VS 2005 Multiple Startup Project - visual-studio-2005

I've have a project which has 11 mini-project...
I choose 2 of my project to start when project is browsing...
My first project is web other one is desttop project...
While i choose start without debugging is work fine: 2 of my projects start well...
But when i choose to debug mode my desktop project is not starting, thus i can't debug my project...Just my web project is starting and thats's all, it is not working as same as in the without debuging mode...
Summary: 2 project is not working properly as same as in the debug mode and in the without debug mode...

Anytime during debugging your can right click a project in the solution explorer and start it for debugging. That way you can start as many projects as you wish.


Visual Studio Multiple startup projects - restart one project only

I have multiple projects running and one project sometimes stops and needs to be restarted. Is there a way to restart only one project without stopping the other projects? i.e., clicking the Restart button in Visual Studio that restarts all of the projects, but I only want to restart one.
Independently from startup settings, each project can be started "manually" via: right click on the project > Debug > Start New Instance

Debugging 2 projects locally

I have a Visual Studio solution that has a main web project and another secondary project that is an application under main.
The solution runs fine in production when published to IIS, but I'm having issues trying to debug locally.
Both are setup in Visual studio to run on different ports under localhost.
I can start the main web app in debug mode, but how do I start the other app so I can debug the whole solution?
I can start the main web app in debug mode, but how do I start the other app so I can debug the whole solution?
To achieve this, you can select Multiple startup projects on the Property Pages, please Go to Solution ->Properties -> Startup Project:
Hope this can help you.

Is there a way to run a Xamarin UWP project without deploying every time

Do I always have to click to deploy a UWP app before running it? Thats two steps and I'd like to perform just one.
I've just created a Blank Xaml App (Xamarin.Forms Portable) New Project from the list of Cross-Platform, Windows, Visual C# Templates in Visual Studio 2015 update 2. There are projects for Droid, iOS, and UWP (Universal Windows) as well as a few others. I set the UWP app as the startup project and attempted to run it (by clicking the green arrow on my local machine or hitting F5), but I received an error saying that I need to deploy first. If I right click the project and then choose deploy it deploys successfully and then if I run it runs successfully. If I stop execution, make modifications, then run again I do not see my changes. If I deploy again and then run I can see my changes.
I'm trying to just make sure my UI looks like it should and so anything that helps me iterate between making code changes and seeing those changes in any platform would be helpful. the Droid takes forever to start up and I can't run iOS (no Mac) or Windows 8.1 (I'm on windows 10 home) which is why I'm testing things out with UWP first. Is there a better way than right clicking the project to deploy every time before hitting run?
Goto Build menu ->select configuration manager goto UWP project select both build and deploy option .. it will automatically deploy default this option switch off

"Set as StartUp Project" not changing deploy configuration in Visual Studio

I'm working at a colleagues PC. When I right click on a .Net Gadgeteer 4.2 project in our solution and select "Set as StartUp Project" I expect Visual Studio to set the build configurations so that the new start-up project is deployed to the device on start, as it does on my PC. But instead I need to open the configuration manager and manually deselect the previous start-up project and select the new one. Why? How can I swap (back) to using Visual Studio to manage deployment without the additional step in the configuration manager?
========== EDIT ==========
#john-saunders comment below makes me think I've misworded my question.
I have a solution containing multiple projects, many of which are .Net Gadgeteer projects.
On most of my machines if I right click on Project A in the Solution Explorer and select Set as StartUp Project then when I debug the solution (i.e. hit F5) Project A and any of its required dependencies are built and deployed to the Gadgeteer device and the debugger gets attached. If I then right click on Project B in the Solution Explorer and select Set as StartUp Project then when I debug the solution Project B and any of its required dependencies are built and deployed to the Gadgeteer device.
But on one machine this is not happening. Instead when I right click on Project B in the Solution Explorer and select Set as StartUp Project when I debug the solution Project A is deployed to the Gadgeteer device. To ensure that Project B is instead deployed I have to manually edit the configuration.
Why? How do I get this one machine to behave like the others?

Cant debug a coded UI application in VS2012

I am newbie in Coded UI testing. I am using VS2012 to create Coded UI test application. I am able to Build and Run the application.
However when I try to debug the project, it throws an error
A project with an Output type of Class Library cannot be started directly.
In order to debug this project, add an executable project to the solution which references the library project. Set the executable project as the startup project
I tried to add a console application to the project and follow the above process, but doesnt help.. :(
In Visual Studio 2012 the big Debug button at the top of the window produces that message. To run or to debug a Coded UI test, right click in the source file of the test and select the Run or Debug entries.
In Visual Studio 2010 you could run or debug a Coded UI test using the buttons at the top of the window.
