How to detect if breaking an edge will make a graph disjoint? - algorithm

I have a graph that starts off with a single, root node. Nodes are added one by one to the graph. At node creation time, they have to be linked either to the root node, or to another node, by a single edge. Edges can also be created and deleted (one by one, between any two nodes). Nodes can be deleted one at a time. Node and edge creation, deletion operations can happen in any arbitrary order.
OK, so here's my question: When an edge is deleted, is it possible do determine, in constant time (i.e. with an O(1) algorithm), if doing this will divide the graph into two disjoint subgraphs? If it will, then which side of the edge will the root node belong?
I'm willing to maintain, within reasonable limits, any additional data structure that can facilitate the derivation of this information.
Maybe it is not possible to do it in O(1), if so any pointers to literature will be appreciated.
Edit: The graph is a directed graph.
Edit 2: OK, maybe I can restrict the case to deletion of edges from the root node. [Edit 3: not, actually] Also, no edge lands into the root node.

To speed things up a little over the obvious O(|V|+|E|) solution, you could keep a spanning tree which is fairly easy to update as the graph is changed.
If an edge not in the spanning tree is deleted, then the graph isn't disconnected and do nothing. If an edge in the spanning tree is deleted, then you must try to find a new path between those two vertices (if you find one, use it to update the spanning tree, otherwise the graph is disconnected).
So, best case O(1), worst-case O(|V|+|E|), but fairly simple to implement anyway.

Is this a directed graph? The below assumes undirected.
What you are looking for is whether the given edge is a Bridge in the graph. I believe this can be found using a traversal looking for cycles containing that edge and would be O(|V| + |E|).
O(1) is too much to ask.
You might find that looking to maintain 2-edge connected components in dynamic graphs could be useful to you.
Eppstein et al have a paper on this:
which can maintain 2-edge connected components, in a graph of n nodes where edge insertions and deletions are allowed. It has O(sqrt(n)) time per update and O(log n) time per query.
So any time you delete, you can query in O(logn) to determine if the number of 2-edge connected components has changed. I suppose it can also tell you which component a specific node is in.
This paper is more general and applies to other graph problems, not only 2 edge connected components.
I suggest you look for bridges and dynamic 2-edge connectivity to get you started.
Hope that helps.

as said by Moron just before, you are actually looking for a Bridge in your graph.
Now a Bridge is an edge that has the described attribute and also originates and ends up in Cut Vertexes. Cut vertex is exactly what a Bridge is, but in a vertex (node) edition.
So the only way (though quite bending the initial data structure hypothesis) I can think of, to get a O(1) complexity for this, is if you first check every node in your graph if it is a Cut Vertex and then simply in constant time checking if the edge you want to delete is a attached to one of those two.
Finding if a node in a graph is a Cut Vertex takes O(m+n) where m = # edges and n= # nodes.


Algorithm to visit every node in a directed cyclic graph

As the title says, I have a graph that contains cycles and is directed. It's strongly connected so there's no danger of getting "stuck". Given a start node, I want to find the a path (ideally the shortest but that's not the thing I'm optimising for) that visits every node.
It's worth saying that many of the nodes in this graph are frequently connected both ways - i.e. it's almost undirected. I'm wondering if there's a modified DFS that might work well for this particular use case?
If not, should I be looking at the Held-Karp algortihm? The visit once and return to starting point restrictions don't apply for me.
The easiest approach would probably be to choose a root arbitrarily and compute a BFS tree on G (i.e., paths from the root to each other vertex) and a BFS tree on the transpose of G (i.e., paths from each other vertex to the root). Then for each other vertex you can navigate to and from the root by alternating tree paths. There are various quick optimizations to this method.
Another possibility would be to use A* on the search space consisting of states current node × set of visited nodes, with heuristic equal to the number of nodes not visited yet. The worst-case running time is comparable to Held–Karp (which you could also apply after running Floyd–Warshall to form a complete unsymmetric distance matrix).

Creating a graph and finding strongly connected components in a single pass (not just Tarjan!)

I have a particular problem where each vertex of a directed graph has exactly four outward-pointing paths (which can point back to the same vertex).
At the beginning, I have only the starting vertex and I use DFS to discover/enumerate all the vertices and edges.
I can then use something like Tarjan's algo to break the graph into strongly connected components.
My question is, is there a more efficient way to doing this than discovering the graph and then applying an algorithm. For example, is there a way of combining the two parts to make them more efficient?
To avoid having to "discover" the graph at the outset, the key property that Tarjan's algorithm would need is that, at any point in its execution, it should only depend on the subgraph it has explored so far, and it should only ever extend this explored region by enumerating the neighbours of some already-visited vertex. (If, for example, it required knowing the total number of nodes or edges in the graph at the outset, then you would be sunk.) From looking at the Wikipedia page it seems that the algorithm does indeed have this property, so no, you don't need to perform a separate discovery phase at the start -- you can discover each vertex "lazily" at the lines for each (v, w) in E do (enumerate all neighbours of v just as you currently do in your discovery DFS) and for each v in V do (just pick v to be any vertex you have already discovered as a w in the previous step, but which you haven't yet visited yet with a call to strongconnect(v)).
That said, since your initial DFS discovery phase only takes linear time anyway, I'd be surprised if eliminating it sped things up much. If your graph is so large that it doesn't fit in cache, it could halve the total time, though.

