Xcode Code Sense horribly broken? - xcode

Ever since I started using Xcode, I've experienced extremely annoying problems with Code Sense. The problem is that when Code Sense kicks in for code completion, sometimes the source code text below the line I'm working on goes "crazy". If I continue typing, the problem gets worse, and after a while the source code is completely screwed up (funny colors, missing lines and characters, ...). Strange enough, the source code itself is unaffected, because when I select another source file and then go back to the one I was working on, everything looks fine again.
The problem can be seen in this screencast: http://www.screencast.com/t/OGY3NWE5
Interesting facts:
This problem has occurred on 3 different machines, so it's not related to a corrupt installation.
Sometimes it's fine for a while (up to one hour) after launching Xcode, but once it starts happening, it's getting worse and worse, until Xcode is restarted. Then it's fine again (for a while)
I've searched the web for similar experiences, and I can't find anything. I would think that it is a known problem, since it occurs on 3 different Macs here (both running 10.5 and 10.6).
Anyone having the same problems? Or a suggestion for fixing this?

Yeah, it can be a real pain. I didn't find a 'fix for it as such, but I do a quick switch from implementation to header (or vice versa) and then back again using Command-option-up. The screen redraws and everything is fine again

Well, I finally (kind of) fixed this problem by simply turning off Quick Help. Previously, I left this on all the time, and it resulted in a very unstable code sense (to the point where Xcode simply became unusable).
This is not a real solution, but it should at least help people experiencing the same issue.

I wrote about it here
My issue was with localization. if your XIB file is localized using xcode 4's, then it was failing for me. removing the localization worked, though not a proper solution.


My Netbeans Editor Lags Heavily (Running on Mac, Programming in C)

I'm a student who uses Netbeans on Mac to Program in C. Due to my previous experience with Java, I really like the feeling of Netbeans IDE. However, I recently noticed, as my projects gets longer and longer, simply coding the plain text is starting to lag heavily, inside the IDE editor.
For example, when I type in any words, even if just comments, if feels like it takes the computer a second or two to respond to every type. Things get even worse when I try to scroll up and down in my code, the response takes a long time, making it feel really bad.
I thought this might be a problem that the IDE haven't been given enough memory. However, after increasing the memory given to the program, it still lags heavily.
Is this all due to the fact running Netbeans to program in C is a bad idea? Or is it something else going wrong in my case?
Thank you very much!
Let's see...
The result is kind of clear. There just wasn't really any viable plan to make it work...
I started working on another computer instead. It seems mac just don't really want to work with netbeans, especially about C.
In my case (MacOS Monterey) the problem was the font size. The more I increased it, the worse the IDE would work.
Over 14 font size the lag is pretty extreme.
I would recommend using another IDE as it looks like this problem has not been fixed even in the latest version.

Text Editor Graphical Glitch on Xcode 6.4

I'm experiencing a very odd graphical glitch with the code editor, initially I thought it was my machine's graphics going to pot but after further investigation it is definitely tied to Xcode and/or my project file.
This glitch appears to follow my project around, I have tried deleting derived data and userdata from the project folder, I've also made sure all of my fonts are the same (this was suggested in another thread for a similar sounding issue). Very often while editing code the below graphical error occurs, it is very frustrating. Has anyone else encountered this?
I've moved the project across multiple Macs and the problem persists, I would be really grateful for any insight on how to prevent this as I'm nearing the end of a very long project and this has pretty much put a halt to progress.
Thank you!
Image of issue
I've found a workaround that works for me until an official fix is provided. The glitch will still be happening but just during build and not while coding.

