Case typo on path in msysgit - windows

I went out to my github repo and discovered that I had inadvertently added files to msysgit with a typo. Instead of adding files to a directory called "Domain", I added them to "DOmain".
I tried git mv, but the path is case-insensitive in Windows and the move fails.
What's the best way to resolve an issue like this?

mv to something else, like "tempdir", and then mv back to the proper capitalization?

Go back in history (git checkout someHash), create new dir with proper case, checkout the files from the wrong commit (git checkout someWrongHash someFiles), commit them, and then, reset HEAD to the new commit.
(And next time, don't torture youreslf with git on Windows ;) )


Touch all files in a git repo so git thinks they are changes

I need 'touch' (I think) all files in my git repo (lots of files) so that running git status will have them as modified (and then I can add and commit them). I need to do this because our in-house tool uses the files from a git commit to generate a report ... which I've been asked to do
In posix environments I think I could just touch a directory and go from there.
I don't think that's possible because git detect that a file change if the content of the file changed. Touching the file will have no effect (even on unix).
Perhaps changing the permission on the file could be a very dirty solution but I'm not even sure of that and that's if you find a new permission that don't introduced some bad side effects!
The better solution is to update your reporting tool.
And being obliged to commit changes for ALL files to trick your tool and dirty your history is in my opinion a very bad idea...
If you were asked to "generate a report with all files" does that mean list all files in a commit? Cause that's easily done with something like a git ls-tree -R HEAD
I had a demo repo that had a bunch of files in it, that had commit messages that I didnt want showing up in the demo - and to be clear, the repo was "garbage", in that it was just basically a dump of files to demonstrate a folder structure.
That having been said, one way you could do this is to
create a new temporary folder in your repo, for example "ez"
move all the files of the repo into it, e.e. "$ mv * ez"
commit that locally, the do the reverse and move them out again
"$ mv ez/* .; rmdir ez"
That would show all files as having been changed. For my purposes, I then committed that change too, and pushed it up to my demo repo.

Git for Windows -- Git Bash Here... -- creates .git/config

I am using Git for Windows 2.5.1 under Windows 7 x64.
I am experiencing a strange phenomenon, that is...
...whenever I use Right-Click / Git Bash Here... on a plain directory that is not under the control of git (i.e. there is no .git directory present), a new subdirectory .git gets automatically created (with a file "config" in it), however, no git command has been issued.
I went into my registry settings and I found that the "Git Bash Here..." shortcut translates into "git-bash.exe" "--cd %v".
My question is as follows: is there any way to tell "git-bash.exe" * NOT * to create any .git folder (at least not as long as no git command is issued)
The problem is that I use "Git Bash Here..." all over the place, even for directories that are not under the control of git, and what happens is that my harddisk is now littered with many empty, useless .git directories.
I was thinking, maybe there is an additional option to prevent the creation of .git/config ?
Maybe git-bash.exe --cd %v --do-not-create-git-config ?
Any ideas ?
Thanks for #poke's comment
In fact, in my ".bashrc" I had a left-over from last week's testing: "git config color.diff auto"
I had forgotten to remove that line.
When I remove the "git config color.diff auto", everything goes back to normal
Problem solved

Git-bash tab completion: "fatal: Not a git repository: '.git'" (Windows)

