How can I determine if my process is being run interactively? - ruby

Is there a standard(ish) POSIX way of determining if my process (I’m writing this as a Ruby script right now; but I’m curious for multiple environments, including Node.js and ISO C command-line applications) is being run in an interactive terminal, as opposed to, say, cron, or execution from another tool, or… so on and so forth.
Specifically, I need to acquire user input in certain situations, and I need to fail fatally if that is determinably not possible (i.e. being run by cron.) I can do this with an environment variable, but I’d prefer something more standard-ish, if I can.

I've always used $stdout.isatty to check for this. Other approaches might include checking the value of ENV['TERM'] or utilizing the ruby-terminfo gem.

The closest you'll get, AFAIK, is isatty(). But as the page itself says, nothing guarantees that a human is controlling the terminal.

As #Mitch wrote it in a comment, which can also be useful to some people:
For anyone who came here looking for windows, try System.Environment.UserInteractive for .Net or GetUserObjectInformation for win32, which will fail for non-interactive processes


How can I use scripting automation to record asciinema recordings?

Instead of recording my own keystrokes to create an asciinema tutorial I do want to script them, so I can easily improve my tutorial over time without being being stressed about redoing it each time I want to make a change, or spending a lot of time trying to correct typos in the recording.
Mainly I want to be able to do somethign like:
type: "df"
wait: 2s
type: "echo foo"
This would enable me to easily rebuild the recording from scratch when I change the script.
How can I do this?
I've searched for a lot of solutions for my own projects, and this is the solution that I've come up with:
My solution:
What I'm planning on doing for a project I'm in is to use both asciinema as well as
Specifically, I'll be using asciinema for the recording with the -c flag (see here), and for the automated typing, since it supports waiting for commands to finish executing (or not) and custom wait times on top of that. The command would look something like asciinema rec -c "./" myrecording. See the projects for proper usage.
Other things I've come across:
doitlive -- I'm not using this because it's more of a fake-typing automated thing where you actually have to "type like a madman", which could be useful if you're doing a talk in front of an audience but you don't want to mess up your keystrokes, or if you don't want to forget to do certain commands.
asciiscript -- it's written in Go and it works, but you need to compile it yourself, and it also doesn't support waiting for the previous command to finish.
spielbash -- a Ruby project designed specifically to automate asciinema recordings using tmux. I'm not using this, though, because it's not as portable since you need an existing Ruby installation, and more importantly, it keeps corrupting the active console I'm in, and there's also unpredictable corruption in the recordings. Also, the project hasn't been committed to since 2019.
termscript -- it just doesn't work for me, and it freezes my console. It runs on python 2.
UPDATE: I have recently come across terminalizer. It seems to provide support for an window-like border around the actual terminal, and it has a built-in GIF renderer, but I have not tried it.
There is a project svg-term which allows to record a screencast from a command, and I've seen a script that simulates commands being typed letter after letter.
For the moment I ended up using AppleScript to automate iTerm but this approach is buggy and locks you to MacOS and iTerm... and if you happen do to something during recording, you are doomed.
I am still looking for a better approach.
TL;DR: asciinema-automation should do what OP wants. Its dependencies are asciinema and pexpect.
(disclaimer: I developed it for my own usage)
Some time ago, I was also looking for a way to automate asciinema recordings and I saw the very nice answer of a-la-linuques. I chose asciiscript because it used asciinema, but it is not maintained anymore. I tried to keep on using it via a fork adding new small features, but being not very familiar with go, I finally decided to rewrite everything in python in this repo.
It reads bash files, where comments can give special instruction like adding time between command or key stroke, or wait for an expected output (see examples). Of course, this is very much in the spirit of asciiscript.

using insight or ddd with working gdb session

I have the script that pre-configures host, runs sh4-linux-gdb, connects to target and pre-configures it. After script execution I get regular (gdb) prompt.
Is there any way to "bind" this output to insigt or ddd, and control this instance via gui ?
I have tried different solution, but I can not success. I wouldn`t like to analyse the script. It is complex, nested, for different platforms and different projects.
Thank you
For Insight the answer is definitely no. Insight is linked into gdb, it does not run a separate gdb. So once you have started gdb, it is too late.
For DDD the answer is, "maybe, but only with extreme difficulty". I don't believe there is any pre-canned way to do it. You could maybe accomplish it if you were desperate by playing games with changing the current gdb's controlling terminal to something set up by DDD.
I would say that maybe you're better off either just changing this script to invoke DDD (or a newer GUI -- DDD is quite old and uses the wrong approach to gdb interaction) directly. You probably don't need to understand the whole script to accomplish this.

Any recommendations for writing a GUI client from a CLI client?

