palm webOS MailService parameter passing problem - webos

i am developing an application in palm webOS. In that application i have to use the MailService to send mail directly without opening any of the email or compose scenes. For that i have to pass params. But i don't know how to pass the params and what params i have to pass to tha MailService. ="";
params.subject = "subj";
params.msg = "message";
this.controller.serviceRequest('palm://com.palm.mail.MailService', {
method: 'messageSend',
parameters: params,
onSuccess: this.messageSentCallback,
onError: this.messageErrorCallback
But i am getting error of " Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'to' of undefined,"
can you help me to resolve this problem please.
ThanQ for all.

This looks like a basic Javascript error. Did you put a line like "var params = {};" first to declare the params variable as an empty object?
Do note -- sending email using the service requires that your app access the private system bus as a com.palm.* application. This means you won't be able to distribute via the App Catalog.


Django REST framework FileField PUT Testcase

I have a model that contains a FileField which may not be blank. When creating tests for this model, I've run into the problem that I get errors when testing with PUT, while the exact same thing works when doing a POST.
As views I'm simply using generics.ListCreateAPIView for the POST destination and generics.RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView for the PUT destination, both work normally when using the API in browser.
The payload for the POST and PUT is created as follows:
uploaded_file = SimpleUploadedFile('TestCode4.c', "Testcode", content_type='text/plain')
self.valid_payload = {
'name': 'TestValid',
'test_file': uploaded_file
Then the working POST test looks as follows:
client = Client()
response =
And the PUT:
client = Client()
response = client.put(
reverse('code-detail', kwargs={'pk': 1}),
The POST returns 204 and creates a new object, while the PUT returns 415 with the following error:
{u'detail': u'Unsupported media type "application/octet-stream" in request.'}
I am unsure what is going wrong here, it seems that both the post and put are passing the SimpleUploadedFile data in the same way, though with put it somehow becomes an octet stream.
I figured out the problem Django's django.test.Client class does not support the 'PUT' method. Instead the REST framework provides the class rest_framework.test.APIClient, which does support PUT (and PATCH, etc).
The client.put() function now needs to be filled in a little differently (I was unable to get it to work with SimpleUploadedFile) as explained here:

Net Web API - How to pass a URL as input parameter on a Get

I am trying to pass a URL as a input parameter to a ApiController from an Angular REST call. The URL comes as a query string (this is a Provider Hosted app in SharePoint, I need the URL to query SP FWIW).
Here is the method signature in the ApiController:
// GET: api/ProjectSite/5
public IEnumerable<ProjectSite> Get(string id)
return ProjectSite.GetAllProjectSites(id);
And here is where I am making the call in Angular:
var spUrl = "'" + getParameterByName("SPHostUrl") + "'";
var queryUrl = "/api/ProjectSite/" + encodeURIComponent(spUrl);
return $http.get(queryUrl);
This generates a GET request that looks like this:
When I do I get 'HTTP 400 (Bad Request)' back. If I stop on a break point in the Angular code and change the input param to a simple string (e.g. 'asdf') the REST call is made and I see the Api is called. If I do not change the string and put a breakpoint inside the Get Api method the breakpoint is not reached, indicating that the code is blowing up somewhere in the route engine.
What I don't get is, while its encoded, the string I am trying to pass in should still be treated as a string, right? I also tried changing the input to Uri but that doesn't appear to work (and Uri isn't listed as a supported input type, anyways).
Anyone know how to pass a URL as input parameter?
Have you tried calling it using a query string?
var queryUrl = "/api/ProjectSite?id=" + encodeURIComponent(spUrl);