File versions vanish without a trace

We've started work on a project using c9 and are generally very pleased with the level of the product.
However, Over the past few days I have repeatedly experienced the loss of huge amounts of work I did.
For example: I have done work on a file at home, then went in the morning to the office and continued seamlessly - after that, I returned home and experienced the following issue: The preview of the project reflected the work I had done, but the file in the IDE did not. Furthermore, the file history indicated that I indeed worked and saved files, but the history itself did not contain the changes. CLosing the file and re-opening it, or dealing with it in any way caused the site preview to revert as well, and all the work seems to be permanently lost with no trace I ever did it.
This, in addition to being extremely frustrating, also raises a red flag as to the ability of c9 to act as an IDE in any kind of actual production scenario.
If there's anything you can say to me, please do, because I really like the idea, interface and functionality. Otherwise, bye-bye, I'm going back to the old ways.
Thanks for the report, and sorry to hear about these issues you encountered. We did run into a regression this week that could cause such behavior in rare cases. We're releasing a fix for this issue later today! We take such issues very seriously, and we made sure it cannot happen again.
Should you run into problems like this, please contact our Support department at https://support.c9.io directly, as we keep very granular levels of backups and we can easily restore any work you may have lost. StackOverflow is generally better suited for development-related questions.
Hope this helps!

Xcode suddenly becomes very slow

My Xcode speed has come down to a crawl. I have no idea why. CPU activity is very low on both cores, gobs of memory.
It's almost as if it's waiting for something but I have no idea what. I have disconnected all USB and FireWire devices but it helped only a little bit.
Any ideas?
First thing I'd look at is the HDD. Is it constantly being accessed? If so, it would indicate several possible things - memory shortage and lots of swapping, hard drive free space shortage cause it to hunt for space, heavy fragementation etc.
If thats not it, perhaps Xcode is running something in the background. Do you have any custom scripts you have added which could have done something?
have you rebooted?
It sounds like you have predictive compilation turned on in the Xcode preferences.
I know this is a relatively old post, but I had a different problem that was causing XCode to be sluggish. I am running 4.1. If you navigate to your project file, secondary click and select "Show Package Contents", then delete the *.xcworkspace file, XCode speeds up drastically. No more rainbow pinwheel of death.
It may very well be downloading documentation updates. They're fairly large. Open Xcode's (note, big X, little c :-)) preferences and go to the documentation tab. I'll bet there's a circular progress indicator beside one of the doc sets.
If you have lots and lots of code (or at least 10 000++ lines of code), the predictive compilation setting gets a lot to do. Turn this off as mentioned and you've at least eliminated that variable.
For me, this just happened when I started editing a new file. It was caused by a single function -- something in that function caused the compiler to freak out. After 20 minutes of compiling, Xcode gave me that message.
So if something like this starts right when you start editing a file, try commenting out the problem areas and trying again.

VS2010 Locking up my keyboard (or at least parts of it)

I am having a problem with VS2010 randomly disabling certain keys like my arrow and backspace keys when editing files in stored in VSS. It seemed to have just started happening the other day, but simply restarting VS would fix the problem and it may come back a day or two later. Now I restart and it lasts maybe 10 minutes or until I open another file before it comes back. Is there some known issue causing this that there might be a fix for?
We've heard various reports of this, but we're having a really hard time tracking it down. Please file a bug on Connect with as much information as you can give: file types, your project or some project you can repro it with (if possible, I know that can be tough), any more steps you can think of other than what you've posted here, extensions/packages/add-ons you have installed, etc.
If you are curious, the underlying cause is related to the command system in the shell. In general, it tries to keep the focused element and the active command target in sync, but there are cases where it falls apart. When that happens, commands (like return and backspace) stop working, though normal typing tends to continue to work (as the text input events are handled in the focused editor window anyways). The difficult part of debugging it is that by the time you get into the state, it's too late to figure out why focus/activation got out of sync. We're hoping to improve the diagnosability of this in the future, as well as possibly a helper that just sits around and synchronizes focus/activation periodically.
I have had this happening since VS2005..
randomly my backspace will stop working..
If I closed VS and reopend it starts working again.. never got to the bottom of it tho, let me know if you work out what's happening as resetting maybe fixes it for abit, but then it breaks again.