I'm using git on windows with the git bash and every time I want to autocomplete a filename in a git command I get fatal: Not a git repository: '.git' posted between my already typed characters and the completed ones.
It looks like this:
$ git diff a
<using tab>
$ git diff afatal: Not a git repository: '.git'
I can still make the command properly by just pressing enter as expected. But it really starts to get on my nerves.
Any suggestions?
The problem was an extra .git-folder in my src folder. The repository was initialized on the folder above (src/..) and this seemed to mess with git. After the removal of the extra .git folder the problem disappered.
I just discoverd the solution. I had an extra .git directory in my src-folder which seemed to mess with git (the repository was initialised on the folder above).
After I removed the extra .git folder the problem disappered.
It can depends on the msysgit version you are using:
I just tested a tab completion on a git diff on W7 64bits, with the latest msysgit1.8.3, and it worked just fine.
Don't forget that, in addition to the msysgit version, you will have issues with tab completion due to the old bash 3.1 included in mysysgit.
And the completion can be slow on Windows.
As the OP Zeeker mentions below, the completion git-completion.bash is based on a proper git repo path detection.
# __gitdir accepts 0 or 1 arguments (i.e., location)
# returns location of .git repo
__gitdir () {
And in Zeeker's case, an extra .git folder was in the src folder, which means any completion was based from the wrong folder, which, for git diff, proved fatal.
git add seems to work though.
git-bash completion for git commands is controlled by the /etc/git-completion.bash. To fix run git-bash as administrator, then:
cd /etc
mv /etc/git-completion.bash /etc/git-completion.bash.orig
Then create a new one from the contents of

Changing case of Folder via Git bash on Windows

I need to change the case of folders and files. First thing I tried was renaming the folders, but Git didn't pick up the changes. So I tried using git mv -f controller Controller but it says :
fatal: renaming 'application/classes/controller failed: Permission denied
I have tried setting the global ignorecase flag:
git config --global core.ignorecase false
But it still doesn't work. Some people have suggested to move the folder out of repo, delete, then re-add but would this change get picked up when other people pull the repo? Is there anything else I could try?
Edit: It works for files but not folders.
In summary of the comments, you'll have to rename the directory via a intermediate temporary name. E.g.
git mv controller Controller-tmp
git mv Controller-tmp Controller
I think this has to do with the fact that the MinGW implementation of rename(2) does not support this operation. See this thread, the MSDN docs on the CRT rename implementation and those of the MoveFileEx function.
Make sure to close Visual Studio and any Windows Explorer folders related to that path.
Make sure to add the changes to index after rename folder with intermediate folder as below.
git mv oldfolder newfolder
git add -u newfolder
git commit -m "changed the foldername whaddup"
I could not resolve this apart from performing the following
Branch from commit before folder name case changed, as a temp branch just to resolve this issue.
Cherry picking commits in order resolving folder case name changes before committing.
Reset old branch this new temp branch final commit.
Remove temp branch.

How to get Git on Windows to ignore symbolic links

I can't get this to work.
I have cloned a repository that has a dummy file (named src): /path/src.
On Windows I have created a symbolic link: mklink -d /path/src /otherplace/src (but I of course had to delete the dummy src file first).
In both my .gitignore and .git/info/exclude I have
And I have tried
git ls-files -s | gawk '/120000/{print $4}'
git update-index path/src/ --assume-unchanged
but I still get:
error: readlink("path/src"): Function not implemented
error: unable to index file path/src
fatal: updating files failed
I have tried all these other suggestions. And even this doesn't work.
Any ideas?
You can do a checkout ignoring this single file like this:
git checkout HEAD . --no path/src
The .gitignore file only works for adding stuff to the index. Even a modifications on files commited before adding it to the .gitignore are not ignored.
I know this is late, but I ran into this issue.
In my case, I apparently had checked in my symlink at some point. So no matter what I did, .gitignore would not work (I think that is what Alexandre was getting at).
Remove all symlinks
See if git now thinks there are deleted files to commit.
If so, then go ahead and commit the deletions.
Now you can re-add your symlinks and .gitignore should work.
Here are my steps for this issue, similar, but a bit different from other answers.
Let's say I had a folder .fvm contain file.json and flutter_sdk(link) that all commited in git before, then I want to ignore out flutter_sdk.
Add .fvm/flutter_sdk and .fvm/flutter_sdk/ in .gitignore.
Cut .fvm/flutter_sdk out to other place than the repository.
git add . and git commit ....
Paste back the link.
