Advice for Getting mod_rewrite to Work - mod-rewrite

I am trying to make clean URLs. I have written a simple rule on the .htaccess file and I have been told that it should work. However, it does not. I was wondering if it might have something to so with mod_rewrite not being enabled.
I am using Network Solutions shared hosting. I called the company and was told that mod_rewrite is enabled by default on the hosting I have.
Any advice on how I can check to see if mod_rewrite is enabled? Also, I would appreciate any related advice.
Thanks in advance,
EDIT: I just posted this at, but I'm hesitant to delete it here since I have a feeling it might get more views here. Let me know if I should delete it here as well. Thanks.
Below is my .htaccess file. I am getting a 404 error when I go to a URL that this should re-write.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^comments/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)-([0-9]+)?$ index.php?submissionid=$2 [NC,L]

Try putting up a bad .htaccess file (i.e. random text) in a test folder. You should get all 500 errors from that folder. If not, .htaccess files are not enabled, and you'll have to get your hosting company to switch them on.
Then try a really simple rewrite rule:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule foo index.php
and see if that works. If you get a 500 error at this stage, mod_rewrite is probaby not enabled.


Rewrite numbers to default page

I am trying to rewrite a condition that can take any page that has numbers.html, lets say the like the following:
and just redirect it to index.php
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)$ index.php [L]
I tried the following but it doesn't work, any help is very much appreciated.
Two immediate issues with your code:
you have to switch on the rewriting engine prior to using it and
if you want to match file names ending with .html, then you have to code that.
Have a try with this:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([0-9]+)\.html$ index.php [L]
Then a few more hints:
the code you tried will only work in .htaccess style files. But the usage of such files has to be enabled first in your http server configuration.
a .htaccess style file has to be placed at the correct location, in this example within the folder actually holding the index.php file.
the rewriting module has to be installed and enabled, without those commands will not be available.
And a general remark:
Those .htaccess style files are notoriously error prone, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server, often for nothing. You should always prefer to place such commands inside the real host configuration of your http server. .htaccess style files are only offered as a last option for situations where you have no access to that configuration, for example when using a really cheap shared hosting provider.

Code igniter - 404 not found, routes issue, ssh server

So first off, I am pretty familiar with codeigniter I've used it for multiple occasions. Right now I have a project too do for school and I installed codeigniter on the server but I am getting routing issues I believe.
So additional info about the server which is different from the normal environment I work with, the server uses SSH and it is very weirdly protected in my opinion. You also need a username and password to view the URL in the first place. (I think it's weird)
If this helps the url is:
and credentials are (username: pyc353_2, password: FMaqRb)
Now I am able to see any page that I set as my 'default_controller' in the routes, but the problem is trying to go to any other page. Right now I'm trying to access the register controller and I just get 404'd (while it works if I set it as default)
I will link all the code I think may be relevant to the error, hopefully it's not server settings since I have no control over any change.
$config['base_url'] = '';
$config['index_page'] = '';
$config['uri_protocol'] = 'AUTO';
$route['default_controller'] = "test";
.htaccess (there may be better code for doing this but I used it in the past no problem and the route doesn't work even if I remove htaccess and add back index.php to 'index_page')
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule .* index.php/$0 [PT,L]
So I tried accessing my pagedifferent variations in the url such as: (stackoverflow won't let me post more than 2 physical links)
neither work although with /index.php/ the error message is: "No input file specified."
So I hope my explanations are clear enough, it's hard to explain something I don't understand the source problem. If you need any additional info feel free to ask. I really need to solve this to proceed at all for my project.
I don't know if this is relevant but the 404 message is not even in the codeigniter style it just looks like a plain web 404
Also I am looking at the path on the server and this is the hierarchy: /www/groups/p/py_comp353_2 I don't know if that could affect anything also?
Following what I found here:
Changing index.php to index.php? (and removing htaccess) actually did make the routing work. Now I am happy enough with this and I can continue working, but being that it's an ugly solve would anyone know how to keep the routing working AND remove the index.php? from my URI?
It appears that your htaccess is not working.
To confirm, create a new PHP file and write this line:
echo phpinfo();
On that page try to search for "mod_rewrite", if it is enabled, you will see it under "Loaded Modules"
It is probable, it is not enabled.
Try this on your server:
a2enmod enable
Then restart the apache server.
For restarting on debian, this should work:
service apache2 restart
For CentOS, this should work:
apachectl restart
That always does not solve the problem.
Even then, try your CI installation in the normal mode after that. (With everything in normal mode: htaccess as before, and no index.php in the URL)
If it does not work, you may need to alter the apache config file httpd.conf
Try to search for this line:
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
Uncomment it by removing the # sign
Restart Apache Server.
Test it now, again.
There could still be other things that you could do to enable mod_rewrite.

