Tiles 2 And No mapping found for HTTP request with URI - Spring-MVC - spring

I want to use Spring-Tiles intergration. Here you can see how my app looks like.
So my question is: why Spring-MVC dispatcher Servlet can not resolve my Target page ???

The problem is that you use <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> in servlet mapping, so all requests are processed by DispatcherServlet, including request to *.jsp tiles. The most versatile way to solve it (but to keep restful urls without prefixes) is to use a UrlRewriteFilter.

I think you're missing a critical ViewResolver. I checked the post you mentioned in SpringSource but I didn't see the following ViewResolver:
Try adding that ViewResolver and see if that would help. I use Spring and Tiles as well. I just have to declare that and the TilesConfigurer.
Check out these references:
Add TilesViewResolver to enable fallback if tiles definition does not exist

It's a common issue using Spring and it's due to the fact that the view (jsp) goes through the DispatcherServlet.
Try to modify your web.xml using
and then add to your urlrewrite.xml something like:
<urlrewrite default-match-type="wildcard">
I'm assuming you're using urlrewrite, if you're not import the jar and add the filter mapping in your web.xml such as:


Servlet filters not invoked for _am/api/discovery/* URLs?

I'm updating a GAE application to the Java8 Cloud SDK environment; I'm also updating it to use Cloud Endpoints version 2.
My app registers some servlet filters in its web.xml file, one for Objectify and one to do some initialisations such as creating singleton instances of some utility classes the app uses.
This is an excerpt of web.xml:
<!-- Add a filter that fetches the service config from service management. -->
<!-- Add a filter that performs Endpoints logging and monitoring. -->
It looks like filters correctly kick for all URLs (for example, URLs handled by some other servlet that I instantiate but are not shown here), but not the _ah/api/discovery/* URLs that implement Google's nifty APIs Explorer tool.
No exceptions are thrown at deployment.
Note that I already tried changing the <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> to <url-pattern>/_ah/api/*</url-pattern>, to <url-pattern>/_ah/api/discovery/*</url-pattern> and mapping using <servlet-name>EndpointsServlet</servlet-name> rather than a URL pattern, to no avail.
Awkwardly enough, the very same configuration did work on Friday morning, then after a redeployment made later in the afternoon it stopped. And I'm pretty positive I did not change anything.
Is this known behaviour? For example, this may be because the API Explorer is "stitched on" the endpoints URL externally rather than being part of EndpointServlet itself?
Otherwise, what am I doing wrong?
I fixed this problem by moving the logic that was in the filter to a ServletContextListener, and this made the app stable. This is only viable for once-for-servlet-lifetime initialisations, of course, so the question still stands: is the cloud API Explorer expected to trigger the servlet filters registered on EndpointsServlet?

Autowired not working if used inside class that extends Spring security class

I wasn't able to "autowire" inside a class that extends Spring security class (org.springframework.security.web.authentication.SimpleUrlAuthenticationSuccessHandler).
I made it working by adding, in security-config.xml, the following code, already written inside the xml spring configuration file: <context:annotation-config />, <context:component-scan base-package="packagename...."/> and the beans that I autowired.
I have two questions:
Why have I to write twice that code (both inside the xml spring
configuration file and security-config.xml)
Is there a way to tell security-config.xml to "look" for the code
written inside the xml spring configuration file? This way I
shouldn't write the code twice.
Thank you
Try to import your security-beans.xml from your main beans.xml.
Both files should be in the same folder. the import, for example:
<import resource="spring-security.xml"/>
In your web.xml, write something like this:
<!-- to integrate Spring -->
2nd Approach - single beans.xml
Another approach, if you are afraid of imports, is to hold a single beans.xml that will include all beans - both the security beans as well as other beans. In this case, your web.xml will look like this:
and your spring beans file will be spring-servlet.xml.

CXF Redirect url to a static html page

I have my web.xml
spring config:
<jaxrs:server id="services" address="/">
<bean class="com.abc.MyController"/>
<bean class="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.json.JacksonJsonProvider"/>
My restful resources are working good with URLs http://localhost/appname/resource...
Now I have a src/main/webapp/myfiles/fileOne.html in my source.
I would like to use URL http://localhost/appname/file to redirect to fileOne.html. How do I do that??
I have added static-resources-list in above web.xml cxf configuration. I know that http://localhost/appname/myfiles/fileOne.html works but I want to use URL http://localhost/appname/file to serve the fileOne.html. How do I do that?
Found solution; Just in case anyone needs it.
redirects-list param at CXF servlet configuration didn't serve my purpose. So I added below servlet configuration in web.xml to redirect to my html page.
Your CXFServlet url mapping is the problem. You gave the mapping as /*. So all the requests, even the static resources are routed to CXFServlet. Try making the CXFServlet mapping to something else. It will work just fine. You don't need static-resources-list.
Because you gave the url mapping for CXFServlet as /*, every URL tries to find the response from CXFServlet which is giving the response as not found because it's jax-rs server doesn't know about the static resources.
You can something like this in servlet tag:

how to filter all the request through custom filter in spring mvc?

I am new to springs so help me out....
I need to know the web.xml configuration to filter all my request through a custom filter....
This is my normal web.xml
now what changes should i make to my web.xml so that all my requests pass through custom filter...
Thanks in advance.
If you are talking about a javax.servlet.Filter, the configuration is as follows in the web.xml.
<!-- Other options -->
<!-- Other options -->
You can read all the configuration options here.

definition of url in web.xml and ajax

i have a problem mapping my url to reach the servlet class. i'm calling the servlet by getJSON function but the simple sysout doesnt work.
in my jsp i put:
$.getJSON('getMediaListByMediaType/options?dd=' + ddId + '&val=' + $('#mediaType:selected').text(), //some other codes here)
in my web.xml, i have the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:javaee="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:web="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd">
as i checked in google developers' tool, it actually can get the correct url but says it is not found
any idea why? thanks.
Resolved! I figured out that the reason why it cannot reach the servlet is beacuse the FilterMapping for struts2 catches all the url that's why servlet-mapping became useless. In order to prevent the process of entering in default struts2 filter, i have defined this piece of code on my struts.xml
<constant name="struts.action.excludePattern" value="/getMediaListByMediaType/.*"/>
Now it can successfully get the JSON from my servlet class.
