by creating a new table, having the DBA write a row to the table to pause the job, and reading from the table every N rows.
Another avenue to explore would be the dbms scheduler's support tools for execution windows and resource plans.
and also:
With windows and resource plans your DBA can simply configure the system to execute your procedure to obey certain rules - including a job window and executing using only a certain number of resources (i.e. CPU usage).
This way the procedure can run once a year, and CPU usage can be controlled.
This though may not provide the manual control your DBA would like.
Another idea would be to write your procedure to process all records, but commit every 1000 or so. The dbms job.cancel() command could be used by your DBA to cancel the job if they wanted it to stop, and then they can resume it (by rescheduling or rerunning it) when they're ready to go. The trick would be that the procedure would need to be able to keep track of rows processed, e.g. using a 'processed_date' column, or a separate table listing primary keys and processed date.
In addition to the answer about DBMS_ALERT, your DBA would appreciate the ability to see where your stored procedure is up to. You should use the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_SESSION_LONGOPS functionality in Oracle to do this.