I'm looking for writing a GUI client for a existing application in my job, this application is CLI and because this is not widely used.
This is the first time I'm writing something similar, the I ask you for recommendations, books, techniques, methodologies, advices. My first approach is to create the interface and to make calls to the original CLI client, is this a congruent approach?
Though it's not ideal, I don't think it's a bad approach, creating a GUI shell for your CLI app. In this design, the GUI acts as the CLI program's user. You have to consider things like:
Can the GUI anticipate or understand
all possible CLI program output? How about errors? How
complex will that be? Consider
parsing Unix "ls" output. Simple enough. How
about Windows command prompt "dir" output? A
bit more funky.
The CLI program may take time to
execute, this must be presented in
the GUI. The GUI may have to prevent
the user from running another instance of the CLI.
You might want to consider tcl/tk. I've written several successful commercial GUIs that work in exactly this manner.
I'll admit that it maybe takes a little skill to craft a stunning GUI but it's not impossible, and not even that hard. You won't be able to reproduce the eye candy of flash or silverlight, and if that is important this might not be the right solution for you.
If, on the other hand, you are more concerned with Getting The Job Done, tcl is a very viable choice. It's easy to learn and easy to I integrate with command line tools.

How can I call an executable to run on a separate machine within a program on my own machine (win xp)?

My objective is to write a program which will call another executable on a separate computer(all with win xp) with parameters determined at run-time, then repeat for several more computers, and then collect the results. In short, I'm working on a grid-computing project. The algorithm itself being used is already coded in FORTRAN, but we are looking for an efficient way to run it on many computers at once.
I suppose one way to accomplish this would be to upload a script to each computer and then run said script on each computer, all automatically and dependent on my own parameters. But how can I write a program which will write to, upload, and run a script on a separate computer?
I had considered GridGain, but the algorithm is already coded and in a different language, so that is ruled out.
My current guess at accomplishing this task is using Expect (wiki/Expect), but I have no knowledge of the tool.
Any advice appreciated.
You can use PsExec for this:
You could also look at the open source alternative RemCom:
It's actually pretty simple to write your own as well but RCE will show you how to do it if you want. Although, using PsExec may just suffice your needs.
Have a look into PVM, it was made for the type of situation you're describing, but you may have to annotate your existing codebase and/or implement a wrapper application.

When should I add a GUI?

I write many scripts at home and on the job. Most of the time the scripts get used only a few times to accomplish their chosen task and then are never used again. However, sometimes I write a script to do something more complicated, something that requires user input. It is at this point that I usually agonize over whether to implement a GUI or stick with a y/n, press 1-10, etc. command-line interface. This type of interface can become tedious to use and difficult to maintain.
I know some things lend themselves to a GUI more than others, such as selecting things in a giant list. However, the time it takes to switch a command-line application to use a GUI is prohibitive. For me, it takes a good amount of time to add a GUI with even the most simple framework I can find.
I am curious if any developers have a method of determining at what point their script has grown enough to need a GUI. Or am I going about this the wrong way, should I always be writing my scripts assuming I might later add a GUI?
This doesn't answer your question but FWIW an intermediate step, between UI and command-line, is to have a configuration file instead of a UI:
Edit the configuration file
Run the program
A configuration file format can, if necessary, be complicated and well-commented.
As with many questions of this type, the answer is that it depends.
If your program/script does just one single thing by receiving a number of inputs from the user, it is better to stick with the non-GUI mode.
If the application is doing more than one thing and if you think that the user will use the application to do a lot of stuff, you may consider using a GUI.
Are you planning to distribute this program to others? Then it is better to provide a GUI.
If the users are non-technical, a GUI is a must!
Thats it.
When you want to hand your stuff over to someone else in a discoverable way. Command-line scripts are awesome because they are simple and elegant, but they are not very discoverable. That is, if you were to hand your scripts over to someone else with no documentation, would they be able to figure out what they are and how to use them? If your tasks are so simple that myscript /? will explain what you need to do fully, then you don't need a GUI.
If on the other hand, you are handing your scripts over to someone who isn't so technical, or needs some more visual guidance about the task to be done, than by all means, a GUI is a good way to go. You might even want to keep your scripts as they are and just create a separate GUI that runs them for maximum flexibility.
I think this decission also depends on the audience who will be using your script: If it is people who are comfortable working with the command line, then there is not pressing need to add a GUI as long as your script has a good /help which explains all the parameters it accepts. But if you want the "average user" to be able to use your program, I'd rather add a GUI because otherwise your program might not be intuitive enough for that user group.
If you only need some "Dialogs" to improve your scripts, you can use KDE Kdialog or Gnome Zenity.
I can't count the number of times I've written what I thought would be a 'one-off' and it became more useful than I thought and ended up writing a GUI for it, or I've need to come back to use a program months later. The advantage of the GUI is it makes it easier to remember what would otherwise likely be command line arguments. I.e. for flags and options you can simply use check boxes, combo boxes, radio buttons, and file selectors filenames. I use Borland C++ RAD so it is quite quick and easy to throw together a simple (or even not so simple) dialog box. I now often start with creating the GUI.
If you use Linux, try Zenity. It's an easy to use tool to make a GUI for command-line programs.