How to receive multiple complex objects using HTTP POST method in Web App

I want to call an web api method, this is how my web api method looks like:
public void PostTerminalService([FromBody] List<SomeType> lstSomeObj, MyClass myobj, int updatedByID)
//Do Something
This is how my client looks like:
int loggedinuserid=1;
List<Sometype> liTS = new List<SomeType>();
MyClass myobj=new MyClass();
var url = "api/XYZ/PostMyService/updatedBy/" + loggedinuserid + "/myobjname/" + myobj;
HttpResponseMessage response = client1.PostAsJsonAsync(url, liTS).Result;
But the error/exception I am getting is:
HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found
Most likely causes:
•The directory or file specified does not exist on the Web server.
•The URL contains a typographical error.
•A custom filter or module, such as URLScan, restricts access to the file.
Any idea how to resolve this? I am kind of hitting a wall on this.
Thanks in advance.
You have "api/XYZ/" prefixed in your client code, but I don't see it on your server code. I predict that you have it in your server configuration but if not you will see issues.
You can only have one object with the [FromBody] tag in WebAPI, it's not clear how your trying to pass the MyClass object.
Only simple objects, ints and strings, can be passed in the uri string so the MyClass object will not be transferred correctly.
I would recommend removing the MyClass object or creating a larger object that encapsulates your List<SomeType> andMyClass` and pass that in the body of the request with the [FromBody] decoration.
Here's more information on the topic

Zend Framework 2 Unit testing controllers, POST/GET data not sending. Undefined Index

I have been trying to test my controllers as per this tutorial -> Zend Framework 2.1 Unit testing
I have tried every possible variation of the code to send POST or GET data along with the dispatch but the only thing I get back from running the test is "Undefined Index" when I try to access that data from the $_POST array in the controller.
I am using PHPUnit 3.7.17, Everything else works perfectly except for POST and GET data, I have tried the following code:
public function testIndexActionCanBeAccessed() {
->setPost(new \Zend\Stdlib\Parameters(array('argument' => 'value')));
$response = $this->dispatch('/app/api/index');
public function testIndexActionCanBeAccessed() {
$post_data = array("argument" => "value");
$response = $this->dispatch("/app/api/index", "POST", $post_data);
I can't find any help on the web how to fix this issue. Can anyone help out? Any ideas?
$p = new Parameters();
This works for me. The Parameters() constructor doesn't seem to be what you're expecting it to be.
The docs say it takes an array, but I could only get it to work this way. The Stdlib\Parameters() constructor doesn't seem to do anything with the array passed in.
Get/Post data not sending, this issue is related to server, can you check the function use for fetching data from server. vs dojo.xhrGet

I have spent days working on this and really feel dumb. I have been working on demos and samples that never work when I try it locally with my own url. I have a web service that returns results back in json and am just basically trying to call it using dojo and for now just view the results. I took the search google example and just substituted the url and parameters. Now perhaps I still do not understand the basics so:
- io.script.get vs xhrGet
if using cross domain urls it is better to use io.script.get? correct?
now what is the callbackparam? is this the function that is being called in the webservice?
My webservice url is as follows:
when I use the following code I get nothing displayed.
function searchGoogle() {
// Look up the node we'll stick the text under.
var targetNode = dojo.byId("rules");
// The parameters to pass to xhrGet, the url, how to handle it, and the callbacks.
var jsonpArgs = {
url: "",
callbackParamName: "callback",
content: {
load: function (data) {
// Set the data from the search into the viewbox in nicely formatted JSON
targetNode.innerHTML = "<pre>" + dojo.toJson(data, true) + "</pre>";
error: function (error) {
targetNode.innerHTML = "An unexpected error occurred: " + error;
Here is what the webservice results look like:
{\"value\":\"Cidade de Goa beach\"},{\"value\":\"Euro 2012\"},
{\"value\":\"Holiday Inn Resort\"},
{\"value\":\"Holiday Inn Resort goa\"},
{\"value\":\"Hotel Goa\"},{\"value\":\"Hyatt Goa\"},{\"value\":\"I buy car\"},...
If I get this part correct then at least I know I have data which I can then bind to a datagrid or chart. is for all cross domain requests.
xhrGet is for same domain requests. uses a hack which expects jsonp or json padding as a result. This wraps the response of the web service call inside a self executing function. The function name is the callback name. This has to be wired before the call so it knows what already defined function to call when a response comes back.
All of the arguments are well documented
My guess as to why your service isn't working is because you wrote the web service and it does not handle jsonp. It is not wrapping its response inside the callbackparamname.
your results should look something like
where callback is whatever you set up in callbackParamName
you can also remove the ? from your url, that should be handled for you.
