FCKeditor: displays the formating characters along with text - format

have a form that uses FCKeditor. I can input with formatting, but when I bring back what I put in FCKeditor it also displays the raw html format syntax. I.E. <p><p>&
Question: is there a setting I'm missing that uses the formatting to format the text instead of displaying the formatting syntax along with the text?

i dont know whether you are using ASP.net C# or not but if yes then first import
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using FredCK.FCKeditorV2;
these two things and then where you are retrieving your value from fckeditor then use
string fckContent = Regex.Replace(FCKEditorID.value, #"<(.|\n)*?>", string.Empty);


CK Editor strange characters

I have just installed CK Editor onto a form that submits data to a database, when I want to use an apostrophe ' It is displaying as & #39; on my web page instead.
How can I get it to display an apostrophe instead?
What's happening is that somewhere along the line, CKEditor (or maybe another part of the system) is going through and converting characters that might potentially cause problems (due to having special meaning in HTML) into their HTML entity representations.
This is normal behaviour and if you don't need to do any string manipulation inside your database you can happily leave it as is for that stage. Indeed you can have them in along with normal HTML text and it should render just fine.
Clearly your setup is sufficiently different that something isn't happening. So, you'll want to use something like PHP's html_entity_decode() to convert back to normal unescaped text. There should be an equivalent function available in any language with a half-decent standard library.

How do you apply Markdowndeep to text in view using Razor syntax?

So I followed a tutorial setting up a Markdowndeep editor using MVC and the editor and preview work just fine. The tutorial didn't mention how to render specific text on a page using Markdowndeep though. So I did a few Google searches thinking I'd find an obvious answer but to my surprise I didn't.
Can someone show me an example on how to render a portion of text using Razor?
I figured out the syntax. It was #Html.Markdown(Model.Body)
You must have Markdown Helper installed though.
Another option is to force Razor to return the RAW Html.
If we extend the MarkDownDeep Example, we get the following:
// Instantiate
var md=new MarkdownDeep.Markdown();
// Set options
// Translate
var html=md.Transform(plaintext);
and your markdown as HTML should be in the div!

Knockout set initial value of an input field where html is allowed

I have two input fields first name and last name.
Application was running really well.
Suddenly someone came in from Mars and input something like this in those input fields
for both first name and last name. Now don't ask me why he did this cause in Mars this is very common. You can try it on this fiddle
This text then went into my database and now when i retrieve it it came back like this
which is ok for me as its html and I can place it back into knockout and it gets populated as html as you can see in fiddle above. However this Mars guy then thought that on Earth this is not a nice name to be with so he tried to edit field.
The above fiddle is kind of that edit page which shows him old value at bottom and two fields at top. He does not know html so he thought we have changed his name in input fields however I need to know
When passing text to knockout to give initial value to an input field is it possible to tell it that consider this text as html so it renders properly in input field
The other way around is to send him to http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp and tell him about reserved HTML characters. This info has been stored in database (using Entity Framework simple person.fname and person.lname both with attribute AllowHTML) so on my fiddle i have just placed it in two variables and you can see how actual text boxes are different than html below. If i dont bind using Knockout then actual text is shown in these boxes and user can edit <>' signs without any problem.
Anyone with a solution before he leaves our planet. This can change alien life on our planet.
If i go into this field and paste (~'##~>?<+!""*%$)" binding works fine and you can copy this and paste it into fiddle to see that. However its not taking that value from Javascript variable to knockout expects it to be a string and html special characters are not shown properly in input field.
We have done another test without Knockout and this text does get rendered within the field when you try to edit it its fine.
We have updated JSfiddle to work without JQuery and its the same result if you store it in a js variable and give not value to input field
If we assign value to input field and just use jQuery to populate fullname then it works
This last fiddle is a working example and we want Knockout to do what JQuery is doing.
I think the question then comes to how can this text be stored in javascript variable and placed into input field as html text so special characters appear unescaped. You can try unescape on jsfiddle that did not work for us.
Somewhere along the trip into (or maybe out of) your database, the value is being HTML-escaped. It's not Knockout itself that's doing it. You're going to need to track that location down, but you can't just disable it; you're going to have to replace it with something that sanitizes the result or otherwise you're opening yourself up to cross-site scripting attacks (any <script>s from external sources inserted into the input would have complete access to your data).
Any time you see the html: binding used, warning bells should go off in your head and you should VERY carefully to check to ensure that there's NO possibility of raw, unexamined user input making it into the string that gets displayed.
Ok here is what i did at the end
I have done following:
I have added value attribute to input field and placed the input text as it came from server into it. Because I am using TextBoxFor in MVC it did that for me.
Before I apply knockout binding I have picked this value up using $('#kfname') and passed it to the actual binding so it used the value that came from server. Previously it was passed like (#Model.fname,#Model.lname)
I think what this did was allowed jQuery to pick up the value and assign it to binding instead of variable
ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel($("#kfname").val(), $("#klname").val()));
Hopefully this would help someone using knockout.

Converting a german text to english text in vb6.0

i am a newbie to vb 6.0 ,i want to convert the german text to english text as one of
my requirement can anybody help me with this.
One way you could achieve this is to create a string resource DLL. Have a look at this article for an example of how to use this. When you have this, you can either make calls to the equivelent of LoadString() in the example for every resource or, alternatively, you could write a control to add to every form that automated this process (i.e. itterate through each control and replace the text based on the locale).

How can i get Plain text from Ajax Editor?

I need to get both plain text as well as html text from Ajax Editor. I'm able to get the html text and not able to retrieve plain text. i'm not supposed to eliminate html tags from the editor to retrieve plain text.
Is there any property, which gives plain text from ajax editor?
Sample code from my app:
i'm able to get rich html text like this:
string desc = QuestionAndAnswerEditor.Content;
Same way i want plain text.
Please help me.
Use HTML.Encode for getting encoded text. and html.decode ..