How to solve TinyMce image manager Network Error

It was working until my hosting do some changes to server. I don't know what changes they have made.
request is: click here
it returns NetworkError: 404 Not Found
if i remove and by hand from the querystring it works.
What should be the problem? How can i solve it.
I use CodeIgniter.
Thank you.
If you're using .htaccess it may be possible you're heading to a CI controller rather than the file you're looking for.
Here is an example mod_rewrite rule that might help. Often it's worth checking your access log to see which file is being called also.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|assets|media|favicon\.ico|ipadicon\.jpg|tiny_mce)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1

how can I get my mod_rewrite to work?

I took a look around at other mod_rewrite questions and couldnt come up with an answer, so if anyone would point me to one that I may be duplicating I would appreciate it.
Anyways my question is: Why is my mod rewrite not working? I followed like 3 tutorials and spent a while reading forums and previous questions on this site, and couldnt get any of them to work. Ive tried doing it through my vhosts.conf file (I think its also known as the httpd.conf on some installations of linux) and through a .htaccess
Here is my .htaccess filed code
Options +FollowSymLinks
Options +Indexes
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^/article/([0-9]+)$ article.php?art_id=$1 [NC,L]
Here is the link im trying to get working:$1
To be honest I only have a slight clue as to how mod_rewrite works.
I have mod_rewrite installed (I don't manage the server, but the company I work for also has hosting services, thats how I have access to the vhosts.conf but I did not set the server up, and as far as I know the guy doing it is pro and set it up right)
I put this in to see if I could get it to work and it redirected me to my home page (I think that means its working)
# Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^fakepage\.html$ [R,L]
At least as far as your .htaccess file goes, using the rule you have will not work because the input to the RewriteRule will never have an initial forward slash on it. The rule should instead look more like this:
RewriteRule ^article/([0-9]+)$ article.php?art_id=$1 [NC,L]
However, what you have should have worked when you tried it in a virtual host (assuming you restarted the server), so I'm not sure if this is the actual issue. In what way is the rewrite not working? Are you getting 404 errors instead of being redirected to the file you were expecting?
Tim is correct about the slash at the beginning of your RewriteRule.
When trying to figure out Rewrites, it can be helpful to turn on logging:
RewriteLog "/var/www/"
RewriteLogLevel 9

using mod_rewrite to redirect from subdomain to maindomain

My problem is that i have a functioning subdomain ( sub is loaded in
What i would like to do is to redirect all requests to to
Somehow it seems that when im the subdomain i cannot access the rootfolder (main domain). I can get it working with from to But not from the subdomain.
Currently im using:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)/?$ /home/web/webuser/$1 [L]
When accessing i get a 500 Internal Server Error.
Is there a restriction in accessing the main from a sub? (rights wise)
Or maybe another way of getting to main, perhaps something like (../$1)
I only have access to .htaccess. So DocumentRoot cannot AFAIK be used in .htaccess file.
What about symlinks? I dont really know what it does, but i assume that it links two locations? The only code i found for that enables symlinks (Options +FollowSymlinks) - but this line doesnt say anything about what to link (perhaps im all wrong)
Btw. thanks for input so far !
I must admit that I did not fully understand your question. Do you want to redirect everything from to In that case, the following (put in the config file of your might work:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$$1 [R,L]
It redirects on the client side, meaning that the user will see in the browser.
EDIT: I think I understand your question now. Yes, it's a permissions issue: If the DocumentRoot of your web site is /whatever/sub, then you cannot just access /whatever by adding "/.." to the URL. I hope you understand that this is a good thing. :-) mod_rewrite just changes the URL, so it cannot do that either.
So, to solve your problem, you need to either change the DocumentRoot of or create a symlink that allows you to access the required directory (e.g. /whatever/sub/redir-target -> /whatever). Be careful with the symlink option, though, since it will create valid directories of infinite length on your file system (/whatever/sub/redir-target/sub/redir-target/...) and some scripts cannot cope with that.
EDIT2: Instead of a symlink, you might want to create an alias, e.g., something like this:
Alias /redir-target /home/web/webuser
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/redir-target/.*$
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ /redir-target/$1
Still, I think the easiest solution is to change the DocumentRoot...
Why not try using a Redirect Directive from mod_alias?
It's difficult to provide a definitive answer without knowing more about your server configuration.
The following might work and is at the very least a decent starting point:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^sub\.mydomain\.com
RewriteRule (.*) /$1 [L]
Ideally that would go in your httpd.conf, but might work from a .htaccess file (again, more information about how your subdomains are setup would be helpful).