Check if a changing undirected graph has at least one circle

I have an undirected graph which initially has no edges. Now in every step an edge is added or deleted and one has to check whether the graph has at least one circle. Probably the easiest sufficient condition for that is
connected components + number of edges <= number of nodes.
As the "steps" I mentioned above are executed millions of times, this check has to be really fast. So I wonder what would be a quick way to check the condition depending on the fact that in each step only one edge changes.
Any suggestions?
If you are keen, you can try to implement a fully dynamic graph connectivity data structure like described in "Poly-logarithmic deterministic fully-dynamic graph algorithms I: connectivity and minimum spanning tree" by Jacob Holm, Kristian de Lichtenberg, Mikkel Thorup.
When adding an edge, you check whether the two endpoints are connected. If not, the number of connected components decreases by one. After deleting an edge, check if the two endpoints are stil connected. If not, the number of connected components increases by one. The amortized runtime of edge insertion and deletion would be O(log^2 n), but I can imagine the constant factor is quite high.
There are newer result with better bounds. There is also an experimental evaluation of some of the dynamic connectivity algorithms that considers implementation details as well. There is also a Javascript implementation. I have no idea how good it is.
I guess in practice you can have it much easier by maintaining a spanning forest. You get edge additions and non-tree edge deletions (almost) for free. For tree edge deletions you could just use "brute force" in the form of BFS or DFS to check whether the end points are still connected. Especially if the number of nodes is bounded, maybe that works well enough in practice, BFS and DFS are both O(n^2) for dense graphs and you can charge some of that work to the operations where you got lucky and didn't have a lot to do.
I suggest you label all the nodes. Use integers, that's easiest.
At any point, your graph will be divided into a number of disjoint subgraphs. Initially, each node is in its own subgraph.
Maintain the condition that each subgraph has a unique label, and all the nodes in the subgraph carry that label. Initially, just give each node a unique label. If your problem includes adding nodes, you might want to maintain a variable to hold the next available label.
If and only if a new edge would connect two nodes with identical labels, then the edge would create a cycle.
Whenever you add an edge, you will connect two previously disjoint subgraphs. You must relabel one of the subgraphs to match the other, which will require visiting all the nodes of one subgraph. This is the highest computatonal burden in this scheme.
If you don't mind allocating more space, you should also maintain a list of labels in use, associated with a count of the nodes carrying that label. This will allow you to choose the smaller subgraph when relabeling.
If you know which two nodes are being connected by the new edge, you could use some sort of path finding algorithm to detect an alternative path between the two nodes. In other words, if a path exists which connects the two nodes of your new edge before you add the new edge, adding the new edge will create a circle.
Your problem then reduces to finding the paths between two given nodes.

How to organize a MST when one node disappear?

I'm doing my research and stuck with a question:
I am having a minimum spanning tree (prim algorithm), now one node in my tree gets deleted, I wonder if there is a way i can re-organize my tree such that the optimality still maintains?
I'm looking for some suggestions here and I will appreciate your help.
Thank you!
This problem has been well-studied. Research done in 2001 found a way to maintain a graph data structure so that you can insert or remove an edge and update the minimum spanning tree in time O(log4 n), which to the best of my knowledge is the best time bound anyone has been able to come up with so far. The paper describing this algorithm is dense and tricky, but if you're interested you can find it here:
Poly-Logarithmic Deterministic Fully-Dynamic Algorithms for Connectivity, Minimum Spanning Tree, 2-Edge, and Biconnectivity
Hope this helps!
When you remove a node in the tree, it may divide the graph into more than one disconnected component. In the worst case, imagine an MST where all the edges go from one central node to all the others - like a star. In this event, if the central node is removed, the whole MST will have to be redone. So, I guess the short answer is - it depends on what node is removed. The solution is to do it like aix mentioned - find all the components which are disconnected because of the removed node and connect them greedily. This could stretch from 0 (if a leaf node is removed) to n-1 (if the center of a star is removed)
If the deleted vertex was a leaf of the MST, you don't need to do anything: you still have a spanning tree and it's still optimal.
If it wasn't a leaf, you now have two sub-trees. All you need to do is reconnect them by the shortest edge that exists between the two sub-trees. The best way to find that edge is probably by using whatever data structure you used for the Prim's algorithm (or, trivially, in O(n^2) by considering all pairs of vertices).

How do I test whether a tree has a perfect matching in linear time?

Give a linear-time algorithm to test whether a tree has a perfect matching,
that is, a set of edges that touches each vertext of the tree exactly once.
This is from Algorithms by S. Dasgupta, and I just can't seem to nail this problem down. I know I need to use a greedy approach in some manner, but I just can't figure this out. Help?
Pseudocode is fine; once I have the idea, I can implement in any language trivially.
The algorithm has to be linear in anything. O( V + E ) is fine.
I think I have the solution. Since we know the graph is a tree, we know of the existance of leaf nodes, nodes with one edge and no children. In order for this node to be included in the perfect matching, that edge MUST exist in the final solution.
Ergo, we can find all edges connecting to a leaf node, add to the solution, and remove the touched edges from the graph. If, at the end of this process, we are left any remaining nodes untounched, there exists no perfect matching.
In the case of a "graph",
The first step of the problem should be to find the connected components.
Since every edge in the final answer connect two vertices, they belong to at most one of the connected components.
Then, the perfect matching could be found for each connected component.
Linear in what? Linear in the number of edges, keep the edges as an ordered incidence list, ie, every edge (vi, vj) in some total order. Then you can compare the two lists in O(n) of the edges.
The working algorithm would be something as follows:
For each leaf in the tree:
add edge from leaf to its parent to the solution
delete edge from leaf to its parent
delete all edges from the parent to any other vertices
delete leaf and parent from the tree
If the tree is empty then the answer is yes. Otherwise, there's no perfect matching.
I think that it's a simplified problem of finding a Hamiltonian path in a graph:
I think that there are many solutions on the internet to this problem, but generally finding Hamilton cycle is a NP problem.
